YaYahoo! Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 1 - 10 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.26 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 1. Digg - Ron Paul and Rudy Giuliani clash in South Carolina: Paul Leads ... Ron Paul and Rudy Giuliani clash in South Carolina: Paul Leads Fox Poll " ... Giuliani bitch slaps Ron Paul on national television and the best you can do ... digg.com/2008_us_elections/Ron_Paul_and_Rudy_Giuliani_clash_in_South_Ca rolina_Paul_Leads... - 25k - Cached - More from this site 2. YouTube - Ron Paul Leads FoxNews May 15 2007 Polls Ron Paul Leads FoxNews May 15 2007 Polls - you have to LOVE Romney's facial expression. ... clueless in praising Rudy G. etc. That debate and its poll results ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=WB1laGq62Ac - 102k - Cached - More from this site 3. Ron Paul leads poll of hopefuls | Drudge Retort Thats right, with over 2000 people polled Ron Paul has a massive lead over all other challengers. ... puts any stock in an internet poll needs to have their ... www.drudge.com/news/92260/ron-paul-leads-poll-hopefuls - 18k - Cached More from this site 4. Digg - Fox Reports - Viewers Decide: Ron Paul Leads GOP Poll! Fox Reports - Viewers Decide: Ron Paul Leads GOP Poll! Approx. 11pm ET. ... http://www.foxnews.com/polls/index.html But out of nowhere Giuliani wins..FISHY? ... digg.com/.../Fox_Reports_Viewers_Decide_Ron_Paul_Leads_GOP_Poll - 27k Cached - More from this site 5. Ron Paul Leads GOP Straw Poll - Free Market News Network ... candidate Ron Paul (R-Tex) leads a GOP straw poll presented by ... GOP straw poll "is very important and is one of the polls that the [mainstream] ... www.freemarketnews.com/WorldNews.asp?nid=42139 - 20k - Cached - More from this site 6. Martin Lewis: Fox Reports - Viewers Decide: Ron Paul Leads GOP Poll ... ... when he learned that the text votes to date had placed RON PAUL in first place! ... face as he had to announce that Ron Paul was the favorite of Fox News viewers. ... huffingtonpost.com/martin-lewis/fox-reports-viewers-dec_b_48566.html - 30k Cached - More from this site 7. HuntAmerica.com: Ron Paul leads MSNBC poll after debate. Ron Paul leads MSNBC poll after debate. #771999 - Fri May 04 2007 09:52 PM. Edit. Reply ... In addition, Ron Paul has repeatedly ranked at the top of the ... huntamerica.com/wwwthreads/showflat.php?...&Number=773044&Main=77199 9 - 33k - Cached - More from this site 8. Update: Ron Paul Leads GOP Straw Poll by 9% | AntiFeds ... candidate Ron Paul (R-Tex) leads a GOP straw poll presented by ... And only 5 polls with Ron Paul. Here are the results in these polls. Brian Reeves Says: ... antifeds.com/2007/05/25/ron-paul-leads-gop-straw-poll - 20k - Cached - More from this site 9. Rescue US - Ron Paul for President 5. Participate in Online Polls ... In spite of the anti-spam measures Ron Paul once again leads the poll. ... vote in the straw poll, and Ron Paul isn't ... ronpaul.rescue-us.org/2007/02/11/paul-finishes-first-in-pajamas-media-strawpoll... - 39k - Cached - More from this site 10. Stop The Lie - Ron Paul leads the pack To put this in perspective, the mainstream media is ignoring Ron Paul as if he ... good time to bring up these polls which are equally telling: http://www. ... stopthelie.com/ron_paul_leads_the_pack.html - 39k - Cached - More from this site ron paul leads Search Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Privacy / Legal - Submit Your Site Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 1 - 10 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.26 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 1. Digg - Ron Paul and Rudy Giuliani clash in South Carolina: Paul Leads ... Ron Paul and Rudy Giuliani clash in South Carolina: Paul Leads Fox Poll " ... Giuliani bitch slaps Ron Paul on national television and the best you can do ... digg.com/2008_us_elections/Ron_Paul_and_Rudy_Giuliani_clash_in_South_Ca rolina_Paul_Leads... - 25k - Cached - More from this site 2. YouTube - Ron Paul Leads FoxNews May 15 2007 Polls Ron Paul Leads FoxNews May 15 2007 Polls - you have to LOVE Romney's facial expression. ... clueless in praising Rudy G. etc. That debate and its poll results ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=WB1laGq62Ac - 102k - Cached - More from this site 3. Ron Paul leads poll of hopefuls | Drudge Retort Thats right, with over 2000 people polled Ron Paul has a massive lead over all other challengers. ... puts any stock in an internet poll needs to have their ... www.drudge.com/news/92260/ron-paul-leads-poll-hopefuls - 18k - Cached More from this site 4. Digg - Fox Reports - Viewers Decide: Ron Paul Leads GOP Poll! Fox Reports - Viewers Decide: Ron Paul Leads GOP Poll! Approx. 11pm ET. ... http://www.foxnews.com/polls/index.html But out of nowhere Giuliani wins..FISHY? ... digg.com/.../Fox_Reports_Viewers_Decide_Ron_Paul_Leads_GOP_Poll - 27k Cached - More from this site 5. Ron Paul Leads GOP Straw Poll - Free Market News Network ... candidate Ron Paul (R-Tex) leads a GOP straw poll presented by ... GOP straw poll "is very important and is one of the polls that the [mainstream] ... www.freemarketnews.com/WorldNews.asp?nid=42139 - 20k - Cached - More from this site 6. Martin Lewis: Fox Reports - Viewers Decide: Ron Paul Leads GOP Poll ... ... when he learned that the text votes to date had placed RON PAUL in first place! ... face as he had to announce that Ron Paul was the favorite of Fox News viewers. ... huffingtonpost.com/martin-lewis/fox-reports-viewers-dec_b_48566.html - 30k Cached - More from this site 7. HuntAmerica.com: Ron Paul leads MSNBC poll after debate. Ron Paul leads MSNBC poll after debate. #771999 - Fri May 04 2007 09:52 PM. Edit. Reply ... In addition, Ron Paul has repeatedly ranked at the top of the ... huntamerica.com/wwwthreads/showflat.php?...&Number=773044&Main=77199 9 - 33k - Cached - More from this site 8. Update: Ron Paul Leads GOP Straw Poll by 9% | AntiFeds ... candidate Ron Paul (R-Tex) leads a GOP straw poll presented by ... And only 5 polls with Ron Paul. Here are the results in these polls. Brian Reeves Says: ... antifeds.com/2007/05/25/ron-paul-leads-gop-straw-poll - 20k - Cached - More from this site 9. Rescue US - Ron Paul for President 5. Participate in Online Polls ... In spite of the anti-spam measures Ron Paul once again leads the poll. ... vote in the straw poll, and Ron Paul isn't ... ronpaul.rescue-us.org/2007/02/11/paul-finishes-first-in-pajamas-media-strawpoll... - 39k - Cached - More from this site 10. Stop The Lie - Ron Paul leads the pack To put this in perspective, the mainstream media is ignoring Ron Paul as if he ... good time to bring up these polls which are equally telling: http://www. ... stopthelie.com/ron_paul_leads_the_pack.html - 39k - Cached - More from this site Next ron paul leads Search Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Privacy / Legal - Submit Your Site Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 11 - 20 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.18 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 11. Ron Paul For President 2008 As of now, Ron Paul leads in the MSNBC interactive poll - 32% positive, ahead of ... Online Polls - Vote for Ron! MSNBC Post-Debate Poll. Pajamasmedia.com ... electronpaul.blogspot.com - 86k - Cached - More from this site 12. Paul 4 Prez: Can Ron Paul Win? Ron Paul Leads Huckabee, Tancredo on Blogs. Ron Paul Leads Brownback and Huckabee in Poll ... Ron Paul has performed favorably to this group in the polls ... paul4prez.blogspot.com/2007/03/can-ron-paul-win.html - 59k - Cached - More from this site 13. Political positions of Ron Paul - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... savings, this creation of inflation leads to booms and busts in the economy. ... primaries • Democratic primary polls • Democratic Convention • 2008 Democratic ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_positions_of_Ron_Paul - 113k - Cached - More from this site 14. www.myspace.com/myspacepolling but anyone interested in voting for someone to defend the constitution will vote Ron Paul. ... gonna make a freakin poll you oughta accept the results ... www.myspace.com/myspacepolling - 119k - Cached - More from this site 15. Ron Paul for President " Update 2: Paul 1st Again In Early Returns - "I ... In spite of the anti-spam measures Ron Paul once again leads the poll. ... The polls have closed over at Pajamas Media for the 3rd week. ... www.ron-paul.for-president.us/?p=76 - 22k - Cached - More from this site 16. Why Are Americans So Angry? by Ron Paul by Ron Paul. Before the U.S. House of Representatives, June 29, 2006 ... legitimate reasons, almost all polls show the mess in Iraq leads the list of why ... www.lewrockwell.com/paul/paul331.html - 48k - Cached - More from this site 17. Ron Paul Demolishes Other Republicans In Online Polls The mismatch between "Post-ABC News poll, those more tuned into the 08 race" and ... Ron Paul leads all other candidates by a more than comfortable margin in the ... duggmirror.com/2008_us_elections/Ron_Paul_Demolishes_Other_Republicans_ In_Online_Polls... - 41k - Cached - More from this site 18. ABC News: The Ron Paul Effect: Boomlet or Savvy Supporters? Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, who barely registers in public opinion polls of the ... online poll posted by debate sponsor MSNBC, which registered Paul with higher ... abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=3147940&page=1 - 36k - More from this site 19. Poll: Clinton Leads Obama by More | The New York Observer ... Not Matter; Even With This Hurdle RON PAUL Is At Least A Head In Front ... RON PAUL Wins All The Polls After A Debate & ALL We Hear Is One Excuse After The ... nyobserver.com/2007/poll-clinton-leads-obama - 46k - Cached - More from this site 20. Ron Paul Leads GOP Straw Poll " Tons of Fresh News Tons of Fresh News. Just another WordPress.com weblog. Home. About. Ron Paul Leads GOP Straw Poll. Ron Paul Leads GOP Straw Poll. Ron Paul winning by 4 ... newstons.wordpress.com/2007/05/26/ron-paul-leads-gop-straw-poll - 8k Cached - More from this site ron paul leads Search Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Privacy / Legal - Submit Your Site Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 21 - 30 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.26 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 21. Free New York Blog " Ron Paul leads our little poll One Response to "Ron Paul leads our little poll" on 24 Apr 2007 at 11:45 am 1 Hank Kaczmarek ... Lesson In Foreign Intervention - Cambodia. Ron Paul Media ... blog.freeny.org/?p=1667 - 40k - Cached - More from this site 22. Poll: Clinton Leads Obama by More | The New York Observer ... Not Matter; Even With This Hurdle RON PAUL Is At Least A Head In Front ... RON PAUL Wins All The Polls After A Debate & ALL We Hear Is One Excuse After The ... thebridalblog.observer.com/2007/poll-clinton-leads-obama - 46k - Cached More from this site 23. Blogs | Daily Paul - Ron Paul for President 2008 The Polls on the internet, the principled positions, etc. ... Youtube video of Hannity announcing that Paul leads the poll. bumbledraven. 05/16/2007 - 20:15 ... www.dailypaul.com/blog?page=1 - 36k - Cached - More from this site 24. Ron Paul leads on MSNBC's ''Live Vote'' after the first 08 GOP Debate ... ... line poll, Democrats and Greens can spam the vote for Ron Paul as ... Regardless of how accurate polls are, Paul is way ahead in every one I've seen, ... www.discussanything.com/forums/showthread.php?t=104287 - 240k - Cached More from this site 25. Ron Paul Demolishes Other Republicans In Online Polls Ron Paul leads all other candidates by a more than comfortable margin in the ... here the MSNBC online poll prior to the debates had Ron Paul with only about 9 ... majorityrights.com/index.php/weblog/comments/... - 72k - Cached - More from this site 26. Political views of Ron Paul - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... savings, this creation of inflation leads to booms and busts in the economy. ... Democratic primaries • Democratic primary polls • Democratic Convention ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_views_of_Ron_Paul - 75k - Cached - More from this site 27. Rescue US - Ron Paul for President Pajamas Media Reinstates Paul in Straw Poll [Read Article] ... Paul Leads Republicans With "My-Space" Supporters and the Fight Against Internet ... ronpaul.rescue-us.org/categories/The opponents.aspx - 89k - Cached - More from this site 28. Ron Paul Leads GOP Straw Poll - Marine Corps Community for USMC Veterans Ron Paul Leads GOP Straw Poll Open Squad Bay ... Ron Paul wins online polls, but can't get higher than 3% in a phone poll. Gee, I wonder why. ... www.leatherneck.com/forums/showthread.php?t=47323 - 57k - Cached - More from this site 29. A Republic, If You Can Keep It ... Elect Ron Paul 2005 ... Dr. Ron Paul. U.S. Representative from Texas. Address to the U.S. House ... Propaganda polls are continuously cited claiming that the ... www.ronpaulforcongress.com/html/republic.html - 157k - Cached - More from this site 30. ronpaul08.blog-city.com ... like MySpace, to vote in online polls, to donate money and to join local Paul 2008 groups. ... And the winner of the poll? With 23,694 votes, Ron Paul. ... www.ronpaul08.blog-city.com - 71k - Cached - More from this site ron paul leads Search Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Privacy / Legal - Submit Your Site Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 31 - 40 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.17 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 31. Ron Paul on Lou Dobbs / CNN | Daily Paul - Ron Paul for President 2008 Ron Paul on Lou Dobbs / CNN. Posted February 27th, 2007 ... Youtube video of Hannity announcing that Paul leads the poll. bumbledraven. 05/16/2007 - 20:15 ... dailypaul.com/node/27 - 21k - Cached - More from this site 32. Find Freedom at www.FreedomsPhoenix.com Update #6 PJM Corrects Poll - Paul Leads ... Ron Paul has overtaken the front runners Giuliani and Romney for 1st place in the voting. ... www.freedomsphoenix.com/Find-Freedom.htm?At=015011 - 40k - Cached More from this site 33. Hot Air " Blog Archive " Video: Rudy blasts Ron Paul's apology for 9/11 ... are 2 on-line polls that haven't been totally hijacked by the Ron Paul kiddies ... Ron Paul Gets 30% on the Feedback POLL!!!! iconocrastic (166 posts) ... hotair.com/archives/.../15/video-rudy-blasts-ron-pauls-apology-for-911 - 185k Cached - More from this site 34. Babblog: Ron Paul returns with a bang to pajamasmedia poll ... Ron Paul from their presidential poll. ... fared quite well on other polls. ... Ron Paul leads MSNBC poll after debate. April (7) National Debt Chart ... jamesbabb.blogspot.com/2007/04/ron-paul-returns-with-bang-to.html - 76k Cached - More from this site 35. Ron Paul HQ NH Blog ... for Republican Presidential Candidate Ron Paul. ... Ron Paul Sweeps up in the Polls ... And Dr Paul currently leads all categories in an MSNBC poll that rates ... www.ronpaulhq.com/2007_05_01_archive.php#7999685644017024439 - 104k Cached - More from this site 36. LP: Ron Paul Leads All Other Candidates in MSNBC Poll Liberty Post: Ron Paul Leads All Other Candidates in MSNBC Poll ... are STILL ignoring Paul despire his good showings in polls since the debate. ... www.libertypost.org/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=186170&Disp=56 - 57k Cached - More from this site 37. Media Blackout on Ron Paul Debate Performance ... winner in the debate was Ron Paul who won several Internet polls rating each ... few hours, Ron Paul continued his dominance of the poll and still leads as the ... propagandamatrix.com/articles/may2007/080507_b_Blackout.htm - 27k Cached - More from this site 38. Ron Paul Leads The Pack To put this in perspective, the mainstream media is ignoring Ron Paul as if he ... good time to bring up these polls which are equally telling: http://www. ... propagandamatrix.com/articles/may2007/100507pack.htm - 24k - Cached - More from this site 39. North Buffalo Journal and Review " Blog Archive " Last Night's Election ... ... Presidential Polls - take a minute and vote for Ron Paul! Subscribe to ... For the second time, Pajamas Media has removed Ron Paul from the poll. IM Online ... nbjr.speakupwny.com/last-nights-election-leads-to-a-historical-firs... - 101k Cached - More from this site 40. Why Are Americans So Angry? RON PAUL OF TEXAS. Before the U.S. House of Representatives. June 29, 2006 ... legitimate reasons, almost all polls show the mess in Iraq leads the list of why ... www.house.gov/paul/congrec/congrec2006/cr062906.htm - 37k - Cached - More from this site ron paul leads Search Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Privacy / Legal - Submit Your Site Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 41 - 50 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.15 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 41. Why Are Americans So Angry? RON PAUL OF TEXAS. Before the U.S. House of Representatives. June 29, 2006 ... legitimate reasons, almost all polls show the mess in Iraq leads the list of why ... www.house.gov/paul/congrec/congrec2006/cr062906.htm - 37k - Cached - More from this site 42. Ron Paul Leads The Pack To put this in perspective, the mainstream media is ignoring Ron Paul as if he ... good time to bring up these polls which are equally telling: http://www. ... www.prisonplanet.com/articles/may2007/100507pack.htm - 31k - Cached - More from this site 43. Mark Jeffrey: Ron Paul: Internet Celeb? - Politics on The Huffington Post ... post-debate polls on ABC.com and MSNBC.com, Ron Paul was voted the ... Pre-Debate Polls: Clinton Leads Dems, Giuliani Slipping In Wide-Open GOP Race. Media ... huffingtonpost.com/mark-jeffrey/ron-paul-internet-celeb_b_48726.html - 29k Cached - More from this site 44. Free Market News Network Obama Leads All Hopefuls in Polls. Republicans Expecting ... Could Ron Paul Win in New Hampshire? Ron Paul Leads GOP Straw Poll. Feedback. More Feedback ... www.freemarketnews.com/index.asp - 29k - Cached - More from this site 45. Mark Jeffrey: Ron Paul: Internet Celeb? - Yahoo! News On post-debate polls on ABC.com and MSNBC.com, Ron Paul was voted the winner of ... enough with the fancy leads already! The Christian Science Monitor ... news.yahoo.com/s/huffpost/20070517/cm_huffpost/048726 - 32k - Cached - More from this site 46. Giuliani Calls Ron Paul 'Absurd' on 9/11 ... attacking Iraq," said Giuliani, who leads national polls in the Republican race. ... Harris Poll: Hillary Widens Lead Over Obama. Michael Moore to Probe ... www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2007/5/15/224151.shtml - 29k - Cached - More from this site 47. TheHill.com - Ron Paul's e-mail army ... bad policy over 50 years that leads to anti-Americanism," Paul said. ... in Internet "polls" and writing e-mails telling off anyone who criticizes Ron Paul. ... thehill.com/byron-york/ron-pauls-e-mail-army-2007-05-17.html - 49k - Cached More from this site 48. Ron Paul Wins Debate Despite Being Defamed by Pundits ... election polls to three hours and no Internet voting yet Paul still ... Ron Paul yet the Texas Congressman still beat Rudy Giuliani in Fox's own poll. ... infowars.com/.../paul_ron_fox_news_rigs_entire_debate_attack_paul.htm - 28k Cached - More from this site 49. Oregon Commentator " Blog Archive " Republicans To Ron Paul: "We Just ... ... resentment that leads to terrorist attacks on the U.S. Quoting Reagan, Paul ... Unless Paul starts making some headway in the polls, however, I think that at ... oregoncommentator.com/2007/05/17/republicans-to-ron-paul-we-just-ca... - 51k - Cached - More from this site 50. Fox News Rigs Entire Debate To Savagely Attack Ron Paul ... election polls to three hours and no Internet voting yet Paul still ... Ron Paul yet the Texas Congressman still beat Rudy Giuliani in Fox's own poll. ... www.prisonplanet.com/articles/may2007/160507rigsdebate.htm - 44k - Cached More from this site ron paul leads Search Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Privacy / Legal - Submit Your Site Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 41 - 50 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.15 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 41. Why Are Americans So Angry? RON PAUL OF TEXAS. Before the U.S. House of Representatives. June 29, 2006 ... legitimate reasons, almost all polls show the mess in Iraq leads the list of why ... www.house.gov/paul/congrec/congrec2006/cr062906.htm - 37k - Cached - More from this site 42. Ron Paul Leads The Pack To put this in perspective, the mainstream media is ignoring Ron Paul as if he ... good time to bring up these polls which are equally telling: http://www. ... www.prisonplanet.com/articles/may2007/100507pack.htm - 31k - Cached - More from this site 43. Mark Jeffrey: Ron Paul: Internet Celeb? - Politics on The Huffington Post ... post-debate polls on ABC.com and MSNBC.com, Ron Paul was voted the ... Pre-Debate Polls: Clinton Leads Dems, Giuliani Slipping In Wide-Open GOP Race. Media ... huffingtonpost.com/mark-jeffrey/ron-paul-internet-celeb_b_48726.html - 29k Cached - More from this site 44. Free Market News Network Obama Leads All Hopefuls in Polls. Republicans Expecting ... Could Ron Paul Win in New Hampshire? Ron Paul Leads GOP Straw Poll. Feedback. More Feedback ... www.freemarketnews.com/index.asp - 29k - Cached - More from this site 45. Mark Jeffrey: Ron Paul: Internet Celeb? - Yahoo! News On post-debate polls on ABC.com and MSNBC.com, Ron Paul was voted the winner of ... enough with the fancy leads already! The Christian Science Monitor ... news.yahoo.com/s/huffpost/20070517/cm_huffpost/048726 - 32k - Cached - More from this site 46. Giuliani Calls Ron Paul 'Absurd' on 9/11 ... attacking Iraq," said Giuliani, who leads national polls in the Republican race. ... Harris Poll: Hillary Widens Lead Over Obama. Michael Moore to Probe ... www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2007/5/15/224151.shtml - 29k - Cached - More from this site 47. TheHill.com - Ron Paul's e-mail army ... bad policy over 50 years that leads to anti-Americanism," Paul said. ... in Internet "polls" and writing e-mails telling off anyone who criticizes Ron Paul. ... thehill.com/byron-york/ron-pauls-e-mail-army-2007-05-17.html - 49k - Cached More from this site 48. Ron Paul Wins Debate Despite Being Defamed by Pundits ... election polls to three hours and no Internet voting yet Paul still ... Ron Paul yet the Texas Congressman still beat Rudy Giuliani in Fox's own poll. ... infowars.com/.../paul_ron_fox_news_rigs_entire_debate_attack_paul.htm - 28k Cached - More from this site 49. Oregon Commentator " Blog Archive " Republicans To Ron Paul: "We Just ... ... resentment that leads to terrorist attacks on the U.S. Quoting Reagan, Paul ... Unless Paul starts making some headway in the polls, however, I think that at ... oregoncommentator.com/2007/05/17/republicans-to-ron-paul-we-just-ca... - 51k - Cached - More from this site 50. Fox News Rigs Entire Debate To Savagely Attack Ron Paul ... election polls to three hours and no Internet voting yet Paul still ... Ron Paul yet the Texas Congressman still beat Rudy Giuliani in Fox's own poll. ... www.prisonplanet.com/articles/may2007/160507rigsdebate.htm - 44k - Cached More from this site ron paul leads Search Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Privacy / Legal - Submit Your Site Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 51 - 60 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.17 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 51. Mainstream Media Liars: Where's the Truth? ... winner in the California debate according to public polls, please feel ... of this posting, Dr. Ron Paul has increased his public opinion poll lead with 38 ... worldvisionportal.org/WVPforum/viewtopic.php?p=1618 - 29k - Cached - More from this site 52. Yahoo! Answers - Ron Paul is leading in the polls...why the media blackout? ... his message because he leads all of the other candidates in the latest poll. ... I'm very glad Ron Paul won the post-debate poll. He's unknown, that's the ... answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070506231106AAuDG2i - 144k Cached - More from this site 53. Ron Paul, the Friendliest GOP Candidate? Poll: Majority Believes Gov't Doing Too Much ... nomination, Rep. Ron Paul has the early ... who currently leads with more than 36,000 MySpace friends. ... www.jonesreport.com/articles/120207_ron_paul_friendliest.html - 11k - Cached More from this site 54. Connor's Conundrums " Media Blacklisting Ron Paul Ron Paul Demolishes Other Republicans In Online Polls. Why is MSNBC lying? ... an unscientific internet poll to judge how well Ron Paul was received postdebate? ... www.connorboyack.com/blog/media-blacklisting-ron-paul - 53k - Cached - More from this site 55. RatTube.com *banned in China " CNN Lou Dobbs, Ron Paul Interview Ron Paul Wakes Up "The View" Rosie, Kermit, Fox and "Blow ... Fox Reports Viewers Decide: Ron Paul Leads GOP Poll! Syndicate. RSS Feed. Help with feeds ... rattube.com/blog1/2007/.../cnn-lou-dobbs-ron-paul-interview/trackback - 26k Cached - More from this site 56. Ron Paul gets turn in spotlight at U.S. debate | Reuters ... was the man in the spotlight -- Ron Paul, the longest of longshots... attacking Iraq," said Giuliani, who leads national polls in the Republican race. ... www.reuters.com/article/email/idUSN1547154220070516 - 40k - Cached - More from this site 57. Fox News Rigs Entire Debate To Savagely Attack Ron Paul ... election polls to three hours and no Internet voting yet Paul still ... Ron Paul yet the Texas Congressman still beat Rudy Giuliani in Fox's own poll. ... www.jonesreport.com/articles/160507_fox_rigs_savage_ron.html - 19k - Cached - More from this site 58. Babblog Internet polls and well wishes aren't enough. How about $20 a month? ... Ron Paul leads MSNBC poll after debate. April (7) National Debt Chart ... jamesbabb.blogspot.com - 85k - Cached - More from this site 59. Ron Paul gets turn in spotlight at U.S. debate - alt.politics.greens ... the spotlight -- Ron Paul, the longest of longshots. ... attacking Iraq," said Giuliani, who leads national polls in the. Republican race. ... groups.google.com/group/alt.politics.greens/browse_thread/thread/... - 38k Cached - More from this site 60. YouTube - Fox News Sean Hannity Abuses Rep. Ron Paul || May 15 Debate Ron Paul smacks Rudy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rF3NtEWj6wsRon Paul Petition to debate Rudy!http://tinyurl.com ... Paul Leads FoxNews May 15 2007 Polls ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNz0pta4PVU - 106k - Cached - More from this site ron paul leads Search Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Privacy / Legal - Submit Your Site Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 51 - 60 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.17 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 51. Mainstream Media Liars: Where's the Truth? ... winner in the California debate according to public polls, please feel ... of this posting, Dr. Ron Paul has increased his public opinion poll lead with 38 ... worldvisionportal.org/WVPforum/viewtopic.php?p=1618 - 29k - Cached - More from this site 52. Yahoo! Answers - Ron Paul is leading in the polls...why the media blackout? ... his message because he leads all of the other candidates in the latest poll. ... I'm very glad Ron Paul won the post-debate poll. He's unknown, that's the ... answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070506231106AAuDG2i - 144k Cached - More from this site 53. Ron Paul, the Friendliest GOP Candidate? Poll: Majority Believes Gov't Doing Too Much ... nomination, Rep. Ron Paul has the early ... who currently leads with more than 36,000 MySpace friends. ... www.jonesreport.com/articles/120207_ron_paul_friendliest.html - 11k - Cached More from this site 54. Connor's Conundrums " Media Blacklisting Ron Paul Ron Paul Demolishes Other Republicans In Online Polls. Why is MSNBC lying? ... an unscientific internet poll to judge how well Ron Paul was received postdebate? ... www.connorboyack.com/blog/media-blacklisting-ron-paul - 53k - Cached - More from this site 55. RatTube.com *banned in China " CNN Lou Dobbs, Ron Paul Interview Ron Paul Wakes Up "The View" Rosie, Kermit, Fox and "Blow ... Fox Reports Viewers Decide: Ron Paul Leads GOP Poll! Syndicate. RSS Feed. Help with feeds ... rattube.com/blog1/2007/.../cnn-lou-dobbs-ron-paul-interview/trackback - 26k Cached - More from this site 56. Ron Paul gets turn in spotlight at U.S. debate | Reuters ... was the man in the spotlight -- Ron Paul, the longest of longshots... attacking Iraq," said Giuliani, who leads national polls in the Republican race. ... www.reuters.com/article/email/idUSN1547154220070516 - 40k - Cached - More from this site 57. Fox News Rigs Entire Debate To Savagely Attack Ron Paul ... election polls to three hours and no Internet voting yet Paul still ... Ron Paul yet the Texas Congressman still beat Rudy Giuliani in Fox's own poll. ... www.jonesreport.com/articles/160507_fox_rigs_savage_ron.html - 19k - Cached - More from this site 58. Babblog Internet polls and well wishes aren't enough. How about $20 a month? ... Ron Paul leads MSNBC poll after debate. April (7) National Debt Chart ... jamesbabb.blogspot.com - 85k - Cached - More from this site 59. Ron Paul gets turn in spotlight at U.S. debate - alt.politics.greens ... the spotlight -- Ron Paul, the longest of longshots. ... attacking Iraq," said Giuliani, who leads national polls in the. Republican race. ... groups.google.com/group/alt.politics.greens/browse_thread/thread/... - 38k Cached - More from this site 60. YouTube - Fox News Sean Hannity Abuses Rep. Ron Paul || May 15 Debate Ron Paul smacks Rudy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rF3NtEWj6wsRon Paul Petition to debate Rudy!http://tinyurl.com ... Paul Leads FoxNews May 15 2007 Polls ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNz0pta4PVU - 106k - Cached - More from this site ron paul leads Search Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Privacy / Legal - Submit Your Site Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 71 - 80 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.21 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 71. Ron Paul on Free Trade Tired of media reports of fundraising and poll results instead of policy issues? ... is most effective in encouraging open markets abroad when it leads by example. ... www.ontheissues.org/2008/Ron_Paul_Free_Trade.htm - 16k - Cached - More from this site 72. Don Singleton: Fred Thompson Leads Poll ... Fred Thompson emerged in first with 34.9% followed by Ron Paul at 29.00 ... of Fred Thompson and Ron Paul mean? ... fared quite well on other polls. ... donsingleton.blogspot.com/2007/04/fred-thompson-leads-poll.html - 28k Cached - More from this site 73. drno.newsvine.com - 2008: Ron Paul for President Ron Paul leads on MSNBC's ''Live Vote'' after the first 08 GOP Debate ... Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, who barely registers in public opinion polls of the ... drno.newsvine.com - 67k - Cached - More from this site 74. Ron Paul's answers at the Republican debate - Fish Eaters Forum Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, who barely registers in public opinion polls of the ... online poll posted by debate sponsor MSNBC, which registered Paul with higher ... websitetoolbox.com/tool/post/apologia/vpost?id=1875102&goto=lastpost - 13k Cached - More from this site 75. Pro-Ron Paul Website Attacks Fred Thompson ... public sentiment," it isn't showing up in the polls, where he barely registers. ... The First ElephantBiz.com Presidential Reader Preference Poll Jun 2, 2007 ... www.elephantbiz.com/2007/06/proron_paul_website_attacks_fr.html - 76k Cached - More from this site 76. I'm A Pimpin Turtle... ... election polls to three hours and no Internet voting yet Paul still ... Ron Paul yet the Texas Congressman still beat Rudy Giuliani in Fox's own poll. ... pimpinturtle.com/2007/05/16/fox-news-rigs-entire-debate-to-savagely-attackron-paul... - 53k - Cached - More from this site 77. Ron Paul gets turn in spotlight at U.S. debate | News | Bonds News ... ... was the man in the spotlight -- Ron Paul, the longest of longshots... attacking Iraq," said Giuliani, who leads national polls in the Republican race. ... www.reuters.com/article/bondsNews/idUSN1547154220070516 - 35k - Cached More from this site 78. Ron Paul Demolishes Other Republicans In Online Polls | Alternative ... The mismatch between ―Post-ABC News poll, those more tuned into the ‘08 race ... Ron Paul leads all other candidates by a more than comfortable margin in the ... blog.t1production.com/ron-paul-demolishes-other-republicans-in-online-polls... - 43k - Cached - More from this site 79. Hot Air " Blog Archive " Video: Ron Paul, Bircheresque crank ... Relations, which as we all know are on of the tent polls of the Illuminati. ... This impulse almost always leads to bad laws and the loss of liberty. ... hotair.com/archives/2007/05/10/video-ron-paul-bircheresque-crank - 61k Cached - More from this site 80. RatTube.com *banned in China " Congressman Ron Paul warns of a new ... ... 2007/01/15/congressman-ron-paul-warns-of-a-new-gulf-of ... Rudy Giuliani Vs. Ron Paul, and Reality. Fox Reports - Viewers Decide: Ron Paul Leads GOP Poll! ... rattube.com/blog1/2007/01/15/congressman-ron-paul-warns-of-a-new-gulf-oftonkin... - 27k - Cached - More from this site ron paul leads Search Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Privacy / Legal - Submit Your Site Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 71 - 80 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.21 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 71. Ron Paul on Free Trade Tired of media reports of fundraising and poll results instead of policy issues? ... is most effective in encouraging open markets abroad when it leads by example. ... www.ontheissues.org/2008/Ron_Paul_Free_Trade.htm - 16k - Cached - More from this site 72. Don Singleton: Fred Thompson Leads Poll ... Fred Thompson emerged in first with 34.9% followed by Ron Paul at 29.00 ... of Fred Thompson and Ron Paul mean? ... fared quite well on other polls. ... donsingleton.blogspot.com/2007/04/fred-thompson-leads-poll.html - 28k Cached - More from this site 73. drno.newsvine.com - 2008: Ron Paul for President Ron Paul leads on MSNBC's ''Live Vote'' after the first 08 GOP Debate ... Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, who barely registers in public opinion polls of the ... drno.newsvine.com - 67k - Cached - More from this site 74. Ron Paul's answers at the Republican debate - Fish Eaters Forum Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, who barely registers in public opinion polls of the ... online poll posted by debate sponsor MSNBC, which registered Paul with higher ... websitetoolbox.com/tool/post/apologia/vpost?id=1875102&goto=lastpost - 13k Cached - More from this site 75. Pro-Ron Paul Website Attacks Fred Thompson ... public sentiment," it isn't showing up in the polls, where he barely registers. ... The First ElephantBiz.com Presidential Reader Preference Poll Jun 2, 2007 ... www.elephantbiz.com/2007/06/proron_paul_website_attacks_fr.html - 76k Cached - More from this site 76. I'm A Pimpin Turtle... ... election polls to three hours and no Internet voting yet Paul still ... Ron Paul yet the Texas Congressman still beat Rudy Giuliani in Fox's own poll. ... pimpinturtle.com/2007/05/16/fox-news-rigs-entire-debate-to-savagely-attackron-paul... - 53k - Cached - More from this site 77. Ron Paul gets turn in spotlight at U.S. debate | News | Bonds News ... ... was the man in the spotlight -- Ron Paul, the longest of longshots... attacking Iraq," said Giuliani, who leads national polls in the Republican race. ... www.reuters.com/article/bondsNews/idUSN1547154220070516 - 35k - Cached More from this site 78. Ron Paul Demolishes Other Republicans In Online Polls | Alternative ... The mismatch between ―Post-ABC News poll, those more tuned into the ‘08 race ... Ron Paul leads all other candidates by a more than comfortable margin in the ... blog.t1production.com/ron-paul-demolishes-other-republicans-in-online-polls... - 43k - Cached - More from this site 79. Hot Air " Blog Archive " Video: Ron Paul, Bircheresque crank ... Relations, which as we all know are on of the tent polls of the Illuminati. ... This impulse almost always leads to bad laws and the loss of liberty. ... hotair.com/archives/2007/05/10/video-ron-paul-bircheresque-crank - 61k Cached - More from this site 80. RatTube.com *banned in China " Congressman Ron Paul warns of a new ... ... 2007/01/15/congressman-ron-paul-warns-of-a-new-gulf-of ... Rudy Giuliani Vs. Ron Paul, and Reality. Fox Reports - Viewers Decide: Ron Paul Leads GOP Poll! ... rattube.com/blog1/2007/01/15/congressman-ron-paul-warns-of-a-new-gulf-oftonkin... - 27k - Cached - More from this site ron paul leads Search Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Privacy / Legal - Submit Your Site Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 91 - 100 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.26 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 91. Freakonomics Blog " What Do You Have to Say About Ron Paul? ... capable enough to distort on line polls and ratings, therefore he should be ... the truest sense, I've got to believe the high inflation leads to unemployment ... freakonomics.com/blog/2007/.../what-do-you-have-to-say-about-ron-paul - 63k Cached - More from this site 92. race42008.com " Ron Paul ... recent polls too. While, in late January, McCain was enjoying big leads over ... more hopeful 12 point deficit in the lastest Quinnipiac poll) ... race42008.com/category/ron-paul - 120k - Cached - More from this site 93. The Liberty Papers "Blog Archive " Does Pajamas Media Have It In For ... ... have done was fix the poll (to stop multiple-voting) and keep Ron Paul in it. ... afraid of Ron Paul, he's barely registering in the polls that actually measure ... thelibertypapers.org/2007/03/21/.../trackback - 76k - Cached - More from this site 94. Election 2008 - Presidential Race News - Michigan GOP Chief Won't Bar ... ... mind about trying to bar Ron Paul from future GOP presidential debates because ... Chris Dodd is behind in the race, but he says he leads the pack. Watch the Ad ... news.aol.com/elections/president/story/_a/...?ecid=RSS0001 - 65k - Cached More from this site 95. Connor's Conundrums " Why Do Latter-day Saints Ignore Ron Paul? But yet, the use of pot leads to other far more dangerous drugs. ... outperformed every other candidate in the MSNBC poll following that debate shows ... www.connorboyack.com/blog/why-do-latter-day-saints-ignore-ron-paul - 79k Cached - More from this site 96. Save The GOP ... debate ended Ron Paul was in first place in the Foxnews poll, it took several ... Paul by the Foxnews anchors who insisted that he had either rigged the polls or ... www.savethegop.com/2007/05/16/where-does-ron-paul-stand - 36k - Cached More from this site 97. America: Freedom to Fascism : Blog ... Ron Paul had slipped to second in the Fox poll, with ... Fox Reports - Viewers Decide: Ron Paul Leads GOP Poll! Priceless look on Sean Hannity's face... www.freedomtofascism.com/blog/2007/05/oh-what-night.html - 29k - Cached More from this site 98. Pajamas Media: Ron Paul: Wrong but Right ... and the reaction we are seeing in the polls shows that people are hearing him. ... MSNBC's own poll about the debate shows Ron Paul clearly won big time against ... pajamasmedia.com/2007/05/ron_paul_wrong_but_right.php - 77k - Cached More from this site 99. Ron Paul Ron Paul. Rudy Giuliani. Sam Brownback. Tom Tancredo. Tom Vilsack. Tommy Thompson ... Candidate on Poll Vaulting: In Latest Zogby Poll Romney Leads In Iowa And ... 2008central.net/?page_id=170&page=4 - 41k - Cached - More from this site 100. LP: FR Opinion Poll: Tancredo Leads over Allen and Pence. Liberty Post: FR Opinion Poll: Tancredo Leads over Allen and Pence. ... EURussian talks end in acrimony. Bill Maher - Ron Paul is my new hero ... www.libertypost.org/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=135147&Disp=9 - 24k Cached - More from this site ron paul leads Search Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Privacy / Legal - Submit Your Site Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 91 - 100 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.26 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 91. Freakonomics Blog " What Do You Have to Say About Ron Paul? ... capable enough to distort on line polls and ratings, therefore he should be ... the truest sense, I've got to believe the high inflation leads to unemployment ... freakonomics.com/blog/2007/.../what-do-you-have-to-say-about-ron-paul - 63k Cached - More from this site 92. race42008.com " Ron Paul ... recent polls too. While, in late January, McCain was enjoying big leads over ... more hopeful 12 point deficit in the lastest Quinnipiac poll) ... race42008.com/category/ron-paul - 120k - Cached - More from this site 93. The Liberty Papers "Blog Archive " Does Pajamas Media Have It In For ... ... have done was fix the poll (to stop multiple-voting) and keep Ron Paul in it. ... afraid of Ron Paul, he's barely registering in the polls that actually measure ... thelibertypapers.org/2007/03/21/.../trackback - 76k - Cached - More from this site 94. Election 2008 - Presidential Race News - Michigan GOP Chief Won't Bar ... ... mind about trying to bar Ron Paul from future GOP presidential debates because ... Chris Dodd is behind in the race, but he says he leads the pack. Watch the Ad ... news.aol.com/elections/president/story/_a/...?ecid=RSS0001 - 65k - Cached More from this site 95. Connor's Conundrums " Why Do Latter-day Saints Ignore Ron Paul? But yet, the use of pot leads to other far more dangerous drugs. ... outperformed every other candidate in the MSNBC poll following that debate shows ... www.connorboyack.com/blog/why-do-latter-day-saints-ignore-ron-paul - 79k Cached - More from this site 96. Save The GOP ... debate ended Ron Paul was in first place in the Foxnews poll, it took several ... Paul by the Foxnews anchors who insisted that he had either rigged the polls or ... www.savethegop.com/2007/05/16/where-does-ron-paul-stand - 36k - Cached More from this site 97. America: Freedom to Fascism : Blog ... Ron Paul had slipped to second in the Fox poll, with ... Fox Reports - Viewers Decide: Ron Paul Leads GOP Poll! Priceless look on Sean Hannity's face... www.freedomtofascism.com/blog/2007/05/oh-what-night.html - 29k - Cached More from this site 98. Pajamas Media: Ron Paul: Wrong but Right ... and the reaction we are seeing in the polls shows that people are hearing him. ... MSNBC's own poll about the debate shows Ron Paul clearly won big time against ... pajamasmedia.com/2007/05/ron_paul_wrong_but_right.php - 77k - Cached More from this site 99. Ron Paul Ron Paul. Rudy Giuliani. Sam Brownback. Tom Tancredo. Tom Vilsack. Tommy Thompson ... Candidate on Poll Vaulting: In Latest Zogby Poll Romney Leads In Iowa And ... 2008central.net/?page_id=170&page=4 - 41k - Cached - More from this site 100. LP: FR Opinion Poll: Tancredo Leads over Allen and Pence. Liberty Post: FR Opinion Poll: Tancredo Leads over Allen and Pence. ... EURussian talks end in acrimony. Bill Maher - Ron Paul is my new hero ... www.libertypost.org/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=135147&Disp=9 - 24k Cached - More from this site ron paul leads Search Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 101 - 110 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.27 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 101. Newsvine - Ron Paul: 'The majority of Americans are with me' ... see support for that anywhere in polls or in any other independently verifiable ... Because it is my Conscience that leads me, that guides me. ... killfile.newsvine.com/_news/2007/05/22/732609-ron-paul-the-majority... - 201k Cached - More from this site 102. Ron Paul News - Page 2 Ron Paul News continually updated from thousands of sources around the net. ... El Paso legislators will help choose who leads the Texas House in a vote that ... www.topix.net/us-house/ron-paul/page2 - 56k - Cached - More from this site 103. Guiliani Leads in Poll " Michael P.F. van der Galiën Ron Paul Attacks Rudy Giuliani. Americans and Cars. Two Critical Biographies ... Polls. Pope Benedict. Poverty. Prayer. Progressives. Progressivism. Property ... mvdg.wordpress.com/2007/02/24/guiliani-leads-in-poll - 86k - Cached - More from this site 104. THE RON PAUL MEDIA REVOLT IS ON! If it leads to one or two stories in the mainstream media, that could ... Even the Diane Rehm show on NPR discussed the MSNBC poll, and ignored Ron Paul! ... opednews.com/articles/genera_alex_wal_070507_the_ron_paul_media_r.htm 30k - Cached - More from this site 105. North Buffalo Journal and Review " Ron Paul for President Online Presidential Polls - take a minute and vote for Ron Paul! Subscribe to my feed ... Ron Paul scored the best in the MSNBC poll. ... nbjr.speakupwny.com/.../ron-paul-for-president - 160k - Cached - More from this site 106. ... Libertarian Republican: Ron Paul for President Campaign off to a rough This leads me to believe that not only does the campaign have no goal to win the ... Ron Paul loses support in Congressional District ... libertarianrepublican.blogspot.com/2007/03/... - 140k - Cached - More from this site 107. Giuliani Leads McCain - Elections Blog - The Stump ... in local contests and straw polls, like this local-to-me Hamilton County poll. ... Latest Rasmussen Poll: McCain Drops. More Ron Paul. President Bush. Subscribe ... www.aolelectionsblog.com/2007/02/18/giuliani-leads-mccain - 55k - Cached More from this site 108. Ron Paul = 9/11 Truth and reasonable government Yet, when one looks at MSNBC's own poll, a much different picture emerges. ... Which leads to another question: Are the media elite watching the same debate ... sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc/pol/327023857.html - 10k - More from this site 109. ... FOXNews.com - Ron Paul, the Real Republican? - Blog | Blogs | Popular FOX NEWS POLLS. Tongue Tied. Susan Estrich. Junk Science. Buzztracker. Radley Balko. Neil Cavuto ... Iranian President Ahmadinejad Leads Anti-U.S. Rally in Dubai ... foxnews.com/story/0,2933,252847,00.html - 49k - Cached - More from this site 110. Iowa Voice " " In Iowa, Romney Leads The Pack The Des Moines Register has a new poll out showing Mitt Romney with a double ... called conservative that Ron Paul is only doing well in some polls because of a ... www.iowavoice.com/2007/05/21/in-iowa-romney-leads-the-pack - 61k - Cached More from this site ron paul leads Search Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Privacy / Legal - Submit Your Site Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 111 - 120 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.23 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 111. The Backbone Cabinet - A Progressive Cabinet Roster ... ET In most Republican presidential polls, Ron Paul appears well ... Martin Lewis: Fox Reports - Viewers Decide: Ron Paul Leads GOP Poll! ( HuffingtonPost) ... backbonecampaign.org/cabinet/nominee.cfm?ID=127 - 20k - Cached - More from this site 112. Iran: The Next Neocon Target, by US Rep. Ron Paul | from Reason to Freedom Ron Paul for President. Ron Paul and the Polls. Ron Paul Will Protect American Sovereignty ... if Iraq's election actually leads to an organized government. ... www.reasontofreedom.com/iran_the_next_neocon_target_by_us_rep_ron_pau 55k - Cached - More from this site 113. Ron Paul gets turn in spotlight at U.S. Republican debate | Bonds News ... ... was the man in the spotlight -- Ron Paul, the longest of longshots. ... attacking Iraq," said Giuliani, who leads national polls in the Republican race. ... today.reuters.com/news/articleinvesting.aspx?type=bondsNews&... - 38k Cached - More from this site 114. Poll: Obama is the Best Antidote to Giuliani | The New York Observer RON PAUL Wins All The Polls After A Debate & ALL We Hear Is One Excuse After The ... Poll: Clinton Leads Giuliani in NY. Dem: At Least Hillary's Not Pulling Away ... mondoweiss.observer.com/2007/poll-barack-strongest-against-rudy - 49k Cached - More from this site 115. Ron Paul Leads After First Republican Debate | 911Blogger.com Poll. When did you first get involved with 9/11 activism? ( Activism, not questioning) ... 74 comments | older polls. 9/11 Inquiry Sites. 911Truth.org ... www.911blogger.com/node/8332 - 55k - Cached - More from this site 116. Why Are Americans So Angry?, by US Rep. Ron Paul | from Reason to Freedom ... legitimate reasons, almost all polls show the mess in Iraq leads the list of why ... word, please visit his website: Elect Ron Paul for President in 2008 ... www.reasontofreedom.com/why_are_americans_so_angry_by_us_rep_ron_paul - 47k - Cached - More from this site 117. Ron Paul For President ... going on against Dr. Paul for President....polls are eliminating him from their options even though he is coming out with sweeping leads on the internet! ... maclectic.com/B2/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=27&topic=1748.0 - 81k Cached - More from this site 118. Cyclone Conservatives: Ron Paul: Libertarian or Republican? This poll is rigged by Ron Paul whack-jobs, so I don't put much faith in it's ... Latest poll: Rudy Giuliani leads Ron Paul 53 to 1. Laugh all you want. ... cycloneconservatives.blogspot.com/2007/02/... - 108k - Cached - More from this site 119. race42008.com " Ron Paul ... savings, this creation of inflation leads to booms and busts in the economy. ... Straw Polls (14) R4′08 Interviews (10) Republican Party (1) Blogger ... race42008.com/ron-paul - 47k - Cached - More from this site 120. ABC News:The Ron Paul Effect - Boomlet or Savvy Supporters ? Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, who barely registers in public opinion polls of the ... online poll posted by debate sponsor MSNBC, which registered Paul with higher ... freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1829951/posts - 46k - Cached - More from this site ron paul leads Search Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Privacy / Legal - Submit Your Site Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 121 - 130 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.22 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 121. The Liberty Papers "Blog Archive " Andrew Sullivan On Ron Paul ... given that I haven't seen him pass 3% in any scientific poll conducted to date. ... Paul still leads Clinton, Edwards, Romney, Giuliani and McCain - Mainstream ... www.thelibertypapers.org/2007/05/11/andrew-sullivan-on-ron-paul - 55k Cached - More from this site 122. ... informationliberation - Fox News Rigs Entire Debate To Savagely Attack ... election polls to three hours and no Internet voting yet Paul still ... Ron Paul yet the Texas Congressman still beat Rudy Giuliani in Fox's own poll. ... www.informationliberation.com/?id=22013 - 33k - Cached - More from this site 123. We Cannot Afford Another $87 Billion in Iraq - by Ron Paul Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. ... I wonder what a secret poll of our troops would reveal about whether they ... antiwar.com/paul/?articleid=1524 - 45k - Cached - More from this site 124. Poll: N.J. Democrat leads Senate race - Politics - MSNBC.com Sen. Robert Menendez holds a slight lead over Republican Tom Kean Jr. in their Senate race with just over a week left before election day, a poll published Sunday found. www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15482411 - 39k - Cached - More from this site 125. Townhall.com::Search ... 05/01/07. NEW POLL: McCAIN LEADS EVERYWHERE. Updated: 10:02 PM ... Ron Paul. Ron Paul He hasn't thrown in yet, either. This is an exploratory site...still ... townhall.com/search.aspx?SearchWord=Ron+Paul+...+coward&SearchSection = - 188k - Cached - More from this site 126. Right Is Wrong! Provides news on the activities of right-wing groups and monitors the rise of the right in all its guises. www.rightiswrong.com - 11k - Cached - More from this site 127. Fox Goes After Ron Paul (reddit.com) Any evidence that Paul is popular, or even know. Any except on-line polls that is? ... that Ron Paul leads in the FOX News "who won the debate" poll: priceless ... reddit.com/info/1r1ve/comments - 92k - Cached - More from this site 128. Sorry, Mr. Franklin, "We're All Democrats Now" HON. RON PAUL OF TEXAS ... (PDF) the Constitution have become irrelevant, and we live by constant polls. ... liberty is so difficult, this unworkable system inevitably leads to various forms of ... www.hubstuff.com/pdf/Ron_Paul.pdf - 141k - View as html - More from this site 129. RON PAUL, not Mitt Romney, won the first GOP Debate Consider the before and after polls, as they appear on MSNBC's web site. ... Ron Paul got a big response from viewers, as recorded by MSNBC poll, but he ... www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1832228/posts - 75k - Cached - More from this site 130. Poll: Kerry Leads While Dean Improves - Politics News Story - WPTZ ... ... flattening, with 12 percent leading him their support in the last two polls. ... Join 'Conversation' With Ron Paul. More Conversations With The Candidates... www.wptz.com/politics/2791764/detail.html - 54k - Cached - More from this site ron paul leads Search Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Privacy / Legal - Submit Your Site Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 131 - 140 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.24 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 131. tsoldrin's Participation " Netscape.com ... dirty tricks to keep him from getting noticed, he leads many online polls... Ron Paul to attend the debates but in the end they backed down because polls and ... www.netscape.com/member/tsoldrin/activity/2 - 46k - Cached - More from this site 132. Misreading Ron Paul - "They're scared, aren't they? The Internet polls ... ... Independents register as Republicans, Ron Paul doesn't stand a chance ... critical thinking abilities or religion that leads you to believe that a zygote ... reddit.com/info/1rirb/comments - 124k - Cached - More from this site 133. ... Cue Citizen..Alternative News & Opinion About World Events: Ron Paul "No, I blamed bad policy over 50 years that leads to anti-Americanism," Paul said. ... real trickery hides, not the obvious nature of debate poll tallies. ... www.cuecitizen.com/2007/05/follow-closely-following-quotes-of-ron.html - 135k - Cached - More from this site 134. LiveLeak.com - Ron Paul's Campaign Speech in Austin, TX Tags: ron paul federal reserve irs new world order guiliani libertarian constitution leads polls voice of the people 2008 election paper ballots diebold ... www.liveleak.com/view?i=356_1179850127 - 17k - Cached - More from this site 135. Yahoo! Answers - Why would anyone vote for Mitt Romney, when Ron Paul ... ... of America actually having a president who LEADS and FOLLOWS THE CONSTITUTION! ... Are the GOP Polls truly accurate? Another Poll showing Ron Paul ahead! ... ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070521005617AAei85k&show=7 150k - Cached - More from this site 136. So Who Is Ron Paul, Part 1.5 | The Cornell Daily Sun ... ethnic cleansing ultimately leads to lasting peace and ... If Ron Paul does not register in national polls by Fall/Winter of 2007, then he has no chance. ... cornellsun.com/node/23471 - 71k - Cached - More from this site 137. Lieberman Leads in New Quinnipiac Poll - Elections Blog - The Stump Margie on Polls: Romney Ahead in Iowa. Pam on Cattle Call: ... AP: Michigan GOP Chief Won't Bar Ron Paul. AP: Clinton Faults Bush's Efforts in New Orleans ... aolelectionsblog.com/2006/.../lieberman-leads-in-new-quinnipiac-poll - 54k Cached - More from this site 138. Third Party Watch " Blog Archive " Badnarik Endorses Ron Paul ... comment about Ron Paul or his chances at the polls, comment back in mass. ... poll has Rudy Giuliani with 53% of the GOP Primary vote and climbing. Ron ... thirdpartywatch.com/2007/02/25/badnarik-endorses-ron-paul - 137k - Cached More from this site 139. RateMyRep RESULTS: Congressman Ron Paul | Progressive U Crisis leads to moral decay. more. ProU Updates. Title. What's your ... Poll. What is your political ideology?: Liberal. Moderate. Conservative. Progressive ... www.progressiveu.org/190000-ratemyrep-results-congressman-ron-paul - 40k Cached - More from this site 140. Bush hangs on to slim leads in state polls - Tom Curry - MSNBC.com A new poll shows he has a one-point edge over Sen. John Kerry in Minnesota, ... The Minnesota survey was conducted for the St. Paul Pioneer-Press. ... www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6363705 - 53k - Cached - More from this site ron paul leads Search Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 141 - 150 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.18 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 141. techPresident – Ron Paul ... the Ron Paul madness: although Paul barely registers in nationwide polls about ... leads the pack with over $900,000 raised), the DailyKos monthly poll (Edwards ... www.techpresident.com/taxonomy/term/16/ - 34k - Cached - More from this site 142. blog.myspace.com/blog/rss.cfm?friendID=135903481 oleo - MySpace Blog. Ronny at the debate. Ronny on CNN. Corporate Media Censor Ron Paul's Debate Success. Ron Paul leads polls. Ron Paul on lou dobbs ... blog.myspace.com/blog/rss.cfm?friendID=135903481 - 11k - More from this site 143. So Who Is Ron Paul, Part 1 | The Cornell Daily Sun ... Internet polls seem to indicate he's doing well, and searching "Ron Paul debate" ... excuse, we are missing the reality of the situation, which leads to mistakes. ... cornellsun.com/node/23466 - 90k - Cached - More from this site 144. Kucinich Versus Ron Paul: Who Do You Vote For? | The Agonist ... the Democratic Party doesn't deserve, and Ron Paul is the kind of Republican the ... Until then, we all have plenty of observable evidence where that leads. ... agonist.org/poll/kucinich_versus_ron_paul_who_do_you_vote_for?... - 34k Cached - More from this site 145. Reason Magazine - Hit & Run > The Ron Paul Code This sort of thing leads to odd fantasies like this one ... these polls are little more than time-wasting ... Ron Paul wins straw poll, Pajamas Media ... www.reason.com/blog/show/118727.html - 54k - Cached - More from this site 146. Texas Straight Talk: "Neo-conned" - by Ron Paul - Sierra Times.com ... politicians who are pushed by polls and controlled by special-interest money. ... Dr. Ron Paul is a Republican member of Congress from Texas ... www.sierratimes.com/03/07/25/ronpaul.htm - 110k - Cached - More from this site 147. Ron Paul Demolishes Other Republicans In Online Polls " Tons of Fresh News Ron Paul leads all other candidates by a more than comfortable margin in the online polls and is hardly even considered a "dark horse" candidate by the ... newstons.wordpress.com/2007/05/06/ron-paul-demolishes-other-republicans-inonline-polls... - 9k - Cached - More from this site 148. Elections - Pollster Pleads Guilty to Making Up Results - AOL News a company that conducted political polls for the campaigns of President Bush, ... Can't get enough of long-shot Ron Paul? Check out this video. From the Blog. AP ... news.aol.com/elections/story/_a/... - 66k - Cached - More from this site 149. Yahoo! Answers - Is Congressman Ron Paul being ignored by the media? Yet, when one looks at MSNBC's own poll, a much different picture emerges. ... Ron Paul won the debate hands down - all the polls show it - but the ... answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070513131431AAkhrta - 94k Cached - More from this site 150. WarFolly.com - Drive Safely and Display a Big Bumper Sticker! Ron Paul Shocks FOX in Their Own Viewer Poll. Ron Paul ... Ron Paul Gets Turn in Spotlight at Republican Debate. Ron Paul Leads MSNBC Republican Debate Poll ... www.warfolly.com - 171k - Cached - More from this site ron paul leads Search Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Privacy / Legal - Submit Your Site Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 151 - 160 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.23 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 151. McCain Leads GOP Field in the Blogosphere ... of "The McLaughlin Group," cited Ron Paul as having given "the best performance of the debate. ... Bret Moore on Are Ron Paul's Supporters Spamming Online Polls? ... www.elephantbiz.com/2007/05/mccain_leads_gop_field_in_the.html - 71k Cached - More from this site 152. forward this page | Redstate I am declaring for Congress against Ron Paul in Texas CD-14 ... Rudy Giuliani leads in Oklahoma Poll [redacted] (captainscarlett) ... kingronjo.redstate.com/forward/27680 - 32k - Cached - More from this site 153. Politics1 Non-partisan public service to promote fully informed decision-making by the American electorate. Includes directories of political candidates, issues, parties, ... www.politics1.com - 72k - Cached - More from this site 154. The WaPo - Still Wrong on Taxes | Redstate I am declaring for Congress against Ron Paul in Texas CD-14 ... Rudy Giuliani leads in Oklahoma Poll [redacted] (captainscarlett) ... www.crosstabs.org/stories/archived/the_wapo_still_wrong_on_taxes - 35k Cached - More from this site 155. Good-Bye Ron Paul Ron Paul Gets 91% in Straw Poll; Not the Work of Spammers. VigilantGuardian @ 05/31/07 02:20:11 ... to do well in on-line straw polls – I think blogger ... boggler.gnn.tv/blogs/23480/Good_Bye_Ron_Paul - 123k - Cached - More from this site 156. Reuters AlertNet - Ron Paul gets turn in spotlight at U.S. Republican ... ... was the man in the spotlight -- Ron Paul, the longest of longshots. ... attacking Iraq," said Giuliani, who leads national polls in the Republican race. ... www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/N15471542.htm - 62k - Cached - More from this site 157. Liberal Values - Defending Liberty and Enlightened Thought Obama Ties Clinton in USA Today/Gallup Poll ... Rudy's attack against Ron Paul in the debate was a classic example of that kind ... liberalvaluesblog.com - 242k - Cached - More from this site 158. Reason Magazine - Who's Afraid of Ron Paul? The presence of Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) in the Republican Party debates between ... than once, Paul stressed that excessive government spending leads not only to ... www.reason.com/news/printer/120309.html - 9k - Cached - More from this site 159. Ron Paul vs. Hillary Clinton? : The New Liberty She leads the Democratic candidates in the polls and number two is Barack Obama ... Friends Of Ron Paul. Gun Legislation & Politics in New York. INSIDE OUT ... thenewliberty.com/?p=17 - 27k - Cached - More from this site 160. Conservative Times " Ron Paul ... the call went out on the Ron Paul e-mail lists, blogs, etc. and now Paul leads. ... Vote In Glenn Beck Poll. Posted under Election 2008 & Polls & Ron Paul ... conservativetimes.org/?cat=41 - 56k - Cached - More from this site ron paul leads Search Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Privacy / Legal - Submit Your Site Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 161 - 170 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.28 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 161. New Yorkers Continue to Lead 2008 Nomination Contests ... of McCain, including in the latest poll, in which he leads by 10 points, 52 ... Ron Paul. 0. Other. 2. None. 5. All/any. 0. No opinion. 8 * Less than 0.5 ... www.galluppoll.com/content/?ci=27598 - 29k - More from this site 162. Blog Ron Pauls Web of Support - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times But since ron paul cannot get above 2% in the polls, and can't even raise over ... these polls are truly scientific, but the Fox News text messaging poll took ... thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/05/21/ron-pauls-web-of-support - 338k Cached - More from this site 163. tsoldrin's Votes " Netscape.com ... dirty tricks to keep him from getting noticed, he leads many online polls... Ron Paul to attend the debates but in the end they backed down because polls and ... www.netscape.com/member/tsoldrin/activity/votes/1 - 45k - Cached - More from this site 164. Ron Paul: Another Kind of Conservative - OhmyNews International ... excitement in the room to Ron Paul and ... Say, a Democrat that could use a bump in the polls. ... Tuberculosis case leads to international finger-pointing ... english.ohmynews.com/articleview/article_view.asp?no=364145&rel_no=1 75k - Cached - More from this site 165. Poll Vaulting: Giuliani Leads Republicans In the weekly Rasmussen poll, Giuliani (32%) put space between him and McCain ... Follow Up: Ron Paul To Go On Offensive Against Rudy Giuliani ... 2008central.net/?p=233 - 43k - Cached - More from this site 166. Rebellion Coffee Company Libertarian Blog " Rep. Ron Paul BIGGER GOVERNMENT LEADS TO BIGGER SCANDALS by Congressman Ron Paul ... scary poll up on who should be the new Majority leader if we chose from the ... rebellioncoffee.com/category/libertarian-news/rep-ron-paul - 30k - Cached More from this site 167. blogs | Chaos Digest Martin Lewis: Fox Reports - Viewers Decide: Ron Paul Leads GOP Poll! ... and how often they mysteriously do not reflect the highly accurate exit polls: ... chaosdigest.com/?q=blog&page=45 - 49k - Cached - More from this site 168. Chris Brunner .com " 2007 " May As of midnight, Ron Paul had slipped to second in the Fox poll, with 26% to ... Ron Paul Leads in Republican Debate Polls. Monday, May 7th, 2007 ... www.chrisbrunner.com/index.php?m=200705 - 19k - Cached - More from this site 169. Godlike Productions -- If they are going to bring down Ron Paul, let's ... ... Ron Paul in all the polls: [link to www.ronpaulpresshub.com] Thanks for the link! I went about halfway down the list and voted for Ron Paul on every single poll. ... godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php?page=2&showdate=5/...&mpage=1 57k - Cached - More from this site 170. FalseFlagNews - Save Ron Paul--Email the entire GOP in one easy click! Save Ron Paul--Email the entire GOP in one easy click! ... Poll: Lamont Leads Lieberman by 13 Points. China shows off space command centre ... falseflagnews.com/terrordrills/Save_Ron_Paul - 112k - Cached - More from this site ron paul leads Search Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Privacy / Legal - Submit Your Site Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 171 - 180 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.23 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 171. Mar 17, 2006 Congressman Ron Paul Talks About Gold, Oil & the Economy ... ... the economic problems that paper money leads to, and perhaps give some examples ... the President now going down in the polls, the Congress is saying, "You can't ... www.321gold.com/editorials/taylor/taylor031706.html - 75k - Cached - More from this site 172. Paul, Not Romney, Won First GOP Debate [ronpaul08.blog-city.com] Ron Paul, but every poll, won ... the before and after polls, as they appear on MSNBC's ... Which leads to another question: Are the media elite watching ... ronpaul08.blog-city.com/paul_not_romney_won_first_gop_debate.htm - 29k Cached - More from this site 173. Is Congressman Ron Paul being ignored by the media? - Yahoo!7 Answers Yet, when one looks at MSNBC's own poll, a much different picture emerges. ... Ron Paul won the debate hands down - all the polls show it - but the ... au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070513131431AAkhrta - 94k Cached - More from this site 174. ... Ron Paul Tells The Truth About Attacks By Terrorists; Giuliani Exposed Citing several polls showing widespread animosity against the U.S. in the Muslim ... Power without foresight leads to disaster... www.theamericanview.com/index.php?id=842 - 20k - Cached - More from this site 175. Ron Paul comes out on top at GOP debate according to MSNBC GameDev ... ... leads to the supporters of the second-tier candidates (especially Ron Paul ... Paul barely registers in opinion polls of Republicans hoping to win their ... gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?whichpage=7&pagesize=25&... - 138k - Cached - More from this site 176. PatriotBeliever.com - GOP Debate Setup to Derail Rep. Ron Paul Fails ... Ron Paul leads on MSNBC's ''Live Vote'' after the first 08 GOP Debate ... did not agree with the poll and joined other commentators there that those polls ... patriotbeliever.com/home/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=72 - 93k - Cached - More from this site 177. Vote for Ron Paul - Topic Powered by eve community Poll. Photo Album. Keyword Search. Search current forum only. Advanced Search ... This impulse almost always leads to bad laws and the loss of liberty. ... community.cnhi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/68510611/m/194109557?r=670103538 116k - Cached - More from this site 178. HOUSE OF PAINE blog " Ron Paul Exposes the Federal Reserve Ron Paul from committee floor. Senate Sub-Committee on Finance. ... Polls. What leads you to be most suspicious of the official 911 story? ... houseofpaine.org/blog/?p=317 - 27k - Cached - More from this site 179. ... Fox News Rigs Entire Debate To Savagely Attack Ron Paul | Alternative ... election polls to three hours and no Internet voting yet Paul still ... Ron Paul yet the Texas Congressman still beat Rudy Giuliani in Fox's own poll. ... blog.t1production.com/fox-news-rigs-entire-debate-to-savagely-attack-ronpaul... - 47k - Cached - More from this site 180. Last Free Voice " Blog Archive " It's official - Ron Paul to declare ... Paul leads call, participates in hearings on Immigration Issues (joins with Cong. ... and whose cause celebre, to the extent that he's known polls 40 ... lastfreevoice.com/2007/.../its-official-ron-paul-to-declare-candidacy - 119k Cached - More from this site ron paul leads Search Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Privacy / Legal - Submit Your Site Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 181 - 190 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.27 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 181. 186k Per Second " Lamont is Stale and Stalling! Martin Lewis: Fox Reports - Viewers Decide: Ron Paul Leads GOP Poll! ( HuffingtonPost) ... ONA Seminar II: Parsing Polls Properly. Flopping Aces. Stoned To ... 186kpersecond.com/2006/09/28/lamont-is-stale-and-stalling - 224k - Cached More from this site 182. The Silver Bear Cafe She leads the Democratic candidates in the polls and number two is Barack Obama ... Pre-Ron Paul, John McCain was the presumptive nominee in my view. ... www.silverbearcafe.com/private/unknown.html - 10k - Cached - More from this site 183. Bronze Age pyramid found in Ukraine Ron Paul Demolishes Other Republicans In Online Polls. Peer Pressure. Not only Peckham? ... the Germanic peoples southwards leads to the assimilation of ... majorityrights.com/index.php/.../bronze_age_pyramid_found_in_ukraine - 70k Cached - More from this site 184. Thank Congressmen Ron Paul and Walter Jones for Speaking Truth ... see two Republican Congress Members, Ron Paul and Walter Jones, provide a ... legitimate reasons, almost all polls show the mess in Iraq leads the list of why ... www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/12673/print - 32k - Cached - More from this site 185. The Politics Resource Center: Why Are Americans So Angry?, by Rep. Ron ... by Rep. Ron Paul, MD. Before the U.S. House of Representatives, June 29, ... legitimate reasons, almost all polls show the mess in Iraq leads the list of why ... radicalacademy.com/studentrefpolitics22paul142.htm - 79k - Cached - More from this site 186. CosmicConservative " Republican Candidate Ron Paul Republican Candidate Ron Paul Leads the "Rate the Candidate" poll on PMSNBC. ... a tail-end baby boomer who lives in the Rocky Mountains and has a beautiful wife ... www.cosmicconservative.com/weblog/?p=1963 - 20k - Cached - More from this site 187. Discussions - alt.politics.greens | Google Groups Islamic Group Beheads Assyrian Priest, Crucifies 14 Year Old Boy in North Iraq ... 60 new of 60 - May 25. Ron Paul Leads GOP Straw Poll. 7 new of 7 - May 29 ... groups.google.com/group/alt.politics.greens - 39k - Cached - More from this site 188. Congressman Ron Paul News - U.S. Politics Today ... each other COLUMBIA, ... the polls jabbed at the front ... Harris Poll: Giuliani Still Leads GOP Pack; Actor Fred Thompson Inches Up [16 May 2007 - 12:15] ... uspolitics.einnews.com/news/ron-paul - 142k - Cached - More from this site 189. Paul - sean, walker, revere, paula abdul, harvey, frank Martin Lewis: Fox Reports - Viewers Decide: Ron Paul Leads GOP Poll! ... when he learned that the text votes to date had placed RON PAUL in first place! ... www.primerweb.com/paul - 20k - More from this site 190. Personal Democracy Forum – Technology Is Changing Politics ... the Ron Paul madness: although Paul barely registers in nationwide polls about ... leads the pack with over $900,000 raised), the DailyKos monthly poll (Edwards ... www.personaldemocracy.com/taxonomy/term/103 - 50k - Cached - More from this site ron paul leads Search Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Privacy / Legal - Submit Your Site Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 191 - 200 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.27 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 191. GOP Bloggers :: To The Left of Kucinich? To The Right of Ron Paul? This leads me to ask, how much do Ron Paul supporters really ... 2008 GOP Primary Straw Polls. March 2006 Straw Poll Results. July 2006 Straw Poll Results ... www.gopbloggers.org/mt/archives/004780.php - 31k - Cached - More from this site 192. Ron Paul the other night "Whenever Christ calls us, his call leads us to death." -- Dietrich Bonhoeffer. God at the Center ... Post New Poll. Submit Vote. Delete My Own Post. Delete ... fcnforums.christianity.com/m_2405700/tm.htm - 150k - Cached - More from this site 193. Burnt Orange Report::: TX-14: Shane Sklar Can Beat Ron Paul Shane Sklar leads Ron Paul 54-30% in an informed Congressional vote. ... for more poll numbers on the race, inclduing a look at Ron Paul's voting record, ... www.burntorangereport.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=1639 - 81k - Cached More from this site 194. FalseFlagNews - Poll: Lamont Leads Lieberman by 13 Points Save Ron Paul--Email the entire GOP in one easy click! ... Poll: Lamont Leads Lieberman by 13 Points. China shows off space command centre ... falseflagnews.com/.../poll_lamont_leads_lieberman_by_13_points - 110k Cached - More from this site 195. U-WIRE.com/COLUMN: Ron Paul speaks truth about why they hate us ... is the most conservative candidate in the debate, Ron Paul. ... The only redeeming moment of the entire night was when Ron Paul beat Giuliani in that poll. ... www.uwire.com/content/topops052507003.html - 17k - Cached - More from this site 196. JasonPye.com: Latest Polls for Governor " Rail supporters push Perdue for veto | Main | More from Ron Paul " Latest Polls for Governor ... Taylor 36%) in the lastest poll from Rasmussen Reports. ... www.jasonpye.com/blog/2006/05/latest_polls_for_governor.html - 7k - Cached More from this site 197. Why Are Americans So Angry? RON PAUL OF TEXAS. Before the U.S. House of Representatives. June 29, 2006 ... legitimate reasons, almost all polls show the mess in Iraq leads the list of why ... news.goldseek.com/RonPaul/1151687947.php - 66k - Cached - More from this site 198. The Blue State: Burying Ron Paul: Digg.com and the Free Republic ... where Fox News had a poll and it listed Ron Paul as winning? ... Buzz around several Conservative blogs is Ron Paul supporters are spamming straw polls. ... www.thebluestate.com/2007/05/burying_ron_pau_1.html - 57k - Cached - More from this site 199. The Great Unknown She leads the Democratic candidates in the polls and number two is Barack Obama ... Pre-Ron Paul, John McCain was the presumptive nominee in my view. ... infowars.net/articles/january2007/170107Unknown.htm - 35k - Cached - More from this site 200. Homerun from Ron Paul - dravness.com - armchair libertarianism at its ... ... you with this speech given by Ron Paul (R-TX) yesterday to think over during ... legitimate reasons, almost all polls show the mess in Iraq leads the list of why ... www.dravness.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=122 - 58k Cached - More from this site ron paul leads Search Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Privacy / Legal - Submit Your Site Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 201 - 210 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.22 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 201. Ron Paul files for GOP presidential bid - America's Debate ... data from the Gallup Poll, the Pew Research Center Typology ... claim the leadership title if Iraq's election actually leads to an organized government. ... americasdebate.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=13967&view=getnewpost 214k - Cached - More from this site 202. Ron Paul - Reader comments at New York Sun Politics Blog Only Ron Paul had courage to speak truth to power. ... Poll: Giuliani Leads Democrats In Head-to-Head Match-Ups. Bloomberg-Hagel? ... www.nysunpolitics.com/blog/comments/707 - 33k - Cached - More from this site 203. ... Ron Paul is the Winner of the 2008 Presidential Debate. Media Blackout Although they had to mention that Ron Paul was the leader in the online poll. ... is amazing that Ron Paul is leading all the MSNBC online polls and they are ... www.topix.net/forum/city/martins-creek-pa/T5SOU82996JLOBNI3 - 60k Cached - More from this site 204. OPINION: Ron Paul Can't Say That, Can He?: Politicians ... its uses and America's place in the world leads us into dangerous folly divorced ... Ron Paul Wins MSNBC Debate Poll. PRNewswire-USNewswire; 5/4/2007; 173 words; ... www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1Y1-106583757.html - 63k - Cached - More from this site 205. Congressman Paul's Legislative Strategy? He'd Rather Say Not ... Republican Ron Paul missed out on the 19th century, but he admires it from afar. ... In Depth. Polls. In the Loop. DC | MD | VA. Opinions. Columns & Blogs. Feedback ... washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/.../AR2006070800966_2.html - 101k - Cached - More from this site 206. Poll: Giuliani leads race amongst young voters - VikingSpirit's blog Home | Kudos to Ron Paul " | Republican Jewish Coalition ad on Pelosi " ... Poll: Giuliani leads race amongst young voters. From Harvard University's ... vikingspirit.blogspot.com/2007/04/poll-giuliani-leads-race-amongst-... - 22k Cached - More from this site 207. HOUSE OF PAINE blog " Inflation and War Finance: Ron Paul Inflation and War Finance: Ron Paul. January 31st 2007 Posted to General ... Polls. What leads you to be most suspicious of the official 911 story? ... houseofpaine.org/blog/?p=258 - 27k - Cached - More from this site 208. ... Free Century " Ron Paul : Tell them Government doesn't work! - Taking Polls. Ron Paul : Tell them Government doesn't work! ... suggestion for Ron Paul during his ... "War on Poverty" - How it leads to MORE poverty. ... freecentury.com/2007/05/27/ron-paul-tell-them-government-doesnt-work - 25k Cached - More from this site 209. RE: Ron Paul the other night "Whenever Christ calls us, his call leads us to death." -- Dietrich Bonhoeffer. God at the Center ... Post New Poll. Submit Vote. Delete My Own Post. Delete ... forums.christianity.com/fb.aspx?m=2410671 - 148k - Cached - More from this site 210. LiveLeak.com - Blog Watch: Who is Ron Paul? Which leads us to click thru to learn that he was one of 10 Republican ... ABC left him out of a poll, and then the "net erupted" ... www.liveleak.com/view?i=e33_1179647270&p=1 - 19k - Cached - More from this site ron paul leads Search Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Privacy / Legal - Submit Your Site Web | Images | Video | Local | Shopping | more » ron paul leads Search Advanced Search Search Results 211 - 220 of about 1,840,000 for ron paul leads in polls - 0.20 sec. (About this page) WEB RESULTS 211. RE: Ron Paul the other night "Whenever Christ calls us, his call leads us to death." -- Dietrich Bonhoeffer. God at the Center ... Post New Poll. Submit Vote. Delete My Own Post. Delete ... ibelieve.com/fb.aspx?m=2407086 - 133k - Cached - More from this site 212. Paul, Not Romney, Won First GOP Debate Yet, when one looks at MSNBC's own poll, a much different picture emerges. ... In addition, Ron Paul is one of the biggest opponents to Bush's push to ... www.chuckbaldwinlive.com/c2007/cbarchive_20070508.html - 11k - Cached More from this site 213. Ron Paul the other night "Whenever Christ calls us, his call leads us to death." -- Dietrich Bonhoeffer. God at the Center ... Post New Poll. Submit Vote. Delete My Own Post. Delete ... forums.crosswalk.com/fb.aspx?m=2406559 - 136k - Cached - More from this site 214. www.inboxrobot.com/rss.php?keywords=Edwards+Security GOP Candidates Go for the Jugular in Feisty Primary Debate. Immigration Policy ... Martin Lewis: Fox Reports - Viewers Decide: Ron Paul Leads GOP Poll ... www.inboxrobot.com/rss.php?keywords=Edwards+Security - 7k - More from this site 215. Backwater Report Ron Paul holds to positions that historically have long legs in the American ... But according to the Rasmussen poll cited in the article 56% of Americans would ... backwaterreport.com - 87k - Cached - More from this site 216. Rep. Ron Paul: The Draft is a Form of Slavery The Problem with Public Opinion Polls. Lee Sustar ... NPR Leads the Charge for War Against Iran. Jack Random. Opening Night: Playing the War Card ... www.counterpunch.org/paul10082004.html - 104k - Cached - More from this site 217. Political CommenTerry: What Do the Early 2008 Presidential Polls Mean? For example, Hillary Clinton leads all other Democrats in each of the early ... Brian on 2008 Presidential Contender: Ron Paul ... commenterry.blogs.com/.../2007/01/what_do_the_ear.html - 19k - Cached - More from this site 218. Mitt Romney: The Imaginary Frontrunner | TPMCafe ... national numbers, but he leads in many Iowa polls, which, as you know, is ... to Gravel, and from Giuliani to Ron Paul have something to say, and a claim ... houseoflabor.tpmcafe.com/.../20/mitt_romney_the_imaginary_frontrunner - 25k Cached - More from this site 219. Black Listed News ... winner in the debate was Ron Paul who won several Internet polls rating each ... few hours, Ron Paul continued his dominance of the poll and still leads as the ... www.blacklistednews.com/iNP/view.asp?ID=3147 - 11k - Cached - More from this site 220. Conservative Times " Election 2008 ... the call went out on the Ron Paul e-mail lists, blogs, etc. and now Paul leads. ... Vote In Glenn Beck Poll. Posted under Election 2008 & Polls & Ron Paul ... conservativetimes.org/?cat=7 - 49k - Cached - More from this site ron paul leads Search Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! All rights reserved. Privacy / Legal - Submit Your Site Member Center: Sign In | Register Member Center: Sign In | Register International Edition Search CNN.com Home Page - CNN Exchange About the CNN Political The CNN Political Ticke the latest political news. June 7, 2007 The Ron Paul phenomenon? To sign up for our twice Ticker emails, visit CNN member services page. I not have a CNN.com acc can register here. If you have any feedback suggestions or news tips line at politicalticker@cn THE DAY'S TOP VIDE TB patient tes Libby's Harsh Rep. Ron Paul answers a question from CNN’s Wolf Blitzer at Tuesday’s GOP debate. Lightning vs. G WASHINGTON (CNN) — It’s been an exciting week for us at the Ticker – a few days ago, we opened up the comments section of our blog, and since then, we’ve received thousands of responses. NEW IN THE TICKER • The Ron Paul phenome A large number of the ones we’ve posted so far have been from supporters of White • Bernstein: Clinton a “camouflaged woman” House presidential hopeful Ron Paul, R-Texas. • Edwards slams Giulian But come Tuesday night’s GOP debate, we were inundated with Paul comments on New York • Lots of sunshine for Cl our ticker post: “Who won the GOP debate?” and Giuliani • Recovering senator exp Many of the comments we received were supportive of the Texas congressman, while others registered frustration that the flood of Paul posts impeded the general return to Senate in Septe • McCain backer quits o online discussion, likening them to spam. immigration bill • House votes to ease Bu One thing is for sure: Ron Paul supporters are effective at coordinating and mobilizing online quickly. For the three GOP debates so far, Paul has won or placed cell restrictions high in most of the unscientific online surveys including ABC’s, MSNBC’s, FOX’s, • Reid warns immigratio might be ‘over with’ and unscientific polls conducted on a number of blogs. • Putin offers proposal to Paul virtually swept CNN’s unscientific survey after Tuesday night’s GOP debate: missile defense dispute • Bush, Putin to work tog not only did participants say Paul won the debate, but also that he knew the most about the issues, had the best one-liner, had the most surprising performance, and missile-defense system got the biggest boost from the debate. (He wasn’t considered the snappiest dresser, ARCHIVE however – see Mitt Romney). The topic is getting some play on conservative blogs, • June 2007 • More Archives too. RELATED These informal polls are unscientific because supporters can often vote more than • CNN Politics Main Pag • CNN Special Report: A once, and are not randomly selected, and while they may be useful indicator of a candidate’s ability to organize online, they are not generally an accurate measure of Votes '06 • CNN Exchange support across the electorate. • The Situation Room Bl • All CNN.com Blogs The comments section is intended to be informal, of course, but the strain on SUBSCRIBE resources that night prompted us to take down the “Who won the GOP debate” question (though that didn’t stop Paul supporters from commenting; they started adding comments to the “Who won the Democratic debate?” post). The intention was not to censor Ron Paul supporters — right now, you’ll find hundreds of Paul posts on the site. Given the volume of submissions, we do not post every comment. That said, we will always try to post as many as possible. We know how frustrating it can be to write something thoughtful and never see it published. Right now “Ron Paul” is among the top-searched terms on Technorati, the popular site that tracks blog posts. According to the community Web site, Eventful, there are more than 16,000 outstanding “demands” for Paul to appear in cities across the country – that’s up 11,000 from just one week ago, leapfrogging him over Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-New York. Ron Paul video clips get plenty of play on YouTube and there is no shortage of blogs devoted to his support. What do these numbers mean? How do you reconcile that support with the national poll numbers? In virtually every scientific national poll — generally regarded as the best measurement of public support for a political candidate — Paul registers, at most, between 1 and 2 percent. Do the debate numbers reflect something different than the national polls? Is it too early to tell? Paul opposes abortion rights, voted to authorize a 700-mile fence along the U.S.Mexican border, supports withdrawing troops from Iraq, and defines marriage as between a man and a woman. Is he a “true conservative”? If indeed his support is growing, what is it going to take for Paul to break out and challenge the frontrunners for the GOP presidential nomination? We welcome your comments below. For more breaking political news, check back with www.cnn.com/ticker – The CNN Political Ticker Team Filed under Ron Paul Posted 6/7/2007 06:20:41 PM | Permalink 780 Comments | Add a comment what it would take would be EQUAL TREATMENT FROM THE CORPORATE MEDIA…THEY SHOUYLD LISTEN TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND SHOW MORE FOOTAGE OF RON PAUL! HE CONTINUALLY GETS SIDELINED BY THE MEDIA AND ITS NOT FAIR! ITS WHAT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WANT AND THAT IS RON PAUL AND HIS VIEWS!!! RON PAUL IS THE CHAMPION OF THE CONSTITUTION AND THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT AMERICA NEEDS IN THE WHITE HOUSE! RON PAUL 4 PRESIDENT…RON APUL SUPPORTERS ARE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE…THE ONES RUNNING TO WATCH HIM ON YOUTUBE ARE THE AMERICAN VOTERS! STOP TRYING TO COVER IT UP…PLEASE! Posted By ancient flower : June 7, 2007 1:57 pm Who is Ron Paul? Is this some kind of joke? Posted By Kyle, Seaside, CA. : June 7, 2007 2:00 pm It will take big media debates giving him the same amount of time as the rest of the candidates. He deserves it. Interview him after the debates, get him on prime time shows. It needs to be done. Posted By Mark G, Belton MO : June 7, 2007 2:00 pm Ron Paul is the only candidate in this race who is not willing to sacrifice one person’s liberty for another. He won’t sacrifice the liberty of the rich to help the poor, however, he also will not sacrifice the liberty of the homosexual to satisfy the heterosexual. He understands what liberty means and it is his defining principle. Posted By Jeff, Arlington, VA : June 7, 2007 2:01 pm It is going to take the American public understanding that what we need is not a talking head. What we need is a man that will not overstep his constitutional mandates and run this country as the Framers intended. A free, capitialist society that does not allow wealth to be transfered simply to cure a percieved social ill, a military that is strong but not offensive, and regards the freedom of the individual to either attain great standing or stagnate as the most basic freedom. Posted By Jim Pond, Gardner, MA : June 7, 2007 2:03 pm I think it is a bit unfair how little coverage Paul is getting from the major news outlets. Despite his popularity, analyst almost never mention this guy in their coverage. I feel that despite whoever is leading the polls, all candidates should get a fair cut in the media. Posted By Joe, Raleigh NC : June 7, 2007 2:05 pm Ron Paul is more than just a conservative seeking office, he is a leader teaching us a nearly forgotten way of life–the ideas of liberty and responsibility, of truth and humility. His thoughts resonate with millions of Americans who yearn for the solid, honest, small-government, pro-peace party that the Republicans can become once again. Posted By Duane Johnson, Provo, UT : June 7, 2007 2:05 pm I firmly believe the press, especially in these debates, needs to provide Ron Paul with a fair amount of ‘camera time’. People around the country (myself included) are becoming more and more interested in Dr. Paul, and I’m also beginning to notice that he’s being shunned by much of the media, which appears to be intentional. I will vote for Ron Paul, and will do everything in my power to help people hear him and what he stands for. He’s a REAL politician. Posted By Chris Chandler - Hastings, MN : June 7, 2007 2:06 pm “In virtually every scientific national poll — Paul registers, at most, between 1 and 2 percent.” These polls are mostly over a month old, and don’t reflect the wave of support Dr. Paul has gained since the 2nd debate. Even the article linked here about the national polls is a month old! This obviously doesn’t reflect the *current* state of support for Dr. Paul. In my opinion, the media is lagging behind the reality of support for candidates. Of course, this will all come to light soon enough. Posted By Josh, Folsom CA : June 7, 2007 2:07 pm Ron Paul is just another republican empty suit kowtowing to hard right conservative fanatics whose anti-science bent will doom us all. Posted By Fred Sheields : June 7, 2007 2:07 pm Ron Paul is the only true conservative. He’s the only candidate who answers all of the debate questions from conservative Republican principles. In order for Dr. Paul to break out and challenge the front-runners, voters are going to have to start paying attention. According to a recent informal CNN poll, only about 25% of the participants in the poll have seen even a single debate this election cycle. I’m not just saying that he needs to be covered more in the mainstream media (he needs that, too). People are busy with their own families, careers, and lives. They are simply not tuned into the primary elections this early. The online polls are registering the passion of the support for Ron Paul. Where are the passionate supporters of Rudy McRomson? Posted By Nick, Urbana IL : June 7, 2007 2:07 pm Paul says religions or states should define marriage, not the federal government. Same with “opposing abortion rights”, he says that should be left to thte states. He personally is pro-life, but still thinks the law should be left to the states. So called “scientific” polls only measure people who have land phone lines, and are home, just like the internet only measures people who have internet access and are using it. Most people I know (at least 80%) do not have a land phone line, they all use a cell phone exclusively. Posted By Rob Seattle Wa : June 7, 2007 2:07 pm “If indeed his support is growing, what is it going to take for Paul to break out and challenge the front-runners for the GOP presidential nomination?” Try a miracle… Posted By Jess, Chicago, IL : June 7, 2007 2:08 pm Actually Congressman Paul Gave “Front runner” Rudillary McRomney a reading Assignment. Specifically several books on foreign policy, written by the former head of the CIA, and the 9/11 comission report, wich the fear mongering panzey of a war profiteer giuliani never read. This was all put out to the National Press club. But Apparently CNN was out to lunch that day. Just like you have been out to lunch for the last 7 years. And thanks so much for giving ron paul 6.54 minutes to discuss his veiwpoints on the debate. We wouldn’t want Rudy McRomney to be at a disadvantage, since Ron Paul can say more in 5 seconds than the rest of the shills can say in a month. You’re “scientific polls” you refer to arn’t exactly scientific anymore. More people these days use cell phones that you can’t poll. or they use Internet phones, which, again, you can’t poll. I don’t know what it will take for you dunderheads in the main stream media to catch on to the fact that people generally like this guy, but I have a feeling that after the new hampshire primary, you’ll find out why american patriotism is ledgendary. Posted By Ken, Portland Oregon : June 7, 2007 2:08 pm As always, It will take money and backing from the Party powers that be. As a loyal Democratic but open-minded voter, I watched the Republican Debate with interest. My leanings had been towards Romney prior to the debate and that position has been strengthened. However, I was sufficiently impressed with Ron Paul to resolve to make a future effort to learn more about him. Posted By AJ Dugal, Meriden, CT : June 7, 2007 2:09 pm What it will take is fair and unbiased news reporting. The majority of articles on CNN, Fox, ABC, and NBC is Rudy Mcromny or Hillary Obama. Moving outside mainstream media one tends to find the majority of articles about Ron Paul. The debate you had is clearly lop-sided toward your so called “top tier” candidates. They had almost double the time exposure as everyone on both party lines. It’s unfair and immoral. Posted By E.B. Vero Beach FL : June 7, 2007 2:09 pm Ron Paul is intelligent, straight-forward and trustworthy, i.e., not your typical politician, which is why he cannot win. ‘Joe Sixpack’ and ‘Helen Hairdresser’ will vote for the most physically attractive candiate available who tells the lies they want to hear. Posted By Mark Andrew, Charlotte, NC : June 7, 2007 2:10 pm The next time CNN hosts a debate, make sure that ALL 10 participants receive equal time! Curious how Giuliani, McCain and Romney were featured at centerstage in the last debate in NH, while ever popular Ron Paul was tucked away at the very end of the stage. Is Rudy afraid to sit next to someone who can challenge him? Posted By Jason. Norwalk, CT : June 7, 2007 2:10 pm One thing that scientific polls need to take into account is the internet. Many people don’t have landline phones, or only use the internet as their means of communicating. It’s a lot easier and quicker just to send off a quick e-mail that to make a call. If those polls took this into account in some way, I’m positive that you would see his numbers jump into the double digits. When the 2Q numbers come in on donations for the candidates, it’ll be even more evident that there is real support for Ron Paul, and not just ’spammers’. Also, the end where you sum up some of his stances are out of context. He opposes abortion, but thinks that the answer should be left to the individual states, and not the federal government. That goes for all of his beliefs; he may not like it, but he believes that it isn’t the federal governments decision to make. It’s a CONSTITUTIONAL thing… Posted By Aaron K, Bondurant IA : June 7, 2007 2:11 pm Im glad to see a Ron Paul article on CNN. He needs more media attention. Posted By Matthew, Tampa FL : June 7, 2007 2:11 pm Wow to think finally CNN is now starting to recognize Ron Paul! RonPaul2008! Posted By cfish, sioux fall, sd : June 7, 2007 2:12 pm Ron Paul at the very least could use equal time in debates instead of the few media favorites getting double or triple time. Also, since supporters of the other candidates have just as easy access to online polls and have been urged to participate in them, that these polls overwhelmingly favor Ron Paul says more about him strongly striking a resonant chord in people, compared to the other candidates who are simply “the same old politicians.” Posted By Monty Jackson : June 7, 2007 2:12 pm what it takes is the mainstream media, cnn included, to treat all the candidate in an unbiased way. It is completely obvious to me that Ron Paul is being censored by network news, barely getting a mention most of the time, and when he does get mentioned we are all reminded that he has no chance to win, he barely shows up in ’scientific’ polls, and that his only support is from online ’spammers’. Something this article forgets to add toward the bottom is that Ron Paul also supports the Constitution, the only candidate to do so, which is one of the main reasons he has such real-life support. Posted By Matthew, Denver, CO : June 7, 2007 2:12 pm I’m not registered either way, but given the brand of Republicanism we see today, I could not bring myself to vote for a Republican over the last 20 years. If they nominated a sensible, true conservative, like Ron Paul, I might just give them a chance. What’s the famous line from Goldwater when asked how he would most likely be remembered? “Most likely as a liberal,” he replied. It’s time for sensible leadership. Posted By Lou, NY New York : June 7, 2007 2:12 pm I mean really, 1-2%? Try selling that to the fox crowd. Intelligent Paul supporting patriot Americans wont buy that. Posted By Tim, OKC OK : June 7, 2007 2:12 pm I first learned or Ron Paul on Bill Maher’s show on HBO. He is eloquent and intelligent. I do not agree with some of his conservative views, but I am telling every person I know about him. And, he is a Republican this “tree hugging” Democrat would not view in the White House with a total pall of gloom. Posted By Christi Champage, Apple Valley, California : June 7, 2007 2:12 pm CNN, All we’re asking is that you give Ron Paul equal coverage. There’s some pollsters who believe that Ron Paul would be polling an additional 3-5% higher because his appeal is to voters who can’t be polled because of their lack of land line [and use of mobile phones instead]. Most of us Ron Paul supporters believe he has a very appealing platform that mainstream America would love to hear, but that he isn’t getting enough coverage by the likes of the big news organizations. If you have ANY respect for the democratic process, you’d take the internet phenomenon seriously and start giving coverage to Ron Paul. His facts, explanations, and understanding of history are things that need to be imparted to Americans. All we want is for him to be given the same number of articles and coverage as someone like Rudy Giuliani or Mitt Romney. The press has been alienating -true- conservatives, and -true- conservatives want Ron Paul. Posted By P.T., New York, NY : June 7, 2007 2:13 pm Although I do not agree with some of Ron Paul’s stances on some issue, I find his honesty refreshing. It does seem that Main Stream Media tries to steer people’s support when it should just report the news. The fact that these polls, although unscientific show support for Paul growing, to discount these as spam is not completely logical given the money and resources of the other candidates. Posted By Jim,Riverside,Il : June 7, 2007 2:13 pm The final comments about Ron Paul’s stances on abortion and marriage are presented completely out of context and unfairly used to cast the candidate in a bad light. As a libertarian (small ‘L’), Ron Paul understands that his opinions on what are right or wrong societally don’t ultimately matter, and the the government, particularly the federal government, should play absolutely no role in infringing upon the freedoms of individuals. You won’t get the sort of stance from any other candidate, neither Republican nor Democrat. THAT is why there are so many supporters of Ron Paul. It’s not just some random fluke that he is beloved. Posted By Tom Bradford, Scottsdale, AZ : June 7, 2007 2:13 pm I am a liberal, but I watched the debate and answered several comments including CNN of who won the republican debate. Ron Paul. By the way, Wolf Blitzer was baaaaaaad! Posted By Robert Cadalso : June 7, 2007 2:13 pm Ron Paul is dangerous to the political and corporate establishment. That is all that matters and therefore he has no chance to get the nomination. The establishment needs a corporate shill to do there bidding and any of the other candidates will fit that requirement quite. The American people need someone to reestablish separation of church and state, undo the last eight years of constitutional erosions and get us out of Iraq. Posted By Michael, NY, NY : June 7, 2007 2:14 pm A somewhat looney, completely ineffectual and obscure congressman with 1% to 2% support nationally does not qualify for “equal treatment.” Posted By Mark C : June 7, 2007 2:14 pm I would love to see Ron Paul do well in the election. He’s on point regarding many of the issues (censorship, spying, privacy, Iraq) and he’s not McCain-stale or Guliani-phony. Posted By M Smith Ausitn, TX : June 7, 2007 2:14 pm What is up with these Ron Paul bloggers… they’ve inundated other websites I visit…. and they’re rather rude also. Posted By Susan, Denver, Co : June 7, 2007 2:14 pm “supports withdrawing troops from Iraq” Right there he lost my vote. Iraq is the #1 issue, and anyone that supports withdrawal supports a humiliating defeat. That’s why no democrat will get my vote, and neither will Ron Paul. Posted By Darryn, Chicago IL : June 7, 2007 2:15 pm In general I think politicians are the scum of the earth. The oppress people for power. There are very few who actually are trying to represent the people and I think Ron Paul is one of them. He is by far the best Republican candidate. On the Democrat side, Obama and Kucinich are guys that actually have a sense of self and morals. I just wish I could vote in both primaries….. Posted By Jeremy, Houston, Tx : June 7, 2007 2:15 pm I’d have to say that the media should be covering him more. On CNN’s after debate scorecard, only the top three were prominenty shown, despite all of the comments supporting Paul. Cover him more and more people will get to see him for the President we should have in office Posted By Paul Grand Junction, CO : June 7, 2007 2:15 pm Ron Paul is right on most issues and I hope he drags the Republican party toward his direction. However, his stance against Gays and Lesbians is NOT constitutional and his saying that he would not use a first-strike nuclear attack on Iran makes him a poor choice for Commander In Chief - you should NEVER limit your options publicly as it weakens your future bargaining position. Our choices today as voters is HORRIBLE. The Democrats want to tax us to death and open our border and turn us into a socialist society but will support the majority of our freedoms. The Republicans party wants to undermine the Constitution, take away our personal freedoms, force religion upon us, get involved in foreign wars to support the oil industry, and it is split between opening our borders and spending so much as to bankrupt the country. I have never seen the country so ripe for a third party - one that is fiscally conservative and socially liberal - and represents the vast majority of America. Posted By Steve Norris, Tucson Arizona : June 7, 2007 2:15 pm It is only “some kind of joke” if you watch the national media and get your information there. The only real truth is online. Get a clue. Posted By Michael, Knoxville TN : June 7, 2007 2:15 pm Do we really need another village idiot from Texas in the White House? Posted By Sonia, Sacramento, California : June 7, 2007 2:15 pm I watched the debate and felt Ron Paul easily won the debate because he was not trying to pander to a Christian Conservative Base, but bluntly expressing his views. Marcos Wichita, Kansas Posted By Marcos, Wichita, Kansas : June 7, 2007 2:15 pm I wouldn’t say that Ron Paul is what the “American People” want. I am an American and I want nothing to do with him. Where is General Wesley Clark when we need him? Posted By MJK, Dayton, OH : June 7, 2007 2:15 pm I commend CNN for at least responding to this. here are a few of my thoughts. The supporters of Ron Paul are very effective online. That does not mean we all are spammers. All of the candidates have just as much ability to post, and vote online.Ron Paul supporters are very passionate, we are organized, and we are planning to win. Posted By Damon, Salt Lake City, Utah : June 7, 2007 2:15 pm The Scientific polls don’t even include Ron Paul. They just arbitrarily give him a 1%. Posted By Mark, Severna Park, Md : June 7, 2007 2:16 pm I did not see the Rebublican Debate the other night. However, I did see Ron Paul on an HBO political program. He came across as a man who is a straight talker. He also came across as not afraid to challenge what is condered the upper eschelante of the Republican Party. His views on why we were attacked on 9/11 were very honest. Something no other candidate brings to the table. I will be honest in saying that I am a democrat. But if Ron Paul were the Republican nominee for the White House, I might have to give him serious consideration. Posted By Dan Hendin, Wyandotte MI : June 7, 2007 2:16 pm He is the only sensible one if the GOP field. Hell, I’d include the Democrats in that, too. I’d vote for a Bloomberg/Paul ticket in a NY minute. And I am a registered Democrat. Posted By jk : June 7, 2007 2:16 pm Ron Paul is the closest candidate we have to a Libertarian in either party. I think Americans are drawn to that. Posted By Max, Austin, TX : June 7, 2007 2:16 pm It will take people actively engaging America’s foreign policy (and its ramifications) rather than basing their voting on one liners and good looks. Posted By Mitchell Bradford, Brownsville, Texas : June 7, 2007 2:16 pm We need to remember one thing about Ron Paul, and that is he represents the Libertarian wing of conservative republicans. On the political spectrum, you would find that many liberals agree with what Ron Paul and other Libertarian leaning politicians say about certain issues, particularly Iraq or various social issues. This is probably why on many of the latest polls, Ron Paul has been scoring well, because he is most likely the favorite of the Libertal voters submiting their poll vote. The odd thing about it all is that Rudy Giuliani doesnt score well, despite the assumed appeal to Liberals for being pro-gay rights and pro-choice. Perhaps Ron Paul just is a “phenom” Posted By Brett : June 7, 2007 2:16 pm Ron Paul is a threat to the mainstream media, and as such, he is given less airtime and attention. This is the only reason that ma and pa sitting on their couch at home have yet to hear of him. On the internet, where free speech reigns, his message of liberty and truth can disseminate properly to the public. Thank the heavens for the internet! Posted By Connor (Lehi, UT) : June 7, 2007 2:16 pm Thank You for the forum and the explanation of the missing comments from the other night. The internet is playing a larger and larger role in each election. “Scientific” polls are generally done over the phone. Who answers the phone? I know who calls me and if I don’t I dont answer. Many younger adults use only their cell phone and do not maintain land line phones. So the people responding to the “scientific” polls are those using landline phones and not using caller id. Those are also the people most likely to be watching traditional media or even Fox News. The other issue possibly playing a hand, is the blatant media favoritism going on in the debates and political discussions. The talking heads declare the “favorites” and then we get to decide who looks presidential. People see that the only way to be heard is online. Because Ron Paul’s message is so powerful, people are compelled to support him the only way possible. Online. Posted By David Madison, WI : June 7, 2007 2:16 pm who is he???? the only person who could lead the usa the way the constitution intended.. inform yourself by other means than msm… Posted By mike v : June 7, 2007 2:16 pm When the media (who, along with the other powers-that-be, are obviously &l afraid not only of Paul but of the strict interpretation of the Constitution he represents) cease downplaying his candidacy and deign to give him equal exposure in the debates and other venues (the only doctor in the race not being asked about health care?…c’mon Wolf, you’re way too obvious) Ron Paul’s “other” numbers will soar. You guys really shouldn’t be so disrespectful of the next president of the US. You might want his attention at a press conference. Posted By Tom Campbell, Blacksburg, SC : June 7, 2007 2:16 pm CNN, you don’t matter anymore! Posted By Dave : June 7, 2007 2:16 pm You’re wrong about likening comments in favor of Paul to Spam..given the strong employees other leading candidates have and money they can spam too.. You have to recogonize that you ought to be careful as a news company not to show biased reporting. You have stopped reporting with a free mind. Do this, why odnt you call for Ron paul interview and see your ratings get an uptick provided you annouce that interview at least 3 days in advance. That will teach you a lesson CNN Posted By manish : June 7, 2007 2:17 pm Mainstream media needs to stop using terms like “2nd tier” candidates. Everyone should be on equal footing when it comes to running for office. And they need to give everyone on the debates equal time instead of focusing the majority of questions to 2 or 3 from each party. Media should report ALL the new without bias. Ron Paul is the only candidate that is truly running for the people and not just for his/her own self interest or corporate interests. Posted By Brian, Minneapolis MN : June 7, 2007 2:17 pm Is this some kind of sideways apology or what? Big media is absolutely squirming right now about Ron Paul’s popularity. I have to take issue with the statement, “though that didn’t stop Paul supporters from commenting; they started adding comments to the “Who won the Democratic debate?” post” because CNN didn’t just remove/censor the GOP debate thread, they redirected the GOP debate link over to the democratic debate topic - what did they expect would happen? And I hardly believe that it was due to a technical “strain on resources” - c’mon this is CNN! Can’t handle the traffic? I seriously doubt it. Higher traffic means more add sales for CNN. Hehe - It’s going to be fun to see more of this back-peddling as the major media outlets try to cover their blackout of Ron Paul as his popularity explodes. God Save the USA - elect Ron Paul! He’s the one true conservative. Posted By Glen, Austin TX : June 7, 2007 2:17 pm Comparing Bush to all Texans is an insult… Posted By Mark, Severna Park, Md : June 7, 2007 2:17 pm Easy. More mainstream media coverage. The internet support is there. During the last election cycle, the major media outlets weren’t afraid of mentioning the Dean online phenomenon. Will they do the same with Paul? Only time will tell… Posted By Adam Bargar, Crownsville MD : June 7, 2007 2:17 pm I have voted democrat everytime I have voted in the past. I have voted more against the extreme right (which I grew up among as a child) than FOR the democrats.. (except I did like Gore)… Even though Ron Paul votes the same way many on the far right does… he does so for completely different reasons… If the far right does not get its way because we vote democrat then fine. If the far right does not get its way because we take the power away from the federal government that would allow the far right to have its way withOUT voting for the democrats that I dont really like… then even better. Posted By Gerald Gibson Kokomo, IN : June 7, 2007 2:18 pm Thank you, CNN, for explaining what happened with the disappearance of the blog post and all those pro-Paul comments. Posted By A Ron Paul supporter, New Ulm, Minnesota : June 7, 2007 2:18 pm he is pretty good, BUT he is a GOP candidate and can not win in 2008. Not happening ! Posted By Anonymous : June 7, 2007 2:18 pm Ron Paul is the only viable republican candidate with the United State’s best interest at heart. The other candidates who are funded by big businesses and foreign special interest have their supporter’s best interest at heart. Corporations and foreign interest are not supporting these candidates for nothing, they are expecting those candidates to pull strings for them when they get into office. Not once do we hear the other candidates mention the constitution or the founding fathers. The USA have lost its identity. We need to return to the constitution that founded this free nation. A fiat monetary policy is not going to last forever. Politicians that sell out to corporations and special interest will run this country to the ground while they get away with their golden parachute. Posted By Benja S. Sariwatta, Columbus Ohio : June 7, 2007 2:18 pm Where Ron Paul stands out from the other candidates is his consistent voting record. He votes against everything he sees as unconstitutional. I don’t see that kind of integrity and intelligence in any of the other candidates. Posted By Scott, Indianapolis, IN : June 7, 2007 2:18 pm It is interesting that you attribute his success in other news outlets polls to a ‘mobilization’. Might you consider that the message he delivers is simply resonating with individuals that have no affiliation to his campaign? I know that is the case for me. Posted By Steve, San Francisco CA : June 7, 2007 2:18 pm Of course CNN is going to report Paul as the winner… he’s a liberal masquerading as a Republican (a la John McCain prior to 2006). He’s weak on defense and blasts the Iraq War without offering one solution (a la John Kerry). He has virtually zero support from the Republican base and to tout him as a legitimate contender is poor journalism - but, hey, it’s CNN, right? Posted By Scott, Memphis, TN : June 7, 2007 2:19 pm Ron Paul is someone heavily censored because the big willy candidates have nothing to stand on especially in a 1 on 1 debate with Dr. Paul. He is freedom. Ha is America, and he will win. Posted By Anonymous : June 7, 2007 2:19 pm he is the only candidate that when asked a question its answered with a straight answer not mumbo jumbo. the talk about the war and all is good but what about us here? what about out- sourcing of work this is getting serious, they say nothing about what us middle class people are going thru. all we have is Mr. Paul and Lou ‘Dobbs and he isn’t running!!!!!!!!!!!! we are all screwed. Posted By mcar : June 7, 2007 2:19 pm Ron Paul is someone heavily censored because the big willy candidates have nothing to stand on especially in a 1 on 1 debate with Dr. Paul. He is freedom. Ha is America, and he will win. Posted By Jason San Diego, CA : June 7, 2007 2:19 pm Ron Paul is not the type of person who stands up and says, “Ohh can I lead the country, please can I?” He truley is presidential material in every aspect. Just look at his records, and what he truley belives in. It’s what all people, not just Americans believe in. For those who doubt, research… Posted By James, Lafayette Louisiana : June 7, 2007 2:19 pm It is obvious that the media is not given him the respect and time that he deserves. Uninformed people, which is most people at this stage, only know Romney, McCain and Guliani. And that is because that is all they are really shown. From the outcry of support for Rep. Paul, the media should be heavily covering him in an objective light. Posted By Kyle, Frederick MD : June 7, 2007 2:19 pm I will likely be voting for Ron Paul, as long as I don’t think I have to cast an “antiHillary vote” LOL! But seriously, Ron Paul is cool. and sincere. and would be great for our country. he crosses both democratic and republican boundaries, reaching out to voters in a way that actually makes sense. Posted By Jon, Raleigh, NC : June 7, 2007 2:19 pm Taking advantage of a unverifiable system. I see it as just spam. Congressman Paul’s message should stand on it’s own (may take time) if it’s worthy. Posted By David, Jackson WY : June 7, 2007 2:20 pm The difference of the online polls vs. the landline polls is coming from the fact that people on the internet have a possibility to judge the real presidential potential. There is only a few people in the race who can bring a positive change this year, and the best of them is Ron Paul. He is the only one who is HONEST and still seem to be0 a good politician at the same time. Posted By Sean, Ohio : June 7, 2007 2:20 pm The first two comments completely illustrate the problem with american early polling. The reason that randomly selected people don’t overwhelmingly support Ron Paul is because they’ve never heard of him. As soon as they hear him, most people support him. His support will grow, if the big businesses allow it. Posted By Cri, Pittsburgh PA : June 7, 2007 2:20 pm There several factors that contribute to Paul’s soaring internet ratings but low national polls. 1 is nationwide it is far to early for most people to care about the 08 race, when called by a pollster and asked they will probably just give the name of someone they have heard of, given that media gives by the most attention to the “3 frontrunners” they are the names people are most likely to remember. I would ask how do you reconcile the fact the most people in the country are anti Iraq war, yet don’t even know Ron Paul’s position on it or even who he is? People that are knowledgeable about politics at this stage either LOVE or HATE Paul as he is fundamentally different than the other candidates, they will do whatever they can, some of them including flooding online polls to try to get more coverage for the candidate that to them represents a radical break from the current groupthink in Washington Posted By J Minneapolis MN : June 7, 2007 2:20 pm Ron Paul is a joke! He has a small group of wacky supporters who SPAM these polls to skew the results. And this is news?!? No wonder Fox News is kicking your ass! Posted By Steve, Annapolis, MD : June 7, 2007 2:20 pm Actually, CNN did censor Paul comments. There were comments made in an article about how Dr. Paul flew first class while some of others flew coach. Yet they didn’t bother mentioning that people like Giuliani, Clinton, Edwards, etc fly private corporate jets. And what is it going to take for Paul to break out and challenge the front runners? How about some media coverage for the guy that has now raised the 4th most amount of money out of the Republican candidates. Dr. Paul had the third least amount of talking time in the debates and was put on the end, while Giuliani, McCain, and Romney were all conveniently in the middle. Posted By Tom, New York NY : June 7, 2007 2:20 pm ron paul on the daily show said he wanted to get rid of medicare, a service that 39 million us citizens over 65 or with disabilities rely on. Simply because he can afford private health care doesnt mean the rest of the nation can. Also, with 78 million baby boomers headed to retirement, medicare needs increased funding, not less. If it were up to ron paul, our senior citizens would be dying in the streets. NO THANKS! Im 26 years old and some day I plan on retiring as well. Hopefully I will have enough money saved up, but with the cost of prescription drugs and hospital stays, I to will need to rely on a system such as medicare to stay healthy. Think about it, only 1.45% of your pay goes into this system. Thats nothing really, considering how valuable it is. Anyone who thinks getting rid of it is the answer is either too rich, or too ignorant to understand the consequences. Posted By julie, campbell, ca : June 7, 2007 2:20 pm Ha… ya beat me to it. Equal media coverage is exactly right. All you ever hear about are Romney, Guiliani, and McCain from the right and Obama, Clinton, and Edwards from the left. The rest of the crowd gets almost zero air time and zero discussion among the media panelists. Posted By JP, MQT, MI : June 7, 2007 2:20 pm Ron Paul Rocks! Posted By Jack, Washington, DC : June 7, 2007 2:21 pm I like Ron Paul. He seems like a no-nonsense kind of guy who doesn’t pander to the lowest common denominator. I’m glad to see that CNN recognizes a second-tier candidate like Paul as a true contender for the presidency. Wouldn’t it be a miracle if a candidate on either side could reach across party lines and unite our country? Don’t count on Romney or Edwards for that. As a moderate, I want options! Posted By Kate - Birmingham, AL : June 7, 2007 2:21 pm Ron Paul is the only canidate that can stand behind everthing he says. He stands by his voting record in congress and has gotten the name Dr. No because he votes according to the word of the constitution which he swore to uphold. He doesn’t get the questions like Romny who changes his answer each time a question is asked. He needs the media coverage and the word needs to be spread for those of you who don’t know who Ron Paul is you should pick your favorite search engine and you will be sure to find the answer. Ron Paul is what this country needs! Posted By Thomas Nicole Newton New Jersey : June 7, 2007 2:21 pm Ron Paul is the only one, in either party, who doesn’t come across as bought and paid for. I may not agree with all of his opinions, but at least I know they are his and not those of whichever lobby provided it to him for campaign donations. It’s refreshing to have a candidate treat the American public like they are intelligent and interested in the issues, and not play the ’sound bites’ and ‘focus group’ merrygo-round like the rest. He’ll have my vote. Posted By Chuck, San Diego, CA : June 7, 2007 2:21 pm The biggest thing holding Ron Paul back? The utter focus devoted to the ‘Rudy McRomney’ front runners. Is this focus on the front runners fair? Probably. But when the Second Tier candidates aren’t even given a mention in most debate recaps, why should the public budge on their preceptions that there are only 3 ‘real’ candidates on the republican race (along with Gingrich and F. Thompson as virtual candidates)? Also, the national poll is composed of people who generally are not very politically motivated, nor are likely to tune into the debates (if 5 percent of the US population watched the debates, I’d be impressed). Once a wider audience is reached with more debates, you should see Ron Paul rise up a few percentage points more. Of course, it’s possible you could see a slow and steady groundswell for Ron Paul, particularly if he has more debates like the one on Monday night. Finally remember, we have another 6 months of this to deal with. And with the front loading of the primarys, Ron Paul will have an extremely difficult time gaining traction even with a good early primary result (NH he could finish a respectable 3rd and turn some heads, but then there is a host of other primaries which means no chance to build momentum from a good showing). Posted By Mark, Jonesboro GA : June 7, 2007 2:21 pm libbys sentence was fair and just Posted By Anonymous : June 7, 2007 2:21 pm No joke, Ron Paul is the real deal. Ron Paul can afford to speak the truth because he really doesn’t see himself winning the Republican nomination. He does not have to carefully script his responses so as not to offend his political base. He knows the issues and gladly offeres his politically unsensored views. I am VERY frustrated with the media not giving Ron Paul air time. After the debates were over, the three front runners were all that were covered. I feel the media tries to steer the voters with their top picks rather than giving all candidates equal coverage. Go Ron! Posted By Sugar Land, TX : June 7, 2007 2:22 pm This was a bit overdue, but thank you nonetheless. One thing you could add about his stances is that no matter where HE stands on abortion, marriage, etc., matters such as those are best left up to the states. So, if California citizens feel abortion should be legal, and Texas citizens feel opposite, then both states may make laws which represent their constituents. Ron Paul is a true Constitutionalist. Posted By Ryan C., Austin, TX : June 7, 2007 2:22 pm I don’t know if Ron Paul can “break out” but wouldn’t it be refreshing to have a candidate who speaks and acts from principal and with integrity as Paul does — from either major party. I sent a few bucks to his campaign after the debates; maybe that will help. Posted By Dan, Chantilly, VA : June 7, 2007 2:22 pm I’ve personally been polled 4 times-although I don’t know which polls they were. Ron Paul was never an option. I’m a registered Democrat simply because the last primary I voted in was the Iowa Democratic Governor’s race. The pollsters have never asked me which caucus I planned to attend. I will make that decision based on the candidate I wish to support. At this point, that’s Ron Paul. The polls have a fatal flaw. As a registered Democrat I’ve been repeated told that Ron Paul isn’t an option for me to choose on the poll. Posted By Deanna, Bloomfield, Iowa : June 7, 2007 2:22 pm Yes there are a lot of obnoxious conspiracy theorists that tend to ruin the debate (and use all CAPS) but many of us simply believe that the media feeds us candidates with name recognition thereby reinforcing the dilemma of name recognition. We know how to find interesting counterpoints online but the vast majority of America votes based on who has enough money to advertise sufficiently. The media then looks at opinion polls and focuses on those candidates that lead due to better advertising. It’s an ignorant cycle. Dissenting voices add to the debate if they’re serious and Ron Paul is nothing if not well read. Posted By Kirk, San Diego, California : June 7, 2007 2:22 pm The phenomenon is nothing more than real people recognizing the only candidate from both parties with any real ideas. He speaks with common sense and a knowledge of the Constitution, something NONE of the other candidates do. He is the only presidential hopeful from either party in the last 30 years that is worth a vote. And no matter how much you impune or ignore him will change that. I have never given a political candidate one dime since I could vote 37 years ago, however, I have sent Dr Paul money and urge others to do so.Paul Posted By Rob Wilmington, DE : June 7, 2007 2:23 pm I support Ron Paul. In my previous comments I also said that I thought Huckabee handled the evolution question well and mentioned seveal other candidates that I felt did well in the debates. It has been frustrating to see his online support be blamed on spamming, and then see spamming defined as “voting in more than one poll” or “most of the votes came from links on three websites” (in effect that most people being referred to the poll from few websites made them spammers) Let me just say that Ron Paul supporters don’t care about Ron Paul’s odds - they are passionately supporting him on principle. It does not make sense that these thousands of unpaid volunteers would stoop to stuffing the ballot box when what attracted them to Ron Paul in the first place was his principles. If victory comes at the price of principle, then the price of victory is too high, and I think we all feel that way. Posted By Kevin American Fork, UT : June 7, 2007 2:23 pm I would say he appears to be a “true” conservative, as in, not a neo-con. He favors a minimalist foreign policy and is anti-immigration, and he is also clearly socially conservative with respect to the hot-button issues. Ron Paul harkens back to an era when conservatives meant what they said and said what they meant. They wanted small government, no excessive intanglements with foreign nations, and a society of just, upright, moral characters who lived their lives according to the judeo-christian values that they would allege our nation was founded upon. Ron Paul harkens back to a time before the Reagan era philosophies of minimal government except for defense, and before the market-economy became a focus of worship greater than God Himself. Unfortunately for Paul, when Republicans played true to their old-school conservative ideals, they didn’t win a lot of Presidential races. Posted By Ichiban Rendition, Minneapolis, MN : June 7, 2007 2:23 pm Ron Paul doesn’t show up in the national polls mentioned here because the polls are old, and don’t capture the explosive support Paul has gained since the second debate. You can’t use old numbers to gauge support in a Presidential debate. Posted By Jonathan, Sacramento CA : June 7, 2007 2:23 pm Ron Paul is the only thing keeping me in the USA still and if he’s not voted in then I’m gone to a new country.. the hole 9/11 thing i hope is exposed also by Ron.. everyone is finding out about the inside job of 9/11. also like the idea of going back to the gold slandered also .GO RON PAUL!! Posted By Aaron Perkins,sacramento,ca : June 7, 2007 2:23 pm Ron Paul is the man of the hour.As our country The United States stands at a crossroad.Do we allow goverment takeover and martial law or do we go with the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights?As for meI stand for the Constitution an Bill of Rights.What do you stand for? Posted By Pat Evans,Clyde,Texas : June 7, 2007 2:23 pm Ron Paul is truly what America needs right now. He’s a real person of and for the people. As for Kyle of Seaside, CA - please learn to read and do your research before posting something as stupid as your remarks! Posted By George, Atlanta, GA : June 7, 2007 2:23 pm Ron Paul is a kook. Posted By JC, Austin, TX : June 7, 2007 2:23 pm “Who is Ron Paul?”?! He’s a big to-do in the liberal media. He’s received the most applause on HBO’s liberal Real Time w/ Bill Maher out of all previous GOP guests. Liberals either love him for opposing the Iraq war or hate him because he’ll steal votes from a Democrat candidate if he’s nominated. I flipped to C-Span last night and caught him speaking on the House floor. I haven’t agreed with a Republican politician on the war since I bought Bush’s lies about the “multi-lateral Coalition” of the Willing that still leaves us with 90% of Iraq’s military casualties and finances. We need him in the House, not the WHITE House. Posted By Alex, Milford PA : June 7, 2007 2:23 pm The gig is up… Posted By Jeff : June 7, 2007 2:23 pm I’ve voted Democratic or Independent for president in every election of my life. Paul’s appeal is that he seems like a Goldwater Republican. Someone who knows where government’s role should end in our lives. He’s been very impressive on Bill Maher the two times I’ve seen him. I wish all candidates would speak as candidly as he does Posted By Jeff Saathoff, Hudson Illinois : June 7, 2007 2:23 pm In answer to your last question: How about equal time during debates? It’s ridiculous that the “top 3″ candidates McCain, Romney, and Giuliani were able to get the most camera time. They have the most money! CNN’s job was supposed to moderate an exchange of ideas during the debate. Wolf Blitzer ended up doing no such thing and gave more time to the supposed front runners. In spite of that, Ron Pauls ideas about what our federal government should be is resonating with people who might not have been as enthusiastic about politics before. (People like me) You guys in the media are missing the big story here. The paradigm shift caused by the internet that brought Howard Dean to the forefront back in 2004 is going to be completed by Ron Paul in 2008. If you look at the amount of money that Rudy McRomney have spent campaigning, you will see that Ron Paul has spent a fraction of that but has at least the same number of hardcore supporters. Posted By Randy Sadac, San Diego CA : June 7, 2007 2:23 pm I do not support the republicans or the democrats. I support the candidate that can backup his positions with the most reasoned arguments. Ron Paul’s integrity and honesty are such a breath of fresh air that I have donated to a candidate for the first time. I at first though that all this noise online about him was some sort of spam or joke… but then I actually went and listened to what he had to say. I finally have a cause that I really believe in and inspire me to learn more about history and our place in it. Posted By Patrick, Seattle WA : June 7, 2007 2:23 pm For the GOP base, it must be weird to hear things that they are normally protected from hearing. Issues like our military empire, the suspension of habeas corpus, and the DANGER of preemptive warfare must come as a shock to the GOP base. They are normally treated to catch phrases, slogans and propaganda–now they actually have to think about things!! Wow, good luck GOP base, it has been a long time since someone on your side of the aisle didn’t dumb stuff down for you and lie in the process. Posted By Wargasm : June 7, 2007 2:23 pm If you are wondering why your “scientific” polls don’t reflect Ron Paul’s true polling numbers is because your latest “scientific” polls only question about 450 people. Anyone who has taken a statistics class or just reads the fine print will understand that your polls are not “scientific”. How can a lazy poll taken from 450 people represent all of America, as CNN and the other media so advertize. I guess the media think that Americans are really that gullible–or maybe we are. For the somewhat educated people…GO RON PAUL!!! Posted By Chris, Germantown MD : June 7, 2007 2:23 pm Thank you for finally giving this man some much overdue credit. Sites like Myspace have effectively censored any bulletins posted about this candidate. Just check on YouTube for the video which documents this. Apparently Rupert Murdoch would like him to vanish so he can once again get his initiatives(and his own personal agenda) shoved down the American public’s throat. Ron Paul is an intelligent and thoughtful man who doesn’t rely on using 9/11 as badge worn on his sleeve to push his agenda. In fact, he knows more about terrorism and the consequences of our failed foreign policies than Guiliani could ever wish to(Paul has in fact given Guiliani several books written by experts in the field as a reading assignment…to no avail). Kudos to you for acknowledging that this man is not a “Second tier” candidate, he’s just a man that scares the hell out of the so-called “front runners” because he can actually answer questions in a succinct manner. Posted By Shawn, Smyrna, Georgia : June 7, 2007 2:23 pm I was totally turned off by Mr. Paul in the 1st debate with his commments about the reasons terrorists attacked us. However last night he was very impressive and I was very much in agreement with him on almost everything. By far the most thoughtful and intelligent responses of those on the podium. Rep Tancredo would have been my 2nd choice of the evening. Posted By Paul - Columbus Ohio : June 7, 2007 2:24 pm When he breaks the top 3 in the scientific polls, he might get the coverage he would then deserve. In the sound-bite news world we live in, covering all of the candidates every day is counter-productive. That’s what the debates are for. Posted By Jason, Tampa, FL : June 7, 2007 2:24 pm Ron Paul would do the same in national polls IF he were included and was given equal attention by MSM! Polish up your act, journalists of the USA or become the new Leni Riefenstahls… Posted By Ton Bekking, Almere , the Netherlands : June 7, 2007 2:24 pm One thing is for sure: Ron Paul supporters are effective at coordinating and mobilizing online quickly. As if! I’m pretty sure the only “coordinaion” comes from reddit and Digg. The only reason it looks coordinated is because diggers and redditers check digg and reddit so obsessively there’s nothing in the world they won’t dogpile onto within 10 minutes of it happening. Posted By Dale, Dallas, TX : June 7, 2007 2:24 pm I agree that Ron Paul is being sidelined by the media in favor of Giuliani, McCain, and Romney — in the same way that Dennis Kucinich is being sidelined on the Democrat side in favor of Clinton, Obama, and Edwards. The media routinely focuses on a few glamourous candidates while others (often those who most closely represent the feelings and beliefs of the people) are largely ignored. I would love to see a Presidential race between Paul and Kucinich. But it won’t happen. They’re both polling near the bottom of their respective groups, overshadowed by the media darlings on each side. Posted By Matt, Tampa FL : June 7, 2007 2:24 pm Ron Paul has my vote! No more pro-war, pro-corporation, pro-government, antipeople, anti-constitution Presidents! Ron Paul whoohoo! Posted By C.Rochester Wooster, Ohio : June 7, 2007 2:25 pm I find it odd that we don’t get these sort of “unscientific” disclaimers on internet polls when the guys everyone expects to win do so. I’m not a conspiracy theorist by any means, but these attempts by the mass media to explain away Mr. Paul’s support to be hypocritical in light of the undeserved fawning heaped upon the frontrunners. Not that I like the guy, but I’m interested in what Dobbs thinks about Paul. Posted By Trey, Austin, TX : June 7, 2007 2:25 pm anyone who thinks ron paul is a joke, like kyle here, is simply not awake and just doesnt get it. and never will such is the life of the ‘ill listen to whatever the news tells me to do’ american Posted By pete, albany, ny : June 7, 2007 2:25 pm Ron Paul is the man! definetly getting my vote. Posted By Winter Springs, FL : June 7, 2007 2:25 pm I don’t agree with substantial parts of Mr. Paul’s politics, but I agree with most that he is not given enough air time relative to the other Republican candidates, all of whom are laughable. Paul is thoughtful, creative, and has guts to share his views on Iraq and terrorism when his peers vacilate on the subject to the point of being ridiculous. The Republican line-up is awful, to be sure, but Paul is worth watching stranger things have happened in American politics… Posted By Phil Smith, Albuquerque, NM : June 7, 2007 2:25 pm Ron Paul was the Libertarian candidate for President in 1988. He is currently, and has been for many years, a Republican Congressman for the state of Texas. He is noted for letting the Constitution be his voting guide and therefore has been nicknamed “Dr. No” for voting against legislation that is beyond the limits of what the Constitution allows. He can therefore be called a conservative and an advocate for a smaller federal government. Posted By Mary, Beaver, PA : June 7, 2007 2:25 pm Ron Paul is the only one who is truly being honest with the American People. He will lead this country BACK to where it belongs to the American People and the constitution…. I SUPPORT RON PAUL 2008!!!!! Posted By David F, Savannah GA : June 7, 2007 2:25 pm Ron Paul gets so much support on-line because the persons who are internet savvy are more informed than people who just take their daily spoon feeding from the monopolized media of tv and print. the internet is a free speech and research medium.. How is it that people’s opinions have no become to be called “spam”. & To the point that most of those polls you can vote multiple times, that is true for cnn’s poll of the last debate but not true about msnbc’s poll, in which Paul won all three debates, and not true of the fox news text message poll taken after the second debate which Ron Paul lead until the very end.. its totally ridiculous that these media outlets call opinion “spam” and somehow try and spin Ron Paul’s support as not real.. his support is very real and i urge everyone to read about his message. Check out Ron Paul 2008.. Posted By john gomes sacramento, ca : June 7, 2007 2:26 pm I think the only reason you’re not seeing paul winning by a landslide the “scientific” polls, is because of the way they are conducted. First they call people “likely” to vote in the republican primary. but who does that include? the majority of pauls support is NOT the so called republican “base”. Much of us are young, dont have a land line telephone and have just recently registered republican which means nobody would bother calling us “likely republican Primary voters.” But not to worry, word is spreading and its just a matter of time before the real conservatives in this country see what I see. Paul is the ONLY true conservative in the race, and he’s the only one with a rock solid record to back that up. I hear talk of the Regan democrats, guess whos camp they’re in now RON PAUL Posted By Craig Royce, Boscobel WI : June 7, 2007 2:26 pm With Guiliani and McCain skipping the Iowa straw poll, the Paul camp may have an opporunity to get some serious national coverage. With two of the main frontrunners declining to participate, Paul supporters’ organizational skills may help propel him to major contention, perhaps changing the face of the primaries. Posted By Alex, Columba, SC : June 7, 2007 2:26 pm The only way we’re going to have a true representative of the people is if we elect someone from one of the third parties. Ron Paul may look good now, but he’d be more of the same in the Whitehouse (as would almost any Republican or Democrat). Posted By Jeremy, Smithfield, NC : June 7, 2007 2:26 pm Ron Paul’s followers have discovered a way to harness the power of an online presence. While I see some legitimate support behind Congressman Paul, I think his true field of supporters is probably inflated by repeat posting and voting. It is good to see honest policy debate in a party. Posted By Chris– Knoxville, TN : June 7, 2007 2:26 pm I thought this was originally about RuPaul. I agree with Kyle. Who is this nonamer? Posted By Jason, Charlotte, NC : June 7, 2007 2:26 pm I am an independent and so far in the Presidential Race Ron Paul has impressed me the most. He is honest, strong in his beliefs, and the only Republican Candidate to truly point out the current Administration’s faults. He also reminds us that the principals of the U.S. Constitution has been threatened by our current political climate. Republicans (and Democrats) take note - not all independants and moderates are going to vote for Clinton or Obama. At times even these candidates are lacking authenticity and are “acting” presidential. Ron Paul speaks like a human, not a politician. Although I don’t agree with all of his policies, he is the only Republican candidate to truly distance himself from President Bush. He probably doesn’t have a chance in his party because he is so candid about the issues. But at least his buzz should stay buzzing for awhile because he doesn’t have the firery persona of a Howard Dean that would surely end his run of passionate, rational thought. In this age of 3 second media soundbites that ruin campaigns, Ron Paul is safe for now. Good luck to him. Posted By Todd, New York, NY : June 7, 2007 2:26 pm Re: julie from campbell, ca Obviously if Medicare were phased out we wouldn’t be left with a void. What we would be left with is a surplus of money that we would not be paying in taxes to support Medicare, which we could use to obtain insurance from the private sector however we wished. Posted By Jonathan, Folsom CA : June 7, 2007 2:26 pm As a an addition to my previous comment: CNN, this blog post does not constitute media coverage. Ron Paul supporters are probably the most informed of any — we dominate the Internet. The web provides us with almost an infinite amount of knowledge, which we all have access to. Just because we notice a blog post does not mean CNN has upheld its job as being an objective news source. Until we begin to see equal treatment among the candidates, as well as trashing the assertment made on television that Ron Paul is crazy, or whatever, then this blog post has proven nothing. Posted By Ryan C., Austin, TX : June 7, 2007 2:26 pm I believe that Ron Paul’s view on IRAQ being different that other GOP candidates and being in line with most American voters is what brings the attention to him. American people wants troops be withdrawn. And, no other GOP candidate have had the courage to second that in any of the debates. That separates Ron Paul from others. Posted By blogger, los angeles, CA : June 7, 2007 2:27 pm he is a true conservative, not a corporatist/religious zealot/apocalypse lover like the people now considered conservative. Posted By david, birmingham, al : June 7, 2007 2:28 pm Ron Paul 2008!! He is definitely the best candidate out there. Go to youtube and look some of his speeches and interview. He is the only true conservative. Posted By Andres, Boca Raton,Fl : June 7, 2007 2:28 pm “Who is Ron Paul? Is this some kind of joke?” Be sure and check out www.ronpaul2008.com before we get all smarmy about this. He’s been a constant in Congress, a;ways voting in favor of Constituitional rights and equal representation (see: Paul’s response to gays in the military from last debate). He’s capturing the attention of the national eye because he’s not trying to compete with other candidates by spinning his words about the latest issue; he’s been telling the same story he’s always been telling since he came to Congress. It’s not always the most popular view, but at least it’s constant. Can’t say that for any of the other candidates. How many voted for the war and now claim they don’t. Ron Paul never fit into that category since he never voted for the war in the first place. Call him radical, crackpot, whatever, I call him a voice of reason that this country has needed for quite some time. Posted By Ned Dallas, Texas : June 7, 2007 2:28 pm I dont think Ron Paul has the money to be in the race at this point and THAT is why the main stream media isnt taking him seriously. To be a contender, you have to be around the 30-50 million mark at this point in the race (welcome to modern elections). If Ron Paul doesnt even have a fraction of that, how can he be taken seriously? Ya, i like the guy. But is he a serious contender? No Posted By Marcon, Mcallen, Texas : June 7, 2007 2:28 pm As long as the corporate media continues to use terms like, “top-” and “bottom-tier” when describing candidates there will be this FALSE dichotomy between certain groups. It should be clear from the polling so far that some of the so-called “bottomtier” candidates are more attractive to the American people. However, these candidates, who may or may not be a polished, do not get media attention in accordance with their popularity because they are not in the pockets of corporate interests. Quit spoon feeding the American populace and let us make an informed decision about ALL of the candidates. Posted By Jeff, Durham, NC : June 7, 2007 2:28 pm We need a president who understands, and interprets the Constitution and the Bill of Rights the way the Founding Fathers intended. That means no violation of individual rights: No illegal search and seizure (Fourth Amendment), no suppression of free speech (First Amendment), and no bans on law-abiding citizens to Keep and Bear Arms (Second Amendment). The Bill of Rights is a package deal - either reject it all or accept it all, don’t pick and choose the parts you like and reject the rest. Regardless of party affiliation, I will only vote for a candidate who recognizes these rights and has the backbone to defend them. It could be that Ron Paul is the man to do that. Posted By John, Boulder, Colorado : June 7, 2007 2:28 pm Ron is no joke! Posted By Lynn, Valparaiso, IN : June 7, 2007 2:28 pm One thing for sure. When Wolf Blitzer asked some of the Republican candidate’s rather or not they would rule out using nuclear missles on Iran if the U.S. found out that Iran was, in fact, creating nuclear weapons and had a nuclear weapons base, and all the Republicans Blitzer asked said, “We would not rule out the option of using nuclear missles to take out those bases.” I think Ron Paul has a lot to work out there. Any candidate, Republican or Democrat, who would not rule out the option of creating another Hiroshima and Nagasaki does not deserve, under any circumstance, to be the President of the United States. Posted By Nicole, Sheldon, Iowa : June 7, 2007 2:28 pm Sorry, he may be an internet hit, but I have no idea who he is and based upon the above article, really have no idea to hear more about him. Posted By Pegra Pittsburgh, PA : June 7, 2007 2:28 pm I think the debate numbers are skewed towards Ron Paul because Ron Paul supporters are much more excited and involved in the process than the supporters of the other presidential candidates. The other 9 Republican candidates represent what we have with Bush. The republicans had the majority in congress for 6 years, with a republican president, and they did very little to decrease the size of government. Conservative republicans are disenchanted with the politicians in Washington, who sell themselves for votes and power. Ron Paul represents a different type of politician, someone who runs (and votes) on principle and honesty. It beings excitement into the process, which makes Ron Paul supporters want to take the time to find online polls to vote for him. It’s exciting to see him on shows like “The Daily Show” and “Tucker Carlson” and “Real Time with Bill Maher”. If we miss him on TV, then we can watch them on youtube. I’m only 23 and I’ve never taken an interest in politics before. But Ron Paul makes sense to me, so I support him in any way that I can. If the Media was smart, it would start covering Ron Paul more often. Who doesn’t like more viewers? And the debate polls show that no one watching really cares enough about the “big 3″ to go sit at there computer to vote for them. But put Ron Paul on and we’ll tune in (and vote) in droves. Posted By Katie, Carnesville GA : June 7, 2007 2:28 pm I’m sure most Ron Paul supporters are aware that a post made in Caps lock will not be read. With that in mind, I encourage people to consider the platforms of every candidate of every major party. Watch the debates, read up on each candidate, browse YouTube. Ron Paul has a lot of great ideas about this country. He has performed well against the other “front-runners” and has stood by his voting record and beliefs, both of which are admirable and sensible. As an Independent who is getting tired of our 2 party monopoly, I encourage you to read into the possibilities that exist. And to Kyle from Seaside, California. That joke was funny about a month ago. The purpose of a public forum (however controversial the current state of it may be) is to be productive and informative. Nice try. Posted By Tom, New Jersey : June 7, 2007 2:29 pm Ron Paul deserves equal exposure in the debates. He is a viable candidate with HUGE grassroots support. He also adds a new and interesting perspective to these boring debates between neo-con clones. If CNN knows what’s best for it’s ratings it would be to involve Ron Paul in heated debate with the other neo-cons on stage. At least then there might be some excitement back in the tired game of contemporary American politics. Posted By Jay Wilkinson, San Francisco, CA : June 7, 2007 2:29 pm Yeah, same here….who the heck is this guy? Sounds like the workings of the lunatic fringe of the ‘publicans. Posted By Michael, Portage, Mi : June 7, 2007 2:29 pm Quit trying to push the “Big 3″, and give Ron Paul some air time. Listen to what he has to say. He is voicing the views of REAL AMERICANS, not the plastic, ultra rich people that try to dominate the political landscape. Ron Paul is the candidate for REAL AMERICANS. Posted By Eddie, Lebanon IN : June 7, 2007 2:29 pm I truly hope that the internet support for him carries over into real world support. He’s the best man for the job. One reason for low numbers in ’scientific’ polls may be the demographics of the persons polled or even people like myself who don’t have home phones and are entirely cellular. In any case, I would like to see more of him in the news, there seems to be to much coverage given to the ‘big three’. Posted By Dave - Reading, PA : June 7, 2007 2:29 pm What you describe as the “Ron Paul phenom” is merely an expression of the disaffection felt by a growing segment of the population. This segment sees government as increasingly disconnected from the people it supposedly represents and Ron Paul is the only Republican candidate that appears willing to return government to its proper role as servant rather than master. The fact that the emperor has no clothes is becoming more and more evident. A government sporting the world’s mightiest army can’t defeat a ragtag group of Iraqi “dead-enders.” A task that according to experts such as Israeli military historian/theorist Martin Van Creveld, it will never succeed at. A hurricane strikes Louisiana, and the world’s richest country can’t take care of its most vulnerable citizens. A commander-in-chief claims that “they” attacked us because of our freedom, and then proceeds to reduce the chances of another attack by reducing our freedom. An approach that seems to be popular with most Republican candidates, declared and undeclared. Ron Paul may not win the nomination, but this will not slow the growing realization on the part of many Americans that their government no longer works. With no voice to affect a change, they will simply begin to ignore a dinosaur whose time has passed. Posted By Steve Smith, San Diego, CA : June 7, 2007 2:30 pm I’m a democrat, and I’m voting for Ron Paul. I may not agree with all of his issues, but he is a man that will respect the document that this country was founded on. He will not inundate our courts with partisan judges, and wants to make the changes needed in this country. It’s time to step out of the political polarization that has been happening for years. Don’t vote for the lesser of two evils: vote for the best man for the job. Posted By Alison, Portland, OR : June 7, 2007 2:30 pm Ron Paul is an underground superstar. Seems to not get much attention on the surface, but nevertheless supporters, like me, have become obsessed to put our president Ron Paul in office. I watched the entire debate, and honestly with no bias, Ron Paul answered all his questions straight to the point. The top tier candidates used one form or another diversion tactics in the questions that they were too afraid to answer. Don’t worry Kyle you will hear more from him in the future, there is no doubt about that. Posted By Alex, Chula Vista, CA : June 7, 2007 2:30 pm I have never heard online polls qualified so many times as “unscientific”. If one of the media darlings had led, it would be commented how very secure against multiple votes the online poll can be because it goes by IP address. You have your spin not matter the results. And how many of those “scientific” polls has Ron Paul been excluded from anyway? Hmm…I wonder why major media is slipping to internet media? Wonderful job at democracy Ticker Team. Posted By Tim : June 7, 2007 2:30 pm I think there’s an amazing swarm of support for Ron Paul because of the comments he made in one of the first debates… and Rudy Guliani’s smug remarks to him. Ron Paul has a very clear point of view. He believes that the Constitution is the highest law (unlike some other politicians) and he’s willing to stand by that. He’s also willing to be unpopular by stating facts about the war. More importantly, he’s a Republican that Democrats don’t mind, and actually like, much like California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, because his view are nonpartisan. For the most part, he speaks the truth about the issues. I think it’s great that this early in the election, the people of the United States are getting excited about the debates… and politics in general. This way, there’s no more excuses. Posted By Brian, Chicago IL : June 7, 2007 2:30 pm How about some actual MEDIA COVERAGE? A “talk clock” was set up on a Chris Dodd website that tracked the amount of time each candidate spoke at the last GOP debate on CNN. Romney, McCain, and Guliani each got at LEAST double the time Paul got to speak, and more than every other second tier candiate as well. The clock is here: http://chrisdodd.com/node/1382 The mainstream media’s inability to refocus off of the big 3 is why Paul is only garnering 1-2%. Give some attention to everybody! Posted By Chris, Sparta NJ : June 7, 2007 2:30 pm For Ignorant Kyle: I guess you are one of the many that pays attention onoy to those that the media pander to, and give no attention to those that are truly in the race for a purpose (other than power and greed). Ron Paul is a multi-term Congressman from Texas, and has experience running in a Presidential race (As a Libertarian nominee in 1988). Though closer to conservative than the baseline Libertarian, there is NO Republican (or democrat, for that matter) who will come closer the Constitution. Here’s his website, for regular legislative activity (not his campaign site): http://www.house.gov/paul/legis.shtml Posted By Ken, Birmingham, AL : June 7, 2007 2:30 pm Let’s just face that McCaine is the best candidate. It’s sad, however it’s true. BUT! If the radical left wingers really want Ron Paul to be President there is a easy way to make it happen. Switch parties and vote for him as a registered Republican. Otherwise just hope for the best and wait to see “McCaine vs Obama”. Posted By Matt Walter, Miami, FL : June 7, 2007 2:30 pm Your(CNN’s) last sentence may be mis-leading. Personally, Ron Paul does not approve of abortion, but he does not think that the decision regarding abortion rights should be in the Federal government’s hand. Rather, he says that this belongs to the states. And this is what the original founders of our constitution were trying to achieve. Posted By George Larson : June 7, 2007 2:31 pm Ron Paul is a better choice than the top three yahoos vying for the nomination. A year or two ago you could be forgiven (the american public) for being wrong about Iraq and foreign policy - but if you support this now, at this stage - after all of the Bush administration’s goofs and lies have been exposed - then you are a moron. Ron Paul is the only republican candidate who is telling the truth on this matter. He should be applauded and listened to - not swept under the carpet!!! Posted By Michael, Boston, MA : June 7, 2007 2:31 pm Wow! Thanks for finially putting something up about congressman paul. This is a surprise. I go to cnn.com everyday, subscribe to time magazine, and watch cnn at home. I’m also a huge Ron Paul supporter. There seemed to be a huge disconnect between what I was seeing on youtube, facebook, online straw polls and other electronic sites and what my normal channels of news were reporting. Maybe this is a generation gap. Most of the Paul supporters I know are in their 20s and 30s. Most polls use landline telephone numbers to do polling. Most 20 and 30 year olds only have cell phones and probably don’t get polled. More young people also use the internet. I really feel like Congressman Paul is a conservative Howard Dean. Young people are passionate about him and see his ideas as representative of the future of the GOP. And he’s using the internet to successfully market himself. I haven’t felt like being active in politics for years. Even if he doesn’t win, he’s gotten dishearted disillusioned Republicans engaged in the Party again. Thank You Congressman! Posted By Adam, Arlington, VA : June 7, 2007 2:31 pm What it will take for Ron Paul to be a real challenge to the current “front runners” is for the mainstream media to offer real and equal time to each candidate currently running in the primaries. As it stands right now, the mainstream media (CNN included)tends to offer the most opportunity and camera time to Rudy McRomney (thanks to Tom Tancredo for that). Once this equal time is accomplished, the general viewing public will hear Rep. Paul’s message loud and clear and will see that his ideas are truly conservative and that they are what is best for our country. A return to a truly Constitutional Republic is what we need. Right now, Rep. Paul is the only one offering that. Other candidates also need to be heard because they too have some good ideas that can be useful. Unfortunately, the mainstream media doesn’t appear to be willing to allow these ideas to come to light unless some sort of controversy is attached. The only reason that these “second-tier” or “dark horse” candidates are any of the aforementioned things is that the corporate-controlled mainstream media continually portrays them as such and thus marginalizes them as candidates. Posted By Vince Parham, Flowery Branch Georgia : June 7, 2007 2:31 pm I am a supporter of Ron Paul. Some of his community can be overzealous in their posts. I have never voted more than once on an online poll, and I doubt that many of Paul’s supporters have done so. Contrary to some opinions,Paul does not have spam bots set up to skew poll results. We Paul supporters do exist. Posted By Michael Hamline, Irvine, CA : June 7, 2007 2:31 pm Just listen to what Ron Paul is saying and you’ll understand why he is so popular. The main stream media needs to understand that he is speaking for the good of the United States of America and the people of this country can hear the truth in what he says - even though he only got to speak for a total of 6 minutes during the entire debate! With only a few hundred thousand dollars, he is competing with those who are spending MILLIONS to win. The truth is a powerful adversary Posted By Paul Waclo, York, PA : June 7, 2007 2:31 pm I am glad people are recognizing that Paul is a great candidate who is quite literally “Champion of the Constitution.” Posted By Zach, Winchester, VA : June 7, 2007 2:31 pm Ron Paul is the only candidate who does not sidestep questions with fluff. When you listen to his speeches or read his columns it is an eye-opening experience. It is not rhetoric like the other candidates spew forth. He is a true champion of liberty, something we need right now. Posted By Robert, Oxford, Mississippi : June 7, 2007 2:31 pm All it will take is some fair time on the news networks. If Paul got as much coverage as the “top three” did, there wouldn’t be much of a contest anymore. The reason he doesn’t score too well in national scientific polls is due to his lack of exposure. If CNN wants to have a real discussion about the candidates, they should cover all of them equally. Posted By Troy, Redmon WA : June 7, 2007 2:31 pm Paul gets very little mainstream coverage considering his message varies so differently from the other candidates who are little more than variations on the same theme. You would think that the media would embrace this striking difference rather than ‘almost’ shun (you would think it is more interesting for reporting). It’s a vicious cycle, this candidate gets little to no air play and then people wonder why his poll numbers are so low. I am positive that if Paul got the same coverage, his numbers would rise very quickly. In terms of scientific studies, scientists also once believed that the world was flat, the moon made out of cheese and the earth was the center of the universe! Why can’t science be wrong about Ron Paul? Posted By BJM, Houston, Texas : June 7, 2007 2:31 pm You say that Paul opposes abortion rights, but I think thats a misunderstanding of his position. He opposes abortion laws on the federal level. He is a classic federalist. Also, many of the polls that Paul scores high on do not allow multiple votes. This in turn means that there is a large group of devoted and persistent fans of Paul who actively pursue such polls. Posted By Trevor, Detroit, MI : June 7, 2007 2:31 pm Ron Paul was the Libertarian Candidate for President in 1988. There are a legion of far right, far left and Libertarian Internet bloggers that have loved Ron Paul for years. These are the thousands that are clogging up your comments. Just wanted to let CNN know what was going on so they don’t think Paul is the next Dean or something. It won’t amount to money or votes in the end because these folks are completely disorganized unlike the left-wing blogosphere which won the Senate for the Democrats in WY and VA in 2006. Posted By Michael, Woodstock, NY : June 7, 2007 2:31 pm It was clearly a case of Ron Paul supporters having organized and flooding the “Who won” board with comment spam. I watched the Democratic debates and the next morning posted on your equivalent Democratic board and there were 101 comments at the time. Within just minutes after the Republican detate, your question board already had nearly 200 comments and 95% of them were for Ron Paul. Clearly, something was amiss. In the end, it just makes me think far worse of Ron Paul, having supporters who resort to such tactics– I want to distance myself as much as possible from a candidate like this, even if his campaign isn’t necessarily responsible for this type of behavior in any sort of “official” capacity. Posted By Joe– Boulder, CO : June 7, 2007 2:32 pm I sincerely believe Ron Paul does have huge support among americans. The people who say, Ron Paul supporters spam the votes, why can not the supporters of Guliani, or Romeny can do the same? When CNN requested to ask people to comment on “Who Won” section, there were more than 90% of the comments in favor of Ron Paul. Why could not the supporters of others do the same? Fox news had phone poll and he managed to come second slightly behind Romney, what does that tell you? Posted By Hassan Mushtaq, Houston, TX : June 7, 2007 2:32 pm He is refreshing to watch because he actually bases his ideas and positions on the U.S. Constitution. All of the others base their odeas and positions on rhetoric. In the end, Paul is the only real public official in the bunch. The rest are all bad salesmen. And now they want to bring in a bad actor? Go Ron Paul. Finally, someone who can restore integrity in the GOP. Posted By Dave, Miami, Florida : June 7, 2007 2:32 pm Funny, every poll that Ron Paul wins are dismissed as unscientific, as if they are meaningless. Don’t you understand that this sign of passion and commitment to a candidate is meaningful and newsworthy. Instead of dismissing it, you should be doing your job by investigating and reporting on it. Who are these supporters and why are they so passionate? THAT’S THE REAL STORY TO BE TOLD Posted By Mark, Rio de Janeiro : June 7, 2007 2:33 pm I think the unscientific polls show that Paul has a lot of supporters staying up all night and hitting the voting buttons. Hope they’re not planning to rig the votes too. I couldn’t even have told you which one he was - I had to look at the picture. His performance was that unremarkable. I think he’s got some techies out there spamming all the voting blocks, making it look like a lot of people like him. I don’t personally know anyone who even recognizes his name. Posted By Julie Harper, Detroit, Michigan : June 7, 2007 2:33 pm The scientific poll numbers are horrible. Take my state of Iowa - the poll numbers are based on people that voted in the last primary - and George Bush didn’t even have any opposition. So who is getting polled? Voters that decided to go vote for Bush in the primary even though he was assured to win the vote. 80% of Iowa republicans (and I’m one of them) want out of Iraq in 6 months and consider this the #1 issue they face in the next election. Which republican candidate other then Ron Paul fits that bill? I’m voting for Ron Paul as long as I can, and if the GOP gives us Rudy McRompson, I’m tearing up by republican voter card. In 1964 Goldwater lost a landslide election - but it also paved the way for Ronald Reagan. I’m willing to make the same sacrifice now. Wake up GOP you are losing us! Posted By Eric : June 7, 2007 2:33 pm I have not made up my mind yet as to who to support, as no one should yet. BUT Mr. Paul may actually sway me back to the republican side that I was on before ‘W’. Took office. Up until now I have been leaning towards Obama or Hilary, mostly because of the war in Iraq. Paul’s only problem is his biggest asset. He speaks logically and truthfully. Unfortunately as we all know neither of these things get politicians elected. But so far he gets my support. Posted By Michael, Warrensburg Missouri : June 7, 2007 2:33 pm RON PAUL IS THE MAN!!!! Posted By Wes : June 7, 2007 2:33 pm Paul is unfortunately a marginal candidate. And when I say unfortunately, I mean it sincerely. He, of all the GOP candidates, has the most conviction, the best grasp on the issues, and doesn’t speak the language of politics - he speaks the language of common sense. However, the American people, least of all supporters of frontrunning GOP candidates, don’t necessarily want to HEAR common sense. They don’t want to face truth. Why? Because it’s uncomfortable. Change can only happen a little at a time, and some of the things that Paul is proposing and expounding upon are too drastic for the general American voter who doesn’t necessarily understand the issues. Ultimately, it’s not necessarily what you say in the world of politics, but also how you say it. Paul is concise, and brutally frank. All but a couple of the candidates that I’ve seen so far, be they Democratic or Republican, have wound themselves up in their own words and ideas that they have failed to actually get clear ideas across without the obscuring haze of politics. Paul is a marginal candidate. He doesn’t have a chance with the American public. But he has my vote. Posted By Jack, Irvine California : June 7, 2007 2:33 pm I support Ron Paul and I an a registered democrat. I was a republican untill the early 90’s and will switch back to support Paul(I became a Democrat after George H.W. Bushes new world order speech). Ron Paul seems to be a real conservative. He supports the constitution and has the working American under consideration in all his decisions. All other presidential hopefuls are corporate biased and only hold allegence to them and the military industerial complex, and not to the people of this country or the consitiution. Out political process has been hijacked by corporate and military interests and the media is complicient because they themselves are profit driven. Change this country, stop our imerial wars and vote Ron Paul Posted By Patrick Buchanan, Newport Beach, CA : June 7, 2007 2:33 pm As evidenced in your hosted Tuesday night republican presidential debate, how about not highlightling, centerpiecing (Guiliani,Romney,McCain positioning together and center), and giving enormous amount of time and questions to these three so-called frontrunners. I was amazed, but sadly not surprised about your obvious biased againt anyone besides the three aforementioned candidates. Everyother candidate was asked one question to every two that Romney,Guiliani, and McCain where asked and the time they spoke was also in proportion of a 2 to 1 minute margin. How about placing these three so-called frontrunners to the outeredges of the podium like you did to Tancredo and Paul. Posted By Ron, Huntington Beach, California : June 7, 2007 2:33 pm As someone who has followed this race from the very beginning, and is quite active in the blogging community, I understand where a lot of the buzz from Ron Paul is coming from and why it is happening. I think a lot of it has to do with his “non-traditional” message. If the popularity of such news farce television shows like Jon Stewart and Colbert are any indication, much of the youth in this country are disillusioned and cynical about politics today. For them Ron Paul has a strikingly different message, and isn’t the cut and dry “talk around the question” politician. This popularity is primarily by people who follow the news online, and as such, if they see a poll featuring Ron Paul, they will happily give their voice to it. The buzz that Paul has been getting has been gaining him great traction, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he becomes a serious contender in the primaries. He’s a classical republican, and I think the younger republicans of today are tired of what they perceive as a field full of “Bush republicans.” If the votes online can translate to votes in the primaries, we may all be in for a surprise. Posted By Brad B, Naperville IL : June 7, 2007 2:34 pm There are many libertarians among the young and tech-savvy, hence Ron Paul’s online support. Even though he has no chance of winning, it’s good to see a genuine libertarian getting airtime. Posted By Mike, New York, NY : June 7, 2007 2:34 pm i am a democrat and ron paul is a the top of the heap as far as i am concerned. he won the debate, i just wanted to hear more from him. Posted By john haughton, theodore, al. : June 7, 2007 2:34 pm Mike Gravel deserves in this discussion as well. His YouTube videos are consistently at the top. He gets huge digg ratings. Ron Paul supporters should be equally clamoring for more from Mike Gravel. Just as Gravel supporters are pushing along Ron Paul too. We’re voting for Paul in online polls. You help us too. Posted By Nathan, Tempe, AZ : June 7, 2007 2:34 pm I support Ron Paul. I look forward to voting for him in the Republican Primary in my state next year. I hope the difference in traditional poll numbers and online numbers reflects a large group of people that traditionally don’t vote and would not be on the traditional poll-takers’ list to call. Posted By Jacob Lanza, Raymore, MO : June 7, 2007 2:34 pm As a diehard Giuliani fan, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank CNN for effectively stifling open and effective discussion during the GOP debate. I can freely admit that Ron Paul clearly is the better informed candidate by his articulate answers. The way that Wolf Blitzer was able to cutoff Ron Paul’s answers and give additional time and coverage to Giuliani was both bold and impressive. It is clear that the media/money establishment has chosen him as the next head of the GOP. I’m looking forward to my next quarterly dividend from Lockheed Martin…Iran & Syria, here we come! Thanks again CNN! Posted By Jeremy, MA : June 7, 2007 2:34 pm The fact that this article acknowledges the Ron Paul explosion is a step in the right direction for the mainstream media. However, I have to critisize CNN for how they handled the GOP debate. They gave the 3 candidates that they feel are the “front runners” a VAST majority of the air time. They even positioned them in the 3 center-most podiums! It was really unbelievable. I wasn’t thrilled with the MSNBC or FOX debates, but they were FAR more fair than CNN’s. I support Ron Paul because he is a very insightful individual with uncompromising honesty. This is a man who refuses to accept the lucrative pension given to congressmen. Posted By Tim Baltimore, MD : June 7, 2007 2:34 pm Way to totally discredit Ron Paul! Objective journalism at its finest! You give no credit to the idea that Paul may be gaining support due to the the wonderful message he promotes and liken all of his support to spamming. Is this what passes for journalism these days? Pathetic. Posted By John Thomas, Edina, MN : June 7, 2007 2:35 pm It’s no surprise that someone from California has not heard of Ron Paul. He is the candidate of liberty, the candidate who actually believes in the constitution, a candidate of small government, individual responsibility, and free markets. He wants to replace the IRS with the Fair Tax (www.fairtax.org), allow competition in the post office, and keep the federal government out of the everyday lives of citizens. Ron Paul stands for the ideals this country was founded on and abhors what it has become. The Federal Government is not the solution to all of your problems. If you truly believe in freedom you should vote for Ron Paul. Posted By Evan B, Ft. Lauderdale, Fl : June 7, 2007 2:35 pm Not a bad article but but the last paragraph is in error. Abortion: Dr. Paul is a Strict Constitutionalist, therefore he believes the Federal Government “cannot” make laws supporting or opposing abortion as that is the realm of the State governments. Iraq: Ron Paul is against the war in Iraq and voted against it and believes our troops should be used to find Osama Bin Laden instead. He also believes in reducing the size of the military industrial complex to bail our economy out of debt and saving social security for the older generations. True Conservative: Dr. Paul is founding father material, just go to his congressional website and look up his record to see for yourself. Posted By Geoff, Pickerington Ohio : June 7, 2007 2:36 pm I wouldn’t consider myself to be a Paul supporter (I don’t know enough about him to decide one way or another) but I do agree with those who say that media coverage is not equally distributed between the candidates. This is true for the Democrats as well. Each side has its Big 3 media babies, and the other candidates get mentioned only on occasion. Posted By Philip, Denton Texas : June 7, 2007 2:36 pm Ron Paul cannot win the Republican primary… that is when all the conservatives will come out of the woodwork, spurred by the fear that someone with some sense and a scientific background might come into play. His best hope is to do well in the primary, get himself noticed, then run as an Independent after generating some name recognition. If he’s lucky he’ll be running against Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton in which case even I might vote for him. Posted By Kris, Warren, KY : June 7, 2007 2:36 pm First I’ll like to apologize to CNN for our actions, I know how annoying they must be. But we see that the media, including CNN, seriously ignores Ron Paul. We want to make the name Ron Paul heard, we want people to listen about him, because his ideas and principles are the best and no one else gets close to them. The only way to make them heard is by the media mentioning them. Now, you have to give as the credit of making Ron Paul more known, with blog comments like this one. People know of the e-miracle of Ron Paul and comment it. If it wasn’t because of use there would be no buzz about Ron Paul and he would be even lesser known, near extinction. So if you please give more coverage to Ron Paul, we’ll stop flooding comments about Ron Paul, making discussion hard to happen. But as long CNN keeps this attitude to Ron Paul, we will make Ron Paul known by every medium, as annoying as it may be… Pablo Posted By Pablo, Spain : June 7, 2007 2:36 pm As a journalism student, I learned a lot on what it meant to be objective at my student newspaper and from my professors. I am EXTREMELY disappointed in “mainstream” media in the coverage of Ron Paul. Is it so hard to accept the fact there is a candidate saying exactly what the American people are feeling? Is it so hard to accept the fact it is not Sen. McCain or Mayor Guilliani? Why are the media afraid of a candidate that actually says something meaningful like giving Americans their freedom back? Ron Paul is a true American with an idea of what this country should be similar to the Founding Fathers’. His numbers grow and grow on the Internet (where the truly informed voters get their information by the way), and it should be scary because Americans won’t know what to do with the freedoms he will provide us that have been denied for decades due to corrupt government. “People should not fear their government. Government should fear its people.” -V for Vendetta People with power are not the ones with money. People with power are the ones with passion and enough to do something about it. If we give up freedom to feel safe, we don’t deserve to be free. Posted By David, Ruston, La. : June 7, 2007 2:37 pm I think he hasn’t been noticed at first because he doesn’t have the same sort of “brand name” recognition as Hillary, Giuliani, McCain, Romney, Obama, and Edwards. Yet, despite that, he is winning people over with his sincere views on a smaller federal government and focusing on restoring American greatness. Notice how in the debates Ron Paul answered questions directly without any of the spin or dodging that some of the other candidates resorted to. Also, he does not use national security or terrorism to try and frighten people into voting for him, as Giuliani is doing over and over again. Ron Paul recognizes that the best way to help America is to stop policing the world and focus on making America better for all of her citizens, limit the role of the federal government in our lives, and let democracy flourish again at the state and local level, where it is most effective Posted By Ben, Boston, MA : June 7, 2007 2:37 pm The internet kids are so crazy for Ron because he wants to legalize drugs, especially hemp. That is what is driving the push, but these kids can’t get their parents or grandparents to vote for him, so Ron would not win the election if he was nominated Posted By Christopher, Atlanta GA : June 7, 2007 2:37 pm Conservative would do well to note that Ron Paul has appeared on both Real Time with Bill Maher and The Daily Show. The media criticism about coverage of Ron Paul cannot be extended to these two liberal based television programs. Has Fox News given him as much? Posted By t andres, santa ana, CA : June 7, 2007 2:37 pm Facebook has Ron Paul polling as well as second place among its users, who are mostly college students. However, college students (such as myself) typically only have a cell phone and aren’t going to be seen in national polls. Also, we love the Internet. So, our presence and support for Ron Paul is going to be inflated online, but deflated when polled. Dr. Paul’s best hope is that my generation, the college generation, builds on our increased turnout in 2004. Posted By Mike, Philadelphia, PA : June 7, 2007 2:38 pm Perhaps part of the reason an intelligent, principled and downright courageous man like Ron Paul is tracking so low in the “official” polls is because your organization and other “big media” insists on spreading lies like “Ron Paul opposes abortion.” First off, I don’t know why this issue continues to be repeated in the mass media with so many more serious and pressing problems out there, and second off, Ron Paul has said before he simply feels the federal government shouldn’t be the final word on the issue. He, like most people of the “true conservative” or “libertarian” persuasion, feels the federal government’s influence shouldn’t extend to a person’s medical decisions. Posted By Ryan, San Diego, CA : June 7, 2007 2:38 pm Kyle, You would probably know who Ron Paul is if you did your homework. Most Americans willing accept the media endorsed favorites, without doing their own research. Ron Paul is one of the few candidates who are truly for less government. Government intervention into the economy and reduction in essential liberties is primary drivers for most of the problems the US is seeing today. When Ron Paul makes it to Alabama he has my vote Posted By John G, Birmingham, AL : June 7, 2007 2:38 pm I agree Paul’s forces are well organized - and the online polls are unscientific. (You used the word three times in the course of two paragraphs.) Nonetheless, given the fairly high number of posters (the sample) - and the fact the top Republicans are also well organized and wallowing in money - I think Paul’s support is very real and substantial. He tells the truth about America’s hideous foreign policy and that is resonating with many people. Posted By Mike Archer, Colorado : June 7, 2007 2:38 pm ron pauls winning all the polls because he is not new world order bought and payed for sellouts like the majority of the cia controlled staff at cnn, keep up the propaganda cnn its the reason ron keeps winning. Posted By jerry toronto ont can : June 7, 2007 2:38 pm Ron Paul certain has his act together on economic issues, however he needs to “drop the GOP” stand on social issues. Doing so would move him more to the middle of the road, and probably get him a large number of crossover voters. This would bring him out of the 1-2% showing that he currently gets in most scientific polls. Posted By J. L. Stolm, Durham, NC : June 7, 2007 2:38 pm You asked: “What do these numbers mean? How do you reconcile that support with the national poll numbers? In virtually every scientific national poll — generally regarded as the best measurement of public support for a political candidate — Paul registers, at most, between 1 and 2 percent. Do the debate numbers reflect something different than the national polls? Is it too early to tell?” These numbers mean Ron Paul has a massive grassroots following. He is winning over Republicans, Libertarians, Independents and even Democrats. He is the only candidate to have voted both against the war in Iraq and the Patriot Act. The National Polls are flawed. The question is always: “Who do you support? Romney, Giuliani, McCain or other?” How is that fair and balanced? If the polls were fair and balanced, they would ask, “which candidate do you support?” without giving a choice OR listing ALL candidates currently running. Ron Paul had a massive support group turn out before, during and after the NH debates and in fact had more supporters than any other candidate! That shows the support is not a few “spammers” on the internet. I get sick of hearing that excuse when it comes to the strong numbers in online polls- it’s mass media bias and there is NO scientific proof to back up those accusations. So far, CNN has had the most balanced reporting when it comes to the support Ron Paul has and I applaud that. However, I noticed there was no comment about one question in particular that the candidates were asked. I think the only question each was allowed to answer was something to the effect of: “what is the greatest moral failure of the current administration”. Or something like that. Anyway, NO ONE has mentioned that only RON PAUL’s response received applause from the crowd. It is evident he is the only candidate that understands the shortcomings of the current political viewpoints in Washington today. Thank you. Posted By Ramsey Turner - Forest City, IA : June 7, 2007 2:38 pm What is it going to take for Paul to break out and challenge the front-runners for the GOP presidential nomination? It will take the mainstream media (read: CNN) to stop turning your back on this viable candidate, stop thinking the fact that he rode in First Class the only newsworthy event the man has done, and start delivering fair coverage of all candidates. Posted By Tim S., Cincinnati, OH : June 7, 2007 2:38 pm I can vote for this man with a clear consquense. I am afraid that I can not say that about Mr McCain. Paul for president. Posted By FW Broschart,Sand Point, Id : June 7, 2007 2:39 pm Its going to take people standing up for their rights and freedom by supporting the man that will help protect their rights and freedom. Its going to take a realization by the Republican voters that the only way we can win in 2008 is with Ron Paul. In my opinion, none of the other candidates stand a chance against the Democrats. It may also require a less biased, more responsible media. I know this will not happen, as its obvious what the agenda is. But if Ron Paul is ever given the exposure that the other candidates are, he’ll run away with the election. Posted By Gary Krichbaum, Fishersville VA : June 7, 2007 2:39 pm Try reading the comments supporting Ron Paul - they’re hilarious. They read like the voiceover to a PAC-made television ad. Whoever is co-ordinating this internet publicity drive certainly knows his stuff. Posted By Matthew, London, United Kingom : June 7, 2007 2:39 pm I love that Ron Paul is getting some spotlight his way. The best thing is he reached out and took it. He certainly grabbed the attention of the Bill Maher’s and the Jon Stewart’s when he out-foxed Guiliani in front of the nation. And that would be great if he were seeking the Democratic nomination. But can he get the same face time with the O’Reilly’s and the Hannity’s is the question. When it comes to stature he’s certainly more of a Kucinich than an Obama. But when the camera is on him Ron Paul speaks with all the command the American people deserve in a president. His positions are firm, insightful, and well supported. I don’t want to hear Rudy Giuliani or anybody for that matter pop off about the war on terror ever again. If they understand the history of our role in the evolution of fundamentalist Islam then they’re insulting our intelligence. If they don’t understand it then they lack the competence required for the office they’re seeking. Ron Paul made the GOP field look like a bunch of hung-over undergrads while he conducted a lecture. I say put him toe-to-toe with anyone on either side of the field. We need someone in the White House who wrote or at least read the book not someone who drank the KoolAid. Posted By Rob O’Heney, Arlington VA : June 7, 2007 2:40 pm I, for one, would like to know what Mr. Paul’s position is on the Prohibition on Marijuana Research that grips this country. I’m tired of the old 1930’s rethoric coming out of the ONDCP. It’s a subject that no one seems to want to ask…or answer, for that fact! Will he, as President, stand against the people’s vote of several states? Posted By Bud Roberts, San Diego, CA : June 7, 2007 2:40 pm The survey reflects the opinion of people who have chosen to vote on it. You put it online, so what did you expect? Rednecks with no TV and no Internet access? And also, please note that there is NO coordination. There are only networks through which people filter and choose the information, instead of being force-fed crap. I don’t recall getting an urgent dispatch about a guerrilla meeting at CNN’s new poll. People just voted on it. Used for what it’s for. There was no coordination. Paul wins consistently because he sounds like the only one who doesn’t have a lump of coal for a heart and cheese instead of a brain. Posted By Hrvoj Bjankini : June 7, 2007 2:40 pm Redo your scientific poll and watch the current 1 - 2% be much higher. Posted By John smith : June 7, 2007 2:40 pm what is it going to take for Paul to break out and challenge the front-runners for the GOP presidential nomination???? A lot of media air-time! The media is bias to who they want in the White House and where the MONEY is at. If they would listen to the people, they want Ron Paul. Bush won’t listen to the people and Paul does! Posted By Dustin,Knoxville,TN : June 7, 2007 2:40 pm It would be less propagandistic to qualify the statments that Paul opposes abortion rights and defines marriage as between a man and a woman with the fact that Rep. Paul does not believe in Federal regulation of these issues. Rep. Paul even if they close the Primary Elections, I will be voting. Posted By Ethan, Detroit MI : June 7, 2007 2:40 pm After the debacle that is the Bush Administration the past 6 years, I wouldn’t have given a single thought to any Republican. I am a Democrat. Yet as of right now, Paul’s got my vote. Someone needs to get him more exposure. Posted By Josh, Tampa FL : June 7, 2007 2:40 pm How do we get Ron Paul to compete with the media elected front runners? Give him some coverage. Look at the recent debates. The media just focuses on Rudy McRomney. Look at the transcripts of these debates and you will see Romney say something that is four paragraphs and continue to defy the moderator to stop. Then you see Paul who gets two sentences. Stop feeding the sheep the same people over and over and give the man a chance. The founding fathers would be extremely disappointed in that elections are decided based on monetary wealth and a biased media. Nor would they honor the idea of having career politicans. I mean, do we really need another Clinton in office? How many years are we going to let two families control this country? Posted By Aaron, Loveland, CO : June 7, 2007 2:41 pm Ron Paul is a true American. Not a sellout like the last 30 years of high dollar Oil and Drug Companies. They wont ask him any tough questions. Becuase his answers break the normal walk around the question answer that most idiotic Candidates give. America needs a change and the best way to go from a Police State and government of Neo-Cons is to vote this man in office before we are at war with every country that dont want to hand over there Oil. Posted By SD Charleston WV : June 7, 2007 2:41 pm APRIL FOOLS Ron Paul is fake Posted By Ron Paul phoenix az : June 7, 2007 2:41 pm To Steve Norris from Tucson Arizona: How is his stance on homosexuals unconstitutional? It seems he advocates treating heterosexuals and homosexuals equally. Also, I believe he was striking out the option of a preemptive nuclear strike, not completely getting rid of them. We should not be the first people to use it if hostilities erupt unless there are mitigating circumstances (such as the invasion of Japan). If we use a nuclear strike first, then other countries may use it against us using our first strike as justification. Posted By Max Vowel II, Edmond, OK : June 7, 2007 2:41 pm Information on the Constitution, American History, and the results of our current domestic and foreign policy will get Ron Paul elected. The more people know about who he is and what the others in Washington do and vote for will be his best bet. Posted By Forrest Millikin, Chicago, IL : June 7, 2007 2:42 pm I am by no means a conservative, and I differ with Mr. Paul on a number of specific issues, but he has thus far proven to be a thoughtful, sensible, honest and direct individual. Further, his reliance upon the Constitution for guidance is refreshing indeed. Though I have voted for Democrats in every election since I was 18, I would very seriously consider voting for this man, and I look forward to learning more about him. Posted By Victor — Boston, MA : June 7, 2007 2:42 pm Ron Paul has called himself the most conservative member of Congress and his platform/voting record back this claim up. I may disagree with what he stands for, but at least he is up front and consistent unlike many of the neo-conservative hypocrites who merely call themselves conservative when they are anything but. Posted By Liz Lewis, Montgomery, AL : June 7, 2007 2:42 pm I’m glad to see Ron Paul beginning to get ‘big media’ attention. He has my vote! Posted By Douglas, Erie PA : June 7, 2007 2:42 pm “Paul opposes abortion rights” Wrong. Ron Paul supported the “Sanctity of Life Act” Posted By Trent Hill, Denham Springs, Louisiana : June 7, 2007 2:42 pm What will be the excuse to sideline him when they release the fund raising figures on June 30th? He’s poised to have the most donations of any of the so called ’second tier’. Was it a few spammers that clapped so loudly when he stated we needed to end the pre-emptive war strategy? If you’re really fair, why did you not give one health care question in the debate to the DOCTOR on stage? The guy from the audience asked about buying prescription drugs overseas, Paul sponsored the amendment to legalize buying drugs from other countries, and you don’t even give him a chance to respond. We don’t want Rudy McRomney. We want the champion of the constitution. You can either fight us and lose, or do your ratings a favor and feature more of Dr. Paul. I was forced to watch another network yesterday becuase only one show in the mainstream punditocracy would interview him. What are you so afraid of? This is the biggest election story in years. Freedom has two first names. Ron Paul. Posted By Larry White Pinch, WV : June 7, 2007 2:42 pm How about not skewing the questions and time to the ‘golden boys’ that the media is preselecting as candidates? Everyone deserves equal time, not just Ron Paul but all the contenders. How else will the public find out what the differing platforms and views are? Posted By steve evergreen co : June 7, 2007 2:42 pm Ron Paul’s appeal is due to the fact that people are waking up to the Fake Left Wing / Right Wing Paradigm. Ron Paul speaks truth…something that lacks in post 9/11 fear-mongering politics where their are “terrorists” under every rug and hiding in every closet. Our history in the Middle East is something that can’t be denied. We have always tried to screw over the Middle East out of their natural resources. Ron Paul brings a fresh view to Washington with his honest, anti-globalist agenda and ideals. it’s time we take care of our own before we extend American Empire via a nuke or gun!!! RON PAUL 2008!!!!!!! Posted By Matt Long Beach California : June 7, 2007 2:42 pm The people of the U.S. KNOW that virtually every politician is owned (through lobbyists and political campaign donations)by Corporate America. Ron Paul is a breath of fresh air because he is not pre-programmed by media handlers, speaks his views forthrightly, and consistently makes sense. Even though I am a lifelong Liberal, I applaud Ron Paul. Speak Truth to Power, Ron. Everyone else is lying, evasive, and crooked. And if Paul should get elected, don’t forget that every President has done in office the excat opposite of what they pledged to get elected. Regan - “deficits are not just wrong, they’re criminal!” Kinjg George I - “Read my lips! No new taxes!” Clinton “I feel your pain” vs. cutting welfare. And King George II - “No nation-building!” So take the opposite of Ron Paul today - that’s what you’ll get from President Paul. Posted By Herb, Muncie, Indiana : June 7, 2007 2:43 pm I think the support for Paul just shows Americans are fed up with the war across the board but people in the GOP still want to spin it as a partisan issue. Posted By Tim , Acworth, GA : June 7, 2007 2:43 pm Ron Paul does not get equal coverage, nor probably will he ever, because his stance of restoring power to the American people threatens political ‘leaders’ and their corporate interests. Who can blame the corporate-controlled media, like CNN, who are paid to adjust who and what makes the news, and how to spin it? Everyone’s got mouths to feed. It’s ‘buyer beware’ even when it comes to the legitimacy of news. Do your own research, make your own opinion. Don’t let prejudices of your religion, family, friends, or sole-source media get in the way of your logic. As for me, I support Ron Paul and wish him the best of luck. Posted By Matthew, Bradenton FL : June 7, 2007 2:43 pm There’s a revolution going on in America, and Ron Paul is the leader. The people are tired of both Democrats and Republicans using their powers to use our tax dollars to buy votes. We need a man with principle, not another politician. Ron Paul is that man. Ron Paul in 2008. Posted By J, Orlando, Florida : June 7, 2007 2:43 pm Ron Paul is the best unknown candidate America has been given in years. I hope that people really pay attention to Ron’s message. He is the only conservative in this race, and he’s going to be the first politician I will PROUDLY vote for. Learn more at www.ronpaul2008.com. In short, if you hate war and are disgusted by America’s slow dichotomous creep towards corporatism and socialism, Ron Paul is your man in 2008. Posted By Jeff Strope, Chapel Hill NC : June 7, 2007 2:43 pm I was very disappointed in the debate coverage before, during, and after. Not only for Ron Paul but for the other tier 2 candidates. How are American’s supposed to make a informed decision about who to support when debates and news coverage is obviously for the top three candidates? I really do not see how it is the job of the news media to decide who to report on to inform the American people. I thought the media was there to give equal opportunity for all candidates to express their views. I did not see that in the last debate or any of the coverage on your cable network or online. It’s very one sided it’s no wonder people who are polled keep with the top three! It’s because the major media outlets aren’t giving fair attention to all candidates! I’m very disappointed in CNN, FOX, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, local and national news papers and their lack of equal coverage for all candidates. This is the exact reason why so many alternative outlets are springing up and why you are getting such a rise in emails and blogs! How else is the American public suppose to get the information they need to make a good decision to support when the major media outlets don’t do a fair job of covering the race? It’s ridiculous and someone at each outlet needs to go back to school and learn the basics of “fair and balanced.” p.s. at least with the blog now maybe the flood of emails with lessen. Posted By Frustrated Aamerican living in Austin Texas : June 7, 2007 2:43 pm “Paul opposes abortion rights, voted to authorize a 700-mile fence along the U.S.Mexican border, supports withdrawing troops from Iraq, and defines marriage as between a man and a woman.” Actually, Ron Paul wants to appeal Roe vs. Wade. That doesn’t mean he wants to illegalize abortion nationwide. It means that he wants to let each state decide what its abortion laws will be. And although Dr. Paul defines marriage as between a man and a woman, he believes that it is a state issue as well. Posted By Andrew Mackenzie, Mansfield, MA : June 7, 2007 2:44 pm The American People are tired of the media dictating which candidate we’re going to like best. It’s our job to tell YOU our preference and have it honored rather than swept under the rug because it’s not echoing the “agenda” that big media espouses. As far as the so-called “scientific” polls, I don’t think you can call telephone polls of 300 people in NH (most likely old bitties sitting at home, completely out of touch with mainstream America) a decent populous cross-section. Perhaps these polling systems need to join the 21st century and actually include some savvy voters’ opinions for a change. Posted By TJ in Scottsdale, AZ : June 7, 2007 2:44 pm I am a strong Ron Paul Supporter, however in the recent post debate polls I did give more credit to Tom Tancredo for his performance (winning the debate, best one liner, and biggest boost); however I certainly voted for Ron Paul for knowing the most about the issues, simply because HE DOES! I could not give Ron Paul all of the credit because CNN/Wolf Blitzer did not give Ron Paul the Attention he deserved. The most noticable example being on *Health Care*; *Dr.* Ron Paul being the only Doctor on the stage, was over looked with regard to this issue. Ron Paul is a serious contender in this race, has the support of many “players” in the media world, and most importantly the support of We the People. Posted By Michael Gaster -Savannah, Georgia : June 7, 2007 2:44 pm I live in Toronto, and identify more with the Democrats, given the chance to vote in a US Presidential election I would never vote for a Republican. So I thought, until I saw Ron Paul during the Tuesday debate. He clearly is the best candidate the Republicans have. He has a thorough understanding of the issues. More importantly, he is a realist and understands that the current US foreign policy is a hindrance to the prosperity and well being of America. I wish I had US citizenship and Ron Paul was at least an Independent. Giuliani, Romney & McCain are Politicians masquerading as Republicans, Ron Paul is a Conservative-realist. Even if he doesn’t get nominated, who ever wins the Dem nomination needs to get Ron Paul as a running mate. Posted By George, Toronto, ON : June 7, 2007 2:44 pm Ron Paul is for the Consitution. The one The Bush regime is trying to steal away from us. Ron Paul voted NO for the War, Military Comissions act, The Patriot Act. He is an honest politician. For once I have someone I can vote for I can trust! Posted By Rich Olson, Erial, New Jesey : June 7, 2007 2:44 pm I agree. The debate was rigged. The upper tier candidates have no chance and are unacceptable to the Republican party. I watched the debate for the lower tier candidates especially Ron Paul; however Wolf did a very poor and unfair job of allowing the candidates equal time. Posted By D. Boyt, Matthews North Carolina : June 7, 2007 2:45 pm I agree that Ron Paul has not received adequate media coverage, though he continues to rise in popularity. I am a liberal democrat and disagree with Paul on many issues; however, I find him refreshingly honest, agree with his pro-peace approach, and believe his is the best Republican candidate out there right now. He was recently on the Daily Show and was pretty impressive, appealing to a broad audience. During the recent Rep. debate, I found myself wanting to hear more from him more than any other candidate. If I were a Republican, I’d take a closer look at Ron Paul, which seems to be the sentiment going right now…. Posted By Ally, Lincoln, NE : June 7, 2007 2:45 pm The strong support for Mr. Paul on the web shouldn’t be surprising. If current and former members of high school audio/visual clubs constituted the entire electorate, he would win in a walk. The sort of libertarian creed espoused by Mr. Paul has a special appeal to adolescent males, especially those who just wish they would be left alone to pursue their interests and create an entire world of Trekkies. Sorry, folks. Mr. Paul is an amusing character with some interesting ideas. He also has some very odd notions and attachments to some very odd characters, especially those in various militia groups. I’m frankly somewhat surprised that his particular version of libertarianism doesn’t extend to scrapping “don’t ask, don’t tell” and support for gay marriage, but I suspect that stems either from his own hang-ups, those of some of his adolescent followers, or an uncharacteristic recognition that his appeal to Republicans is already in single digits and there aren’t enough gays in the party to make consistency worth the effort. Posted By jsh1120, Seattle Washington : June 7, 2007 2:45 pm Behold the power of the true libertarian. When you finally have someone that actually knows what they are talking about and is honest it makes all the others look like the hollow, lying, shills that they are. Posted By Tim, Gainesville FL : June 7, 2007 2:45 pm Ron paul doesn’t talk down to me as a voter/citizen. I appreciate that. Posted By Graham, Greenville NC : June 7, 2007 2:46 pm Ron Paul deserves to be heard. If Rudy or Mitt, or McCain had gotten the most votes on the online polls, the MSM would be plastering the results all over its cable shows with a tiny, tiny “unscientific” disclaimer. How do you cable guys know this is not the future of voter responsiveness? I don’t have a home phone. I have a cell; that’s it. Posted By tom Baltimore Maryland : June 7, 2007 2:46 pm Hello CNN. I was voting democrat but I recently learned of Ron Paul and he just blew my mind. For every issue I seem to not agree with like abortion, he seems reasonable because he wants to leave it up to the states. I see lack of tolerance towards religion but it states in our constitution Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof The free exercise has been left out by people who speak about “seperation of church and state” When I read the amendments, it’s clear to me that it is saying that congress shall pass no laws that will deem one religion higher than another nor will they pass laws prohibiting others the right to express their religion. I am not affiliated with any religion nor do I declare myself as an atheist but I’m not intolerant of others beliefs and I think America has been essentially catering to the non belief structure which is unconstitutional. This is just one reason why I like Ron Paul and I will be registering to vote for whatever party he is in. I am not a spammer. I am an individual. Others in “the real world” I’ve spoken to don’t know about Ron Paul but once you inform them of what he stands for they come back and say WOW, that is what I’ve been thinking for years and it’s like a lightbulb just went off. I don’t know why mainstream media has such a problem with him but I do applaud those inside and outside of the mainstream media that actually gave him a chance to speak. When it came to a question answered by Huckabee because he was experienced with religion, why wasn’t Ron Paul asked questions about health care? He is afterall a doctor so he has alot of experience considering he delived 4,000 babies. Posted By Linda, Dallas, Tx : June 7, 2007 2:46 pm Ron Paul is by far the only one in the current Republican campaign who is speaking the “hard truth”. I’ve been rather disappointed by these donkeys in elephant clothing, and Ron is the only elephant at the podium. Posted By MrVince, Orange County, CA : June 7, 2007 2:46 pm Anyone who does not support Ron Paul is by default a tin-foil-hat-wearing Liberal, because they are by default supporting communism (the loss of our Constitional freedoms and the rise of a dictatorship). When the North American Union kicks in soon, anyone who did not stand up for their basic rights will be kicking themself silly. This is way beyond simple personality flaws in people or candidates. This is way beyond partisan politics. This is about your BASIC FREEDOMS as an individual living in a democratic country. If we keep poking sticks at the insignificant issues the media wants us to believe are the central issues, we are doomed. And your individual rights and freedoms are doomed, too. Ron Paul is the only candidate that has real plans to stop the plan for a North American Union. Posted By Sharon C. in Anchorage, AK : June 7, 2007 2:46 pm I feel that CNN should be fair and give Ron Paul more footage than he is being given now. His views are very interesting and thought provoking. Give the people a chance to fairly evaluate his positions. That is what a “fair” news organization would do. It is up to the people then to make the choice. Give Ron Paul opportunities to expalin himself. Posted By Sony Mathew, DC : June 7, 2007 2:46 pm Ron Paul absolutely nailed the answer to “What is the Biggest Moral Issue”: the issue is that we now have a Pre-emptive War Doctrine for the first time in American history due to the GW Bush Administration and we have GOP presidential candidates saying they will use tactical nuclear weapons against Iran’s uranium centrifuges. That this is happening is horrifying. Posted By Bob Kester : June 7, 2007 2:46 pm I used to ask the same question after seeing all the “buzz” on the internet. After I started reading about him and all of his views, I became hooked, and I have never been hooked on a political candidate before in my life. Ron you have my full support! FYI: I used to be somewhat of a Rudy fan. Posted By Jason, Suwanee Ga : June 7, 2007 2:47 pm I don’t agree with Paul on every issue but I’m inpressed by Paul’s straight talk and willingness to vote his conscience and not blindly march lockstep along party lines. He seems to have a real command of the issues and just seems more straightforward than most of the candidates on both sides of the aisle. I don’t think he’ll win, but right now he’s the most intriguing candidate to emerge from the debates. Posted By Sandon, Arlington, VA : June 7, 2007 2:47 pm I see some are curious as to who would vote for such a man. Obviously they do not research, cause “we” supporters know exactly what kind of people wouldn’t support him. Posted By James, Lafayette Louisiana : June 7, 2007 2:47 pm This story is trying to diminish Ron Paul’s success. Every candidate has supporters, and every supporter has the exact same access to online polls and the internet. I think it’s safe to say that Ron Paul is simply the most popular candidate because the people of this country are smarter than the idiots in the media. We listen to him and what he is saying is that he would have a presidency that focuses on serving the people as opposed to the dictatorship that Guiliani would impose. None of the candidates have a clue as to what the people of this country want or need, only Ron Paul has his finger on the pulse of the nation. Shame on the media for trying to sabotage Ron Paul’s success. If the people are allowed to speak, Ron Paul will win the candidacy by a landslide. Posted By Dan, Oak Forest, IL : June 7, 2007 2:47 pm I am a democrat and have never been interested in a Republican candidate in my life. Yet Ron Paul is my absolute favorite candidate thus far when it comes to the war and foreign policy. People are extrememly interested in Ron Paul for his stance on the war, simply because he voices what the majority of Americans believe and want. He tells the truth. Finally someone is not afraid to tell the truth. He is opening up a dialogue on the war, giving the war a hard, honest look, that should have occurred a long time ago. It is not easy for Americans to admit they were wrong, which seems to be the root of such resistance to him. The media infuriatingly spins his comments, and worse yet, gives him absolutely no coverage, when in fact his popularity among the polls warrants more attention. He is so very popular on the internet, and yet television and newspapers do not report on him. Why? Why? Why? The fact he is not being reported has made me, and countless others, lose all faith in mass media journalism. The Web 2.0 is where so many now turn for intelligent, non-censored political discourse. Please, CNN, be jounalists and give the attention that Ron Paul warrants! He is so very popular for a REASON!!! Posted By Jessica Riney, Chicago, IL : June 7, 2007 2:47 pm To Matthew from London: Please don’t confuse passion with commercialism. I know it’s not hard to do these days (I’m in the business of advertising, myself). I also find it funny that many in the media have tried to push Fred Thompson as the Republican “Internet-friendly” candidate. His campaign has already raised tons of money. Yet… his online supporters are pretty quiet. Please direct me to the place on the Ron Paul campaign website that tells me where to vote in online polls, comment in blogs, etc. I’d love to know about it — as an ardent supporter of Dr. Paul. Posted By Ryan C., Austin, TX : June 7, 2007 2:48 pm The reason “scientific” random polls do not show Paul very high is because this random sample likely does not include people that actually watched the debate. MASS MEDIA is trying their hardest not to talk about Ron Paul, but slowly, things appear to be changing. Everyone that I have exposed to Ron Paul has been overjoyed that he is running. Once people find out that he is not NWO neo-con CFR trash, they love him. Posted By Greg Birmingham AL : June 7, 2007 2:48 pm If you look at the early media coverage even on cnn they shoe him to the side because he touches on issues that 99% of politicians wont touch. This country needs a straitforward leader that knows the issues and has a plan of action that is in line with todays everchanging world. I think Ron Paul is dead on especially on the Constitution which most American politicians seemed to have forgot. Posted By Jack Houston Texas : June 7, 2007 2:48 pm Ron Paul’s allure is that he appears to be a man of unusual integrity. His line is clear, and he offers straight talk when others flip-flop. It will be interesting to see if he sticks with his hardline stance (which will hardly agree with the majority of Americans) once the oval office become comes into closer reach. Posted By Richard, Frankfurt Germany : June 7, 2007 2:48 pm @ Matthew from London While I can understand your sincism regarding the posts about Ron Paul, you are seriously disillusioned about his support. A candidate who, as you know has such low phone poll numbers, would not begin to be able to finance the operation to create this publicity on his own. What you are seeing, is passion for a candidate, and it’s honestly something I’ve only seen matched by the passion of Obama supporters. Posted By Brad B, Naperville IL : June 7, 2007 2:49 pm Ron Paul is no joke. I am a democrat that would not be unhappy if this man were our president. He needs more FAIR coverage. His views and solutions about healthcare, the war, immigration and spending deserve a chance to be heard. Posted By readyforchange Austin Tx : June 7, 2007 2:49 pm Ron Paul is standing up there with nine idiots and stands out due to the fact that they are all nut cases. He just seems to be less traumatized by his Republican roots. The Dems are just as bad, but Bush has set the tone for these guys to go a little further right. Posted By George, Los Angeles : June 7, 2007 2:50 pm Ron Paul is the only Republican that I would vote for. As a Democrat I care about gay rights, immigrant rights, and abortion rights. However, the most important issue for me is voting for a President that will get us out of Iraq. Posted By Ricardo San Diego CA : June 7, 2007 2:50 pm Watching Ron participate in the debates is like a breath of fresh air. Here we have a candidate that speaks straightforward with honesty and FACTS. He uses reason, and, equally importantly, the Constitution as a means of conveying a message of hope for America. In addition, Ron practices what he preaches. With all of that, I find a candidate I can proudly support. I also wanted to thank CNN for taking the time to explain last night’s situation and would appreciate it if they gave all candidates more equal portions of speaking time in their future debates. Posted By Kyle, Boulder, CO : June 7, 2007 2:51 pm Congressman Ron Paul is a medical doector by profession. He has delivered 4000 babies. He is a constitutionalist and realistic about environment issues. We love Paul. He is hope for America. Posted By John westfall : June 7, 2007 2:51 pm I think Darryn’s post is awesome: “supports withdrawing troops from Iraq” Right there he lost my vote. Iraq is the #1 issue, and anyone that supports withdrawal supports a humiliating defeat. That’s why no democrat will get my vote, and neither will Ron Paul. Posted By Darryn, Chicago IL Let’s keep the troops in Iraq forever. If he’s so passionate about the outcome of the Iraq war why doesn’t he go enlist. As a Democrat, liberal, tree-hugger, I find that Ron Paul made that debate worth watching. His ideas on eliminating Medicaid and other government programs doesn’t sit well with me, but at least he’s not afraid to make his views known. I’m not saying I’d vote for him, but at least I’ll think about it. Posted By Dan Baltimore : June 7, 2007 2:51 pm Well lets see what it would take to get the mainstream interested more. Anytime that Ron Paul has appeared anywhere there is a huge surge in interest and thus the 2nd most internet search. This should show anyone that has any brains that his message is appealing. His appeal has reached across party lines and socioeconomic lines. The majors that have been annointed by the media is saying nothing new but the same old tired spiel. They get no surge in internet activity because anyone knows where they are at politically. this should be an eye opener to any media that something is going on that needs investigated but what do we receive? The same old tired political suits that are interchangeable. If any of the media thinks this a flash in the pan phenomenon then I dare any Media outlet to investigate and let us know what you find. Please also check out his viewpoints and the others and compare them side by side. Let the people see and hear and then let us know how you feel. He is my Congressman and I have always voted for the man. His record is impeccable and he has never varied his beliefs and never compromised. Can any other candidate be said of this? Ron Paul will survive despite the best efforts of any to silence him. Posted By Curtis Nunley, League City, Tx : June 7, 2007 2:51 pm Thank you for addressing this issue. So how can a man have so much support and get so little press from the major networks? I went to our first meet up and we had over 25 people. We were not organized, but we are starting to get there. In the next two months, the major outlets will see organized. Thank you. Posted By Proud American : June 7, 2007 2:51 pm I’ve been a Ron Paul fan for three years now. When I was in the Air Force, I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution. I still take that oath seriously, and that’s why Ron Paul is the only candidate I can support in good conscience. Don’t listen to the pundits. Read the congressman’s own words at http://www.lewrockwell.com/paul/paul-arch.html Posted By Mike, San Antonio TX : June 7, 2007 2:52 pm You tried to imply that supporters of Ron Paul are somehow Internet hooligans who are “inundating” blogs, surveys, etc., in some calculated online bumrush. The truth is, the individuals who have our troops in Iraq and other parts of the world dying are the hooligans. Right now the United States of America is being reduced to a shell of its former self by neo-fascist traitors like Bush and his administration, among others. This country is a double-edged sword; because of its power, it can be used to make the world a better place or make the world a living hell. Which one do YOU see manifesting? You tried to make unscientific online surveys seem wildly inaccurate. Often, such surveys at least take into account the IP address of the survey taker, thus effectively reducing the likelihood of repeat votes. The bottom line is this: at this time, there is no candidate more suited to help bring this country back than Ron Paul. Can’t you people (the establishment) see that? He stands for all the principles upon which this country is supposed to be founded–the same principles that grew this country to power to now go around bullying other nations into subservience to the globalist agenda: a one-world global government. Posted By Louis, Trenton, NJ : June 7, 2007 2:52 pm Perhaps Ron Paul scores so high because he has a lot of grassroots support. Obviously the globalist elite don’t want a Ron Paul presidency, BUT I DO and MANY others who care about the Constitution do too. Posted By Bill Shannon, Villa Park Illinois : June 7, 2007 2:52 pm I cannot remember a time in which a statesman has spoken so candidly about the issues we face in this country. I refer to Dr. Paul as a statesman because I honestly believe that he has the ability to put the laws of this country above a personal agenda. My family and I have always held what some consider conservative values, and have been proud to do so. Well… until the past few years. Dr. Paul is the only candidate I have seen, so far, that could rally support from a broad spectrum of voters. (Look at some of the comments made by people claiming to be Democrat.) He has become an intellectual voice in a crowd of politicians. After the events of 9/11 and the current state of our social security, health care, immigration programs, Americans are fed up with the status quo and are reaching out for someone to deal with the issues on their behalf. That is why Ron Paul is receiving so much support. That is why people are seeking him out. However, Dr. Paul does need some work to make him a viable contender. Even though his message is capable of mass appeal, his delivery could use some improvement. At times, his speech can be lack-luster. Other times, it is his choice of words. These things may very well be what keeps people from believing in his ability as a leader. Of course, that didn’t keep us from voting for “W.” Some real air time might just help as well! Posted By Andrew Fink, Louisville, Kentucky : June 7, 2007 2:52 pm The so-called scientific polls that you speak of don’t even have Ron Paul as a choice! The only reason he has 1-2% of the vote is because they wrote him in! There was a legitimate attempt on CNN’s part to exclude Ron Paul in the debate the other night studies show that he was asked half the questions given to your chosen top three candidates and allowed to talk only a third of the time allowed to the chosen three. CNN quit trying to pick our candidates for us! Believe me we can figure that out just fine ourselves. Quit your blatant attempt to marginalize our candidate by media blackout and labeling him fringe or a long shot candidate…for he’s no more a longshot than the choosen 3 goons you continually promote! Posted By Sean Fluette, Appleton, Wi : June 7, 2007 2:52 pm “If it were up to ron paul, our senior citizens would be dying in the streets. julie, campbell, ca : June 7, 2007 2:20 pm” To Julie: Federal Medicare is horrible. Do you not think that people at the state and local level could help the elderly more efficiently? Now, if your argument is funding, the reasons the states don’t have as much money is because the federal government forces the states to pay money to them for programs such as Medicare. We should cut out the middle man to make our aid to others more efficient. The federal bureaucracy is horribly inefficient. Let the states have their money back so they can put it to better use. “Whoever is co-ordinating this internet publicity drive certainly knows his stuff. Posted By Matthew, London, United Kingom : June 7, 2007 2:39 pm” No one is coordinating this stuff. I am just one man who reads the Constitution. Posted By Max Vowel II, Edmond, OK : June 7, 2007 2:52 pm Apparently it’s going to take dedicated, unpaid, supporters talking about him constantly. Perhaps we wouldn’t be so loud and obsessive if the media gave him equal time. It’s obvious they think they can just focus on the top 3, but just cause they have cash doesn’t mean they know what they are talking about. Half the time they don’t even answer the questions. So, we will be loud and intrusive. Until you finally allow EQUAL attention. Posted By dawn, st. peters, mo : June 7, 2007 2:53 pm Thank you for adressing this issue. The entire internet community is upset at the format of these debates. Not just Ron Paul supporters. I was just at a blog where a guy who sells anti-ron paul merchandise even noted the unfair treatment given to Paul and the other “2nd tier” candidates. GIVE ALL CANDIDATES EQUAL TIME.. LET EACH ANSWER EVERY QUESTION. Posted By Michael Shaw, Saint Albans, West Virginia : June 7, 2007 2:53 pm I’d have liked to hear more from both Huckabee and Paul in the debate. It’s not like Romney and Giuliani were actually answering the questions anyway, so what’s the point of giving them so much more airtime? Also, when I first heard about Paul’s campaign, I didn’t even think he could get as far as he has or attract the active following he has–but as long as he stays in it, I’ll back him over the others any day. Let’s see how far he can go! Posted By William, Baltimore, MD : June 7, 2007 2:53 pm I propose that most Ron Paul supporters are merely those who are opposed to the Iraq War. If their true party membership were known, I am sure that it would be Democratic. They figure if they can get Paul nominated then both major parties would be opposed to the war and the troops would be withdrawn. Most of the bloggers do not mention his conservative stances like ani-abortion, antiIRS, and anti-entitlement. This is not a coincidence and I am sure that his activists would abandon him and vote for the democrat in the general election. The reason why he registers 1-2% in the telephone polls is because those polls only include Republicans, who think Ron Paul is weak on terrorism. Posted By Dan - Boston, MA : June 7, 2007 2:53 pm online we can read his work, view his record, and listen to his speeches _in their entirety_. he sells himself. his online phenom status is simply due to the fact that we’re (active internet users) getting real info about the candidates…. Posted By nimitt, nashville, tn : June 7, 2007 2:53 pm It’s pretty simple. The internet allows all manners of simpletons to join forces for common foolishness. The “truthers” and radical (no, not the normal Democrat) leftists love Ron Paul because he properly (in their view) assigns blame for the world’s ills upon the US. Starting with 9/11. That’s all they need to know. And isn’t being a skeptic and dissenter just an indicator of intelligent patriotism?? As with most things done reflexively or blindly, not a chance. These people are fools who’s greatest use at this point will be to - hopefully - slow the never-ending “story about a poll” that comprises a solid 30% of modern news reporting. Before we get too giddy, perhaps we should look to the $$. Where does Mr. Popular rank for people who spend time doing more than instant messaging each other to spam the latest poll? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Posted By Mike, Atlanta : June 7, 2007 2:54 pm I virtually don’t know who Ron Paul is, though I did not watch the Republican debate. Judging by the anger and paranoia exhibited by his followers he would scare me if he ever became President. Posted By Steve Nelson, Jefferson City, M) : June 7, 2007 2:54 pm Ron paul is another Flash In The Pan Canidate. Much like the Democrats poster child of the last election Howard Dean was. Ron Paul will never, ever get close to getting the nomination. Sorry but thems the facts. I will say it’s nice though to have Ron Paul rattling the cages of the fake Republicans also running. But all is well. Fred will be in the fray soon. Posted By Drew, Savannah, Georgia : June 7, 2007 2:54 pm How do you reconcile that support with the national poll numbers? I’ve never voted in Republican primaries, so I will not receive a call from the “national” polls, since I am not a “likely” Republican voter. I have a feeling that there are many like me, who will register Republican just so they can vote for Ron Paul. Hopefully, more and more “likely” Republican voters will see one of Dr. Paul’s TV appearances, or will be shown one of his many YouTube videos, or a flier with his views outlined, and decide that they have finally found the Republican candidate that can take them out of the mess that Bush and his fellow neo-cons have created. Once that happens, his numbers in the national polls will start rising, and online gamblers will no longer be the only ones putting their money on Paul. Posted By Sebastian Janssen, Bell, California : June 7, 2007 2:54 pm I’m a Liberal that switched sides immediately when I heard the message of Dr. Ron Paul. As a student of History and Education I have researched several of Ron Paul’s main issues and truly believe that he is what America needs. I don’t want to hear what the corrupt candidates like Giuliani and Clinton have to say…They are simply saying what the uneducated masses want to hear. Ron Paul and Barack Obama are the only cadidates worthy of nomination, and only Ron Paul has the experience and knowledge of America past and Present to give this country the change it so desperately needs. Posted By Mike, Morristown NJ : June 7, 2007 2:54 pm “Paul opposes abortion rights, voted to authorize a 700-mile fence along the U.S.Mexican border, supports withdrawing troops from Iraq, and defines marriage as between a man and a woman.” Clever wording indeed. Some clarification: Paul is pro life, but believes there should be no federal law either way. It should be up to the states to decide this issue. I am strongly pro choice, and I have no problem with this. Yes, he is also for border security, and for enforcing the immigration rules that are already on the books. Fair is fair and most democrats support this as well. His stance on gay rights is also very libertarian, he has his views, but does not believe in federal laws either supporting or prohibiting gay marriage and ditto with gays in the military, see the last debate for this one. And yes, he along with 70%+ Americans, is for withdrawing our troops from Iraq. I am too. Posted By Andrew, St. Louis, MO : June 7, 2007 2:55 pm I’m a Ron Paul supporter. Does that make this comment spam? Posted By Brent Sanders, Alexandria, LA : June 7, 2007 2:55 pm Q> What will it take for Ron Paul to break out and challenge the front-runners for the GOP presidential nomination? A> Money. Lots of money. And organization. Not the kind that answers internet polls on who won a debate. But the kind that has high profile leaders in each state. Ron Paul has not developed these kinds of donors and state organizations. That’s done by helping Republicans get elected to positions over a period of years. I like Dr. Paul’s positions. I’ve made financial contributions to him. I plan to vote for him in the primary if he’s still in it then. Posted By Leni, Round Rock, TX : June 7, 2007 2:55 pm Well from an outsiders view Ron Paul seems to be the only guy interested in the truth. He wishes to restore the Constitutional Republic and remove the dictatorship that Bush has set himself up. Posted By R.Rose, Toronto, Canada : June 7, 2007 2:55 pm Ron Paul should definitely run for the office. He would make a great president with Romney as Vice P. Posted By Betty Jones, Kingston, AR : June 7, 2007 2:55 pm I think much of Ron Paul’s support, reflected in such unscientific polls as CNN’s, reflects all voters, not just those who will vote in the Republican primaries (even as distinguished from those eligible to vote in such primaries). Primaries are a race to the fringes of political ideology and Ron Paul does not have the support of the staunchest conservative Republicans (by most accounts, the only republicans who will actually vote (in large proportion) in the primaries). The general election, by contrast, is a race to the moderate viewpoint, as most americans are moderate to some degree, not confined by party hard-lines, and Ron Paul appeals more to this crowd…and these represent the people who are saying he “won” the debates. The scientific polls are, I believe, just caucus registered republican voters and most of them support other republican candidates, which explains his 1-2% in those polls. Posted By Steven N, Minneapolis, MN : June 7, 2007 2:56 pm Kyle’s response is exactly the problem. Ron Paul has been shaking up the Republican primary race by using long forgotten tactics such as blunt honesty (even when it isn’t popular as noted in his account of what caused 9/11) and Constitutionally based views on the issues, but he has been getting virtually zero airtime with the major media outlets who seem to consider it a forgone conclusion that the nomination will be going to Giuliani (did you know he was mayor of NYC on 9/11? He sure won’t let the world forget.), Romney, or McCain. Most of the country has yet to even learn who Paul is. It is disgraceful. Only the most motivated individuals take the time to learn who he is, and as we all know, those people only make up a small number of voters. Posted By Ben, Riverside, CA : June 7, 2007 2:56 pm I posted a message seconds before they all got deleted. All I wanted to say is I want Paul, Gilmore, and Hunter to get more time in these debates. But after seeing how the media tried to bury Paul - I believe the writing is on the wall. Now i’m just trying to figure out which poisition of his is causing the blackout. Is it his stance against the Iraq war? Is it the constitutional position to allow states more say in how government runs? Is it the idea that you can’t export democracy from the barrel of a gun? What is it? I feel like I’m losing my mind and I stumbled into the matrix or something. What’s happening to my country? Posted By Steve chicago, IL : June 7, 2007 2:56 pm Nice spin, CNN. Maybe, just maybe, despite the Mainstream Media’s best efforts, Ron Paul is actually garner support from millions of Americans who are fed up of being lied to by the government and their shills in Corporate Media. We know who CNN wants us to vote for, but some us of are going to decide for ourselves! Posted By Dan Sias, West L.A., CA : June 7, 2007 2:57 pm I’ve never heard of him until this past week. I must say he’s impressing for some reason. I agree with many posters that there is a movement afoot to usher him in. I think the grounds are shaking in the elitist class as they are pumping out executive orders in fear of someone that is “real, not sold out, and doesn’t worship the devil” is rising up. I hope you posters can shake the internet cage loud enough!! Posted By Chris Pensacola, Fl : June 7, 2007 2:57 pm You can start by giving him equal time. In the last debate he got about half the questions Rudy did and about a third of the total time as Ghouliani. Could you make it anymore obvious? The establishment is AFRAID of Ron Paul and will do whatever it takes to marginalize and suppress his coverage. Posted By Chris Caraway Dayton, TN : June 7, 2007 2:57 pm Do the research - Ron Paul’s voting record in the House of Rep’s is THE benchmark for Conservatives. He is the only true conservative in the GOP race that has significant political experience. Sadly, he does not have the financial backing that some of the other candidates have. If he does not get the nomination for the GOP ticket, I would support him in any 3rd party ticket that he would run under. Posted By Nathan Ludlow, Vancouver, WA : June 7, 2007 2:57 pm There is a feeling of disenchantment sweeping this country. Average Americans are beginning to understand that our government has morphed into a cabal of elitists who ignore the wishes of the people who elected them in favor of the mandates of the political action committees and corporations. We want a President who listens to the will of the people and upholds our constitution. What we don’t want is just another political hack who panders to the money. Ron Paul is smart and would respect the will of the people. Posted By Chris, Fairmont, West Virginia : June 7, 2007 2:58 pm I’ll tell you EXACTLY what it will take to make Paul a front-runner. The media’s recognition of the fact that he is picking up more speed and momentum than any candidate, republican OR democrat. And the reason for this is that his message resonates with the vast majority of Americans. A lot of so-called liberals are registering republican just to vote for Paul in the primaries!! Now THAT is amazing! Posted By Brian Swenk, Asheville NC : June 7, 2007 2:58 pm If the polls showed Giuliani, Romney, or McCain leading the polls, I’ll bet $100 that you wouldn’t be using the word “unscientific” to describe them. Posted By Mark, Sunnyvale, CA : June 7, 2007 2:58 pm “[Paul] regards the freedom of the individual to either attain great standing or stagnate as the most basic freedom.” With no regard whatsoever for the massive inequality of opportunity that is hoarded from generation to generation. The Ron Paul phenomenon reinforces the reality that a passionate 1% can make a whole heapload of noise. That’s actually a great and a good thing, but it won’t lead to a Paul presidency anymore than it did for Bauer or Kucinich or any of the other interesting “principled” gadflies that have always been part of the political process. Posted By Jonathan Laden, Washington DC : June 7, 2007 2:59 pm I’m afraid my mailbox will be filled with Ron Paul spam any day now. Take the campaign out of the internet and the playing field will level out because that’s where 1-2% has real meaning. Posted By Jeff Wilson, Vallejo, California : June 7, 2007 2:59 pm I am a Progressive Democrate. What I like about Ron Paul is that he has always been smart enought to know this Iraq War was not legal and not constitutional in spirit if not the letter of the law. While I disagree with him on many issues he is a far cry above any of the other corporate owned folks running in both the Republican and Democratic parties. Posted By Randy Thompson, Lewisville, Texas : June 7, 2007 2:59 pm One by one, regular Americans are starting to realize that Ron Paul has the right vision, leadership and humility that this country needs for the hour. Posted By RElliott - Indianapolis, IN : June 7, 2007 2:59 pm I don’t think I’ve heard of a more hilarious and dangerous statement than “Ron Paul for President.” It’s no wonder that the most ardent Ron Paul supporters are to be found on an overwhelmingly liberal news web-site like CNN. Ron Paul is merely trying to appease the liberal anti-war base by saying the same thing we’ve heard before: “I’ve been against the war from the start.” Nothing like 20/20 hindsight to get people in line with his thinking. Wake up and realize that supporting Ron Paul is like supporting Ralph Nader. Any Republican who knows the issues can tell you Ron Paul should be in the Independent camp if not the Democratic camp. The only reason he is in the Republican debate is because he wants face-time and declaring himself an “independent” will not get him that face-time. Posted By Joe, Manhattan : June 7, 2007 2:59 pm one more thing In the debate, the moderators were sure to bring up various exchanges between candidates. What Guliani said about McCain and immigration. What Gilmore said about everybody, etc, etc, Umm. Ron Paul had 3 CIA officials step forward and side with him on the last debate. He had a press conference entitled “Educating Rudy” and wanted an opology. CNN didn’t bring it up. WHY? Posted By Steve chicago, IL : June 7, 2007 2:59 pm “When this guy said that the most important moral issue is the decision to launch preemptive war, I just thought: “Wow, what a Texan. Go home”” Posted By Kevin Vela Las Vegas, Nevada : June 7, 2007 2:12 pm If you actually listened, he said that the most important moral issue was the fact that we think we have a right to launch preemptive war, not that we should. Posted By Dawn, St. Peters, MO : June 7, 2007 2:59 pm Ron Paul would be the first republican I have ever voted for. I hope he gets some funding somehow. Posted By Conrad San Ramon Ca : June 7, 2007 2:59 pm The US Election Process is becoming ever more dangerously closer to American Idol. The people in this country need to once again put a thinking man in the White House. What a concept! Ron Paul is the best candidate who meets that criteria. Posted By Tom , Yorktown Heights, NY : June 7, 2007 2:59 pm Paul doesn’t oppose abortion “rights”, he opposes involvement of the issue at the federal level, nice spin. Paul defines marriage as between a man and a woman, so what, so do 99% of other Americans, still that’s a non issue, and again has no business being discussed at the federal level and it’s absurd that a mainstream news outlet would actually cover such nonsense. Given that most major news outlets are no nothing more than tabloid media, i suppose it’s not surprising. Your lopsided coverage of “first tier” candidates is disgusting, and it proves either of two things: 1) You clearly have a corporate agenda and aren’t seriously concerned with the well being of the nation, it’s sovereignty, and it’s constitution that protects our inalienable rights. 2) You actually believe the status quo is better, and lack any sort of historical perspective in favor of believing our constitution is “just a damned piece of paper” worthy only of fearmongering candidates who would take an oath to uphold the document which created this republic into existence and then turn around and trash it for reasons only George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Halliburton could give you. Posted By J.H : June 7, 2007 3:00 pm Ron Paul states what everyone else is afraid to say. He is the best candidate for the Republican Party. He has my support and that of my family and friends. Too bad CNN and the other networks have pushed him aside. He is truly for America. Posted By Mary Alice Carter, Monticello, Ga. : June 7, 2007 3:00 pm Ron Paul is a genious, though he will not be elected to even run by THIS republican party, thats why he was a libertarian when he ran in 88. The only way he’d have a chance is if this public sentiment continued to grow at the rate that it is, so that the GOP could not ignore his following. I just don’t think Americans today have the capacity to be open minded about the lines drawn between the political parties, as has been a problem consistantly in history. And thats sad. Posted By Tracey, L.A., Cali : June 7, 2007 3:00 pm This is exactly where Ron Paul should be at this point in the election. The 1-2% of the scientific polls he’s gotten so far is simply due to people not knowing about him– supporters making him an issue is what it’ll take to raise awareness of him. Once that happens, I have a feeling Paul will take off with a lot of old-fashioned conservatives and people who are sick of big government. Posted By Mike Miller, Terre Haute, IN : June 7, 2007 3:00 pm Dr. Ron Paul knows his stuff, Look forward to hearing more about him. The whole world would value a president who knows his place in the world, and not try to police and rule the world stage. Posted By johnpaulzz ny : June 7, 2007 3:00 pm Ron Paul is a breathe of fresh air. I like him because he isn’t an establishment candidate and while I am a little more socially liberal than Paul I will not be voting for a Democrat. This man is making me believe in the process again! Posted By Korey Austin Texas : June 7, 2007 3:01 pm People seem to forget most unscientific polls can’t be manipulated, because they don’t allow the same IP address to vote twice (AOL, MSNBC, …). The people voting on online polls are actually real people too (suprise), who will go out to vote when Ron Paul is on the ballot. I know I’ve changed from Democrat to Republican registration just to be able to vote for him in the primaries, and I know dozens of friends (!) who have done the same thing (and that’s just my circle of friends). During the last debate we saw that the Ron Paul Army had already mobilized to support him on the street and blew the little number of others away, we saw them ‘met up’ afterwards and guess who showed up at the party, Ron Paul who took his time to greet everybody. This man represents more then a man with ideals nowadays, he represents freedom and the hope to regain our freedom. If the terrorists hated our freedom, and attacked us because they were jalous… they have succeeded because we lost our freedom because of it… Ron Paul is the man to fix this contradicty. Posted By J. Stevens Houston, Texas : June 7, 2007 3:01 pm Why is it that when WE the American people finally find through the Internet a way to speak up for ourselves and by ourselves and thereby choose Ron Paul as our hope, our opinion is “an unscientific survey”? Scientific surveys have accompanied the divorce between public policy and public opinion and have manipulated our voice. Too often politicians pontificate about what the American people want, and do so on the strength of unscientific surveys. This time around we speak up by ourselves, and if we loose this opportunity, this may very well be the last time, for thereafter “scientific surveys” will inform us all of what we want! Discard Ron Paul and you discard the American people. We, not he, are the phenomenon; and we, who labor at night writing about him on blogs and surveys, deserve and demand the respect that successive generations of parasitical politicians have robbed us of. Posted By Mario GR Oriani-Ambrosini, Esq. Chantilly, VA : June 7, 2007 3:01 pm As a usual Democratically voting individual… I do have to say that Ron Paul has caught my ear. Interesting fellow who brings up some very good issues. I think/hope he is the future of the Republican party. I don’t think I could personally vote for him b/c I don’t think he would work to protect a woman’s right to choose, but if he did… things might be different in my voting this election. Posted By Kate, Manchester, NH : June 7, 2007 3:01 pm You listed four positions for Ron Paul. I’m a progressive (not a Republican) and I’m in agreement on three of four. On the fourth, I don’t think he can do anything, so that’s a non-issue for me. Aside from the problem that he’s a Texan, I’m ok with Ron Paul, much more so than with Rudi, and McCain. Posted By Paul M : June 7, 2007 3:01 pm Surprise, surprise! And indeed it is a wonderful surprise that CNN is taking note of Rep. Ron Paul. We are anxious to see him step into the Presidency. He is a leader. Give him enough face time to detail what he believes. He is such a threat to the traitors who call themselves politicians and big business that run the country, and are now destroying us on the fast track with amnesty, sending our job base to other countries, that they will stop at nothing to silence him. He deserves fair time - if CNN or another station gives 11 minutes to other candidates, he needs 11 minutes, too. Get in back of this man and do your research. He is the only one qualified to run this Democratic Republic of ours. This election is going to be crucial in the history of our country. Be very, very careful of your choice. We have Communists, Fascists, a blend, and then we have Rep. Ron Paul. I am 64 years old with children and grandchildren, and I VOTE - not only for myself, but for my family. Posted By May Lattanzio, Youngstown, FL : June 7, 2007 3:02 pm >>>>> HERE ARE RON PAUL’S VIEWS > AGAINST “ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT” THROUGH FORCE >> AGAINST NORTH AMERICAN UNION >> AGAINST PRE-EMPTIVE WAR >> AGAINST IRAQ WAR >> AGAINST IRS ILLEGALLY TAXING YOUR INCOME >> AGAINST CORPORATE FEDERAL RESERVE PROFITING FROM DILUTION OF OUR CURRENCY >> FOR YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL LIBERTIES >> PRO-LIFE (DETERMINED BY STATES) >> FOR SMALL GOVERNMENT What more do you need to know? Copy and paste this post to get the message out, if you want to. Change happens through education. Posted By Ty Walker, New Orleans, LA : June 7, 2007 3:02 pm The CNN online poll is flawed, because it allows those wishing to embarrass the leading Republicans by claiming Paul won the debate. If CNN had another poll that included ALL candidates, including Hillary, Obama, Paul, McCain, Giuliani and others, Paul would get less than 1% of the tally. I suspect a majority of the “Paul supporters” would really support Democrats in a general election. Posted By Anderson Schneider : June 7, 2007 3:03 pm STOP MEDIA MANIPULATION OF POLITICAL COVERAGE. Paul is the only candidate who expresses genuine morals and any hope of change when we need it most. Ron Paul deserves equal coverage! If you haven’t heard his platforms yet its because he gets no air time. He deserves MORE ATTENTION from the media (INCLUDING CNN!!!!!) Posted By Patrick, Norman OK : June 7, 2007 3:03 pm I am very impressed with Ron Paul. I am a”yellow dog” democrat and would like to see Obama pick Paul as his running mate. If Paul is on the ballot I will vote for him. Daniel Sullivan CReswell, Oregon Posted By Daniel Sullivan Creswell, Oregon : June 7, 2007 3:03 pm I am writing in regards to the 06/07 article titled “The Ron Paul ‘phenom’?” I want to clarify a few things that were stated in the last few paragraphs. The only thing Congressman Paul opposes is any federal government action on abortion; he believes it should be left up to the states. His position is similar on the subject of gay marriage; marriage is not under the scope of the federal government, and therefore, the federal government should have nothing to do with it. I have been a Democrat for as long as I can remember, and I would have shot myself in the face if I ever thought of myself as a conservative, but if this Paul guy is for real, then I am conservative, and so are you. Sincerely, Abhinav Kumar Posted By Abhinav Kumar, Austin, Texas : June 7, 2007 3:03 pm Ron Paul’s support is real and growing. Any other candidate supporters have ample access to the same polls and comments sections, but the fact is that no one has a message like Ron Paul and nobody else has a record of integrity like Ron Paul. That’s why he has thousands of enthusiastic fans! The media may try to censor and silence, but the times they are a-changin’. Posted By Adrian Bisson, Fort Wayne, IN : June 7, 2007 3:04 pm Ancient Flower, maybe more people would read your message if you didn’t type in all capital letters and checked your spelling before posting. Oh, do a reality check too. Aren’t you insinuating quite a bit by saying “ITS WHAT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WANT AND THAT IS RON PAUL AND HIS VIEWS”? What’s best for you doesn’t mean it’s best for the United States and its citizens. I support abortion rights and am fine with gay marriage. Take a Tylenol PM, relax and be sensible. Posted By Patrick…Bay Area, CA : June 7, 2007 3:04 pm If you read the founding document of this nation, the Declaration of Independence, it is very clear that government derives its support from the consent of the governed. The mainstream politicians of the “Right” and the “Left” have suppressed true dissent in politics with their myriad of ballot access laws, campaign finance laws and ridiculous electronic voting machines. Miraculously, Ron Paul has risen above this hideous intent and gives voice to the original American dream, that government be a small and inconsequential part of your life. Not a single one of any of the mainstream Republican or Democrat candidates will ever have my consent whether they win the election or not. Their ideas are simply treasonous to the real American dream. Only Ron Paul gives any hope for the future of this nation. He deserves an equal voice before all the American people. Posted By Marque, Stockbridge, GA : June 7, 2007 3:04 pm Ron’s message, in the context of popular political discourse, is completely out of left field, and totally unexpected. It takes people by pleasant surprise and moves them beyond the divisive issues that define every alternative. Ron Paul has very broad appeal. We just need to keep getting the word out and not adopt the fatalistic view that his election is an impossibility. Most people are much healthier than the media has trained us to believe, and they DO appreciate truth. Posted By Chip, Rocklin, CA : June 7, 2007 3:04 pm Obama, Paul 2008 Posted By Courtney Kohout, Malibu, CA : June 7, 2007 3:04 pm Ron Paul is a breath of fresh air. In my opinion Ron Paul is the only candidate that has a heart for the American people and doing what is truly right for this country and not what the special interest groups want. Posted By Paul Harris Tulsa, OK : June 7, 2007 3:05 pm Texas Congressman Dr. Ron Paul has true conservative values. Those of us who believe in these priciples are shut out of big business controlled media. The American pulic will no longer stand to have our consitiutional rights trampled. The internet allows us to communicate our views. Is it any wonder that many foreign governments are censoring their internet using the cooperation of internet companies based right here in the United States. During the American Revolution 90% of the public did nothing to support our revolutionary forces. About 10% gave food, goods, services etc. toward defeating the British. Only 2% actually picked up arms. The internet allows a much larger number of people to support our new revolution and a much higher percentage of people are “keeping their powder dry”. Thank you Dr. Paul. Posted By Bob Earl, Maimai, Florida : June 7, 2007 3:06 pm Don’t believe anything written in the newspapers today. They have an Orwell system of disinformation and outright lies that they use to get you to think what they want. Ron Paul is being marginalized, and discounted, obviously. The power brokers don’t want him to be president, or, more importantly, listened to. Posted By Joe. Brunswick Montana : June 7, 2007 3:06 pm Honestly, I didn’t know who he even was until these debates. Looking at his stance though, he seems to be the best candidate at the moment, or at least the one I most agree with. I wish he had more air time; it’s not quite fair that those with the most money receive the most benefits. (Right, Paris?) Posted By Ashley, Chandler, AZ : June 7, 2007 3:06 pm Past debates were strictly time controlled and one candidate was not given preference over another. If this is the way CNN and the corporate media chooses to run the show then fair enough - but don’t pretend that these debates are anything other than undemocratic, staged and rigged theatre that are designed to cull underdogs while establishment-approved candidates are exalted. Posted By john Paul NY : June 7, 2007 3:06 pm I would welcome Ron Paul as a top tier candidate if he would simply respect the right of a woman to choose what happens within her body. Simply say it is up to the woman (partial birth abortion is already outlawed) to decide. I think that fervent pro-life dogma may be a stumbling block for support from moderates such as myself. Posted By Frank La Duca Colorado Springs, CO : June 7, 2007 3:06 pm I had never heard of Ron Paul before the debates but would vote for him in a heart beat. He is telling the truth and the others are squirming. I am an 82 year old veteran of WW II and have no axe to grind except getting Bush out of office and bringing the troops home. Thank God that we finally have someone who sees the big picture and is not afraid to voice his views! Posted By T. Parish, Pensacola, Florida : June 7, 2007 3:06 pm Ron Paul would be the next President were it not for his selfish I’m alright Jack healthcare policies. Posted By Mark Atlanta GA : June 7, 2007 3:06 pm Ron Paul is obviously the best choice out of the field of Republican candidates. A Ron Paul presidency would be a welcome change from the last 15 years of incompetence we have had in that office. This country needs a change in direction, and he is the only candidate, from either party, that has demonstrated the ability to direct it. Posted By Rich, Tucson, AZ : June 7, 2007 3:06 pm How is it that major media has him at 1-2% while all the polls have him close to 64%. What’s wrong with this picture? Posted By Kwinto : June 7, 2007 3:07 pm It’s refreshing to hear a Republican talking about downsizing the Federal Government and not base their campaign on terrorism and incorporate 9/11 into every single answer…Rudi. Posted By Mike, Cleveland Ohio : June 7, 2007 3:07 pm Ron Paul is by far the best Republican candidate. There’s nothing phony about him. He is a libertarian and a strong believer in states rights, smaller government, rights to privacy. I’m a green Party member, who usually votes Democratic, but you know what? Ron Paul crosses those boundaries and even though I don’t agree with him on everything., I can see myself seriously considering voting for Ron Paul who has the most realistic outlook of any candidate I have seen in these debates. Posted By Roger W. Prestonsburg, KY : June 7, 2007 3:07 pm What Ron Paul needs most is just TIME. It is still very early and that is very important for him. As people get to know more about him they will appreciate him more. He has been the same person for decades. He will be more likable with familiarity. The others will become more dislikable. Ron Paul is absolutely for real!! As long as he is in the race he will have my vote. Should he not get the republican vote I hope he runs as an independent. I believe in a three horse race, by the time the general elections would roll around, he would have a real shot at around 30-40 percent of the vote. No matter what happens as long as he is in the running he SERVES AMERICA IN A GREAT WAY. He will force the other corporate owned politicos to have to change their ways because his popularity will continue to grow. Ron Paul is fantastic…at first they might laugh at him, then they might hate him, then they will fight him, then he will win…. Posted By John in Chicagao : June 7, 2007 3:07 pm CNN and other news outlets need to stop referring to the “top tier” candidates. This is a ridiculous, fabricated term designed to brainwash citizens that non “top tier” candidates are not worth discussion. It is a ploy by those in control of the news outlets to force attention to focus on their pre-selected group of candidates. This was made blatantly obvious in the recent Q&A sessions, er, debates. The so called “top tier” candidates in both parties were allowed 2-3 times more speaking time than other candidates. Didn’t all the candidates pay the same fee to be allowed to debate? Some of them were ripped off! Americans are sick and tired of being forced to choose the lesser of two evils. We always end up with evil! Finally, the Internet is giving the people a voice and access to information that has not been pre-processed by the few in control of the media, so one can hope for real change at last. Posted By Jason, Houston, TX : June 7, 2007 3:07 pm “Ron Paul Phenomenon?”, you ask? I have an answer. Paul’s message is one that excites people more than anyone else. Many people feel strongly about the message of liberty. I can tell you that NO ONE is “organizing” me to come on and vote in polls or post on CNN’s blog. I went to poston the CNN’s “Who won the Republican debate” blog that night because I watched the debate and felt strongly about what Ron Paul had to say and I want to spread that message, I want it to be known that I agree. Many of my family and friends feel the same way although they don’t post online. Paul’s internet support seems big but it is even bigger still (outside of the internet). The other candidates (on both sides) are more of the same, over and over again. The same message wrapped in a different box is only going to cause so much excitement (or lack there of). The freedom message is a strong one. It creates a strong response. I’d also like to correct one statement made in this post. Taking down the debate question did actually stop Paul supporters from posting. It stopped me from posting. Perhaps you should have said that it didn’t stop “some” Paul supporters from posting when you redirected the URL to the democrat debate question. Thank you. Posted By Erin Roe, Hampton, VA : June 7, 2007 3:08 pm The reason he doesn’t poll higher off-line is because the TV media doesn’t cover him. Maybe they could take a hint from the online folks that his message is appealing. >Paul opposes abortion rights My understanding is he opposes federal government intervention on this issue. >voted to authorize a 700-mile fence along the U.S.-Mexican border I thought he said this was not the aspect of the bill he wanted, but that he is for stronger border control and against amnesty. He wants to figure out the cause of illegal immigration and stop treating symptoms >supports withdrawing troops from Iraq Hey! You got one right! >Defines marriage as between a man and a woman I haven’t heard this one. Can you sight his exact statement, so we can see what he exactly he said on this issue? PEOPLE - GET PAST THE SPIN BY CNN, FOX, MSNBC - WATCH WHAT RON PAUL ACTUALLY SAYS ON YOUTUBE.COM Posted By Ian D, Eastham MA : June 7, 2007 3:08 pm I am not a Republican. During the past year or so I have read many of his speeches in congress.Unlike most other candidates(both parties) I feel he is an honest and sincere person and if by some miracle he wins the nomination I think I would support him. Posted By Ronald Salvo Toms River,NJ 08755 : June 7, 2007 3:08 pm Like many other Americans who did not know anything about Ron Paul, his performance Tuesday night was a pleasant surprise! Posted By Kathleen Linthwaite, Gloucester, VA : June 7, 2007 3:08 pm it’s democracy - not a coordinated stunt. He makes sense. He talks like a person not a video print out - and his principles are logical. Posted By bill - bridgewater, ct. : June 7, 2007 3:08 pm I am a real person, a voter and a taxpayer and I support Ron Paul. Wake up America - Ron Paul is for real! Posted By Michael Holt, Austin Texas : June 7, 2007 3:08 pm Ron Paul is the man. He may not be the most charismatic candidate, but he sure is the most and best straight shooter among the republican presidential candidates. He tells it like it is. No pandering to special interest groups. He is not in the race for personality contest. He doesn’t wobble trying to give an answer that would please everybody. I wish the press would give him more time to butress his points and position. As far as I have seen, if you judge all the contenders based on substance, he belongs to the top tier candidates. Forget about McCain, he is too desperate. Forget about Juliani, he is not a hero and not ready for prime time. As for Romney, I think he is okay, and can learn a lot from Ron paul. Posted By Sam, Miami, Florida : June 7, 2007 3:08 pm The media is biased against Ron Paul and arent truthfully reporting his support. The bias was apparent in the debates where Ron was relagated to the edge but still got more applause than the guys in the middle. The net is the only real free press! Posted By Randy Gilbreaith, Pollock Pines, CA 95726 : June 7, 2007 3:08 pm readyforchange, you already have an incredibly liberal media in this country. So what you’re saying is that the media should cover the candidate in the Republican camp that panders to your views the most? There’s a reason he is not covered by the media following the Republican ticket: because he is NOT A REPUBLICAN! He has no chance of even coming in the top 8 in the primaries, let alone winning it. I know it sounds bad and would be bad if it happened, but Brownback will win the primary before Ron Paul does. Saying Ron Paul is the candidate of choice for the Republican camp after watching the Republican debate is as laughable as saying Gravel from Alaska is the candidate of choice from the Democratic camp after the debates. Stop. Being. Ridiculous. Posted By Joe, Manhattan : June 7, 2007 3:08 pm CNN - all those “scientific” polls were conducted prior to even the first republican debate! I applaud your fair treatment … I take back what I said about going to Al Jazeera instead for my news. Now, just keep it up . . . we need more coverage! Posted By bret, atl, ga : June 7, 2007 3:08 pm I am amazed at you CNN folk. “Do the debate numbers reflect something different than the national polls?” Duh! Hello! You keep relying on the same contaminated well of outdated pollsters to prop up your pre-selected, pre-packaged in-thecorporate-back-pocket candidates. And let’s clear up this… “Oh, Paul supporters are spamming again!” If the numbers were for any other candidate, it would be headline news… but for Dr. Paul… it’s those damn spammers again. I really think the mainstream media have turned into cognitive bias drones… with very few exceptions. And you are surely damaging your credibility with viewers. I wonder why most of you folks are so scared of Congressman Paul? Gee, there would be no “Iraq/Iran all-options-on-the-table preemptive war on terror” to cover, that wouldn’t be good for ratings, now would it? I certainly hope you wake from your coma. I have already dropped ABC, NBC, & CBS from my viewing list…. including their radio, magazine and newspaper affiliates… maybe that’s what it will take for you folks to finally realize that the people; (your viewers and your advertisers potential customers) are speaking up loud and clear for the one man, the only man who will put this country back on track. Ron Paul is the Champion of the Constitution. So all media take heed… to deny and suppress Dr. Paul will only result in you losing viewership down the road. It is so blatantly obvious when you report it, or don’t report it. What a foolish price to pay for censorship and suppression. I hope you are smarter than that… but you have yet to prove it. Posted By ronpaul2008nyc : June 7, 2007 3:09 pm Regarding the polls: When one considers that elections receive only about 50% of registered voters there is a huge potential for Ron Paul to make these nonvoters turn out at the next election. His current standing in the polls of the major media is therefore deceptive. The shameful display of arrogance by Blitzer sidelining him at the debate was most certainly registered by the American people. Posted By Mister Ed : June 7, 2007 3:09 pm Ron Paul is the only candidate I see who genuinely cares about the people of this country not the corporations and powers that be. This is evidenced by the fact that the majority of the country wants us out of the war and he’s the only one with a plan to withdraw our troops the others have not. Whenever I talk to people who are informed of his positions most agree with him unfortunately the established media doesn’t give him the same recognition as the other so called top tier candidates. Posted By TR Providence RI : June 7, 2007 3:10 pm Finally a breath of fresh air has been injected into the “Run for the Rose Garden”….run Ron, run! Posted By Jem Dickinson, Chattanooga, TN : June 7, 2007 3:10 pm I’m definitely leaning Democrat this presidential election…however, Ron Paul has made me wonder about that. I like his views on liberty…and his conservative money policy, and anti-war policy. I wish he’d get more respect out there. Posted By Mark, Tampa, FL : June 7, 2007 3:10 pm To the woman who from California who asked “who is Ron Paul, is this some kind of joke”. Look anyone from a state that elected The Governator should not even try to criticize. Posted By Anonymous : June 7, 2007 3:10 pm Ron Paul is by far the most honest and balanced candidate on the GOP presidential campaign. The problem with the United States is obviously the continuation of world domination (military, economic, currency-financial). This becomes a problem when other countries do not want to follow the United States agenda and that is when we enter problems. Ron Paul hit it right on the head when he said that “blow back” is our problem and that is what is leading to our continuous wars and other matters. I am not saying that Ron Paul knows everything and he makes mistakes, but he does have the right mind set for the United States. We have to get out of Iraq, Korea, and elsewhere and defend our borders and get out of the NAFTA and WTO. The biggest thing that can ruin a country is the economy (look at the fall of the former USSR) and Ron Paul is strong on getting rid of the MASSIVE debts and getting off the free floating dollar (fiat currency). That is why I like him and will vote for him is he is nominated. Posted By Joseph, St. Pauls, North Carolina : June 7, 2007 3:11 pm Ron Paul seems to be the most genuine of all Candidates (Republican & Democratic). It is great to see a presidential candidate who bases his/her ideas off solid judgement and common sense. I think it would be great for America to have a presidential election between Obama and Paul. Posted By Michael Johnston, Newport Beach, CA : June 7, 2007 3:11 pm These “scientific random polls” are old timers that have not a clue about current events, other than what main stream media shoves down their throats. They are not technologically advanced enough to have gotten rid of their landline(8 track) telephone systems. Don’t know what email or as our brilliant iq80 president refers to it as ‘the internets’ is. As other readers have suggested, do a “internet phone system” only poll, or cell phone poll, I believe these polls of yesteryear results will be aired out for what they really are. Dinosaur (in their defense, misinformed do to corrupt media system) opinions, from dinosaur people, via dinosaur data collection methods. Posted By N Berry, Russellville Arkansas : June 7, 2007 3:11 pm I would like to know what the folks reading this thread think of Tom Tancredo. Would anyone care to comment? Posted By Paul : June 7, 2007 3:11 pm ****** HERE ARE RON PAUL’S VIEWS > AGAINST CREATION OF ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT THROUGH FORCE >> AGAINST NORTH AMERICAN UNION >> AGAINST PRE-EMPTIVE WAR >> AGAINST IRAQ WAR >> AGAINST IRS ILLEGALLY TAXING YOUR INCOME >> AGAINST CORPORATE FEDERAL RESERVE PROFITING FROM DILUTION OF OUR CURRENCY >> FOR YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL LIBERTIES >> PRO-LIFE (DETERMINED BY STATES) >> FOR SMALL GOVERNMENT What more do you need to know? Copy and paste this post to get the message out, if you want to. Change happens through education. Posted By Rodney Richardson — NEW YORK : June 7, 2007 3:11 pm There is no doubt that while Ron Paul is a somewhat unimposing figure and hardly a great orator, he captured most viewers simnply because he talked straight and struck the public nerve as regards Americans’ honest feeling about issues like Iraq and immigration. Most Americans including ‘former’ party faithful are now declared independent and fed up with the political two party cartel. It’s so bad folks who have hated Nixon and Clinton now openly admit they appear more akin to someone who’s gotten a parking ticket. America is at a crossroads and needs more open debate and inclusions of 3rd,4th or more political parties. It’s ironic that the most prominent voice speaking for most Americans is a TV commentator and newsman, Lou Dobbs. He has become our David against the mega monster political Goliath. Posted By Ferde Grofe, 131 Piantbrush Lane, Union,WA.98592 : June 7, 2007 3:11 pm “Paul opposes abortion rights, voted to authorize a 700-mile fence along the U.S.Mexican border, supports withdrawing troops from Iraq, and defines marriage as between a man and a woman. Is he a “true conservative”? If indeed his support is growing, what is it going to take for Paul to break out and challenge the frontrunners for the GOP presidential nomination?” Hey there, good way to slander his positions into a generic conservative. First, he doesn’t “oppose” “abortion rights” he says those laws should be completely up to the state. Second, his marriage on position isn’t as straightforward as “man and woman” he thinks the federal government has no right to make a definition as such and has repeated this many times. Third, he has been against the war from the start, he isn’t a part of this growing bandwagon of liberals. Why don’t you post his true positions? Such as being opposed to the war on drugs, a doctor in favor of revamping healthcare, and for lowering taxes more than any other conservative out there. Why don’t you state his real positions CNN? Why must you misconstrue him every chance you get? You continue to slander him here too, suggesting that polls are being misrepresented and even suggesting spamming are responsible for his high poll numbers. That’s stupid, he has the highest amount of followers on youtube (double, actually), followed most closely on facebook, and has outperformed every republican at the debate, perhaps that’s why he’s winning these polls? “Who is Ron Paul? Is this some kind of joke? Just because the mainstream media pretends he doesn’t exist doesn’t mean he isn’t the best candidate for the job. Look him up, look at his positions on issues, and maybe you too can learn, he is clearly the only true republican running. Thank you. Posted By Brian, Manchester NH : June 7, 2007 3:12 pm What happened…i thought this was just a ‘ticker’ for Ron Paul…this ‘ticker’ suddenly changed to a ‘ticker’ for all news topics….Good job CNN. Making it more apparent everyday that mainstream media is trying to minimize Ron Paul. Its Time to wake up Americans and reclaim your country Posted By MARK , SAN ANTONIO, TX : June 7, 2007 3:12 pm It is readilly apparent to the intellegent among us that the mainstream media is ignoring Congressman Paul for a reason. That reason is also apparent, that is Ron Paul is a real American Conservative who doesn’t just talk the talk, he walks the walk. The corporate media is controlled by what amounts to a criminal conspiracy of disinformation , the American people being the target. Dr.Paul stands for a soveriegn American republic that looks after it’s own best interests, and that’s why the Israel-owned media ignores him. It is simply because he is a loyal American , and not a globalist or Zionist lackey. Posted By R.W. Hawkins , Linden, texas : June 7, 2007 3:12 pm Ron Paul seems like a great guy until you start hearing about going back to the gold standard and getting rid of the treasury….while very idealistic, it isn’t realistic and his supporters should try not to blow this election for the Democrats like the Naderhead from a few years ago. Posted By Gary G. Santa Fe : June 7, 2007 3:12 pm Ron Paul gets buzz only because CNN viewers are responding, and such viewers are not representative of the GOP or the voting public. The shrinking domestic audience at CNN is becoming more narrowly far left in their ideology and are therefore more attuned to the rogue message of Mr Paul. I suspect relatively few Republicans view CNN on a regular basis since alternatives to the internationalist viewpoint are available on other cable networks. The data and responses regarding Rep Paul are skewed. John McKay Tallahassee Posted By John K McKay, PhD Tallahassee FL : June 7, 2007 3:13 pm Who is John Galt? Ron Paul opposes those things not allowed by our Constitution and is in favor of the individual States handling those duties not given,specificaly, to the Federal Government. Posted By Earl Reese, Sumter SC : June 7, 2007 3:13 pm Ron Paul would do better in the national polls if the media and pundits gave him the same leeway they give to the other candidates. Instead, pundits, for the most part, treat him like he’s out to lunch. Nothing could be further from the truth. For God sakes, he’s the only one that keeps talking about following the Constitution! The other candidates never mention that document. Give him the same air time and respect, and he’ll sway even more Americans who are disillusioned. Posted By Christopher Scott : June 7, 2007 3:13 pm Heres the thing about Ron Paul supporters being organized. We aren’t. I’ve never had a meeting and I dont get email updates about whats going on. Some of his supporters most assuredly do but I think the vast majority are just thirsty for a change and are inspired by Dr. Paul. Posted By Paul Wilson, Canton, OH : June 7, 2007 3:13 pm Ron Paul is the only can candidate that has been truly honest about what this war in Iraq is doing to the country and just how much it is costing both in lives and money the American People. It is not anti-american to stand up to for what is right and challenge the idea that our interventionism has made the world less safe. Ron Paul stands for peace and setting a positive example for other countries to emulate. Not to promote democracy with the barrel of a gun! He is The Champion of the Constitution!!!!! Posted By Adrian,Alpine TX : June 7, 2007 3:13 pm I’m afraid my mailbox will be filled with Ron Paul spam any day now. Take the campaign out of the internet and the playing field will level out because that’s where 1-2% has real meaning. Posted By Jeff Wilson, Vallejo, California : June 7, 2007 2:59 pm That’s an interesting theory. Somehow, Ron Paul is the only candidate who seems have an enthusiastic following on the Internet. Well, heck…LOTS of people of every stripe surf the Internet, so where are the massive numbers of Hillary, Barack, McCain, Giuliani, Romney Internet supporters? Are they all too dumb or apathetic to post on the blogs and forums? That makes no sense. The only thing that makes sense is that there is a true grass roots groundswell for Ron Paul, which is merely reflected by Internet activity. The “1% to 2%” support for Ron Paul is fictional. We see many signs that the support for Ron Paul is being hidden. Many online polls that are spam-proofed STILL get massive numbers of Ron Paul votes. This can’t be stopped, so the mainstream media would be well served by not trying to stop it any longer. Posted By Bob C, Glendale AZ : June 7, 2007 3:14 pm If Ron Paul supported a woman’s right to choose he’d garner even more support. This, I believe, is his main fault. BL Posted By Bobby Logan Studio City, CA : June 7, 2007 3:14 pm I think if people really think about what Ron Pual stands for they would see he makes the most sence. I truely hope the libertarian party can become the 3rd party US politics needs. Posted By John Newburgh NY : June 7, 2007 3:14 pm The “featured” candidates were in the center of the stage during the debate. They put Ron Paul on the edge and gave him about 1/4 of the time to speak as they gave Guliani. It made me sick. Ron Paul wants to protect our constitution. Check out ronpaul2008.com for information and get educated! Posted By Suzanne, Round Rock, TX : June 7, 2007 3:14 pm For Ron Paul to become President, Americans must be willing to vote for someone who their televisions,radios and leading newpapers are suggesting they NOT vote for. Ron Paul’s entire life is a testament to peace, fiscal prudence and adherence to the Constitution. He is a man of honor. He does not believe that giving more authority to the federal government will resolve societal ills. Has bigger government resulted in greater peace, prosperity and liberty for Americans? The major media sources tell us to vote for candidates who support a bigger government. They stand to gain monetarily through this suggestion. If Americans cherish the liberties outlined in the Constitution, they finally have a candidate who has a proven track record of upholding them. I am not sure Americans understand or love true liberty any longer. They follow what their televisions, radios and major newspapers tell them to do. Posted By Tim, Derry NH : June 7, 2007 3:14 pm A Texan for President? That should pretty much end this discussion. From a Texas republican. Posted By Rick, Slaton, TX : June 7, 2007 3:14 pm Even the very suggestion that we are “spam” makes us crazy, makes some even rude, but I’ll stay calm. Look how many people are responding leaving their full name. What about the 12,000 plus signatures sent to the head of the MI GOP when he suggested banning Paul from future debates? SPAM? hardly. And he has this wide spread support without fair play from the media, if he had fair play, he would be leading the pack by double digits. The “scientific” polls the media tries to justify everything on, is very,very,very UNscientific. You have to have a landline, be a registerd Republican over 45, AND be willing to pick up an “anonymus” or “out of area” phone call to even be polled. And oh yea, of the 40 polls used across the country, Ron Paul is not even listed as an option in 35 of them. How very “scientific”. The internet is a far better indication of what the people think. And on the internet, Ron Paul rules. Wake up CNN Posted By Merrill Keith, Little Rock, AR : June 7, 2007 3:14 pm Ron Paul is not sexy. Ron Paul is not glib. Ron Paul is all but forgotten by the media, because he is not a creature of the media. What he is going to have to do is “take his message to the people”, and try to engage the GOP front runners one-onone. He and Gov. Gilmore should be the darlings of the party based on their records. If more people knew about them, the so-called front runners would evaporate as such, and thank you for hosting this site, and keep up the good work! Posted By Mark Smith Rockville, MD : June 7, 2007 3:15 pm Dr. Ron Paul is at once the biggest joke, and the most inspiring candidate in the rave. I look at the mans ideas and for the most part agree with him. His delivery of those ideas waxes and wanes between brilliance and “this man needs to shut his mouth” (see the first republican debate) While I do not see him as a candidate, I do feel that he would make either 1) an excellent running mate, or 2) a vital Secretary of State. Posted By James, Kansas City Mo : June 7, 2007 3:16 pm I found an error in your article. Paul does not, in fact, oppose abortion rights. He wants to let the states decide because that’s what the Constitution says. He doesn’t like abortion, but has the strength to let the people of the US decide whether it’s right or wrong. IMO the guy is right on- follow the Constitution! Politics is so corrupted right now by power corporations and very few elites choosing everything FOR us- We desperately need a guy like Ron Paul in office. Thank you for giving him some recognition, but please fix that error. Posted By Matt walker New Haven, CT : June 7, 2007 3:16 pm I think all of the “second tier” candidates were given a bad deal by CNN in the debate. I lost a lot of respect for Mr. Blitzer because of the way he handled the debate. Rather than actual address Congressman Hunter’s criticisms the anointed top three were allowed the equivalent of closing statements. The other 7 candidates had very limited time to answer any questions. Ron Paul is a medical doctor and should have been given an opportunity to answer the healthcare question. I think Ron Paul’s support is understated and CNN’s debate format was clearly the worst of the three debates in giving voters an unbiased look at the ten declared candidates. Posted By Doug, Baltimore, MD : June 7, 2007 3:17 pm Look at all the polls. Read all the free press on the internet about Ron Paul, Blogs, Video’s and so on and so on. If this was one of the other candidates it would be top news on all the Networks. Now tell me thats not so!? Posted By Russ Hackensack NJ : June 7, 2007 3:17 pm Why can’t he get higher poll ratings? A few different reasons. First the majority of his support are libertarians, democrats, constitutionalists, and paleoconservatives. They aren’t polled because they’re not “likely voters” though they’re changing their registration so they can vote in the primaries. Second, he has the youth vote in the Republican Party and again they’re not polled as “likely voters”. Third, tech savvy people (like Ron supporters) aren’t as likely to own landlines. I haven’t owned one for years… cell all the way baby. Fourth, and maybe most important, Ron Paul has been left off of state polls (including his own state poll). How exactly can you have a scientific poll without all the candidates even mentioned? Posted By Jen, Chicago, Il. : June 7, 2007 3:17 pm When was it the last time that adjectives like “honorable” “honest” “sincere” “hardworking” “well read and well informed” and “consistent” have been used in respect of a politician. David Crockett perhaps? Or just Thomas Jefferson? We should all be honoured at the idea of having a man like Dr. Ron Paul as our next President. I have a six month old son and my first concern is that they do not kill him sending him to fight in Iraq, Iran, Sudan or any other place in which a next madman may want us to fight their, not our wars. Posted By Carin de Wet : June 7, 2007 3:17 pm He’s the only Republican I would vote for since he actually embodies the principles of the Republican party, unlike the others. The Republican party needs to stop making the federal government larger, go back to fighting for individual rights, and stop the so-called “Christian Conservatives” from continuing to ruin the party. Posted By John, Phoenix, AZ : June 7, 2007 3:17 pm What has happened to our country? Are any of the “Major” candidates aware that we have a constitution that specifies that the government serves the people? Why are Congress and the President pushing an immigration bill that the lawful citizens of the U.S. clearly do not want? Why does the media rollover and willing be the propaganda tool for both the Democrats and Republicans? Why is CNN so suspect of Ron Paul’s support when clearly he is the only candidate not assimilated by special interests? Really now, doesn’t a list of past President’s that runs Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush, Clinton seem suspect? Isn’t it time for new ideas? A new direction? Isn’t it time that the average American isn’t forced to the back of the bus while the corporations and PACS decide in what direction we will go? I am not affiliated with Mr. Paul’s campaign. I voted for “W” in the last election and I’m angry that our elected leaders ignore our voice and do their best to manipulate our opinions without regard to facts, truth, or motivation. It’s time for us to take back our country! Posted By Fred Sauro, Williamstown West Virginia : June 7, 2007 3:18 pm PLEASE DONT TRY TO DOWNPLAY THE RON PAUL REVOLUTION!!! The USA is now a internet friendly culture and would rather just post or vote for the real, true, worthy candidate with a perfect track record. RON PAUL is the ONLY true Patriot running for President!!!!!!!! Posted By Ronnie, Newport Beach CA : June 7, 2007 3:18 pm Support for Ron Paul is widespread due to his strong support of the Constitution, something that CNN’s political people can’t seem to grasp; probably because they have not seen a principled person running for President until Paul and this freaks them out - imagine, someone telling the truth! This NONSENSE that “Ron Paul supporters are effective at coordinating and mobilizing online quickly” is GARBAGE. CNN’s debate was rigged - the main emphasis was on the so-called 3 top tier candidates. And when a health care question was asked Wolf didn’t even BOTHER to ask the ONE DOCTOR running for President what he thought. And this was not deliberate - give me a break. There is a genuine outpouring of support for Paul’s consititutional policies which NO other republican or democrat running for President seems to understand. CNN as well as ALL the mainstream press are doing everything they can to limit and ridicule Paul. Posted By Richard Mattoon : June 7, 2007 3:18 pm Nice spin, CNN. Maybe, just maybe, despite the Mainstream Media’s best efforts, Ron Paul is actually garner support from millions of Americans who are fed up of being lied to by the government and their shills in Corporate Media. We know who CNN wants us to vote for, but some us of are going to decide for ourselves! ______ Beautiful post, couldn’t have said it better! Consider these facts about Ron Paul: He has delivered over 4,000 babies. He is staunchly pro-life. He was a flight surgeon in the US Air Force (hard to make the “I hate America” accusation stick). He has never voted to raise taxes. He has never voted for an unbalanced budget. He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership. He has never voted to raise congressional pay. He has never taken a government-paid junket. He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch. He voted against the Patriot Act. He voted against regulating the Internet. He voted against the Iraq war. He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program. He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year. Posted By Bob C, Peoria AZ : June 7, 2007 3:18 pm I think Ron Paul is the best presidential candidate I’ve seen in a long time. Not only is this the first time I’ve ever donated to a presidential campaign, but this is also the first time I’ll be voting in a republican primary. I urge all you Ron Paul supporters to do the same. Posted By Joe, Brooklyn, NY : June 7, 2007 3:18 pm While the internet does not accurately represent the entire voting public, it represents a portion of the public that is not only interested enough to do research on their candidates, but also passionate enough about their politics to engage in debate with other internet users. In theory, any candidate can inspire their supporters to act as a block and “spam” online polls/message boards/blog comments/etc. The question is not “Why Ron Paul?” The real question is “Why not Rudy?” or “Why not Romney?” How come they haven’t inspired this much passion in internet users? What is it about Ron Paul’s message that resonates? Posted By Ian, Worcester, MA : June 7, 2007 3:19 pm First of all, the idea that “resources were strained” is a lie. I work in the IT business and having a few hundred users, or even a few thousand, won’t bring down a site like yours. Secondly, trying to organize or mobilize libertarians is like trying to herd cats. Given my political orientation, if anyone knew about plans to mobilize anything regarind Ron Paul, I would know. Why is it so hard to understand that people want leaders that aren’t appointed by the media? Stop creating the news. Report it. Posted By James Steele, Philadelphia PA : June 7, 2007 3:19 pm Ron Paul has my vote for 2008! Impeach Bush Posted By ed smith, Boston MAss : June 7, 2007 3:19 pm Please before you decide on a Presidential nominee look closely at his/her political record and personal history. Don’t make your mind up based on what you see in a “debate” (not really a debate but a controlled exercise in fishing for sound bites) an ad or speech. If a person sounds good or looks good it isn’t a reason to put him/her in office. Deeds speak louder than words. What has Ron Paul really done? What has any of the proposed candidates from either party really done? This election scares me. It really, really scares me. We have thought we haven’t had a good choice in the past - this election as of right now looks very much a repeat. Posted By Mike, Galveston, TX : June 7, 2007 3:19 pm I’m starting to think of Ron Paul as a serious choice. I like what he has said in the debates and I want to hear more of what he has to say. Posted By Roy Winter Haven Florida : June 7, 2007 3:20 pm Quite frankly, if Americans don’t quickly come to their senses about the dangerous direction our “globalist” leaders are taking us in and learn of their SECRET plan to create a North American Union, ERASE the borders, merge us with Mexico and Canada,and END our national sovereignty, our nation is finished! This is not an exaggeration and anyone who knows what’s going on will attest to that! I fear it won’t happen, but Americans need to rally around Ron Paul, the only one who would reduce the size and power of our government, stop them from snooping on us, abolish the Federal Reserve’s manipulation of our money supply which has made all of our dollars worth less , abolish the illegal income tax and IRS, and stop wasting BILLIONS of dollars and precious lives in Iraq! We are being lied to about Iraq! The neocons controlling both major parties INTEND to remain in Iraq for DECADES! Mark my words.. every other candidiate will continue the nation and economy destroying policies of Bush and his fellow neocons! Paul is the only true patriot and conservative! Posted By Fred Sands Aurora, CO : June 7, 2007 3:20 pm I am Canadian and I am watching Ron Paul with extreme interest. What other politician understands what the Federal Reserve really is and said we should return to sound money! I wish I could vote for him, but I can’t even donate to his campaign as I am not American. Posted By Patrick, Toronto, Ontario : June 7, 2007 3:21 pm What it will take it more articles like this. Unbiased, good reporting. That is all we ask. We have complete confidence in Dr. Paul’s message, we just ask for the ability to get it out there. Posted By Colin Nashville TN : June 7, 2007 3:21 pm I believe the perceived organization of Ron Paul supporters is simply individuals that see an honest man deserving to be president, desperately in need of support. I have not signed up anywhere. I feel the majority of Ron Paul activity online is genuine and well intentioned- though at times mis-directed. I voted for Bush- but I now see I was manipulated. I’m a Mormon, but I’m not impressed with Romney. Ron Paul is the only candidate I see so far that would uphold the oath of office. Posted By James, Amarillo TX : June 7, 2007 3:21 pm I’m not one to support the lesser of two evils, so I will support Ron Paul. Even if he only gets 1% of the vote, I will not have wasted my ability to choose because I will have chosen what this country desperately needs: A return to the financially conservative and socially libertarian ways of our past. Washington D.C. has become an illegal behemoth devouring this nation’s resources for select corporate interests (especially the media. Yah, I’m lookin’ at you CNN - how much federal welfare did you get this year?) We need someone who can say NO MORE! Posted By John, Jacksonville FL : June 7, 2007 3:21 pm >> Well it would help if you stop censoring him! You can start by giving him the equal amount of time and the same amont of questions as ghouliani or Romney. If giuliani or romney where winning all these online polls I don’t think the mainstreram media would be downplaying that, Now would they? Posted By Beto Fresno C.A. : June 7, 2007 3:21 pm I am a 54 year young, Vietnam era veteran and historically liberal having always voted for the democrat but I would vote for Ron Paul in a heartbeat if that were an option. Like others here, I do not agree with all his opinions but at least he is a straight shooter and seemingly, not bought and paid for by corporate America. Our country has become the aggressor and is consequently in a terrible mess. Our socalled leaders make one bad decision after another. CNN and other media do not help the situation by determining who should get most of the questions, etc., during the semi-bogus debates. It is as if the media is determining who we voters get to fully evaluate during the process. This, too, is very wrong. I wish Ron Paul could get together with Al Gore and go for it. Posted By Bu Poates, Charlottesville, Virginia : June 7, 2007 3:22 pm Ron Paul is the only honest person in Washington. The problem is, American’s want to be lied to, so he will not win. Posted By George, Monticello, IN. : June 7, 2007 3:23 pm Finally! A front page headline about Ron Paul. Hopefully this is just the beginning! Posted By Scott, St. Petersburg Florida : June 7, 2007 3:24 pm I’m 22 years old, just old enough to have voted in the last presidential election. Let me tell you this, The name ron paul is sneaking into many political discussions within my circle. While i think it’s too early to have made a decision on which candidate to support, I do know this; HIS POPULARITY IS REAL and not manufactured. I am in no way affiliated with mr paul, I probably won’nt even vote for the guy. But his popularity IS REAL. I want to know why, especially this early, we arn’t giving equal time to all of the candidates. I can understand giving more time to the front runners in say, january. But now in june while most people probably don’t know half the issues thier current favorite even stand for. I don’t see why he, or any “second tier” candidate are not getting any play. And stop using the term “second tier candidate” Posted By Derrick, Vallejo, CA : June 7, 2007 3:24 pm People are, oddly enough, fed up with the standard election promise pablum. Ron Paul is winning what he’s winning on the strength of his message instead of the strength of his campaign bank account. People want substance over electioneering promises. Ron Paul offers principle. The others offer nothing that hasn’t been offered and withdrawn a thousand times. In other words, they offer what they think you want to hear. Ron Paul offers what you ought to hear. Posted By Mike Berryhill Dewey, Oklahoma : June 7, 2007 3:24 pm I notice that when the writer spoke about the “unscientific polls” and mentioned that voters can vote more than once, he forgot to mention that Ron Paul came in second place in the text-message poll done by Fox News after the Fox debate. I’m pretty sure that they can identify duplicate votes in a text messaging system. It’s amazing to me how the elite are baffled by this. They just don’t understand how so many people are demanding a change - that we’re tired of letting them run the show. I am a WELL informed Republican that loved Ronald Reagan. I listen to Rush Limbaugh & watch Fox News. However, I want something different. If the party doesn’t listen, the same thing that happened to the democrats when they kicked Leiberman out will happen here - we (the members of the party) will pick the guy that we want and leave the party leaders behind. Posted By Will, Miami, FL : June 7, 2007 3:24 pm I am not one of those “Ron Paul” supporters that are mobilizing as they describe in this blog. I first became aware of Ron Paul during the show with Bill Maher on HBO. Ron Paul came across so well, that it peaked my interest, but not my full support. That is, until the debate. I think that perhaps what you are seeing is that people are responding to his message. I know that it struck a cord with me. I don’t agree with the 700 mile fence and all that, but I do like his plan to lower our arrogance and let contries work out their own problem and focus at home. Posted By Jose, Coral Springs, Fl : June 7, 2007 3:24 pm I am a big Ron Paul supporter but do not protest the lack of media coverage he is receiving. As of yet, he has not been a mainstream candidate. He will not receive and does not deserve more media coverage until poll numbers indicate he is a major contenders for the Republican nomination. Remember, conspiracy claims aside, that the media is a free market system. Asking for “fair treatment” is against the spirit of American values that Ron Paul represents. I am, however, confident that he will perform better in “scientific” polls as his grassroots popularity continues to spread. Posted By David Lei, Brookyn NY : June 7, 2007 3:25 pm Ron Paul is the “Champion of the Constitution!” Our support is genuine. Our numbers are great. We will defend our liberty to the death. Go Ron Paul! Posted By Nicholas Neumann, Kenosha, WI : June 7, 2007 3:25 pm Ron Paul is the only commen sense person in the group. Spying on Americans, individual rights. The proglems we face in America need to be addressed not put on a bummper sticker.. They are not running for class president. Posted By Phil Thompson, Sarasota, florida : June 7, 2007 3:26 pm CHALLANGE… Dig up dirt on all of the candidates and see what kind of pile your left with. Ron Paul shines through the rest like a gem… Posted By James, Lafayette Louisiana : June 7, 2007 3:26 pm CNN, you are WRONG for saying the Ron Paul opposes abortion rights. He is against FEDERAL government involvement in the abortion issue, and thinks it should be left entirely up to the States. Following the same respect for the Constitution, Ron Paul is not in FAVOR or drug usage, but rather he is against any federal gov involvement in the issue. BIG difference! Sincerely, Posted By Kerry Welsh, Redondo Beach, CA : June 7, 2007 3:27 pm What is it going to take for Paul to break out….MONEY ! Posted By Lee Harrison, Brentwood TN : June 7, 2007 3:27 pm Ron Paul stands out because he’s the only - ONLY - Republican who opposed the Iraq war from the beginning (something even the Democrats cannot say), and he has good well-spoken reasons in why he voted against it. He is also the only Republican who opposes any pre-emptive strikes on Iran and other countries. Ron Paul believe in individual rights because this is the original intent of the Constitution. What is so funny (or scary, depending on one’s point of view) is Ron Paul is treated as an outcast or a crazy person only because all he wants to do is roll back government power to the days long ago where freedom actually meant something, not as a shill to start wars, entangle alliances and bloat government power exponentially. Ron Paul deserves more attention from the press and the media, because he’s saying things that are striking a cord with voters. And I think he is the voice of reason. Posted By Brian Defferding, Oshkosh, WI : June 7, 2007 3:27 pm Ron Paul no doubt, does not stand a chance. He is not flashy enough and does not have enough money. Darn. This guy is a breath of fresh air who says it like it is. He says what, I believe, most people believe, but do not have the ***** to say. In many ways, you have to just plain STUPID, not to agree with 95% of everything he says. What a system. Posted By Jan Scales Findlay, Ohio : June 7, 2007 3:27 pm As soon as I heard Ron Paul was considering running for president, I contacted his coordinator and volunteered. I have long supported this congressman. We need many more like him in Washington. He actually cares about the law of the land, the U.S. Constitution and votes only for bills that don’t violate it. Not once has anyone from his campaign contacted me and asked me to vote in a poll for him. Not once have I voted in poll more than once. In fact, my husband couldn’t vote in one of the polls, because it apparently registered our computer and said we had already voted. I don’t think that the high numbers that Ron Paul is getting have anything to do with spam, but they do have everything to do with the fact that the American public is sick and tired of the elitist, globalist agenda that is being implemented irregardless of the bad effects to the average American. Posted By Tammy Alger, Miller, Missouri : June 7, 2007 3:27 pm This will be the first time I can vote for President. I will vote for Dr. Paul. Not only does he represent the country that I want to live in, but her representes the ideas of the country where I want my children to grow up in. To those who are bashing him: Fine. If you don’t like him, don’t attack us. We support the candadite who we thnk will be the best person to serve as President. Go and support whomever it is that you have chosen. But leave us alone; let us choose the one that is following the constitution. To CNN: Ask Dr. Paul more questions in the debates. Don’t put him on the very end. Put him in the middle, next to McCain or Romney. And interview him. Do it as a feature or after a debate. Don’t just shove him off to the side and dissmiss him. Posted By Joshua, West Columbia, SC : June 7, 2007 3:28 pm I wouldn’t say Ron Paul has a “cult following” of loyal supporters that come to spam polls and blogs. I’m a democrat who would seriously consider voting for Ron Paul in the general election. His “phenom” is real. He’s attracting lots of new voters with his common sense politics. Posted By Tommy, Washington, DC : June 7, 2007 3:28 pm Ron Paul supporters are not Spamming Polls or cheating by voting multiple times. If you look at Ron Paul’s MySpace page, he has about 25,000 registered friends and devoted supporters. If even a third of them vote in the online polls Ron is going to win every time. This is not spamming, this is having a loyal following of real people who believe in Ron’s message of Hope For America. These supporters are spreading beyond the internet and into the streets, and I’m sure you’ll be seeing some “Ron Paul Revolution” signs in your neighborhood soon. eb Posted By Eric Burke, Anderson, South Carolina : June 7, 2007 3:28 pm I find what the so called news is doing to ron paul is a total injustice. This is a man that could unite the country, but for reasons only known by the media he is not given equal respect. The media should be ashmed of itself. I am a so called liberial and I love Dr. Paul. All we are saying is give ron a chance. Posted By wayne : June 7, 2007 3:28 pm Yeah, after 8 years that’s just what we’ll need. Another white, christian, republican president. Will america ever learn? Not likely. Posted By Michael S., Sarasota, FL : June 7, 2007 3:28 pm Where are the passionate supporters of Rudy McRomney? They can be found at their homes, most not watching the debates, not reading candidates platforms, receiving polling calls on their landlines to which they will answer on mostly name recognition. The media’s “Top Tier 3″ of either party share the center stage and are given twice the questions and time (fact), so what do you expect? Posted By David, Salina KS : June 7, 2007 3:29 pm In other words, you are saying through your lamely disguised argument that Ron Paul’s winning of the debates is merely a freak accident. Of course, it would make the people who are supporting him naive. Maybe he is gaining popularity only because he is refusing to regurgitate the mainstream media crap about the artificial issues of the day such as the mass murder in Iraq and the impending false flag operation that would serve as the justification to invade Iran. Posted By Paul McCormack : June 7, 2007 3:29 pm Ron Paul does not oppose abortion rights, even though he is personally opposed to the practice. He feels the roe v wade decision is unconstitutional and that the decision should ultimatly be left up to the states. Get it right, cnn, and start paying more attention to the most demanded GOP candidate, Ron Paul. Posted By Anonymous : June 7, 2007 3:29 pm He is the only conservative. The rest are pretty much the definition of Fascists. I don’t want to sound like a troll, but for those who really don’t think so, look into it. Paul is the only true Republican candidate right now, and he pretty much echoes Ronald Reagan in every aspect. It is hard for me to understand why he is not the front runner on your “scientific” polls as he is in the “unscientific” polls. Ron Paul actually cares for people. Most Republicans are not hardcore conservatives who want to lock people up until they die, nuke foreign countries preemptively, take away freedoms, and condone torture with “Jack Bauers” “Whatever it takes.”. Most people have some common sense, the only Republican candidate that has common sense is Ron Paul. Posted By Philip V, Madison, WI : June 7, 2007 3:30 pm I said it before, and I’ll say it again: STOP THE SPAM. Ron Paul, please save us from your followers. Grassroots campaign does not = spam campaign. He actually gets much more media attention than his current level of support. Check the polls people. Ron Paul’s supporters are loud, just not numerous. Seriously my friendly cultists, look at the issues, will you? Paul wants to build a fence to keep out the Mexicans. Bad Idea. He wants to dissolve the IRS. Bad Idea. He supports isolationism. Yet another bad idea. I guess it is a cult of personality after all: he is smart, well-spoken, and has integrity. He is just out of touch on so many issues. Posted By Wayne Gainesville, FL : June 7, 2007 3:30 pm I’ve noticed a lot of people that are either not currently registered to vote, or are registered with another party, that are planning to register as a Republican just to vote for Ron Paul. I’m part of that group myself. I think the fact that people are PROUD to support such a man as Ron Paul says a lot about the caliber of the man, and the importance of his message. Ron’s support has been grossly underestimated, and its growing by leaps and bounds daily! Let’s keep it up! Go Ron! Posted By Gary Krichbaum, Fishersville VA : June 7, 2007 3:30 pm I think the difference you are seeing between online polls and the scientic surveys is also the same difference you are seeing between the educated voter who is familiar with all the candidates, and the voter who is only educated about the candidates from mainstream media - which is more concerned with Britney Spears’ haircut than our nation. The mainstream televised media simply does not do it’s job in informing the public. Walter Cronkite has said as much. What has CNN reported on Directive 51, for example? Posted By sunnyvale, CA : June 7, 2007 3:30 pm I have been following this story since a friend told me about it. I am frankly beside myself to see the amazing support that Ron Paul has online (uncontrolled media) and contrast that with the relatively muted air time he receives from the major media outlets. This is very disconcerting to me personally and I’m anxiously awaiting the journalist and media outlet who will bring this story out in the open. This is a REAL story that should be brought out for debate. As a scientist, I will tell you that anyone remotely familiar with statistical polls can tell you that they are HIGHLY dependent on what question you ask and how you ask it. Posted By Sara, AZ : June 7, 2007 3:30 pm Uh Oh… Looks like BIG GOVERNMENT and BIG MEDIA are on damage control. Good luck with with that one. The American people are no longer taking the lies and propaganda you force-feed us every day. Ron Paul ‘08! Posted By Erica, Brooklyn, NY : June 7, 2007 3:31 pm Why not elect a person who is HONEST?? Can anyone point our a more honest candidate than Ron Paul? Why have so many forgotten the value of honesty? The man is a true Statesman. Posted By Lane Meyer : June 7, 2007 3:31 pm paul has all dems voting for him and hes the only one who fights against bush on the war. that gives him 70% of the american vote and tells you why the republicans will get landsided unless bush ends the war soon. Posted By geery belden union city mi. : June 7, 2007 3:31 pm I think what’s completely hit home is how our media is totally controlled by our government. It’s obvious that the “powers” don’t want the public to know anything about Ron Paul. Of course not, he’s rocking their big war wagon and talking about things the average citizen has no knowledge of. Look at the “news” these days and you can easily see how it’s “non-news”. The headlines are filled with Britney and Paris.. In between the big gov heads talk about “terrorists, terrorists, terrorists” (and how we need Big Brother to protect us and keep us safe).. If American citizens would only wake up and read between the lines. Posted By paulie : June 7, 2007 3:32 pm Just another case of CNN loving those libs! Posted By Kirt from Atlanta GA : June 7, 2007 3:32 pm Wow!!! What a refreshing breath of fresh air. This man is on to something. He doesn’t look and he doesn’t talk like a politician. He just tells the truth. We must give him a chance to continue to talk common sense and the TRUTH. Posted By Camran J. Parente : June 7, 2007 3:32 pm I don’t support the GOP, but I guess that Ron Paul seems like an alternative to the glamour candidates like Rudy, Mitt and McCain, and not someone who lives in REALITY unlike Tancredo, Tommy “NutJob” Thompson, Mike Huckabee and the rest of the pack. Perhaps an undeclared candidate (no I don’t mean Fred Thompson) could steal the show from McCain or Rudy….not long to go, only 18 months…. Posted By M Murray, Irvine, CA : June 7, 2007 3:32 pm I’m certainly not a libertarian. But I do favor smaller, less intrusive government; an end to the Iraq War; a halt to all immigration; and border security. And history has shown us that only a fool would expect these things from establishment Democrats and Republicans. Go, Ron, Go!!! Posted By Matthew Dunnyveg, San Saba, Texas : June 7, 2007 3:33 pm What do you mean, what will it take for Ron Paul to challenge the front runners? From what I can see, Ron Paul IS the front runner. Or hadn’t you noticed. Shame on CNN, MSNBC, FOX, CBS and ABC. Posted By Robert Staker : June 7, 2007 3:33 pm Well I’m glad CNN posted an explanation at least. Hopefully Ron Paul’s support picks up in the scientific polls as well, this country really needs him. Posted By Patrick Krott, Erie, PA : June 7, 2007 3:33 pm I think the traditional polling techniques are obsolete. They poll the most like Republican party voters whom happen to be older folks. Most of Ron’s support is coming from the younger generations who use the internet and have cell phones not LAN lines for the survey people… That is why the so called scientific poll results are skewed and unreliable. Paul’s support is much greater than is being measured! Posted By Jarrod, Nashville, TN : June 7, 2007 3:33 pm CNN, I too, after watching your New Hampshire debate coverage was disgusted with the way it was handled. You have a responsibility to report,interview, and cover things in an accurate and fair way. From the way the candidates where positioned, to how questions where being asked was blatently bias in both debates. I truly felt as though I was being force fed my choice. I then came online “the only place I feel I can get true information” to find the whole country feels this way. Even Hillary/Guliani supporters agree. Have you become so corrupt? Posted By saltmagic : June 7, 2007 3:33 pm The only way Ron Paul will get the recognition he deserves is for the media representatives in these debates to ask him the same amount of questions as they ask the “big three” and give him the same amount of air time. It’s the media that falls all over the “big three” and wont allow the public the news they really want to hear as opposed to what the media “thinks” we want to hear. Give Ron Paul and the others the same amount of air-time as you’ll see the “national polls” change. Posted By Harvey Ascher, Boca Raton, Florida : June 7, 2007 3:33 pm Unfortunately Dr Paul is exactly what we don’t need. An ultra conservative individual who will take us back to the dark ages. We need leaders who recognize that marriage as a LEGAL institution should be different than marriage as a RELIGIOUS institution. The LEGAL marriage should establish equal rights for all individuals, while the other could follow the laws of individual religions. As far as abortion rights go, how many times has Dr. Paul been made pregnent by a rapist? Until that happens, men need to stay away from the abortion topic because they just cannot understand it. Posted By Ann Rovetto, Conwa SC : June 7, 2007 3:33 pm just what we need is another texan as president Posted By richard, statten island, ny : June 7, 2007 3:34 pm Unfortunatley the way the system is setup, the only way he can break out is MONEY. As he said himself money talks in this campaign. It is unfortunate because as I am not a Republic he is a real Republican in the sense that he stands for everything that is good about being a Republican and I can’t beleive that no one is really taking him seriously because he is not a big name like the other candidates, but the truth is the Republicans probably have the best shot at winning an election with Ron Paul because even some liberals like him. These so called front runners of the Republicans are so far right and they just don’t have new ideas. So like I said funding unfortunatley will play a huge role and he just doesnt have the money. Simple as that. Posted By Isaac, New York, NY : June 7, 2007 3:34 pm Why is it that when WE the American people finally find through the Internet a way to speak up for ourselves and by ourselves and thereby choose Ron Paul as our hope, our opinion is “an unscientific survey”? Scientific surveys have accompanied the divorce between public policy and public opinion and have manipulated our voice. Too often politicians pontificate about what the American people want, and do so on the strength of unscientific surveys. This time around we speak up by ourselves, and if we loose this opportunity, this may very well be the last time, for thereafter “scientific surveys” will inform us all of what we want! Discard Ron Paul and you discard the American people. We, not he, are the “phenomenon”; and we, who labor at night writing about him on blogs and surveys, deserve and demand the respect that successive generations of parasitical politicians have robbed us of. Posted By Mario GR Oriani-Ambrosini, Esq. Chantilly, VA : June 7, 2007 3:35 pm The only thing which could force the media to sit up and take notice of Ron Paul is his fundraising for the three months ending June 30. He does not need to raise enough to get into the first tier of candidates, only enough to clearly separate him from the second tier candidates. At that point, his supporters can bitch moan and complain about the media not giving him equal time because then we can blame the media for hindering his ability to reach the voters. If you support Ron Paul make sure you donate to his campaign. Posted By Mike, Pittsburgh PA : June 7, 2007 3:35 pm You ask, in your article. Why doesn’t Ron Paul show up in the Scientific Polls? Have you done a thorough study on these Scientific Polls? If you did you’d know that Ron Paul is not listed on hardly any of them. None of those polls include states hes most known in. Like Tx. People still not knowing who he is, is because of the way News sources like You purposely draw all airtime to a small rich group of 3 conveiniently placed together. While you openly snub the rest. You gave a full Minute for each question, to the evil 3. And no more than 30 secs to Ron Paul. 17 questions for Giuliani, and 6 for Ron Paul. Of course we’re fraking Mad! Posted By Joel Cawthon : June 7, 2007 3:35 pm It is quite obvious the mainstream media works tirelessly to pre-select the candidates. Unfortunately Americans, especially those who don’t (know how to) use the internet. Shame on you, MSM and Americans. Posted By George : June 7, 2007 3:36 pm Loving libs? Paul is the most pro-gun candidate running. Also the smallest-government candidate running. liberal? Posted By Dave - Reading, PA : June 7, 2007 3:36 pm Your assertions in the last paragraph about Cong. Paul’s positions if he were President on these important social issues are extremely misleading and anyone who has researched Cong. Paul’s positions on these topics knows that(”Paul opposes abortion rights… and defines marriage as between a man and a woman”). Cong. Paul supports the Constitution and Liberty above all and as others have commented here, understands the difference between PERSONAL views, STATES rights and the duties of the FEDERAL government to interfere or assist in either. He may be our generation’s Goldwater and will continue to be misquoted and misinterpreted by those with an agenda to diminish him, but frankly I expected more from CNN. Posted By Carolyn Smallwood, Los Angeles CA : June 7, 2007 3:36 pm I’m definitely an independent, but I would consider a candidate like Ron Paul. The biggest positives are his honesty and willingness to examine the issues. While I disagree with him on his abortion stance and a few other issues, I think his position is grounded in personal values versus pandering to a certain group. That said, I do agree with him on immigration, Iraq, health care and foreign policy. When questioned, he supports his views with factual information and common sense ideals. I just wish the two parties would “de-regulate” and open the system to another party. Right now we have two evils - the Democrats & Republicans. Time for a change. Posted By KG, Fairfax, VA : June 7, 2007 3:36 pm Your “scientific” polls are about an ancient as the rotary phone. I am 35 year old male business owner, and I would say MORE than 70% of my friends like me have NO home phone line anymore. They ALL have computer acces, and ALL have cell phones. Amongst my peers now, Ron Paul has been a large source of dicussion. Why? BECAUSE HE WILL NOT SELL OUT. He is the only member of congress who has done exactly what he is supposed to do- UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION. There are a lot more Ron Paul supporters out there than you think. Watch and see what happens after the next debate. It will be too big for CNN, MSNBC, or anyone else to ignore anymore. RON PAUL 2008!!! Posted By Sam, Indianapolis, IN : June 7, 2007 3:36 pm Seriously my friendly cultists, look at the issues, will you? Paul wants to build a fence to keep out the Mexicans. Bad Idea. He wants to dissolve the IRS. Bad Idea. He supports isolationism. Yet another bad idea. I guess it is a cult of personality after all: he is smart, well-spoken, and has integrity. He is just out of touch on so many issues. ____ It’s you who should look at the issues. Ron Paul is not isolationist, he is noninterventionist. You should learn the very real difference between those two things. I think it’s a great idea to dissolve the IRS! Build a fence on the Mexi-US border…that’s not workable and I do disagree with him on that. But his principles-based voting record truly does make him a champion of the Constitution, and he is not out of touch on ANY issue…it just seems that way to people who themselves have no moral compass. Posted By Bob C, Peoria AZ : June 7, 2007 3:37 pm “One thing is for sure: Ron Paul supporters are effective at coordinating and mobilizing online quickly.” A rather presumptuous statement to make - along the lines of there being some kind of “wing”ed conspiracy. If there’s one conclusion that can be drawn: The American people are tired of being told by the media who they should consider to be the viable candidates and who are the so-called “second tier” candidates. That maybe it’s time for the media to come to Jesus and report American’s opinions rather than dictate them. Posted By Jim Davidson, Port Richey, FL : June 7, 2007 3:37 pm anyone who claims dr. paul is an isolationist needs to read up before they come into a place like this and try to tell us something. Posted By Danny, Orlando FL : June 7, 2007 3:38 pm Ron Paul is a conservative, a true conservative. These days, he is seen as a liberal with radical ideas like freedom, liberty and governmental non-interference. That used to be the very definition of conservatism. Conserve liberties! Add government sparingly! War is absolutely a last resort! In the last couple of decades, “Conservatism” has been co-opted by many groups, taking on a meaning more closely aligned to “cronyism”. New ideas for change are labeled “Liberal”, even if they intend restoring conservative government. We should hear Ron Pauls message if for no other reason than to set the records straight. Whether Ron Paul wins or not, his message is dangerous to the many who have worked very hard to restructure political terminology in their favor. Example: conservative means anti -abortion, right? Wrong. Conservative means the government has NOTHING to do with abortion. It’s not the govts’ business. Period. Example: Conservative means the Bible is OK in public schools, right? WRONG! Conservative means the bible has no place in government/public schools. Religious freedoms occlude it. You can bet his message will be suppressed. It’s up to us to demand we hear it!! Posted By Dave Mix Austin TX : June 7, 2007 3:38 pm I think that at this point it would take about 100 million dollars for Ron Paul to break out and challenge the front-runners in the “scientific” polls. This is a sad commentary on the state of Democracy today because it implies that elections are virtually sold to the highest bidder. In any case there are many of us who are tired of politics as usual and are supporting the candidate we believe in regardless of what these polls indicate. It may take some time but eventually Ron Paul will be a major force to be reckoned with because he built up a following through ideas instead of dollars. Posted By Frank, Georgetown, Texas : June 7, 2007 3:38 pm What’s it going to take for Ron Paul to break out and challenge the “front runners”? Well, how about if the media quit dubbing them front runners? Maybe the media should get back to journalism and quit buying the political machine’s BS. I had never heard of this guy until he went on the daily show and my first reaction was “who the hell is this guy?” Well, he’s an intelligent committed patriot that doesn’t agree with everything the right’s political machine says is important. If he were to get the republican nomination he’d have my vote (and possibly a the votes of a lot of others like me - liberals that are looking for a reasonable voice of leadership). Posted By jeff, ny, ny : June 7, 2007 3:38 pm I think this article is decent. Good job CNN! The problem I have with the “scientific polls” is that you have to have a landline telephone to even possibly get a call. In this day and age, everyone I know below the age of 50 has only cell phones, I feel that Ron Paul supporters have to get off the internet and inform the people that do have landlines if we want to start getting nationwide acknowledgment. One more thing I have to bring up is the amount of time each candidate was allotted in the recent debate. I, personally, do not feel that the fault lies completely with CNN. The rules for the debate were clearly laid out at the beginning, answer the question within a minute. The “top tier” chose to violate those rules by evading questions and taking much longer than allowed to speak. Then they had to give them another minute to actually answer the questions, which they still did not do. If we cannot trust these politicians to follow the simple rules of a debate, how can we expect them to follow the rules of the constitution? I think that during the next debate there should be clear penalties for abusing the rules. Posted By Kandice, Norfolk VA : June 7, 2007 3:39 pm Why does CNN attribute Ron Paul’s high ranking in the polls with some kind of internet email conspiracy? Maybe we just like the fact that this guy is RIGHT, for example, in saying that 9/11 might have been triggered by us meddling in other countries. Just like the 9/11 commission and our own intelligence agencies repeatedly tell us. Why does NO other candidate respect our intelligence enough to tell us the truth? I’m a liberal and there’s a lot I don’t agree with this guy on but he’s not full of poop and hype like the other candidates. The other candidates insult our intelligence with their BS. Posted By Scott Mansfield, San Francisco, CA : June 7, 2007 3:39 pm Exposure - Exposure -Exposure. His veiws should handle the rest. Wasn’t he the first to take Lou Dobbs up on the free(talk about the issues) time? Posted By Rich Mann, Huntsville, Texas : June 7, 2007 3:39 pm Ron Paul is the champion of the constitution in more ways than ANY politician out there now and he has a clear agenda that is congruent with his voting record. What more could I ask for? Posted By Ryan, San Antonio TX : June 7, 2007 3:39 pm Ron takes $10 contributions. He gets money from real people NOT the corporate elites. Special interests looking for special rights have many other places to go. Treat Ron correctly or his army of The People will rise up. Posted By Prezmadison, Terre Haute, IN : June 7, 2007 3:39 pm Wayne Gainesville, FL… Everything you posted as “Ron Paul wants to do” is really what the country wants to do. Fences aren’t for Mexicans, they’re for illegal immigrants, who want’s the IRS when our money goes to fund an unjust war. Isolationism, yeah right like he’s asking for a pre-positioned missle system. C’mon man, get real. Posted By James, Lafayette Louisiana : June 7, 2007 3:40 pm Tv stations and those that run the debates don’t give Paul the airtime he deserves. Again, the media is planning into the hands of the powerful front runners…while the voters are out there looking for a new leader that has the guts to say what most of us think! Posted By Lee Montana, Miami, Florida : June 7, 2007 3:40 pm Ron Paul ROCKS! He is honest and straightforward in his beliefs. He believes in the constitution and I am so glad he has people talking. He truly is a libertarian but is smart enough to know to get media coverage, you must go with a main party. I would love to see him win and beat out some of these career politicians. If you have a MySpace page, add him as a friend and support him today! Posted By Suzanne, Norcross GA : June 7, 2007 3:40 pm I think less and less of CNN each time they snub candidates like Ron Paul. He is the closest think to a real Goldwater Republican that is out there. Do you think that next time there is a debate that CNN might put Ron Paul in the middle of the stage and focus on him instead of SHOOTING THE BACK OF HIS HEAD??? Every question that he answered drew thunderous applause, yet all the talking heads at CNN and everywhere else could only focus on was static during Giuliani’s abortion response. For the sake of the country please take this election seriously….look what happened with the last two! Posted By Patrick, Phoenix, AZ : June 7, 2007 3:40 pm After this debate my husband and I are both for Ron Paul. He’s got our vote now. We need someone we can trust in the White House and most of the others can’t be trusted or hiding something. He has our vote now!! Posted By Darlene, Austin Texas : June 7, 2007 3:40 pm You can’t define Dr. Ron Paul by his opinion on issues. Paul structures the issues based on a different philosophy; one of non-interventionism, liberty and free trade. This is what attracts lost and weary, lifelong dems like myself to his campaign. The corporate media should listen to what he says and not write off the internet crowd and Paul supporters as not being representative of the nation. Paul has started an exciting movement and mainstream media should jump abroad. God Bless Ron Paul and God Bless America! Posted By Joan M Donahue Nashua, NH : June 7, 2007 3:41 pm If the media continues to ignore this guy they will prove they are bias. THE PPL WANT RON PAUL FOR PRES 2008. Posted By Scott Ziering. Paso Robles,CA : June 7, 2007 3:41 pm I am a Paul supporter. I have voted for him in all of the online polls, but no other supporter of his has contacted me to ‘organize’ anything. I voted for Paul simply because I think he’s the best canidate. Posted By Kelly, Cincinnati, Ohio : June 7, 2007 3:41 pm Ron Paul has more integrity than all the other candidates from both major parties combined. He deserves more media coverage. Posted By J. Turchek, Stuart VA : June 7, 2007 3:41 pm They only way he’s going to break out is if all the major news outlets, including CNN, stop censoring him. It’s just that simple. Posted By Daren Morales : June 7, 2007 3:41 pm The Ron Paul spams are getting out of hand and I’m afraid it will do more harm than good. Sooner or later this tactic will spill over to the other candidates, all hell will break loose and guess who will wind up losing? Posted By Tiffany, Phoenix, Arizona : June 7, 2007 3:41 pm the only thing keeping ron paul back is the media Posted By richard elliott : June 7, 2007 3:41 pm What would help raise Ron Paul’s status in national polls? A highly negative commentary by George Bush would certainly help. Posted By g Anton, Tlanlnepantla, Estado de Mexico, Mexico : June 7, 2007 3:41 pm See the Mainstream Media is losing Creditability daily as RON PAUL supporters and even other 2nd teir supporters are starting to realize regardless of what they say the FIX IS IN! They never mention RON PAUL, not even the Honest LOU DOBBS (That has me troubled). Then they wonder why they lose viewership! The American people have spoken loud and clear they want the WAR to end and they want a fiscially responisble President! (Not 60 trillion in debt) And ROn Paul is the only one speaking to abolish the Federal Reserve bank which is as Federal as federal Express! That is the biggest reason we are 60 trillion in the whole. Glad to see Americans waking up to this fact! P.S. Lou Dobbs I thought you were a speaker of Truth but it seem you are just more of the same. Ron Paul R(evol)ution Catch it! Posted By Joe M. : June 7, 2007 3:42 pm Someone wanted to know what Paul supporters thought about Tom Tancredo - I think he’s generally got good positions, but I don’t agree with his positions on gay marraige or his extreme position on immigration. The federal government should have no role in making gay marriage legal or illegal, and cutting off legal immigration is a little too much for me. Posted By Adam, Arlington, VA : June 7, 2007 3:42 pm Why the spam accusation is bull… Pretty much every local newspaper has some sort of yearly ‘Best of the City’ contest where readers vote on their favorite restaurants, stores, etc. Anyone ever notice on these things that best Italian usually goes to the Olive Garden, best seafood goes to Red Lobster, best Mexican goes to Taco Bell, etc? Why is this? Because it’s name recognition. It’s all what most people know. Those votes, like the ones on cnn.com, foxnews.com, etc are voluntary and unscientific. Considering Ron Paul is the political equivalent of an independent hole-in-the-wall restaurant, as he lacks name recognition, why don’t the ‘top tier’ candidates lead these polls? Perhaps Ron Paul has a message that is getting out and is making a positive impact on people. Posted By James Claremont, CA : June 7, 2007 3:42 pm “I would like to know what the folks reading this thread think of Tom Tancredo. Would anyone care to comment?” As a paul supporter, Tancredo is my second favorite candidate, far behind paul but still a good one. If Paul does get the nomination, he should have Tancredo as his running mate. Posted By Trey, Connecticut : June 7, 2007 3:42 pm Doesn’t sound like CNN really believes in equal opportunity, esp when it comes to Ron Paul. Posted By Mike : June 7, 2007 3:42 pm I support Ron Paul’s candidacy, I hope he makes it to the White House Posted By John Ubele, Florida : June 7, 2007 3:43 pm Ron Paul is the Republicans best chance to win the White House. In this country we are in desperate need for a statesman that has a solid record. Ron Paul does not waver. What a testament to fiscal responsibility that there is a buzz about Ron Paul given what he has spent as of March 31,2007. “But let it not be said that we did nothing.” Hope for America starts with Ron Paul Posted By AT, Benson NC : June 7, 2007 3:43 pm Libertarian-leaning folks tend to be more educated and more technologically involved. So we are disproportionately represented in unsceintific online polls and comment threads. Americans love honest advocates individual liberty, and they love “the little guy.” Ron Paul is both. Posted By Larry Mouscawitz, Dallas TX : June 7, 2007 3:43 pm I support Ron Paul and can state I’ve never voted in any online poll more than once. Dr. Paul’s campaign is actively encouraging his supporters to not over-vote. What I think you are seeing is that the internet is far more libertarian than the general populace and that there is a shift on-going in politics. As in 1936 Liberty magazine had Alf Landon ousting FDR, based on telephone polling [skewed against FDR]; the ‘net is the future and the methodology of old school polling has passed. Ron, remember, has a following that goes back 30 years and his Libertarian candidacy 19 years ago. Polls are getting it wrong and New Hampshire & Iowa will show it. yours truly Alan Turin Posted By Alan Turin, Hollywood, FL : June 7, 2007 3:44 pm HOW CAN ONE DENY THE BIAS IN THE MEDIA AGAINST RON PAUL? –MSNBC said that it must have been his supporters voting multiple times that made Dr. Paul #1 on their poll, despite their system being set up one vote per IP address. –In the last debate, the amount of questions and time given to the “first-tier” candidates was totally misproportional to what Dr. Paul was given, about 3:1 in time. There was a question on health care and Dr. Paul, being the only medical doctor on the platform, wasn’t even asked the question. –THIS HAPPENS AFTER EACH DEBATE: The reporters, including very wellknown ones, lump all the Republicans together with comments like, “Unlike the Democrats, all the Republican candidates are in favor of the war.” This is bad reporting at best and downright lies at worst. RON PAUL VOTED AGAINST THE WAR AND WANTS TO BRING OUR TROOPS HOME ASAP. To mention this would give him attention and have him stand out from the crowd, something the controlled media doesn’t want to allow. How about giving Ron Paul and “We The People” a fair chance? Posted By Adam, New York, New York : June 7, 2007 3:44 pm CNN give me a break. Don’t use your “scientific polls”, and believe me that quote is very intended, to justify the national support of Ron Paul. You know just as well as everyone else knows that the media has a stranglehold on many Americans and the influence that has been placed upon them, and those who are not free thinkers eat your propaganda just as you serve it. I know you understand exactly why he is making such a storm in the political front and the polls. Because he has communicated what so many Americans have been waiting to hear for a very long time now. He is a true Patriot, and exactly reminiscent to the founders of this once great nation. Truth always defeats lies. Posted By JP, Fort Collins, CO : June 7, 2007 3:44 pm It was obvious from how the debate was staged that you’re trying to push Ron Paul to the sidelines. That’s why his supporters have mobilized. I’m not a big fan of Ron Paul, but CNN is clearly playing favorites and trying to decide who the “major candidates” are. Posted By Justin Boland, St. Johnsbury, VT : June 7, 2007 3:45 pm I am a Ron Paul supporter, and I have to take issue with one “fact” that you stated about him: that he opposes abortion rights. Before I became a supporter of his, I wondered what his stand was on the abortion issue, so I asked his campaign staff about it. The reply was this: “Adhering to the Constitution, Dr. Paul thinks that abortion is an issue for the states, not the federal government.” I suppose you could twist that to say he is against abortion rights, but you could also twist it to say that he supports abortion rights. The Constitution doesn’t mention abortion. Also, in the same reply from his staff was this: “Relating to narcotics, Congressman Paul is opposed to the federal “War on Drugs.” I believe that the above two opinions of his will successfully separate him from both the Republican and Democrat “politics as usual”. And because of that and other stands he is making, I feel he is the only candidate, from either party, who is truly asking himself, “What is Best for America?” as a decision-maker on any issue. I may not agree with him on everything, but I have more trust in him than I do in all the other candidates who are instead asking, “What can I say to get the most people to vote for me, so I can win the election?”. Ask yourself, “Who do I trust most with the future of the United States”? Posted By Bru Tiss, Asheville, NC : June 7, 2007 3:45 pm America needs an honest man that will reign in our out of control government and cut spending both home and abroad. Our survival as a nation depends on it. It is critical to our Democratic system that CNN and other big news outlets give him a fair share of time to voice his agenda. VOTE RON PAUL! Posted By John LA, CA : June 7, 2007 3:45 pm I find it sad that CNN is minimalizing all of the candidates not already “appointed” as front-runners. Someone asked further up what people thought about Tancredo, and I can’t at this point honestly say, because I got to hear so little of what he was about. I ask that anyone who is going to vote in the primaries (and national election) actually look into what the candidates are about instead of take in the brief and inaccurate synopses about candidates on sites like CNN, such as the one above. That’s all, just research the candidates instead of saying any of them are crazy because they have a spirited following. I currently support Ron Paul, but I ask that people investigate all candidates instead of right them off because of inaccurate reporting, such as CNN’s description of Paul’s stance on abortion and marriage. Please, take the time to learn for yourself and vote for what you truly believe. Posted By Champ, Austin TX : June 7, 2007 3:46 pm I am not part of any organized Ron Paul movement nor am I supporting any of the Republican candidates. I watched the debate with a very open mind to determine which of the Republicans I would vote for if I did vote that party. At least to me Mr. Paul more closely reflected the feelings of most Americans in regards to the war and other issues–not 100% but still much closer than the others. Give him some more exposure to if nothing else create a genuine debate of the issues. Posted By Thom, St. Augustine, Fla. : June 7, 2007 3:46 pm As a 23 year old American, I am greatly concerned with the direction our nation is currently headed. After all, I want to get married and raise a family one day. I truly believed that there was no one willing to right this country’s ship until I discovered Dr. Paul’s campaign website. By accident I might add. I was blown away by his character and values. After talking to many of my “gen Y” peers and researching the net, I discovered that the majority of my generation desperately wants a leader such as Ron Paul. After watching the debate on Tuesday and listening to the rambling nonsensical rhetoric of the “front-runners”, I don’t see how any American would not want Dr. Paul as this nation’s President. He is the ONLY candidate that simply answered what he was asked rather than drone on until no one remembered the question being asked. I want to see Ron Paul become the next President of the United States, but I’m not naive. I realize that he doesn’t stand much of a chance. That is because he is ahead of his time. If nothing else, his current popularity among my peers should be viewed as a sign of things to come. Hopefully he will inspire other Americans who share his ideals to run in the future and eventually a person of his caliber will be in office. If he doesn’t succeed in this election, you can bet that another like him will in the future. That is, if the socialists or the big business puppets don’t ruin our great country in the mean time. This internet “phenomenon” is bigger than Dr. Paul. It is the result of an entire generation calling for a change. On a side note, shame on you CNN for the unbalanced converge at Tuesday night’s debate. Why don’t you go back and take a look at your mission statement. I’m sure it contains something about covering the news in an unbiased manner. Posted By Brandon, Houston TX : June 7, 2007 3:46 pm The media is trying to force Rudy Mc Romney on the American people… But Guess what?…. The People dont need the media anymore to get their news. We already found out about Ron Paul thanks to the internet… The medias lopsided Polls and wimpy coverage of Paul will not hold back the will of the people.. Were all headed for the primaries with votes in hand…Just make sure you dont anticipate the wrong candidate the day after and waste all that newspaper ink… Ron Paul 2008! Save the Republic, Save the World! Posted By Tom D : June 7, 2007 3:47 pm Absolutely, Ron Paul is what we need. Another guy from Texas representing the rights of Big Oil. Please immediately jump in your car and drive to your neighbors house and tell them how much you love Ron Paul and the auto spammers that post on this comment board. Yes, A vote for Ron Paul is a vote for $5 gas. Yipeee. Posted By Repo, Monterey, ca : June 7, 2007 3:47 pm I believe Paul makes more common sense than the rest of the field and shares the views of a whole lot of voters. We need more common sense and honesty in government.He and Joe Biden would make a great independent ticket. Posted By DAN, SAN ANTONIO TEXAS : June 7, 2007 3:48 pm He simply needs to be heard. Set aside all political preconceptions and listen. It’s unfortunate, but people vote for who they believe can win rather than someone they believe in. And blasting America with Polls that measure name recognition and labeling others as ‘bottom tier’ or candidates that can never win, especially 500+ days before the election is like leading the witness. Scientific polls measure ‘likely’ voters. Online polls, especially in Ron Paul’s case, are guaranteed voters! Posted By Matthew S. - Hooksett, NH : June 7, 2007 3:48 pm Other than Tom Tancredo Ron Paul is the worst Republican candidate for president. Paul would like to destroy American as we know it, getting rid of the Federal Reserve and Social Security and stripping all federal regulating bodies of their power. Paul would like America to have an impotent federal government that would not protect the civil rights of individuals or regulate or tax business in anyway. The support he receives is troubling. How can a man who so opposes what makes America great, its strong rights-afirming government, be considered a patriot? Posted By Oliver : June 7, 2007 3:49 pm The Ron Paul spams are getting out of hand and I’m afraid it will do more harm than good. Sooner or later this tactic will spill over to the other candidates, all hell will break loose and guess who will wind up losing? _____ Spam can easily be filtered based on IP address. The support for Ron Paul is not spam. There should be spam for the other candidates by now, don’t you think? Why isn’t there? Posted By Bob C, Glendale AZ : June 7, 2007 3:50 pm What would it take? How about Wolf Blitzer dividing the time equally amongst the candidates in front of him instead of bowing down to corporations who prop up candidates (celebrities) such as romney, guiliani and mccain…maybe CNN (as well as the other news outlets) can be a little more responsible when dealing with this issue. Posted By anthony, Queens NY : June 7, 2007 3:50 pm Bravo for Dr. Ron Paul, I’ve been reading his editorials for years in FAMC’s quarterly publication and he always not only makes sense,but is honest and a true conservative. Unfortunately I’m too much of a realist to give him much of a chance in our current American political system.He will however get my vote. Posted By Bob Williams, Rochester,N.Y. : June 7, 2007 3:50 pm Ron Paul IS experiencing a groundswell of support, especially among people who have actually had the chance to see him present his views as he did in interviews with Bill Maher and Tucker Carlson (those can be watched online). I’ve been paying attention to him since I saw a “Ron Paul revolution” sign posted on my commute. It is a shame that CNN decided to play favorites in the last GOP debate through the stage position and the unequal number of question asked to different candidates. Americans deserve an honest debate, with equal time for each candidate instead of hearing opinions about who is major and who is irrelevant, especially at this early stage of the campaign. Networks should report the news rather than preformed opinions. Ron Paul’s massive support in online polls IS news, and I’m happy to finally see some reporting on this story. Posted By Tim S, Mesa, AZ : June 7, 2007 3:51 pm I like what he has to say. He seems to be speaking from the heart about all topics. Not just trying to please certain groups or talking in circles/general. I am a Democrat and I may switch my vote. He is straight forward Posted By donna, baltimore, MD : June 7, 2007 3:52 pm You are totally missing the boat when you say “Ron Paul supporters are effective at coordinating and mobilizing online quickly.” Trust me on this one: there is nothing organized or coordinated about the “Ron Paul Revolution”. You are witnessing something unheard of in contemporary American politics: a spontaneous popular uprising centered around the ideas articulated by Dr. Paul. We have been marginalized by the political parties, their corporate controllers and the media for decades, and now, thanks to the internet and Ron Paul, we are finding our voice. No matter how the campaign turns out, we will not be silenced. Posted By W. Gary Johnson, New York, NY : June 7, 2007 3:52 pm Ron Paul has a powerful message of liberty, down-sized government, strong national defense, reinstatement of the Constitution, reduction of the tax burden, and border security. His anti-imperialist foreign policy will make us safer, richer, and a more free and prosperous nation. Paul is a breath of fresh air amongst the stale GOP and a pillar of consistency and sanity compared to the Dems. Thank God for Ron Paul! Posted By Editor : June 7, 2007 3:52 pm I am a registered republican but have NEVER voted republican until now. Ron Paul is a real conservative and a real politician. GO RON PAUL! Posted By Rockville, MD : June 7, 2007 3:52 pm I like Ron Paul and will likely support him in the Ohio primary. I have signed up for the local Ron Paul Meetup. How can Ron Paul supporters help this candidate get serious recognition? I have a friend whose spouse is a Republican lobbyist. This individual asked me “Who is Ron Paul?” when I asked what they thought about him. I want to get the message out in an honest and direct manner that doesn’t immediately trigger everyone’s spam sensitivities. Posted By Mike from Columbus, OH : June 7, 2007 3:52 pm I’m very glad to see CNN is giving Ron Paul some recognition. Why not try next time to give hime some equal air time in the debates,and when talking about health care, why not ask Doctor Paul the question. He could have some qualifications in that area. Ron Paul is our best hope to bring America Back and out of the hands of big corporate state. Long live freedom and our constitution I say by voting for Ron Paul. RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!! Posted By Rick Cooper, Meyersville, MD : June 7, 2007 3:53 pm I am interested in Ron Paul because he is on the money when discussing US foreign policy. I may not agree with many of the other positions he has taken but his is one of the few voices among presidential candidates - Republican or Democrat - who is providing some realistic intelligence into the discussion. Posted By Tchalla, CA : June 7, 2007 3:53 pm Ron Paul will win! Posted By Paul, Castaic, CA : June 7, 2007 3:53 pm Thank you CNN for finally paying attention. There are in fact a lot of us Ron Pual supporters out here in the cyber-political world, and we do vote in the real elections as well. Although I think your staements on Paul’s positions are over simplified, he’s beyond the ordinary yay or nay of everyday bandwagon politics, which is what makes him such an exiting candidate. Anyone reading this article should be encouraged to check out Dr. Paul’s positions on his website, and check his voting record at the Library of Congress website. Consistency like his can’t be found anywhere else in Washington. Posted By Ian H, Portland, OR : June 7, 2007 3:53 pm RON PAUL, IS FOR REAL, BUT HE WON’T STAND A CHANCE BECAUSE THE BIG CORPORATIONS CAN’T BUY HIM AND THE AMERICAN PUBLIC WON’T BELIEVE HIM. HE IS WHAT THE USA NEED TO LEAD THIS SICK COUNTRY BUT IT WON’T HAPPEN. Posted By JIM HOUSTON TEXAS : June 7, 2007 3:53 pm The reason that the “so-called” scientic polls reflect such a difference is simple. Polling done by telephone, usually at dinner time, is not really effective. Most people just want to hang up the phone, and say whatever they think will end the call the quickest. Sure, some responses are genuine, but some responses are not. For example, if the Rudy Giuliani campaign called me, I would say, “Sure, I’m a supporter. Go Rudy!” But does that mean my response is true? Not necessarily. CNN and other media sources put too much stock into such polls. The people responding to these polls really do not wish to be bothered with responding to these polls. I wish media sources like CNN would get a clue and realize this very important fact. Posted By AnObserver, California : June 7, 2007 3:54 pm Thank you for acknowledging your problem. You might want to assume that Ron Paul, actually, has the amount of support that the polls indicate. I would greatly appreciate, if you gave all the candidates equal time in the debates and interviews, such that people (including me) can make an informed choice. I find it absolutely bizarre, that you are not covering a republican candidate who is so completely different from the rest. Posted By Holly, Houston, Texas : June 7, 2007 3:54 pm I’d like to thank CNN for seemingly coming around and recognizing that there is alot of legitimate support for Ron Paul out there. Ron Paul supporters are frustrated that all the top GOP candidates are the same, and worse, all united in taking us in the wrong direction… hence the derisive “Rudy McRomney” term. They all support more or less the Bush approach to the War on Terror (which 70+% of the country believes at this point is wayyyy off track), they are wishy-washy when it comes to balancing the budget and reducing spending, which are supposed to be GOP core values, and they are all tripping over themselves to seem like the most religious or anti-abortion candidate, which has some appeal to the GOP base, but even those who feel strongly about those issues have to agree that we have far more important problems going on in the country right now. We need to stop the erosion of liberties and the American way of life being caused by the War on Terror and Patriot Act, we need to stop borrowing money to fight wars, which is eventually going to cause an economic meltdown, we need to stop meddling in world affairs where we are not wanted (which not only bankrupts us but brings us things like the 9/11 attacks due to blowback), and we also need a trustworthy and honest candidate, who isn’t afraid to buck party convention even when he is often derided as a kook by the powers who run the GOP and who want the status quo. That’s why I support Ron Paul. Posted By Paul, Orlando, FL : June 7, 2007 3:54 pm I believe Amereica’s most politically savy and issue intelligent people get much of their info from the web. The fact that internet users have mobilized behind Dr. Paul so quickly would suggest that our best and brightest recognize a good man when they see one. Posted By Mark Niedzielski, Chicago, IL : June 7, 2007 3:55 pm I hope the Unscientfic Polls are correct and Paul is gaining support. He is a breath of fresh air in a race that is already stinking the air ways up. Seems like Mccain, Romini and Guilliani are panderers the likes I have never seen. And Thompson was a joke when he was a senator how will he handle the big chair? And the Dems are not much better. If the Republicans elect a anti war canidate, they may have a chance of holding off on lossing the white house in 08′ and if not there is no chance. Posted By Mike Philly, PA : June 7, 2007 3:55 pm I’m disappointed in CNN’s coverage of the Ron Paul “phenom”. He’s a great candidate, and is entirely deserving of the support he’s receiving. Don’t assume his supporters are spamming CNN. We all know what assuming does… Posted By Sarah B., Austin, TX : June 7, 2007 3:55 pm RON PAUL IS NOT FOR ABORTION! HE IS PRO-LIFE. He would just rather the states make choices regarding abortion since it is a highly controversial topic. It’s the way the constitution would want. Please change your article. Also, that you for covering Paul. We’ve been begging for media coverage all the time, but the toptier candidates remain to be covered the most. Rudy was allowed more time for each question, while Paul was quickly rushed off. Please change this for the next debate. Thanks! Posted By Kacy, Chapel Hill, NC : June 7, 2007 3:56 pm Was it faulty servers that left Ron Paul with less than half of the time of any of the 3 stooges at the Republican debate? Was Wolf Blitzer have a short circuit? Seriously, all moral questions got asked to the Pastor, and yet absolutely none of the many health care questions went to the only Doctor in the line-up? Are you kidding me? 1-2% in the main stream media polls comes from the same concerted effort by the main stream media to keep people from finding about the pro-liberty candidate. Posted By Elwar, San Antonio : June 7, 2007 3:56 pm Many claim that Ron Paul’s message is so revolutionary. It’s the oldest message in our nation and it’s a message that (in just a few weeks) has worked to remove this perception that we the people are not powerful. His message has reminded me of my personal responsibility to hold public figures to their oaths. I’m thrilled that Dr. Paul is receiving more and more attention. CNN, here’s a real idea that would simply DOMINATE in the ratings–get Rudy G. and Dr. Paul on for a one on one debate. The people want Dr. Paul and we’ll prove it! This would be huge for the democratic process in our country. The next election is very important to us during these pivotal years of world history. Do the right thing CNN, listen to the people. Posted By Barry, Richmond Virginia : June 7, 2007 3:56 pm Why the disparity in time and questions given between so-called ‘front-runners’ and Ron Paul. I’ve lifted a couple paragraphs from infowars.com news article. Benton (Paul campaign manager) had one of his assistants calculate the figures, concluding that Ron Paul was asked eight questions and spoke for a total of 6-anda-half minutes. In comparison, Rudy Giuliani got 14 questions and spoke for 17 minutes - almost double the amount of questions and triple the amount of time - how can anyone claim that this is not a rigged debate when the establishment candidates are brazenly favored and lavished with attention? What gives?!? Posted By Paul H. Cleveland, OH : June 7, 2007 3:56 pm There is definite momentum growing for Dr. Paul. The primary is still a long time from now and I believe that internet blogs from conservatives, liberals, and libertarians; Bill Maher, and other non-traditional information outlets are all going to help alert people to this candidate who speaks real straight truth!! We all have to do are part to alert the masses! Go Ron Paul!! Posted By Paul, Chicago, IL : June 7, 2007 3:57 pm I am a registered independent and Ron Paul is the only Democratic or Republican candidate that I would consider voting for in the General Election. Period. Anyone who votes otherwise is asking for more “business as usual” politics. Also, I believe that the news media ignores candidates who are not front-runners, especially third-party candidates by not giving them equal air-time or by dismissing their candidacy. And there are other ways to keep candidates out of sight. In a recent election in my state, third-party candidates who were on the ballot were NOT ALLOWED to participate in supposedly democratic debates. If I remember correctly, these debates were put on by the Women’s League of Voters who allowed only Democratic and Republican candidates to participate! I’m glad that people are getting wise and looking for information elsewhere to make their choices. Posted By V. McGlothlin, Colora, MD : June 7, 2007 3:57 pm GO RON PAUL. YOUR THE ONLY ONE WHO SPEAKS THE TRUTH. WE NEED SOMEONE LIKE YOU TO LOOK OUT FOR US! Posted By Buena Vista, CO : June 7, 2007 3:57 pm *Yawn* Yet another attempt to explain away further censorship of Ron Paul and his supporters. And to explain away the avalanche of support for him. C’mon guys, hop on the reality train. This support is very real, and we all intend to vote. Posted By Paul, Tempe AZ : June 7, 2007 3:58 pm The fact is it’s low because he is left out of most of those polls in serveral states. Then when averaged it looks like 1-2%. Check it out for yourself if you don’t believe me. Posted By Alex San Antonio Texas : June 7, 2007 3:58 pm I love the way this article circles around how Ron Paul Supporters are Spammers and that these polls are unscientific and then at the end it leaves off that Ron Paul is placing only 1-2 percent in national polls,as they are the only trusted form of statistics. The Corporate Media is very pathetic these days and I hope Lou Dobbs the only sincere man of intergrity left on the news will make a point to correct this error. America has spoken, Ron Paul has won the repect of the people with his honesty and overwhelming Intellect. America has spoken, will the Corporate run Media listen? Posted By Frank, Bethpage Ny : June 7, 2007 3:59 pm “supporters can often vote more than once,” There’s no evidence to support this statement . It is a trivial amount of code to allow only 1 vote per IP address (read: per household it doesn’t matter if you have multple computers in your house you still have one IP address) To says that multiple votes happen “often” is a stretch to say the least. Posted By indio007 : June 7, 2007 3:59 pm The only way that the Republicans can win the White House in the next election is if Ron Paul is the nominee. With 70% of the people opposed to the Iraq war there is no way a pro war republican will win. We’ve already seen what happened last November. What is interesting is how Hannity and Rush don’t support him. If they don’t change their support to Paul, then they will be part of the reason why the republicans will loose. I find this especially disheartening since Rush has stated that he is through with carrying the water for the Republicans. Rep. Paul is a true conservative. He is not a libertarian. When people say that he has libertarian leanings, it just isn’t true. He has conservative leanings. People think that they are libertarian leanings because they are not Neo-Con leanings. Conservatives believe in small, less intrusive government, low taxes, noninterference in people’s lives or overseas. This is what Ron Paul believes in. I believe that had the Republicans stuck to their conservative roots there never would have been the creation of the Libertarian Party (and we wouldn’t be in this mess that we are in now). When Hannity says that he likes Ron Paul but thinks that he is just wrong on the issues, then what he is really saying is… “I’m not a conservative”. I think that the people who consider themselves conservative today need to take a closer look at what it means to be conservative. If they come to the conclusion that they are right and I am wrong, then they should by all means go ahead and vote for their guy. I’m not going to try to change their minds. I know that nobody could change mine. I had to change it for myself. I would just want them to know that I would really love to stand with them once again and vote conservative. Give me a conservative to vote for and I will. One last thing. I’m sick of being Anti-War. I want to be Pro-Peace. I hope that Rep. Paul speaks more about peace and less about war. Posted By Dary, Jacksonville, FL : June 7, 2007 3:59 pm I’ve been following the controversy here and over on ABC and MSNBC who did pretty much the same thing you did. (Ron Paul or Mike Gravel wins their online poll, so they take the poll results down.) Obviously you see the problem else this post wouldn’t exist… I don’t accept your “strain on resources” explaination. A few hundred or even a few thousand comments is but a drop in the bucket. If you can’t host thousands of comments then what’s the point of opening a dialog? I would think instead you should be pleased that people chose to post comments here, instead of some place else. You’re absolutely right that this is in no way a scientific poll nor is it probably even indicitive of the general population, most of whom we continue to read, can’t even locate Iraq or Iran on a map and have no idea that we survived 137 years without the Fed and 86 years without the IRS . But it is what it is, and when you guys continue to delete comments and stories that don’t seem to parlay the party line, you open yourselves up to the charges you’re facing here. I disagree with Ron Paul on a tremendous number of things, but he’s the only GOP candidate who’s not morally bankrupt. That’s what you’re seeing in these poll results; informed people favoring Paul and Gravel. Imagine that. I think you should just put up the standard “this is not a scientific poll” disclaimer and let the chips fall where they may. What you’re doing now is dishonest. Posted By Derrell Piper, San Francisco, CA : June 7, 2007 4:00 pm I worked on his staff in the 80s. He still is inspirational. Dr. Paul is a statesman and much like our Founding Fathers, he is complex and has multiple interests. He grew up on a dairy farm outside Pittsburgh, is a former Air Force flight surgeon, has delivered hundreds of babies, knows more about Austrian economics, banking and foreign policy than anyone alive and heads a very large, multi-generational family. He follows moral and ethical principles without wavering off course even by one degree. No one running is as consistent or believable. Posted By Don Young, Katy, Texas : June 7, 2007 4:00 pm His history as a public servantHis voting record and his attendance isnt being mentioned. He is “my fathers” republican! Lobbyists pass by his office knowing NOT to stop and talk to him. He isnt bought and paid for like most others on the debate stage. He is a medical doctor and gave his practice up to help positivly change this country. Cant mention any of that on the networks. It doesnt help them. It helps the people. Posted By tony dallas texas : June 7, 2007 4:00 pm “though that didn’t stop Paul supporters from commenting; they started adding comments to the “Who won the Democratic debate?” post). ” Your staff has only themselves to blame for this. Instead of putting up a message indicating the problem was related performance issues and that the feature had been taken offline. That would NOT have happened. Instead your staff quietly redirected the users to the Democrat page with the comments feature intact. CNN should consider this a lesson learned. IF you have provided feedback; that the problem was performance related, it would not have looked like the intent was to silence Ron Paul’s supporters. Posted By Tim, Marlton, NJ : June 7, 2007 4:00 pm Take Note: Ron Paul’s donations have hit the 5 Million Mark.. And growing. http://www.freemarketnews.com/WorldNews.asp?nid=43192 I will definitly dig a little deeper and get him my maximum. A candidate like Ron comes once a life time. I will not sit on the sidelines! Posted By Jason, Suwanee GA : June 7, 2007 4:00 pm Ron Paul appears to be a straight shooter. He is not the status quo Republican. And, his views are shared by many Americans. Although I am not a Republican, his Libertarian views are very appealing. Posted By mike, riverside, ohio : June 7, 2007 4:00 pm Funny how he’s not taken seriously when a majority of his views line up with a majority of Americans? Hope he starts to get some real coverage. Posted By Talmadge Gardner, Rocky Mount. NC : June 7, 2007 4:01 pm Ron Paul represents the true conservative ideology, something that has been missing from the GOP for a long time now. The “conservatism” you see now is NOTHING of the sorts. Neoconservatism actually gets its roots from the Liberal Left, in which the name of the game is big government, big spending, less individual liberty, and a big internationalist / interventionist foreign policy. This is NOT conservative whatsoever. The GOP and Democratic parties now almost blend together nowadays. Ron Paul is exactly as he said previously, the “champion of the constitution”. Do yourselves a favor and vote for a statesman, not a puppet politician. Posted By Robert Johnson, Atlanta GA : June 7, 2007 4:01 pm Americans don’t want a peace party if there’s a war to be fought, and we are at war. We need a leader to take us to the right battlefield and let us fight to win. We need a leader who will stand up and pronounce the greatness of America. A leader who will dignify the english language, western civilization, and rule of law. Unfortunately, Paul doesn’t fill the requirement. Posted By Ben Magoun, Naples,Fl : June 7, 2007 4:02 pm The 2008 presidential elections will be the most important election in our lifetime. America has strayed far from the America that our founding fathers envisioned. Imagine an America where we can finally have a chance to get back to the principles of the Constitution. A document that has kept us free for over 200 years. I think that some Americans are finally waking up to the fact that the fight should not be Republicans versus Democrats the real fight should be restoring the Constitution. Ron Paul is that hope! Posted By L. Kline, Chattanooga, TN : June 7, 2007 4:02 pm Ron Paul personally opposes abortion a gay marriage. Whether it is legal or not is up to the local government. This way everyone will be happy. It is a brilliant idea. I think it is in our constitution. Posted By Peter, New York, New York : June 7, 2007 4:02 pm It’s a bit disingenuous to perpetuate a message that a candidate is of lower-tier status or irrelevant when you are the entity that controls the medium of how messages get delivered (you knowingly choose “thee” heuristic by which to measure). It’s the political version of the chicken-and-the-egg when media corps won’t talk about a candidate because he or she doesn’t have a strong power base or, more specifically, doesn’t keep the bed warm for the “right” people. However, that doesn’t bother me as much as how the stations parade around acting as if they are doing providing a valuable and integral service to the American Populace. I understand how the market works and I have no problem with people influencing others with the use of capital. However, it’s fraud to advertise a service and not make due on that contract. So either you provide what you’re selling or keep your mouth and continue to take the checks from the power brokers. The end is either a growth in your consumer base or your demise due to alternative routes of decentralized information dissemination; respectively. It’s your choice. Ron Paul represents what the majority of Americans want to hear: he represents the Constitution. If that’s not what the majority of American’s want then I will stand corrected, however, I would be most ashamed if that were true. Posted By Michael, San Francisco, CA : June 7, 2007 4:02 pm RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT 2008! HE IS THE ONLY CANDIDATE WORTH VOTING FOR AND AMERICA’S ONLY HOPE FOR A BRIGHTLY SUSTAINED FUTURE. YOU HAVE POWER OVER THE CORPORATE MEDIA. LET THEM SLANT WHAT THEY WILL, THEY ARE BOUGHT AND PAID FOR. FIGHT BACK BY NOT WATCHING THEIR NETWORKS AND NOT BUYING THEIR ADVERTIZED PRODUCTS. GO RON PAUL!!! Posted By mathew, los angeles ca : June 7, 2007 4:02 pm I was in the debate audience on Tuesday night in Manchester and I want to say that Ron Paul did an outstanding job - he had articulate and different answers to the questions posed by Wolfe. The media should be giving more coverage to his candidacy, letting America know that there is a Republican alternative to the ‘big three’ that get all the press. Isn’t that what Democracy, and the fourth estate, is all about? Posted By Paul McAvoy : June 7, 2007 4:03 pm Ron who? Rosie O’Donnell has a better chance of becoming president than this Ron guy. Posted By John H. Portland, OR : June 7, 2007 4:03 pm You mean, CNN is BIASED??? Wow, what an earth-shattering revelation. www.RonPaul2008.com Posted By Nic Leobold, Manhattan Island, New York : June 7, 2007 4:03 pm The number of comments this article has received in slightly fewer than two hours should underscore how popular Ron Paul is. 340+ and counting. I must say I was very disappointed with the presentation at the third debate. Why were Romney, Giuliani and McCain seated next to each other and all in the center? Who decided they were “top tier” candidates? The flawed phone polls? Turn it around - the internet rules these days and Ron Paul is ruling the internet. Based on this logic, he should be top tier. Just a suggestion - drop the labeling of the candidates, treat them all fairly and let the man or woman with the most popular ideas win. Isn’t that logical, fair and the basis of the democratic process? I forgot…politics and the media bias aren’t fair. That’s why McCain received 12:44 in talking time, Giuliani received 12:35, Romney received 11:04 and Ron Paul only 5:51. Posted By Ramsey T - Forest City, IA : June 7, 2007 4:03 pm Well, it’s time to be rude. We’ve endured decades of preposterously poor government under both parties, and it’s time to get nasty and throw the Establishment out on the streets. The Founding Fathers were rude, by the way. Posted By Chance Evans : June 7, 2007 4:03 pm Ron Paul, American in the mold of the Founders!!! Posted By Ed Culver Montgomery, Alabama : June 7, 2007 4:03 pm You ask, “Is he a “true conservative”?” To draw a distinction, what is a “true conservative”? Dr. Paul’s domestic policies reflect much of the 1994 Republican “Contract”. His ideas on foreign policy and defense reflect those of most of the Founders. His stated compass for his Congressional voting is the Constitution. So what is the hostility from the “conservative blogs” linked in the article, and especially the neo-”conservative” media (National Review, Murdoch’s tentacles, etc.)all about? Who, in fact, is the “true conservative”? Posted By Travis, Atlanta GA : June 7, 2007 4:03 pm Ron Paul is a John Birch Society supporter, through and through. He often speaks quite highly of the “New American”, which is JBS’ main publication (and quite a good publication, to be fair). That being said, I agree with most of the things that Ron Paul says. However, just like with the JBS, I can’t bring myself to support someone or an organization that wants to declare defeat in Iraq by pulling out our troops. Dr. Paul (and the JBS) see the main threat to our democracy as being the politicians here at home, while I believe it is clearly Islamic fascism. Posted By Mike, Camarillo California : June 7, 2007 4:04 pm The note below from Kyle in Seaside proves this blogs point to a tee. Although Ron Paul is popular in the online set not many people have seen or heard of him due to limited exposure. Non e of the big three has spoken his name even CNN doesn’t care to do so. What does this mean? Ron will continue to have to run the talk show circuit till someone sees him and likes him as the online community has appeared to take him in. I have never been known to care much for politics especially conservatives however Ron SEEMS to walk and talk the part with honesty. And his views aren’t that terrible either Posted By lemar columbus ohio : June 7, 2007 4:04 pm Ron Paul is a force to be reckoned with right now and major media such as yourself cannot handle it. Instead you try to avoid him and slander him. You call his polling support “spam”?!! I don’t consider myself a spammer, but I sure as hell vote for him every time I can. If the same thing occured to Mitt Romney or Rudy Giuliani, then you would call it “massive support”, but for Ron Paul it’s “spamming”. No, I don’t think so. These polls are very accurate of the public right now whether you want to believe it or not. I AM WITH RON PAUL 100 PERCENT!!!!! Posted By Jason : June 7, 2007 4:04 pm I believe Ron Paul is the only politician in the group that is not already “bought and paid for”. He is one of the only honest candidates in the group and probably our last chance to save this great country. The news media is doing this country a disservice by playing favoritism in the limited air time they provide to Ron Paul. Posted By Dianne, Charlotte, North Carolina : June 7, 2007 4:05 pm A democracy functions by the will and voice of the people. If the people voice is able to be heard, it should be heeded. Right now I believe there is a significant voice shouting their support for Ron Paul- all we need for democracy to function is for this voice to be heard. This is where the media comes into play, as that’s the only voice most people in America hear. Let the people be heard! Support Ron Paul! (But don’t spam or rig polls- that’s counterproductive.) Posted By Alex Wallace, Brooklyn NY : June 7, 2007 4:05 pm I forgot to include my city and state on the previous comment, please see below. Thank you. PS I spoke with CNN producer Steve and I was in the audience to ask a question on Tuesday night. He has my contact information if you’d like to reach me. Posted By Paul McAvoy, Manchester NH : June 7, 2007 4:05 pm You ask what it is going to take to get Dr.Paul to break out? It is going to take people. People who see the train wreck ahead for the United States and want to put us on a new track. Ron Paul is that man to do that. If people will just read and investigate this man they will see why he deserves our vote. Thanks CNN for letting Americans speak their minds. Posted By Mark Gensheimer : June 7, 2007 4:05 pm Ron Paul is the idea leader among the Republicans. In order to achieve leadership going into the primary elections, he needs his supporters to open their wallets and give him a warchest to fund a more visible campaign. Posted By James Alpine, Austin Texas : June 7, 2007 4:06 pm Why are the republican “experts” ignoring congressman Ron Paul. He is what the republicans claim to be. Ron always votes for less taxes and less spending. Ron never votes to increase government, but to make it smaller. Rudy lies about his spending and tax records. Rudy hates gun rights. Rudy is prochoice. Romney wants a (socialized) national health care system. Romney also lied about his tax and spending records, he did in fact increase spending and added new taxes. Are principles just going away for the lust of power? Posted By Danny K. Orange, CA : June 7, 2007 4:06 pm I’m not a spammer - just someone who happenned to see a video someone posted of Ron Raul one day. I did what all people who call themselves “Americans” should do - i did some research on my own, and read into his background and came to my own conclusions. I vote in these “unscientific” polls. I post on message boards. I am NOT a spammer - I am an American Citizen expressing my Constitutional Right. People need to get off their high horses and stop judging people by the WAY a message is delivered - and actually LISTEN to what is being said before dismissing it. I’m voting for Ron Paul - and so are 4 other people in my family who i introduced him to. His message is easy to love - and as soon as it is HEARD - you’ll see. Posted By Heather, Chicago IL : June 7, 2007 4:06 pm Ron Paul is what the United States need in a President. The first quality I look for in a politician is integrity to freedom. Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate that would stand by the Constitution and the founding philosophies until his last breath. In FACT he is probably the only candidate that knows what the Constitions intent is and what our founding fathers philosophies are. We need Ron Paul as President desperatly. We need to start repairing the damage we have done and bring back integrity to government. We have a INSANE deficit. We have increasing concern over civil liberties. We have a military entangled in foreign conflicts. The privatly owned Federal Reserve has arguably taken over our country’s money supply. We have the Federal Government growing bigger and bigger where it almost dictates every aspect of society. States rights are dwindling. The media, politicians, and americans can all respect Thomas Jefferson, but ignore Ron Paul. Well there isnt really any difference between Ron Paul and Thomas Jefferson. Ron Paul is the clear choice in 08′. I am sick of throwing my vote away to the lesser of two evils, FINALLY SOMEBODY WITH INTEGRITY IN AMERICAN PHILOSOPHIES. FINALLY SOMEONE WORTH VOTING FOR. Posted By Jonathan, Tiverton, Rhode Island : June 7, 2007 4:07 pm Ron Paul is a true patriot and a champion of freedom. He is not afraid to speak the truth and defy all the special interests that control the other candidates. He is 100% correct on why the USA is hated around the world despite all of our help in disasters, etc. I am afraid for his well being because his non intervention policy would take billions of dollars from the Military Industrial Complex. He would also get us back on a “real” monetary system. The world bankers will not like that either. I am a Democrat and I hope he gets nominated so I can vote for him. Posted By Larry Bailey, DeWitt, MI. : June 7, 2007 4:07 pm Ron Paul did not only show up the rest of the candidates at the debate, he’s the only one I’d vote for if he were on the ballot. And yes, the media needs to reconize the peoples’ voice when we say we like this guy and we want more coverage of him, not only for his sake, but for our country’s. We don’t need hand-picked candidates, but need REAL candidates. I won’t be suprised if he gets the Republican nomination only because people, like Ronald Reagan, want him to be nominated. Corporate thugs are going to have to deal. Posted By Andy J, Topsham, VT : June 7, 2007 4:07 pm Watching the candidates from the beginning, I was starting to feel like it was a “gloom and doom” scenario with no hope of a good candidate that expresses my views. I wasn’t even interested in Paul initially, but after hearing him speak in the debates and investigating everything he stands for he is by far the best candidate. CNN, please pay more attention to the Gravels, the Kuchiniches, the Pauls… We’ve heard the same old-same old from mainstream politicians and it’s time we heard what the “mavericks” have to put on the table–usually it’s far more refreshing than the slogans and appeals to emotions that mainstream politicians give us. Posted By Kenny Kaczor, Bellevue, Nebraska : June 7, 2007 4:07 pm I was in the audience on Tuesday night and I think Ron Paul did an excellent job. His answers were well articulated and challenging. The media should be paying more attention to this candidate and letting people know that there is a Republican alternative to the ‘big three’ that get all the press. Isn’t that what Democracy, and the fourth estate, is all about? Posted By Paul McAvoy, Manchester NH : June 7, 2007 4:08 pm There’s at least one statistical problem with the major polls. Gallup polls about 400 people, with 50% going to the top two candidates. That leaves 200 spread among the others, including “none” and “other”. The statistical uncertainty is huge. Another problem is that they only poll Republicans, this downplays support outside the party. Posted By Jeff Bennett, Dresden Germany : June 7, 2007 4:08 pm I think it’s an easy cop-out to say that Ron Paul supporters are voting several/many times for him on these polls - however, as a RP convert, I vote for him once…just as I will cast a single vote for him for President, if he is allowed to run, that is. Posted By JW Voakes Seattle WA : June 7, 2007 4:09 pm Ron Paul is a plain-spoken man who is truly opposed to big government in all its manifestations. He was one of Reagan’s earliest and most vocal supporters. Please give this man a chance to have his message heard - the electorate thirsts for transparency, discipline, and liberty to return to our government. www.RonPaul2008.com Posted By Alex Kaufman, Redmond, WA : June 7, 2007 4:10 pm Ron Paul always gets floods of support on the net and in post-debate polls because almost everyone who actually knows who he is and what he stands for likes him. He only does badly in the mainstream polls because he’s still relatively unknown. The problem with those polls is that it’s not a requirement to be familiar with all of the candidates in question. If the media gave Paul a more fair cut of airtime, his poll numbers would skyrocket in no time. Not surprisingly, those who aren’t familiar with him can’t comprehend what the fuss is all about and usually try to explain it away as spam-bots and super-effective organization. If you’re one of those, check out ronpaul2008.com. Posted By Steve, NY NY : June 7, 2007 4:10 pm There is a Ron in the race for President? I couldn’t tell with so many horrible choices on the “red” side. Posted By Mike, Ohio : June 7, 2007 4:11 pm Watch the Jon Stewart interview. I hate to invoke this name but he is as I would imagine Lincoln would have been. I hope he sticks around so I can vote for him. Posted By Tokar Solemnente, Folsom, CA : June 7, 2007 4:11 pm Seriously CNN, just give some equal coverage of Ron Paul. People in this country need a change — someone who is intelligent, knows the issues, does his homework, and can speak with eloquence. Having Wolf Blitzer parade around McCain, Giuliani, and Romney the entire time while they spew out emotional lines instead of actually debate their platform is sickening. Posted By John, Charlotte, NC : June 7, 2007 4:12 pm Here’s an idea - Quit tossing out unsubstantiated allegations of spamming in lieu of actually investigating a story. (Are there even any investigative reporters left on your staff? If not, how about an intern?) I’m a “soccer Mom” from a Chicago suburb. I vote once in every poll I can find. I have been a member of the Fred Thompson effort, and also the Tom Tancredo effort. Of the 3, the Ron Paul effort is the only effort in which I haven’t received a solicitation to “stuff” a poll. Posted By Angela “I am not a spammer” Canny, Hoffman Estates IL : June 7, 2007 4:12 pm Ron Paul supporters are being called ’spammers’? Seems like the CNN corporate media is looking for excuses to undermine Ron Pauls success. Seems like they cant confess to the fact that the majority of Americans want an end to our defacto state of dictatorship. Go Ron! Posted By Alec, Bronxville, NY : June 7, 2007 4:12 pm The republican field can be divided into three groups: neo-facists with corporate backing like Giuliani and McCain, religious zealots like Huckabee and Brownback, and then there’s Ron Paul. If you are conservative and don’t like the fact that our government has been bought by the highest bidder, there is only once choice - Paul. This neo-facism causes crazy talk, like “Of course Sadam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11 and Iraq was no imminent threat to the US, but invading Iraq was the right thing to do.” No reasonable person could think that way. At the Republican Debate, there were 9 people who spoke that way - and then there was Ron Paul. The Iraq war is just a means of scaring the public and providing an excuse for huge government and an all-powerful executive branch. It provides a means for big business to impose government policy that helps huge international conglomerates at the expense of the American public. Unless you support the rise to power of International Conglomerate Corporations, Ron Paul’s position on the Iraq war is the only reasonable position, and sets him apart from the Corporate monkeys. Posted By Rob, Boca Raton, FL : June 7, 2007 4:13 pm Ron Paul as a Texas “Village Idiot?” Really? Wow, in what village would a graduate of Duke medical school who has served as an Air Force flight surgeon and a respected, principled Congressman be considered an idiot? Ron Paul has earned my serious consideration, although I disagree with him on some issues. He’s simply that forthright and honest… and that much a statesman. Posted By Curtis, Biddeford, Maine : June 7, 2007 4:13 pm I’ll tell you what it’s going to take. CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM! PLAIN AND SIMPLE! Posted By Luis Jimenez, New York City : June 7, 2007 4:13 pm if you want to safeguard the Constitution and wish to live in peace and freedom there is only one candidate for you to vote for~Ron Paul ~!))) Posted By Tom Dybowski : June 7, 2007 4:13 pm Thanks for the news on Ron Paul, but I think your brief description of his views on abortion rights and marriage need to be expanded. He may personally be against abortion, and may personally think that marriage is between a man and a woman, but he has stated in several articles that the federal government has no business deciding on these issues one way or another. If Roe v Wade was overturned, and since Dr. Paul is a strict constitutionalist he thinks it should, that does not mean abortion would be outlawed. The right to set their own laws on abortion would be given back to the states, which it is likely that most would still allow some form of abortion. On the question of marriage, Dr. Paul has stated that it is not the federal government’s business to define marriage on way or another for the states. He has supported legislation that would prevent federal judges from imposing same-sex marriage on a state while at the same time did not support amending the constitution to define marriage. Here is an speech from the House floor on the subject of marriage: http://www.lewrockwell.com/paul/paul207.html Posted By Mike, Omaha, NE : June 7, 2007 4:13 pm Loved this guys common sense approach to the debated topics. He has my vote although I am a democrat Posted By Nelson , Boston, MA : June 7, 2007 4:14 pm My comment was one the the comments that was deleted in that thread, and while this is making up for it in the smallest way, I thank you for doing this much for Ron Paul’s supporters. All we ever hear about is how politicians are liars, cheaters, and fakes. Well now we finally have someone with integrity and people want to hear more from him. All candidates should be heard, but with Ron Paul being the only anti-war republican candidate he especially deserves to be heard amongst the “top tier.” Peace. Posted By Scott,Raleigh,NC : June 7, 2007 4:14 pm Dr. Paul presents something that the American people have not seen in a long while- a dedication to America’s founding principles. This takes some getting used but once Americans hear it, they find that they kind of like it. The more we hear-the more we like. Watch out America, change is afoot. ’bout time. Posted By Jeffrey Broadbent, North Dighton, MA : June 7, 2007 4:14 pm If you listen closely to what Ron Paul said in his scuffle with Rotten Rudy, you will hear, 1953 and the CIA’s plan to oust Mossadegh from Power in Iran, who was democratically elected, but he decided to natinalize the Oil fields and kick BP out of the country. and the Bombs have been falling ever since. This simple acknowledgement and being honest with the people instead of lying to them, telling people we are in Iraq so they can be free..What a load of CRAP, we need their oil, plain and simple, the people appreciate not having their intelligence belittled. As far as teh “Scientific Polls” any pollister can get any result he wants by simplying asking the right question. so basically they are controlled by coporate media, just like this blog, my last blog was too harsh for CNN. I hope this one is a little lighter. Investigate 9/11 Posted By Dave, Berkeley : June 7, 2007 4:15 pm Ron Paul is an intellectual dynamo that offers real change for our country if elected. Constitutionalism is absolutely vital to save our great Nation. We need a leader who respects our personal rights and understands that military might is not how you solve all problems. We need a Constitutional Champion - Ron Paul is perfect for 2008! Posted By Trent, Porter, Tx : June 7, 2007 4:15 pm A man like Ron Paul — a man who understands that large centralized government was, is and always will be the mortal enemy of a free people; a man who has the courage to tell the whole truth — is the last hope of this nation. That is exactly why the owners of this country (through the main stream media) will do everything in their power to marginalize him and destroy his candidacy as early in the process as possible. Sadly, just like this republic, Ron Paul’s candidicy is doomed. Posted By Todd, Irvington-on-Hudson, NY : June 7, 2007 4:17 pm This is proof to anyone who thinks Ron Paul supporters are spammers to vanquish into the night of lies and obscurity. Do you want to know why people like me start to vote again? I have a reason to and I haven’t for 10 years. I’m voting in my first primaries because I see a difference in candidates since Pat Buchanan. Posted By Mike, San Antonio, TX : June 7, 2007 4:18 pm I considered myself a thoroughly disenfranchized citizen, and I haven’t liked *any* candidate for a number of election cycles. However, Ron Paul has stirred me from my apathy. I will definitely be voting for him, even if I have to do it as a write-in. He is literally our last, best hope for any any semblance of a Constitutional, freedom-based government. I’ve also managed to awaken many of my fellows, they are similarly enthusiastic about Paul’s candidacy. He’s the only candidate I’ve ever seen who is completely truthful and consistent in his voting record. My guess is at least a part of the “Ron Paul Effect” can be attributed to the multitudes who had given up hope in the political process. With Paul’s truth and integrity, we now have some reason to hope again. Posted By Clay Dale, California : June 7, 2007 4:19 pm Best reaction to all of this — it’s time to do away with useless unscientific polls. The principles of good, scientific survey research are well-established. In contrast, unscientific polls are at best misleading and poor entertainment. Posted By Neil Kressel, Wayne, NJ : June 7, 2007 4:19 pm I quit voting in presidential elections after 1996 as it became increasingly apparent that both parties were only interested in nominating vacuous dullards who do little more than appeal to an element of American society that is too stupid to care about relevant issues. Ron Paul gets my vote precisely because he is wholly disinterested in appealing to the lowest-common-denominator. Moreover, it is refreshing to see a candidate who does not come across as ‘desperate’ to win the White House. Ron Paul is the best candidate precisely because he probably doesn’t really want the job, unlike Romney, Giuliani, McCain, and the other sad excuses in the Republican fold who would sell their mothers to win next November. Posted By Brian, Bloomington, IN : June 7, 2007 4:20 pm Ron Paul was my U.S. Representative before Tom Delay and others regerrymandered Texas. As I’m a Democrat, I differ with him on many national issues, but agree on most international issues. He is his own man following values he developed independent of his party, and he speaks as a true conservative. I wish it were possible in the U.S. to elect someone who doesn’t walk the Democratic or Republican party line. Posted By George Avery, Austin, Texas : June 7, 2007 4:23 pm I’m not a Republican but I see Ron Paul representing something not seen in the mainstream GOP in some time. He’s sharp, intellegent, and isn’t bowing to groups or polls on his stances. (He has a backbone) I would like for there to be a Ron Paul type figure on the Democratic side! Posted By Amir, Atlanta, Georgia : June 7, 2007 4:23 pm GO RON PAUL YOU HAVE MY VOTE!!!!!!!!! Posted By Jason Ohio : June 7, 2007 4:23 pm The conservative Drudge Report showed Ron Paul coming in third after the 1st debate. No online spamming here! Ron Paul is real and his support comes from all parts of the political spectrum. Posted By Les, Hartford, CT : June 7, 2007 4:24 pm The media is not concerned with coverage of politics. They are concerned with Neilson ratings. They talk about “rock star” politicians and not about issues. As long as the media maintains this attitude, this country is doomed. Posted By Darren Meyers, Biloxi MS : June 7, 2007 4:24 pm What will it take? It will take debate hosts, like CNN, to give equal airtime to all candidates. Let the American public see and hear each of these candidates in equal time installments speak on each and every salient political issue. Posted By Levi, San Fran, CA : June 7, 2007 4:24 pm Ron Paul - Five Million Dollar Man? It is happening, what’s it going to take? Open up your mind and heart people and listen to his message of PEACE and HOPE !!!!! Thursday, June 07, 2007 - FreeMarketNews.com Congressman Ron Paul’s donations have moved up - not by hundreds of thousands - but by millions as a result of his debate performances and groundswell of support on the Internet and in New Hampshire, observers close to the campaign say. The move is especially impressive since as of March 31, 2007, he had perhaps $500,000 on hand (see candidate estimates below). FMNN had previously reported – after the GOP presidential debate in South Carolina - that candidate Ron Paul’s (R-Tex) donations, large and small, had nearly doubled. http://www.freemarketnews.com/WorldNews.asp?nid=42336 Now observers close to the campaign are revealing – with some astonishment – that donations to the campaign in recent weeks have pushed the total up to perhaps $4 or $5 million. “That’s a huge number at this stage,” says one observer. “That starts to put him in a position where he can compete – state by state, anyway – with the major candidates.” And this source added, “Of course, it’s hard to tell because the numbers keep changing – and thus nobody at the campaign has a firm count, at least not hour to hour. But the numbers are big. It’s definitely over three, probably over four, and if it hasn’t hit five yet, it will soon.” At this rate, say observers, Ron Paul could have something like $10 million in his coffers inside of several months, and the total could keep growing – so long as he continues to hit on themes that Americans support – how to return the country to a true, small government, constitutional republic and how to end the war in Iraq. To be sure such amounts are somewhat speculative. But to put the amount of money Ron Paul is said to have raised recently in perspective, here are the figures of cash on hand for GOP candidates as of March 31, 2007: http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/money/gop.html Posted By Dan, Miamisburg, Ohio : June 7, 2007 4:24 pm “We need a leader who will stand up and pronounce the greatness of America. A leader who will dignify the english language, western civilization, and rule of law. Posted By Ben Magoun, Naples,Fl : June 7, 2007 4:02 pm” English language? Check Dr. Paul’s record on immigration. Western Civilization? Freedom… Rule of law? Read your Constitution. Posted By Max Vowel II, Edmond, OK : June 7, 2007 4:25 pm Those who think that Ron Paul’s support isn’t real should start looking out their windows. There are hundreds of Ron Paul “MeetUp” groups from coast to coast and these have just started having actual face to face meetings. Once these groups get themselves organized you’ll be seeing Ron Paul signs everywhere. I live in the St. Pete area of Florida and there are 3 meetup groups here with a fourth soon to start. Events are planned for this coming weekend in several locations around St. Pete and Tampa, with hundreds more scheduled around the country. The Ron Paul Revolution WILL NOT be televised. It will be YouTubed. Posted By Michael Wagner, S. Pasadena FL : June 7, 2007 4:25 pm I am not a Republican but if I were, I would be voting for Ron Paul. He is the only one that is telling the truth and make any sense. All the others are just pandering to the neo-con base. Non of them stand on principal. Good for you Ron Paul! Posted By Judi Riccardi Westhampton, N.Y. : June 7, 2007 4:25 pm I like Ron Paul, but what excactly is this article trying to prove? The reason we use “scientific” polls is that they greatly reduce the chance of bias being reported in the numbers. The shear fact that this article uses these so-called “unscientific” results to put into question the results of credible national polls is very disengenious. If you are wondering how far off the national polls are, look at the statistical measure: margin of error (which is at best, 2-3%). Don’t look at hyped up numbers and commentary from reporters that need a refresher in STATS 101. Do you expect the media to give equal time to EVERY marginal candidate. Keep spreading the message and when Paul’s numbers improve on real polls, then let’s talk about face time. Posted By Ryan Johnson, AZ : June 7, 2007 4:25 pm Ya know, the more I go over this article, the more irritated I become. What is the purpose of reporting this as a ‘phenomenon’? It’s so basic. People like Ron Paul. And to those wondering why Ron Paul isn’t getting any extra attention despite surging support, who do you think has more ties to, here is a possible answer: Richard Parsons, CEO of Time Warner, has been a *** CLOSE ASSOCIATE AND SUPPORTER *** of Rudy Giuliani since the 1970s. Guess who owns CNN… Yep, Time Warner. Posted By Adam, Bloomfield, NJ : June 7, 2007 4:25 pm I am a recovering democrap, I first saw Mr. Paul on HBO, he has the best interest of the american people and the country at heart, we should not go around starting wars, and there should be no amnesty for any illigals, the economy is a huge concern. the dems have lost touch with the american people the needs of this country, no dems and no bushies in the gop Posted By Mike Branham Acworth Georgia : June 7, 2007 4:25 pm I quit the GOP after W’s 2nd election as Texas’ governor. When W ran for POTUS (1st run) that the first time I did not vote Republican, I voted Libertarian. BTW, I am not a Libertarian. I what is now termed a paleo-conservative since a bunch of ex-Trostyites hijacked the movement, aided and abetted by W. F. Buckly and National Review, into something that is now called neo-conservatism. So, when “Scott, Memphis, TN” says that “Of course CNN is going to report Paul as the winner… he’s a liberal masquerading as a Republican (a la John McCain prior to 2006)” I shake my head at such ignorance. Go back to, say, to the 1980’s a see what real Conservatives were saying about, for example, the Federal Dept. of Education. A couple of days ago my first ever contribution to Dr. Paul’s campaign. I do not live in his district but I am adjacent to it. Posted By Jaime, Houston, TX : June 7, 2007 4:26 pm Ron Paul is the only candidate that supports the American principle of government limited by the rule of law. He gets my vote. Posted By Darren Cron, Binghamton, NY : June 7, 2007 4:26 pm I am a moderate democrat still hoping for Gore to run, but after seeing Ron Paul on the Daily Show I think he is the most reasonable republican candidate. It is a shame that he does not get more media attention. Posted By Andy, New York, NY now in Montreal, Canada : June 7, 2007 4:26 pm Paul opposes abortion rights you need to fix that he believes it should be handled at the state lv. that’s another form of media biased if your gonna say something print the truth I’m looking at a lie right their. It’s going to take alot more than this print for me to trust cnn again I watched Wolf blatently tried to force a lie on Ron after the second debate when he accused him of blaming 9/11 on america and basically said he was unpatriotic when he had three times to ask Ron about the quotes from the 9/11 commission report while cnn ran text under Ron Paul’s name saying Ron Paul blames America for 9/11 Do you think that we do not see that? Did cnn research his comments. You completely trashed him for telling the truth its propaganda worthy of the nazi Germany. To promote blantent lies about a man who is running for the highest office in this country no matter what a producer says to go with. How could you as an American. The cnn debate was completely unbalanced in time as others have posted but in as much as 45sec Ron said something heard around the World 9 candidates stood on the stage and said they would do a preemptive nuclear weapons first strike thats not retalliation but first strike my god how many thousands of people would die another hiroshima and nagasagi. But Ron said that we should never do a preemptive nuclear strike. Think about how serious that is deaths could go in the millions starting wwiii. The Ron Paul revolution is real. Liberty and Freedom is a powerful voice and it is us the American people. Washington is being put on notice because we are gonna take our country back and also it would help if in the so-called scientific polls ron paul wasn’t only in 5 out of 27 polls as a choice and we had to fight for the 5 Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me. Cnn is no better than Fox anymore as far as I’m concerned maybe someday when I see honesty and truth Posted By Rich : June 7, 2007 4:27 pm I suppose those cheers you hear on Bill Maher’s show and Jon Stewart’s show are piped in more than once, too. If the mainstream media would stop their censorship, or at least muting of Dr. Paul (he got a WHOLE SIX MINUTES, total, to speak in New Hampshire, remember?), he’d be at or near the top in scientific pols. He’s being sabotaged, it’s easy to see. Posted By ABC, Parts Unknown, MT : June 7, 2007 4:27 pm Is it that hard to understand that national phone polls, which primarily poll listed phone numbers, are going to greatly underrepresent unlisted mobile phone users like myself? Posted By Anonymous : June 7, 2007 4:27 pm Controlling media? Meet Internet… Internet? Meeting Controlling media… Gone are the days where “we the people” need to rely soley on the media and their biased views for news. Welcome to the beginning of a time when “we the people” are once again heard and “we the people” are in control - the way it should be… Posted By Sal, Wellington, Florida : June 7, 2007 4:27 pm Question for conservatives… Suppose the assertion is correct that 50% of the Ron Paul support is from Democrats who want to give the Democrat ticket an edge in the ‘08 election. Would it be worth it to you to have Hillary defeat Ron and become president just to get his message out there? I think a number of people would be won over to Ron’s once they understand his stance, but it is food for thought that moonbats are also amongst us. M. Posted By Mike from Columbus, OH : June 7, 2007 4:28 pm Out of Curiosity CNN, mind telling us what percentage of IP addresses have multiple entries while claiming to be another person from another state? Lets see how many of these people are the same people trolling for or against Ron Paul. Posted By Mark, Jonesboro GA : June 7, 2007 4:28 pm CNN, you’ve sold your souls. Are you going to address the concerns that only the “big 3″ candidates got significant airtime in both debates? It’s a pathetic trend and you should be embarassed. You should host a debate that intentionally excludes the top 3. That would be fresh! Ron Paul wants to end the war, stop the abuse of power by the government, and stabalize our economy. Guiliani wants to issue national IDs, nuke Iran, and build nations all over the world - spreading liberty via gun. And Ron is a loon? Posted By David Canny, Schaumburg, IL : June 7, 2007 4:28 pm Ron Paul is the only Republican for president that does not scare me deeply. He seems to be the only candidate that talks like he is speaking to equal citizens of the USA rather than just a bunch of chumps he needs to manipulate to get into power. In addition he follows the Constitution which over the years I have found to be an incredible governmental ideal. I want him as the Republican candidate because he is SANE!! I would be proud to vote for him. Posted By Ryan Collins, Omaha, NE : June 7, 2007 4:29 pm Ron Paul is a Revolution. Sadly, he is the only real candidate on either side. All are bought and paid for by major corporations. Ron beleives that our Nation’s Founders had the right idea, and I agree. Unfortunately, most people consider themselves good Americans only if they support our President, and our Government in General no matter how much of our Civil Liberties the erode, and how much of the Constitution they burn. Without our Constitution and Borders, there is no America. Plain and simple. God Bless Ron Paul, the only real Conservative Candidate! Posted By PJ, Pittsburgh PA : June 7, 2007 4:29 pm You Can Not put new wine in old wine skins!! Or the Wine skins will burst! The same goes with Polls….if Every Candidate is not included as an option on the polls, then Those polls which do no include every candidate Must be thrown out and can not be factored as Scientific! They are anti-Scientific! The old polls have to be kept seperate from the new ones! I would venture to say atleast 90% of the “Scientific Polls” Did Not include Ron Paul as an option…or even have a spot for a write in. And any poll that did not include him after he announced he was running are therefore are SPUN. To get accurate data…I would challenge CNN to do this: CNN should go through EVERY SINGLE Scientific Poll one by one. If EVERY candidate is NOT included on each and every poll as an option, THROW THAT POLL OUT!!! But Ron Paul wasn’t running as early as Guiliani either…so keep the new polls seperate from the old. If not, it is no longer a Scientific poll but a politically biased Spun Poll. If you will not go through every Scientific Poll one by one, how about separting the Polls by Months, but keeping the folling Rule in mind….If EVERY candidate is not on the POLL as an option after he/she decided to run, then that Poll can not be included. Broadcast your Results. Posted By Chris, Laredo TX : June 7, 2007 4:29 pm Look folks, just like the TV debates are rigged, so are the polls. Why do they all automatically dismiss Ron Paul as winning the debate even when he receives the most votes after the debate is over. You cannot have a man who is garnering so much support as Dr. Paul is online and not have him register higher in the polls. These pollsters call 50-100 people in certain demographic areas that are known to support the so called top tiers. IT IS RIGGED FOLKS!! With that said, the only media anyone should trust is the internet. This will certainly change once more Washington crooks get in control of things. They dont want people like us to be able to freely express our views. The internet will soon be heavily regulated. If Dr. Paul doesnt get elected, Im afraid for this country. Im afraid for my 2 children and what their future will be. The noose continues to tighten that is for sure!!! The only remedy is Dr. Ron Paul as President. Posted By Ryan Craig : June 7, 2007 4:30 pm If Obama can get a Secret Service detail, I think Ron Paul should be protected also against all the domestic enemies in the U.S. he is making. Posted By William L., Irvine CA : June 7, 2007 4:30 pm Ron Paul should be the next president. He is a libertarian at heart, but because our system is controlled by 2 parties (is that really democracy) he will never see the light of day. The candidates (and president for that matter) are decided long in advance. Someone who offers real change has no chance. It is isad but it is our system. Posted By Publius : June 7, 2007 4:30 pm I had never heard of Ron Paul until I watched this last debate. As soon as I heard him answer his very first question, I sat up and said wow someone with common sense and had exactly the same views I did. I have spent the next two days doing research about him on the internet and absolutely love what he stands for. Finally someone who can bring greatness back into America. Also, I too think the media is trying to shove their “top-tier” down our throats. I think Americans are completely tired of the bull crap of government, the media, politics as usual and will learn about the candidates and make an informed choice. It’s time to take America back and believe at this juncture that Ron Paul is the ideal candidate. He has my vote! Posted By Cheryl, Milton, FL : June 7, 2007 4:30 pm The commentors supporting Ron Paul are not spammers, they are people like myself with no affiliation to his campaign who are sick and tired of the crooks, liberals and sellouts in the republican Party, like bush and most congressmen/women. Posted By Mike, syracuse, NY : June 7, 2007 4:31 pm I quit voting in presidential elections after 1996 as it became increasingly apparent that both parties were only interested in nominating vacuous dullards who do little more than appeal to an element of American society that is too stupid to care about relevant issues. Ron Paul gets my vote precisely because he is wholly disinterested in appealing to the lowest-common-denominator. Moreover, it is refreshing to see a candidate who does not come across as ‘desperate’ to win the White House. Ron Paul is the best candidate precisely because he probably doesn’t really want the job, unlike Romney, Giuliani, McCain, and the other sad excuses in the Republican fold who would sell their mothers to win next November. Posted By Brian, Bloomington, IN : June 7, 2007 4:20 pm **************************** Man you really hit it right on the head with this one. Was just telling my dad this yesterday. Posted By James, Lafayette Louisiana : June 7, 2007 4:31 pm Man, Ron Paul’s poll numbers suck because its based on LAND LINES … I am 25 and only use a cell phone. Ron Paul has my vote! … The media needs to LISTEN to the public OUTCRY and show Ron Paul fairly. I also didn’t appreciate this articles wording of “what Ron Paul is for”. He is for marriage between a man and a woman, but he’ll be darn sure to say its not the governments business to amend the constitution! We need to restore the Republic, Ron Paul 2008! The people will NOT be silenced! Posted By Keith Kie, Santa Barbara, CA : June 7, 2007 4:31 pm I’ll forgive you JUST THIS ONCE, but if CNN ever kills a link like it did to the “Who Won” ticker after the debate, then CNN needs to leave an explanation of why it was taken down in its place instead of stealthily redirecting it to some old link like the post-Dem debate ticker. That was extremely suspect regardless of the reason, and I won’t tolerate it whether it’s full of comments praising Ron Paul, Rudy, Obama, or even Paris Hilton. NO VOICE should go unheard regardless of the opinion it conveys. If the Ron Paul supporters happen to be more vocal than other candidates’ supporters, then perhaps that’s a message to the others that their base isn’t as entrenched or devoted as it should be. It is definitely NOT spam, since you can see quite clearly that the proPaul comments are coming from all over America, not just the area surrounding his campaign HQ. Yes, he’s extremely popular on the web, simply because it is a level playing field unlike the news networks. If CNN would give Ron Paul 1/4 the face time it gives to Rudy McRomney or Hillbama, I assure you he’d be polling alongside if not well ahead of them… America is DEFINITELY ready for a candidate with a different perspective from those who feel America is the world’s benevolent hegemon. What the Ron Paul movement is, in case CNN still fails to grasp it, is a popular uprising against the cookie cutter pro-war statists that comprise pretty much the entire group of candidates from either party, with sole the exception of Ron Paul. To say he is unique considering he’s the ONLY republican that voted against the Iraq invasion is quite an understatement, and history has once again proven him right as 70%+ of Americans now agree that the war was a mistake and we should pull out ASAP. It amazes me how ardent the anti-Paul naysayers are that this is some sort of campaign spam given that his message is merely that we follow the very principals that built America and made it the greatest nation in history; namely, the Constitution and Bill of Rights. To say that people are spamming pro-Paul is to suggest that there is but a small cabal left in America that supports Constitutional rule. I find that both ignorant and abhorrent, and I’m as excited as I’ve ever been about an election to see that we at long last have a candidate who speaks of restoring our liberties rather than protecting us from the bogeyman du jour at the expense of our freedoms. Freedom is what built America and made us a shining example for the rest of the world to emulate, but with each Patriot Act renewal or National ID proposal, our beacon dims. There is but one candidate who consistently defends that freedom, and he was not among those amassed in the center, prime-viewing podiums during the debate nor so much as mentioned, let alone interviewed, in the post-debate coverage. Try all you like, but nobody puts Ronnie in the corner. We the people won’t tolerate it. Posted By Matt, Elgin IL : June 7, 2007 4:32 pm All potentially good but little-known presidential candidates face the same Catch-22 situation: to get popular you need coverage, to get coverage you need to be popular. Perhaps in this case the internet can help short-circuit the Catch-22 circuit. Put Ron Paul on Larry King already - the full hour. Posted By Serge, La Jolla, CA : June 7, 2007 4:32 pm Dr. Paul is pro-life but, as he stated, the jurisdiction to punish crimes, like murder, reside within the States. And remember that Dr. Paul is obgyn and he knows that what is in the womb are babies. The Constitution only mentions 3 crimes: piracy, counter-feiting and treason. For treason only the prescription for the punishment is delegated to the Congress. Posted By Jaime, Houston, TX : June 7, 2007 4:33 pm I support Ron Paul because of his honesty and principled, unwavering support of the US Constitution. I see the surprise in many circles of strong online support of Congressman Paul as evidence of the increasing disconnect between the “old” mainstream media and a growing number of Americans who resent being treated like sheep. Posted By Charles Wild, Athens, Pa. : June 7, 2007 4:33 pm This “Ticker” just poped up not even 2 hours ago and it is nearing 600 posts!? I don’t think that looks like spaming. That looks like frustrated supporters being given thier say. Posted By Ryan Collins, Omaha, NE : June 7, 2007 4:33 pm I am an independent that never heard of Ron Paul before Tuesday’s debate. I think he had the pulse of what the people want to hear without a lot of bull. He could even get my vote where none of the other republicans have a chance! Posted By Allen Jacksonville, FL : June 7, 2007 4:33 pm Ron Paul won both debates. My guess is that Romney will better fit the ideals of today’s neo-conservatives because he has nicer hair, but the one true conservative on that stage was Ron Paul. It reminds me of a time in the history books when conservative ideals were noble and independent products of creative and inspired problem solvers like Teddy Roosevelt. It’s sad to think how long ago that was and what corrupt buffoonery the neo-conservative party has now become. Posted By Thomas Smith, Oviedo FL : June 7, 2007 4:34 pm We are seeing the first real shift between young, politically-savvy voters who get their news from primary sources/blogs and the older, status quo voters who get their news from newspapers and cable TV. We (the young) are tired of the status quo, endless wars, doomed entitlement programs, and a electoral process that is all mustard and no hot dog. Whether or not we have the numbers or momentum to make a big splash in 2008, the fact that the young/internet crowd is the one flocking to Ron Paul shows that this movement will have legs over the coming years in American politics. Posted By Conor, San Francisco, CA : June 7, 2007 4:35 pm Why in the world would we want to nuke Iran, what have they done to us? What you say - they supply arms to insurgents in Iraq. Well, since we supplied the Taliban against the Russians, should the Russians nuke us? Ron Paul is the only Republican that is fully for Right-to-Life, including after birth. In other words, let’s stop killing people for oil, after all the oil isn’t to help lower prices, it’s to raise profits. Posted By Eric, Draper Utah : June 7, 2007 4:35 pm How about changing the debate structures altogether? In each, the same topics are treated and becuase of the wide range of topics (and candidates) there is only time for superficial answers. How about one debate focused solely on the economy? One on Health care? One on state’s rights? Etc. Narrow the focus of the debate so each candidate (including the ’second-tier’ ones) have a chance to go much deeper into there plans. This is the best way to distinguish one candidate from the other without invoking sound-byte poliitcs. Posted By Justin Rodriguez, Sacramento Ca : June 7, 2007 4:36 pm Ron Paul’s efforts and convictions, while laudable, do not circumvent the fact that a mere congressman will not be nominated by either major party to run for the Presidency. Compared to governors and senators, congressmen have too small of constituencies to be able to muster the credibility needed by a serious candidate. Posted By Howard Cihak, Alexandria, VA : June 7, 2007 4:36 pm People who wish to bash Ron Paul are either Neo-Cons(aka: liars) or just haven’t looked at his positions. He is the best man running! Posted By Zach Warren(TN) : June 7, 2007 4:36 pm I think you would be suprised that most people in the usa agree with the basic tenets of our constitution, which bush and many other politicians have undermined for years. Thank you for finally acknowledging that alot of us support Ron Paul and believe he has good ideas even if he isnt a snappy dressing millionaire. Posted By Del. Eugene, OR. : June 7, 2007 4:37 pm Ron Paul came in 3rd 18% in the Drudge Report poll after the 1st debate. So not all of the polling is because of “spamming” internet groupies. Posted By Les, Hartford, CT : June 7, 2007 4:37 pm Perhaps during the next debate they’ll give Congressmen Paul a few more questions, so we won’t have another Guiliani v. McCain debate. I had more faith in CNN being non-biased. Posted By Michael, Lexington KY : June 7, 2007 4:37 pm The discrepancy in Ron Paul’s support beween scientific polls and online ones isn’t that surprising. Scientific polls are sampling all registered voters, most of whom aren’t paying close attention to the presidential race and are therefore getting virtually all their information from the main stream media (MSM). All of the “second tier” candidates have been virtually invisible in the MSM, so it’s not surprising that they are all polling around 1-2%. Online polls measure intensity of support among people who care enough about a particular candidate to vote for him or her. Ron Paul is generating passionate support among many of those who have heard his message, on a level that equals or exceeds that of the D and R frontrunners. Assuming that this passionate support translates into volunteer effort and donations, Paul’s message will reach more and more people and his support in scientific polls will grow. As the only Republican candidate opposed to the Iraq war, the potential is clearly there for Paul to move into the top tier. Time will tell. Posted By Steve Dasbach : June 7, 2007 4:37 pm Ron Paul does not have the big money supporters. Therefore, the media will disregard him as a serious candidate; much like the other “second tier” candidates. The media needs to approach everyone evenly and let the votes fall where they might. Posted By Richard Burnett, Arizona : June 7, 2007 4:37 pm I have not read the almost 300 comments posted at this time. I have read many if not most comments posted about Ron Paul’s candidacy for some time now, mostly through links that I find on DIGG, since the MSM, with the exception of CNN have not given much time to Cong. Paul or the other so-called second tier candidates. So, I would just add my one voice-one vote that welcomes this particular article, and add, that this election will be truly a fine example of american democracy, so envied the world over, if all news media, MSM or otherwise (esp. CSPAN), shared a creative program format that gave all the candidates an hour each week for people to choose to tune in or not. Time will tell whose message will start to permeate MSAmerica. The internet is already speaking. MSM can keep up, or not. Somehow, I think CNN may have interpreted the writing on the wall, as evidenced by this article. Kudos. Posted By William Henry Childers, Palm Springs CA : June 7, 2007 4:38 pm Americans are growing wise of Coporate America’s B.S along with their news networks political ‘tricks’….telling us who is “a front runner” We know who the front runner is - - There is a Doctor in the house and soon he’ll be in Da White House! Posted By Jim Hoffman Franklin Square New York : June 7, 2007 4:38 pm Ron Paul is our only hope for a constitutionally run country. Dr. Paul will not veer right or left when it comes to voting any other way than constitutionally. We should ALL rejoice in this as this ensures our freedoms and way of life. VOTE RON PAUL! Posted By George Culli Columbia SC : June 7, 2007 4:39 pm What are these scientific polls? who are these people that are chosen to represent us and our opinion? There is noway you can vote more than once in all the polls, unless if you use a different computer, which will be a lot of time to waste for anybody supporting Dr Ron Paul. Posted By Nobel Dallas, TX : June 7, 2007 4:39 pm Ron Paul is the ONLY Republican candidate I would vote for. That is if I were Republican! Intelligent, HONEST, reasonable typically uncharacteristic for any poltician. He looks better every day! Posted By Shanin Goelz York, PA : June 7, 2007 4:39 pm ron paul is the only republican who stood out and it was for obvious reasons. i found most all of rudy mcromney’s answers to be utterly disgusting. having said that at this point i’m still leaning slightly towards democrats.. and honestly haven’t found a cantitate from either side i would care to vote for. i feel like i need to do anything i can to take support away from the ‘top’ republicans because they sway furthest from my stance on the pressing issues. at this point in time that means supporting ron paul throughout this campaign. Posted By Brian, Houston, TX : June 7, 2007 4:40 pm It might be true that Ron Paul could garner more support if he supported abortion choice. But you can trust that he will not cheapen his stance just to garner a vote. Dr Paul’s stance on abortion is that the issue should be left up to the individual states. And I also think he has more important things on his agenda. He wants to build our defense back up, bring our troops home, and strip power away from the Executive branch. Things like restructuring Medicare and abortion rights are not the primary issues that he is running on. Posted By Angela “I am not a spammer” Canny, Hoffman Estates IL : June 7, 2007 4:40 pm I was someone who took the time out to make a comment about “who won the debate” section. I was quite shocked when the whole section vanished. I am not a democrat or Republican or a spammer, I am an American. I have great concern over the kind of country my 1 year old son will be growing up in. I think Ron Paul is honest, intelligent and believes in the things that once made this country great. For example, respecting the Constitution. I have been donating to his campaign every payday. Instead of buying a new pair of shoes, I am investing in hopefully Ron Paul for president. I am a real person and I only vote once in online polls and I am not part of some mobilized group. Just a stay at home mom. Posted By Ally , Austin TX : June 7, 2007 4:40 pm Support for Ron Paul is deep. Posted By Jeff Simpson, Holland MI : June 7, 2007 4:40 pm Do a survey on, who has read the constitution. I give it 10 percent of the population have read it. Posted By Mike San Diego CA : June 7, 2007 4:42 pm Many commentators have puzzled over Ron Paul’s “internet phenomenon.” Comparing his over-whelming support in on-line polls to his low “national” polls lead many to cry foul. Let’s examine this: 1) I’m sure that some Ron Paul supporters are voting multiple times. I’d be surprised though if supporters of other candidates aren’t doing the same thing. Who is doing more? It’s nearly impossible to say. I’ll grant the possibility that Ron Paul’s supporters are doing it more, but even if so I don’t believe that it accounts for all the buzz. Read on. 2) Ron Paul has more invitation requests on Eventful.com than any other candidate. Does anyone believe that spammers are really hitting Eventful.com to push up his popularity? I don’t think so. 3) Ron Paul videos are incredibly popular on YouTube, and he is widely searched. Again, do you really think his supporters are sitting around watching videos and doing searches just to boost the buzz? Highly doubtful. Conclusion, while it’s possible that Ron Paul’s on-line poll results are somewhat elevated due to over-zealous supporters voting multiple times (I hope not, but I just don’t know), I think it’s safe to assume that his on-line support is for real. Now, what about the “national” poll discrepancy with the on-line polls? Simple. Relatively few people are paying attention to the presidential debate at the moment. Those who ARE paying attention tend to go to the internet for information. Those who are not paying attention yet are polled must rely on name recognition. They would be unlikely to have heard of Ron Paul one way or the other. Conclusion: Ron Paul’s message resonates with many who hear it. Online polls may be leading indicators of his how popular he would be in the “national” polls and ultimately the election if his views become widely heard. Posted By Joe, Powell OH : June 7, 2007 4:43 pm My last post: Darryn, Chicago IL: “Right there he lost my vote. Iraq is the #1 issue, and anyone that supports withdrawal supports a humiliating defeat.” But I thought that we were winning? julie, campbell, ca: “If it were up to ron paul, our senior citizens would be dying in the streets.” You forgot the he would also throw the orphans, the lame and the halt into the gutter. Steve, Annapolis, MD: “Ron Paul is a joke! He has a small group of wacky supporters who SPAM these polls to skew the results.” You forgot to also inform the world that it is relly me, Paris Hilton, doing all the spam. I wonder what the national poll results would be like if Dr. Ron Paul’s name was one of the first three names mentioned in a poll. Posted By Jaime, Houston, TX : June 7, 2007 4:43 pm He is a great voice of reason on the war on the Right. Libertarian Republicans finally have a voice again and it feels great! Posted By Fred, Denver, Colorado : June 7, 2007 4:43 pm Americans love a winner. If Americans do not see you as a winner, they will vote for someone else, not because the other person is better, but because they don’t want to see themselves as a looser.The flip to that is we also love to root for the under dog. To come from behind. We think it makes the victory that much more enjoyable.My only hope is that people do not see the election as a done deal. Polls don’t elect presidents, votes do.Ron Paul could lead us back to the American experience that people around the world used to envy, rather than detest. Posted By Jason Des Moines Iowa : June 7, 2007 4:43 pm First, if you have a system that lets one vote more than once then get a new system. I’ve been all over and 95 percent won’t let you vote more than once. Of course voting more than once is an old Democrat trick. Chicago anyone. Ron Paul is number 1 and he will stay there. Wolf wasn’t that good but he was better than Chris Matthews which isn’t saying much. As far ads rudeness is concerned Ron Paul’s blogs are the best I’ve seen. The others are nuts in their hatred for him and others. Posted By Ty, Orlando, FL : June 7, 2007 4:43 pm If there was ever a time for ALL Americans to vote then that time has arrived!!! Ron Paul, Dr. Ron Paul, is going to give America back to the people! I all ways hear people talk about voting for the lesser of the two evils, WELL NO MORE!!! Here is the number one choice for PRESIDENT, if you vote for any other then you are voting for the lesser evils!! Do not take my word for it check his web site, listen to his speech’s, and view his youtube videos. This is the next PRESIDENT we need to get this country back on track as the Greatest Country in the World, A Country for the people, and By the people!!! Posted By BRIAN WOOD SEMMES ALABAMA : June 7, 2007 4:44 pm Maybe it’s time to send a can of SPAM to the different news agencies like they are doing with peanuts on CBS concerning the TV show ‘Jericho’. Put a message along with the can saying: “I am not spam, this is SPAM”. I am a supporter of Ron Paul for President. If you don’t know the difference between potted meat and real support for a Presidential candidate, then continue to feed us the same bologna about Rudy McRomney as being the only electable person in the Republican party”. What do you think? Posted By Phil D. Austin Texas : June 7, 2007 4:45 pm I am 100% for Ron Paul. I think he has more courage than all the other GOP candidates combined. He was right on when he suggested our foreign policy contributed in some ways to 9/11 not excusing the actions of course. I am hopeful at the very least the brain dead Republicans will learn something from him. As someone who has voted Democratic for years I would welcome the opportunity to vote for Congressman Paul against any of the Democrats currently running. Posted By Dave, Kettering, Ohio : June 7, 2007 4:45 pm The only presidential candidate that will get me to the booth on election day next year is Ron Paul. Whether he runs as a Republican or independent, he has my vote. Posted By Bill Gordon, Orlando, FL : June 7, 2007 4:45 pm I think Rep. Paul is right on the money when it comes to economic and domestic policies. However, I think he’s comepltely wrong when it comes to foreign policy and the Iraq situation. Posted By Steven Rockwell, Barboursvlle, West Virginia : June 7, 2007 4:46 pm Thank you for the article on Ron Paul. What I believe it will take for him to break out, is some semblance of equal coverage in the media so he can get his message out. CNN could, if it wanted, be a front-runner in this effort. Will they be? I also sincerely request that Dr. Paul be given equal time in the next debate. The socalled front-runners were given almost TWICE the time. C’mon folks, that is not fair and it is certainly not what I expected from CNN. Posted By Nancy, Austin, TX : June 7, 2007 4:46 pm Albert Jay Nock spoke of a “Remnant” of advocates of liberty, quietly living their lives and avoiding public causes. The remnant has been quiet for so long that when suddenly their champion wakes them from their slumber, traditional pollsters literally do not know how to react. The mathematical models no longer work, since the masses of people no longer behave like they did just a few months ago. They’ve never learned the most important lesson, that demographics don’t really exist — only people do. CNN, you have no idea how many of us there are, nor where we come from or why we are here. We are the voice of principle, the keeper of the ideals on which this country was built, and the very last defenders of the American dream. We are the only hope for the future… Forget party affiliation. We’re individuals, not labels. Many of us have never voted, since we hate the idea of either choosing between two evils, or of carrying the burden of an ugly party label. We’re individuals, and we act like it. Now for those of you in the group, remember the damn political parties, just this once? I’m tired of hearing, “if he gets the nomination, I’ll vote for him in the general.” Very few people actually vote in that nominatory process. Hold your nose and register Republican, so you can vote in the primary! If he wins that nomination, no politician can stop him from being elected… Posted By Bill in Suwanee, GA : June 7, 2007 4:46 pm I am worried about the rush people make to judgment about the nature of Ron Paul’s support. We are not “organized” (I don’t remember getting any calls from the Fan Club HQ or anything.), but we are inspired. If it’s still early enough that Fred Thompson doesn’t have to officially declare yet, then it’s early enough that we can give equal time to all of the candidates until their positions are understood. PS - Listening to Wolf Blitzer continually cutting off people’s answers in the debates is grating on my nerves. If you want an intelligent, considered response to a debate question, then give the candidate time to ask quality questions and drop the less important and redundant ones. Posted By Scot, Pittsburgh PA : June 7, 2007 4:47 pm Enough with the biased media. Ron Paul supports the Constitution. Do you remember what that is? RON PAUL 2008!!!!!! Posted By Bennett, Brownsburg, Indiana : June 7, 2007 4:47 pm National Scientific Polls are NOT accurate - A majority of those scientific polls rely on calling people during certain hours of the day. Right there is the problem… where do pollers get thsoe numbers? I’ve never been called for telemarketing or polls on my cell phone, and I currently don’t have a land line. Guess what? Most people my age (25) don’t have a land line! In fact, I bet the nubmers of cell phone only people goes through the roof compared to land lines when you start to look at people younger than me. Ron Paul basically has an incredible support base from people who are of a younger generation, because he actually makes sense to us. Unfortunately, all too often, major media completely ignores anything that isn’t appealing to white 40-somethings, so Ron Paul will generally get 0 support from major media. Posted By Josh : June 7, 2007 4:47 pm I think Ron Paul is an important voice to be heard and the established “club” of so called “mainstream” candidates and the media do not want to cover him. Yet he is having the guts to say what many, many Republicans and Independents want. Straight up, honest answers instead of a politically correct and calculated dance around the issues. RP is refreshing to listen to. I just hope he isn’t blacked out by the networks and political elites. Posted By Kerry Johnson : June 7, 2007 4:48 pm As I watched the CNN debate I noticed how unbalanced the time coverage was. Wolf had to give multiple announcements before the “top tier” candidates would shut their mouths. However, I really got angry when the “experts” at CNN said that the candidates supported the Iraq war. I was so furious at this that I immediately discredited the CNN team for being the mouthpiece of the corporation. I would say that Ron Paul’s responses were the highlight of the debate. He stood in STARK contrast to the other candidates, calmly laying out a plan of change that is so desperately needed. How can this not be applauded? I’m a democrat for god’s sake and I plan on voting for this man. ANYTHING to stop the doctrine of terror that the current regime clubs the American people with. Posted By Joshua, Loma Linda, CA : June 7, 2007 4:48 pm To the ‘traditional’ Republicans who accuse Paul supporters of being cultists or out of touch: Who is more out of touch? A person like Paul who believes in the fundamental power of human rationality OR a candidate whose entire notion of foreign/domestic policy is informed by a badly translated book of ancient folklore and invisible people living in the sky? I am sick of living in a country where poorlyeducated mystics who spend their weekends in suburban mega-churches get to make decisions about MY life. I am particularly galled when these people suggest that I am less ‘American’ than they are because I think it is acceptable (and patriotic) to engage in open inquiry. Ron Paul gets my vote because he, unlike McCain, et. al., won’t knuckle under to semi-literate business majors who think that just because they have an SUV, a bible, and invisible friends they are automatically qualified to intimidate the rest of us. Support your Brain! Vote Ron Paul! Posted By Brian, Bloomington, IN : June 7, 2007 4:48 pm Maybe the reason national polls differ, is because of the media doing the polls! They are really good at not only double entendre questions, but of skewing the results. That is why the media is so distrusted in everything they say. Look how they have lied about the illegal immigration issue. They say people support amnesty, when 80% of U.S. citizens and LEGAL immigrants do not support it. Is it any wonder newspaper subscriptions are dropping and people don’t trust CNN, MSNBC/NBC, FOX, ABC AND CBS? In my 66 years I have NEVER SEEN SUCH BIAS. Posted By Mary Lewis, Muncy, Pa. : June 7, 2007 4:49 pm I will most likely vote for Ron Paul in the primary because he is the only one that makes any since. He believes we should go back to our constitutional principals in which our founding fathers indeeded. Oh and by the way I’m a democrat. Posted By Steve, Fayetteville, AR : June 7, 2007 4:49 pm why, if the polls aren’t scientific and therefore cannot provide an accurate ananysis does cnn not even try to improve it? seems like spin to me. how about you put a poll on your website that requires people to verify an email address, i assume you’re tracking people’s ips anyway, and you need an email address to commment.. let the poll sit there, and let people change their votes if they want, its not a real election after all. whats the harm in trying your best to accurately collect people’s opinions? it would be harder to backtrack and diminish the results on a more auditable voting system. Posted By sudo : June 7, 2007 4:50 pm As someone who has held his nose and voted for Democrats for decades, I am in full support for Dr. Paul. I am pro-choice, and pro-gay rights (Paul actually supports civil unions), but I am 100% pro-genuine politics. He is the ony one on either stage willing to humbly state the truth about the driection America is going. He is SO RIGHT ON with his opinions on the war on terror, the war in Iraq and what America’s foreign policy needs to be. That is 90% of what people care about today in the states and so I, like many others, am willing to accept some domestic policies that I do not agree with. Paul needs fair play in the general media (thanks CNN, good first effort) and maybe a debate audience not stack with neocon militant yahoos like we saw in South Carolina. He is a glimmer of true hope for America. Even though I thin he is a true long shot, I just hope people listen to what he has to say. Posted By Jason, Concord, CA : June 7, 2007 4:50 pm YOUR DEBATE WAS LIKE A BASEBALL GAME. YOU PITCHED UP THE DUCKS FOR THE BOYS TO KNOCK OUT OF THE PARKS AND TRY THEY DID. BUT, YOU PITCHED AROUND THE TRUE HOME RUN HITTER JUST LIKE THEY DO TO BARRY BONDS. RON PAUL IS THE MAN. JUST PITCH HIM THE DAMN BALL AND WATCH HIM KNOCK IT OUT OF THE PARK! BE FAIR! GIVE HIM HIS SHARE OF TIME AND HE WILL SMOKE THE BOYS. Posted By Mike Moore Virginia Beach, VA : June 7, 2007 4:51 pm This guy is anything but a “Republican in a suit”. Have you listened to him for mroe than 30 seconds? He really makes sense on complicated issues. He thinks in logical terms, and is not afraid to ditch the old line to think it through all over again. Listen to him- you have to agree, this guy makes sense. Posted By Aaron Moore, Woodbridge, VA : June 7, 2007 4:52 pm you know what makes Ron Paul supporters efficient? It isn’t some coordinated effort. It’s called google, myspace, youtube, and digg. Posted By Chris S, St. Louis, Mo. : June 7, 2007 4:52 pm Perhaps the Scientific polls don’t even ASK voters about Ron Paul. I’ve heard numerous accounts from people who have received calls from pollsters where Ron Paul isn’t even given as a choice! No wonder he only shows 1-2% when you don’t give people a chance to choose him! I and many other patriots like me believe Ron’s support is drastically understated. How about CNN doing their own scientific poll where Ron is a choice? Posted By Mike, Highlands Ranch CO : June 7, 2007 4:53 pm I am not associated with a party or a candidate. But, if our country can not elect someone like Ron Paul…we are in for a rough future. Currently, no other candidate has instilled any sort of hope for the change we need as a nation. Posted By Brett Ragghianti Memphis, Tennessee : June 7, 2007 4:53 pm Ron Paul is a true classical liberal in the tradition of Jefferson. Paul is the only candidate to acknowledge the financial meltdown that is looming for the US if we don’t change course immediately. He is also the only candidate with a solid plan on how to avert the coming disaster (a return to sound constitutional money and a massive reduction in oppressive taxation). The true tax burden on a society is what government spends. The concept of individual liberty, as described in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution is timeless. America must return to it’s traditional philosophical roots of individual liberty and personal responsibility, or this nation will implode under the weight of it’s corruption and lust for empire. Without the securing chains of constitutional law upon government, a democracy becomes anathema to freedom; a frenzied war of all, upon all, and then it dies, a suicide. Ron Paul 2008 Posted By Darin Lee, Owosso, MI : June 7, 2007 4:54 pm Here’s what it will take for Ron Paul to break out: The (mainstream) media needs to stop trying to hand-pick the winners in advance. Guiliani gets his name in a headline every other day… if it weren’t for this internet revolution, Ron Paul would have zero headlines with his name in them. Media gives away free name recognition all the time. The media also needs to do a critical analysis of the candidates and show people how their views differentiate so that people associate the candidates based on their policies and ideas rather than on reputation. It doesn’t help when Guiliani is referred to as the “hero of 9/11″ while Ron Paul is referred to as “unknown candidate Ron Paul”. The media does many things to marginalize people as they see fit, it’s unjust and undemocratic. Posted By Stephane, Duluth, MN : June 7, 2007 4:54 pm Ron Paul tells the truth. Wow! A politician that tells the truth and wants to keep within the bounds of the constitution! Little wonder the powers-that-be want to silence and/or ridicule him. Posted By NickT, San Antonio, TX : June 7, 2007 4:54 pm The issues is not the gay rights, or the abortion rights that make him popular. It is the way he stands for the U.S. Constitution and individual liberties that allow him to be liked by all walks of life. He’s a true public servant, and there’s integrity that makes him untouchable when he speaks. Bottom line is, he’s getting popular because he’s RIGHT. Following the Constitution, is what we were all taught as kids. He’s only doing what we should be doing. Posted By Javi Nashville, TN : June 7, 2007 4:54 pm These comments for Ron Paul all seem strangely similar in tone and language as though they are done by the same persons with different “names.” Posted By Joe, Washington, DC : June 7, 2007 4:55 pm Ron Paul is getting attention because he’s being honest about his views, the horrible mistakes Bush & Co. have repeatedly made and he’s not towing the party line like a robot. Other Republicans should take note. We want someone who puts the best interests of the American people ahead of their own party and special interest groups. Posted By Carter Blanchard, Los Angeles, CA : June 7, 2007 4:55 pm Ron Paul is a great man and the only person I would vote for to be president of this country. I do not think it is wise for the media to continually report that he is an underdog. Ron Paul is currently dominating the online polls and has the largest support base being displayed across the internet. To count Ron Paul out of winning the Republican nomination is ignorant. As the months pass and more people continue to look up information on the Internet regarding candidates, clearly this momentum will make Ron Paul appear as the front runner. Front runners is a term created by the media. If Ron Paul was given the same amount of coverage, air time, and boosts as the other candidates, perhaps then he would register higher on these national (ancient) polling methods and be considered a front runner. You see, if the Republican party want to have a chance to win this election, they will have no choice but to vote Ron Paul in the primaries. Ron Paul is the only candidate who is anti-war and a true patriot — somebody who is willing to go above and beyond and stick to Constitutional principles in order to protect your freedoms. The rest of the candidates are war mongers and want to do nothing but continue down the same path. The large majority of American people do not want this. To nominate somebody who wants to continue down this path is setting themself up for failure and a candidate from the Democratic party will likely win the election. Posted By Ron, Goodyear AZ : June 7, 2007 4:56 pm Integrity and honesty? As a conservative/libertarian/ little “r” republican, I find it silly that people can talk about the integrity of a candidate who doesn’t support homosexuals. Anti-homosexuality is plainly bigotted. Those candidates who hide behind the stance of leaving gay marriage up to the states are weak individuals hoping to avoid making the tough decision. Anti-gays can hide behind ‘religious’ beliefs as an excuse to discriminate and and promote hate. People of real faith ought to know better that God is not filled with hate and likely wouldn’t condone such boorish behavior. People are born without limbs, with disfigured bodies, and have perfectly normal brains. Some people are born with chemical imbalances in their brains, which lead to disorders, but have perfect bodies. People are born with two heads, with two perfect brains and only one body. Some people are born with genetalia that isn’t quite female and not quite male, but have perfectly functioning brains. Other people are born with annotomically correct genetalia but their grain functions as the other gender. Most of us come out ‘normal’, meaning a man, with male genetalia, has the hormones that create an attraction to females so the species can reproduce. Does that make someone who’s gender is confused but their brain functions properly otherwise, somehow so sinful as to suggest we treat them as less than human, denying them basic rights? Don’t confuse marriage with some sort of sanctity, either. If you want to save marriage you ought to start with heterosexuals! Divorce rates are sky high. Sex out of marriage is high, as well. Talk about living in a glass house! and come on, ’straight’ are just as likely to molest childern as anyone else…something that irks this Boy Scout supporter. Gays are shut out of society still in so many ways due to their insignicant abnormality (its true) that they’re born with. Its saddened our society is still stuck on this. If you’re upset with ‘Gay Politics’…sure, I dislike heterosexual democrats, too. Not all homosexuals parade down Main Street wearing leather, just like not all heterosexuals parade down Burboun Street with their body parts exposed. Integrity and character? I haven’t seen a good candidate with some yet. Maybe one day. And no, i’m not homosexual. I believe in the family, with loving parents. I’d rather see a kid with two loving homosexual parents than in an abusive household with heterosexual parents. Is that wrong? i don’t believe so. both the Republican Party and most of the Democratic candidates have this so wrong. Posted By Tom Hartmann, Mission Viejo, CA : June 7, 2007 4:57 pm We need to mobilze together and help win this victory for Mr. Paul. We need to get the word out and donate to his campaign. He is the last hope for America. We are rapidly sprialing down the sprial of dictatorship and big Gvt intrusions. Stop this. Mobilize. Donate. Get the word out. Ron Paul for President. Posted By Jonathan Plano,TX : June 7, 2007 4:57 pm I hadn’t heard of Ron Paul until the first debate. I heard the man speack and I starting looking around online to get a better understanding of what is about. Now I am hooked! I used to be sold on Bush and the War on Terror but now I just realize it is kind of silly. Everyone should at least do their homework on this candidate. He deserves it as he has already been serving this country for 17 years in the Congress. Posted By Tom, Seattle WA : June 7, 2007 4:57 pm Ron Paul is NOT INCLUDED in most of the so-called “Scientific” polls. In fact, Ron Paul was NOT an option in the poll given in TEXAS… you know, the state in which he is a representative… In all, Ron Paul was an option in FIVE OUT OF TWENTY-SEVEN “scientific” polls; all of which were in states where Dr. Paul would have less support. This is why he has only marginal showings in the polls. In the 5 polls where he was included, he did quite well - especially when you consider how much the deck is stacked against him… To understand “The Ron Paul Effect,” you need to step back and ask yourself one primary question: Why would SO many people go out of their way to tip all of these internet polls in Dr. Paul’s favor? The answer (are you sure that you can handle this): Dr. Paul makes people feel EXCITED about being AMERICANS again! This is what politics is all about. The people are looking for a condidate who inspires them. They want a candidate who will lead this country out of these dark days, and into the light! We’ve tried fear and death, and the only thing it brings us is MORE fear and death. The people are starting to WAKE UP; and for the enlightened American, Ron Paul is the ONLY choice. It’s time for America to return to the days of FREEDOM, and LIBERTY, and PEACE. The Constitution is NOT a dirty word, and it is NOT just a “piece of paper…” It’s the foundation of this great country… and THE PEOPLE WANT IT BACK! Posted By Bob D. Lucas, Fort Myers, Florida : June 7, 2007 4:57 pm What will it take for Ron Paul’s numbers to rise? Recognition from the media. In a report on the debate, CNN focused on McCain, Romney and Guiliani. You gave one short sentence to Paul, and it was one of the LAST sentences. Give each candidate equal time in your coverage and see what happens. Posted By Pan, Knoxville TN : June 7, 2007 4:57 pm I’m looking forward to the day Ron Paul drops out. Best Day Ever! Posted By Chris, DC : June 7, 2007 4:58 pm Wow, there be a filter for using the word “elitists” because my post just got removed. Ron Paul is the only candidate worthy of an American’s vote. Please go out like we have and research the issues. Realize that the “popular media” does not represent the truth! Posted By M Stair, Jacksonville, FL : June 7, 2007 4:58 pm Ron Paul is honest. This is what has the American public hopeful. He is not a talking head. I urge CNN and all of the other media outlets to interview Ron after debates, bring him on shows, etc. Give him equal coverage. The people love him! Posted By Kevin M., Birmingham, AL : June 7, 2007 4:58 pm I am voting for Ron Paul! Posted By Paul, Fargo North Dakota : June 7, 2007 4:59 pm Interesting how you manage to address this issue while at the same time seemingly attempt to marginalize Paul and his supporters. Looks like CNN has slipped down that side of the peak that separates news providers and propaganda organs. Yet another reason why we need an honest man in the highest office. The country’s leadership is lousy with malicious people who don’t value a decent society, they value value their own agendas. Posted By Derek Traise, Denver, Colorado : June 7, 2007 4:59 pm Why do you think that the outpouring of support for Ron Paul is “bloggers” or “spammers”? I rarely post a comment anywhere. It’s obvious that Ron’s support could be even more widespread if the media gave him equal time. The “debate” was ridiculous. The “top tier” candidates are pre-decided by the media and the money people, and then that becomes self-fulfilling prophecy. Ron Paul is for real, and this resonates with the people. Posted By Tery Miller, Athens, GA : June 7, 2007 4:59 pm This was a good piece for once. Keep it up CNN. For years I have stuck with FOX news but their true motivations are coming out. Ron Paul is a player in this race. The reason he trails in the polls nationaly is because the polling lists are dated. And Ron Paul is motivating Democrats, Independents, and people who have never voted before to register Republican just to vote in the primary. If the Republican has any increase in registered voters I can assure you it is not because of anyone else running. Posted By Dave K, Plumas Lake DE : June 7, 2007 4:59 pm The reason people dont know about paul is the news doesnt cover him. Bring him on your show and give him equal talking time and then the American Public will see him and surely will agree with him. Posted By Craig, Michigan : June 7, 2007 5:00 pm I’m a diehard democrat for life, but I like Ron Paul more than I like any other candidate, Hillobamwards included. He’s the only Republican I’d consider voting for, and I’m sending him a check. I’m not some internet nutcase or whacko operative, I’m an ordinary American who loves his country and his constitution and who wants the American dream restored. Ron Paul is the only guy who gets that. Do I like his position on abortion? Heck no. But I’ll give up that issue in exchange for his commitment to LIBERTY, which runs as deep and wide and true as the Mississippi. I’m embarrassed that the TacoBellMcDonaldsRupertMurdoch media is deliberately trying to sideline him. But I guess the First Amendment is just your license to steal. Posted By David, Lubbock, Texas : June 7, 2007 5:01 pm This message is intended for Scott from Memphis and anyone else who thinks that Paul is a, trying not to laugh, “liberal masquerading as a conservative.” You’ve got to be kidding. Look at his record and you will see that he is one of the most conservative members of congress. Being against a stupid, ill-advised war should not define one’s political ideology. Being a non-interventionalist is not a liberal or conservative label. Scott, the republicans you support are not conservatives. Posted By Bill, Rapid City South Dakota : June 7, 2007 5:01 pm Ron Paul supporters ARE NOT spam! How pompous for others to equate an individual’s belief as spam. He may be not popular with the media pundits…but obviously he stuck a major never in the public. I hope he wins. No more lies and double-talk. This is someone people can trust. No hidden agenda or backroom deals with big money constituents. Posted By DJ, Los Angeles, CA : June 7, 2007 5:02 pm I felt that Ron Paul made the most sense of all the candidates. While most of them seemed to be cut out with the same cookie-cutter, trying to out-rightous each other, some of his views were unique. I especally liked his response about the moral necessity to get rid of a pre-emptive war mentality. Posted By Jo Melmer, Oneonta, NY : June 7, 2007 5:03 pm Tom Hartmann - I totally agree with you stance, but Ron Paul is right, it’s not a federal matter. It’s not a cop-out in this case either because he applies this logic to all legislation, not just when it’s convenient for him. Posted By Ian D. Eastham MA : June 7, 2007 5:03 pm Ron Paul is in popular demand because, as I see it, he wants to phase out the IRS and the Federal Reserve - America’s two biggest problems. Posted By Michael, Statesboro GA : June 7, 2007 5:03 pm I wonder if Dr. Paul would have us all over for a party at the white house, where we could track it up like ole “Muddy Boots Jackson.” At President Andrew Jackson’s funeral in 1845 his pet parrot was removed for swearing. Posted By James Lafayette Louisiana : June 7, 2007 5:03 pm The “Scientific polls” are generally worthless. Instead of allowing people to answer questions, they allow people to select from pre-determined answers. Such “polls” do not reflect the voters opionions. It reflects the lack of options. Then there’s the point of fly-over country. Many polls intentionally exclude mid-western states because the “scientific poll” already has determined what answers the people in the mid-west will pick. Mid western voters are more likely to vote than the coasties, but the coasties count for more, due to sheer numbers.. I’ve been called for two polls concerning the Democratic candidates, but none for the Republican. As a life long Republican ( I say I’m a Democrat!), I make sure to give the answers I believe they want to hear. Why should I tell the truth? The main stream media is going to give the news they’ve been directed to anyway. Posted By Chris, Stillwater, OK : June 7, 2007 5:03 pm Easy, Ron Paul just needs a bunch of money. He who has the most usually wins the nomination or at least has a very good chance. Posted By Jeff, Atlanta Georgia : June 7, 2007 5:04 pm I’m a democrat, so I’m obviously not voting for Ron Paul in the primaries. If he were to make it to the general election I probably wouldn’t vote for him then either. With that said I do think it is an injustice that he and other percieved “lower tiered” candidates receive so little attention from the media. This is not a political issue though. The media has forgotten it’s job, to provide the masses with information of the masses choosing, not the choosing of a group of guys in a board room in Atlanta. Posted By Tom - Durham, NC : June 7, 2007 5:04 pm Ron Paul was the only one who actually answered the questions he was asked. McCain, Romney and the rest just spewed their usual off topic, one size fits all, soundbite sized answers that they had rehearsed before the event. How can someone who can’t stay on topic expect my vote for president? Candor is a refreshing and unexpected thing from a politician. Go Ron! Posted By Keith, Orlando FL : June 7, 2007 5:04 pm I was very disappointed with CNN’s moderation of the debate. In the Republican debates, I saw 9 candidates who support war, and one (Ron Paul) who stood against it. Even if you gave all candidates equal time, which you didn’t, CNN would still have been expressing a 9 to 1 pro-war bias. The after debate coverage was even more disappointing, barley mentioning Mr. Paul’s name. I’m an independent democrat and I am seriously thinking about switching parties so that I can vote for Dr. Paul in the primaries. No other candidate from either party inspires me that way. Posted By Gary Schor : June 7, 2007 5:04 pm What will it take? How about a fair chance? The organizers of the debates don’t even try to hide their sneers at Ron Paul’s “naivete.” As if thinking the American public is better than a focus group groomed circus act is childish. Talk about self fulfilling. I like the line graph overlay by the way. Ron Paul and that graph are the only political candidates on stage. Bunch of empty puppets taking voice coaching to sound sincere and whoring their faith to the evangelical vote. How about asking the entire flock about the federal reserve and inflation? How long do they really think they can dance circles around what people really care about: their wallet? Then everyone acts all shocked when someone gives them a straight answer to why they are feeling stretched thin and becomes a “phenomenon.” Joe Sixpack may not be smart enough to tell he is being lied to, but you give him a choice between SPAM and a Steak and he’ll know what to do. The SPAM vendors are scratching and shaking their heads. “But SPAM has been maticulously engineered to be the ultimate meat!” How about YOU use what power you have and give Ron Paul a fighting chance by giving him the coverage he deserves? That’s not ungrateful. I’m sure you had to fight with someone to even make this blog entry happen. It is appreciated. Take care of your own, but SOMEONE has to break away from safe and take the chance and give him attention. “Big Corporate” inevitably suffocates from a stifling atmosphere which sweeps innovation under the rug for the safe choice of more of the same. Ron Paul is an underrated gamble. Posted By Bob Franklin, Stafford VA : June 7, 2007 5:05 pm For Ron Paul to win, he is going to need to get equal time in the national spotlight! It’s not fair when Giuliani, McCain, and Romney get three times more time in debates to spew their demogoguerie. We demand Ron Paul get as much time as all the other candidates! The people are to decide the outcome of the election - NOT THE MEDIA! Furthermore, nobody is challenging Giuliani on his irrational explanation for 9/11 that they attacked and hate us because we let our women drive cars! Giuliani’s goons attack anyone who questions the sincerity of his remarks and nobody in the media makes note of this. Ron Paul has electrified this campaign and THE PEOPLE will make sure that all of America hears him out! Posted By Alex, Glendale, CA : June 7, 2007 5:05 pm I watched and I asked my wife if he really was a Republican from Texas as he spoke out against the war. It just seem to me that he beat back the stereotype of what a Texas Republican is supposed to represent. I was impressed by him and I’m a registered democrat. Posted By Shea, Chattanooga, TN : June 7, 2007 5:05 pm People ask why others are so behind Ron Paul. Look at what he has stirred up FROM BOTH SIDES. That is a huge threat to both parties and to the media. What do you think will happen to the Dems and Repubs if a guy who has already run under a third party wins? People might actually realize that there is a better idea out there then what the two parties say. Does anybody really think that if this was a fair fight from the beginning that Ron Paul would be trailing? Of course not. He has made more noise with less money than any other candidate. The other candidates who take bribes daily cant hold up to his morals and ideals. Why? Because to speak honestly they would have to return the bribe money Posted By Matt Houston, Texas : June 7, 2007 5:06 pm I want to thank CNN for the front page mention of Ron Paul. I think they are a little late to the “Ron Paul Revolution,” and only time will tell if the media starts devoting more coverage to the most popular politician on the Internet. This is one of the more balanced pieces to be discussed by the mainstream media. So, again thanks to CNN for that. This election ultimately comes down to a choice of liberty or tyranny. Ron Paul wants to “legalize the Constitution.” Shouldn’t all of our candidates show their support for the supreme law of the land? After all, every Congressman and Senator and President vows to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution. Do not accept the defeatist attitude that Dr. Paul cannot win. Sure, he is still a relative unknown, but we are a long way to the primaries. Don’t write off the only candidate that puts the Constitution and individual liberty first. Posted By Adam, Olathe KS : June 7, 2007 5:06 pm How you could not like Dr. Paul? Ron Paul, save us all. Posted By Jairon Hicks : June 7, 2007 5:07 pm I would vote for Rue Paul before I would ever vote for another Republican from Texas — or any Texas politician for that matter. Johnson gave us Vietnam. Incompentent “W” gave us Iraq. I would predict that another Texan would get us into yet another royal mess although it is hard to fathom things getting much worse. Besides, a nice pair of 5″ stilettos would finally add a little interest to the election! Wilson - Smithfield, NC Posted By Wilson / Smithfield, NC : June 7, 2007 5:08 pm Ron Paul is constantly reminded by the MSM as a second tier candidate. Why? Why is the media afraid of him, or the powers behind the media try to downplay him? Maybe because he is expressing the real opinions and issues affecting the American people? We need someone with “cojones” to change the direction where the country is going, and Ron Paul seems to have no alignment to special interests. on the contrary he is trying to defend the constitution and restore the freedoms we lost this last 7 years. Posted By Alfred, Burbank, CA : June 7, 2007 5:08 pm Wow, We have 696 comments and Mc Cain has only 1!! Are you for real?? Ron Paul is the only candidate with real integrity. He should be on O’Reily, Hannity and Colmes, but really CNN is the place for him. CNN is more fair and balanced then FAUX news. Posted By Paul Bourgeois Palm Harbor, FL : June 7, 2007 5:09 pm Ron Paul does the unforgivable, which is to advocate a less aggressive military, ala Dennis Kucinich. You will see no support for either of these two rational human beings from our governmentally controlled corporate media. It is up to to the internet to elect these types of folks, and we better move quickly, before Big Brother grabs the etherworld. Good luck to us all. Posted By Dave Neiman Columbia SC : June 7, 2007 5:09 pm Step 1 Register as a Republican in your state. Step 2 Vote for Ron Paul in the Repub Primary. Its the best thing you can do to get Ron Paul elected. Posted By darkswan : June 7, 2007 5:09 pm Obviously the true level of support for Ron Paul is of great interest to those of us who support him. What I’ve found is that once his views are completely explained to somebody, there’s better than a 50% chance you will get their agreement that his views are the best among the candidates. Internet users have the advantage that they can google him and surf to places like the Wikipedia article about him or his own website and get a summary of the man’s views. TV users, in contrast, get it fed to them in disjointed soundbites, especially due to the relatively sparse coverage of the Ron Paul campaign. Here’s another data point — I created a podcast about Ron Paul, and within three weeks I had a thousand unique subscribers. In my experience you don’t get that kind of response to a message which lacks resonance. Posted By Gary Watson, Calabasas, CA : June 7, 2007 5:11 pm Ron Paul for President 2008! Posted By Tyler Seattle WA : June 7, 2007 5:11 pm Ron Paul should be the next president!!!! Posted By Albert Alvarez, NYC, NY : June 7, 2007 5:12 pm Funny how that idiot from the GOPAC went on with the pundits after Paul and Giuliani clashed in the last debate and pronounced that Paul was not going to be the nominee. I’m a Republican. Rudy’s a moron. I thought this before the 9/11 thing, and I thought it even more as he discussed “nation building” as a skill that our soldiers need to be taught… But no, by all means, let’s treat him like he’s a Republican. Posted By Don in Washington, PA : June 7, 2007 5:12 pm I dont think the so called scientific polls are scientific. they only take a sample of few hundred registered voters (most of them being less than 200) this sample size is not big enough to fairly interpret the result. Most of the polls does not have ron paul as a option. I think the overwhelming support and online polling for ron paul equals or surpass the credibility of the conventional polling. Posted By shankar, newark, DE : June 7, 2007 5:12 pm I tend to lean toward the Democrats, but I think Ron Paul is the most honest and straightfoward canidate of ALL the canidates running for president, Republican or Democrat. I also love his focus on the constitution, and actully trying to follow its lead instead of how most today try to force the constitution to where they want to go. I would vote for Dr. Paul. I wish our US citizenry were smart enough to give the guy a chance. Saddly, we as a whole are not. Posted By Antonio, Raleigh, NC : June 7, 2007 5:12 pm Does CNN allow multiple votes??? In most of the other online polls, including Fox’s text message poll(not an online poll) you werent allowed to vote more than once. Scientific polls pick random people to get questioned. An unscientific poll works well because anyone can vote, not just selected people. What is strange, is that why dont the other candidates have anyone voting on these online or text polls? Are Paul supporters the only ones who use the internet? I dont think so. He is just flat out winning. Posted By Esmail, Austin, TX : June 7, 2007 5:13 pm Dr. Paul is the real deal. Many of ‘we the people’ want a return to Constitutional Principles. We want the Government to stop spending the country into bankruptcy. We want to be able to lead our lives without Government interference. To date, there is only one candidate to support who will work to accomplish that. The major media has a flaw in it - the media wants to pick the contenders so they marginalize everyone but their picks. When a candidate like a Ron Paul or a Howard Dean comes along and upsets the apple cart, the media cannot handle it. It would be nice if CNN would do a series of one-on-one interviews with EVERY candidate and let the People decide for themselves who the frontrunners are as opposed to the media choosing them for us. Posted By Richard, Portland OR : June 7, 2007 5:13 pm Wake up America. Support the constitution. Vote for Ron Paul. Posted By J. Morton, Chattanooga, Tennessee : June 7, 2007 5:14 pm To: Tom - Durham, NC : June 7, 2007 5:04 pm Tom, you need to stop paying attention to political parties, and start paying attention to the person. Just because you are a “Democrat” does not mean you cannot vote for Ron Paul. If Paul was running Democraft I would be voting for him, but he is not. Political parties have been created to seperate the people, divide them against eachother. You need to realize there are bigger things at stake here, then preserving your consistency on voting for a created political party. Posted By JP, Fort Collins, CO : June 7, 2007 5:14 pm What it takes for Ron Paul to break through is for people to listen to what he is saying. We finally have a politician who is not bribed into saying what we need to hear. We have a politician who believes in the Constitution and a Politician who will represent the American People not the American Lobbyists. If people listen, he will win. Posted By Mike, Dayton Ohio : June 7, 2007 5:14 pm You want to see how real Ron Paul is…Check out on youtube his OCT 2002 interview with Bill Moyers. Predicts exactly what has happened - the man owns a crystal ball! Go Ron Paul Posted By Susan, N. Stonington, CT : June 7, 2007 5:14 pm “Now i’m just trying to figure out which poisition of his is causing the blackout. Is it his stance against the Iraq war? Is it the constitutional position to allow states more say in how government runs? Is it the idea that you can’t export democracy from the barrel of a gun? What is it? I feel like I’m losing my mind and I stumbled into the matrix or something. What’s happening to my country?” It’s his view of the Federal Reserve that has big business and mainstream politicians freaked out. If elected he would push for true Federal (as in Federal Government) control of monetary system. See the documentary “Freedom to Fascism” on Google Video for the whole story. Ron Paul is intervied in it. Posted By Jan L. Lancaster PA : June 7, 2007 5:14 pm OK, the previus post was my next to last post .. for today. I was not going to vote in the GOP primaries this year until Dr. Paul jumped into the frey. So, all of you who support Dr. Paul remember that you have to vote in the OGP primaries. If do not you will haev proven the national polls right. If we all vote in the GOP primaries and the real poll result is 10% to 15% higher than current poll results then the shift from MSM to the internet will be proven. And, especially, if Fred Thompson jumps in (he will take votes from the others and not from Dr. Paul) then Dr. Paul’s chance of winning the nomination becomes a very real possibility, perhaps even likely. Posted By Jaime, Houston, Texas : June 7, 2007 5:15 pm The problem is not the “governmentally controlled corporate media” referred to above. The problem is the pro-Israel factions that have undue influence over U.S. media. Ron Paul puts U.S. interests above those of other countries. Posted By Ray, Va. Beach, VA : June 7, 2007 5:15 pm I have watched all of the debates so far. I was most dissapointed in the format that CNN used to conduct thier debate. It seemed as though the “top 3″ candidates each night were given a greater amount of time as they stood next to each other with the 2nd tier candididates flanked to their sides. At this point of the election season I would like to hear more from candidates like Paul, Gravel, Kucinich, and Huckabee. I hope CNN changes their format in the future. Posted By Joey Entremont LaPlace, LA : June 7, 2007 5:15 pm I am a tried and true Democrat, but I have lots of respect for Ron Paul, even though I disagree with him on many, many issues. However, I do believe that he is a man of principle and intelligence and that is something I haven’t seen out of the Republican party for about 6 years! Mr Paul was on the “Daily Show” with Jon Stewart and Jon was very impressed with Mr. Paul. And so am I. (Of course, I will never vote for another Republican after the Bush debacle). But if I was a Republican (heaven forbid!), I’d vote for Mr. Paul. I think he’s honest. Posted By Pam Christense, Long Beach, California : June 7, 2007 5:15 pm Ron Paul is the closest thing to an honest polition I know of. He gets my vote. Posted By Stevensfort, Wichita, Ks : June 7, 2007 5:16 pm Ron Paul is the candidate of a lifetime. He voted against the resolution authorizing the War in Iraq because it abdicated the Congress’ responsibility in Declaring War. He is concerned with fiscal responsibility, and restoring American financial security threatened by the $8.85 Trillion dollars of national debt, with an increasing $1.37 Billion dollars a day interest. China also holds 416 Billion Dollars in US Treasury. He voted against NAFTA. He’s appalled by the unfair net balance loss of $56 billion to China, which China is using to build up its military. If you want to know where he stands on issues, just refer to the U.S. Constitution. Ron Paul’s support comes from a grass-roots level. Not the Haliburton’s, or the Rupert Murdoch’s of the world. If New Hampshire Democrat/Independent’s vote for Ron Paul in the open primaries, he could even win in New Hampshire, opening up the Republican race even further. Ron Paul is a ten term Career Congressman with a consistent voting record. 5 Million Americans * $20 = $100 Million. Reportedly fundraising for Ron Paul is between $4 or $5 million and growing fast. Ron Paul, the only true conservative, and Constitutionalist candidate. Posted By Arthur, Austin, Texas : June 7, 2007 5:16 pm The reason Ron Paul is getting support is he is the only candidate that talks with knowledge about Al-Qaeda, Iraq & Iran. The cause of these and other unfriendly relationships with the United States is a response to American foreign policy of intervention and meddling in their countries, and in a large part of our blindly supporting Israel. Stupid Bushisms such as “They hate us because of our freedom” are not going to fly anymore with the educated person. Posted By Cris, San Francisco, California : June 7, 2007 5:17 pm Word is out that Ron Paul has around $5 million in his campaign fund. At this pace, he can become a serious contender. The mainstream media will be paying attention soon enough! Posted By Bob C, Glendale AZ : June 7, 2007 5:17 pm I watched the last debate and they put McCain,Romney,and Giuliani in the center with Paul on end –It was obvious he was considered less of a candidate CNN and Wolf Blitzer. There has not been a vote—only polls–until the Republican Primary all of the candidates should be given equal time –PERIOD!–It seems our political system as been completely taken over by the media and money. We will end up with more mediocre candidates.Going back to Bush1 vs. Dukakis –up through Bush2 vs. Kerry –establishment candidates with the money and media connections to make it happen. What a joke! America is only a democracy because we vote for the final candidates standing.Unfortunately –the real qualified ones have been knocked down and marginalized before the voting can begin.If we as Republicans end up with a reactionist like Giuliani ,McCain, or Romney. We are doomed.They will lead us into wars which will have no end– Posted By Chris,Virginia Beach, VA : June 7, 2007 5:17 pm As sad as it is… it’s going to money. That represents the sad state of affairs and the reality of politics today. Look the man up! Read his platform. You want this nation back to health? You can not cast an informed vote without looking into this true Conservative Republican candidate! Posted By Dee Czeszel, Layton, UT : June 7, 2007 5:18 pm Reinstate the Constitution. Ron Paul 2008 Posted By Alex Taveras, Sleepy Hollow NY : June 7, 2007 5:27 pm Republican Ron Paul and Democrat Kirchini from Ohio are two most honest and sincere candidates from either party and best represents America for Americans, Black, White, Native American and legal immigrants. I believe they will end the war, make peace through the world, and deny Amnesty and citizenship to illegal immigrants and visa illegal. I believe they will secure the borders and stop the outsourcing of jobs from America and hold Corporation large and small accountable, take away tax credits to Energy companies and give it back to American at home and at the pumps. They will give American jobs, education and health coverage to better our lives first wheather hard working, lazy , educated, stupid or rich. Tax payer, State and Federal Dollars should benefit all American citizens first then save the world but not vice a versa! Good Luck to you Both. Posted By fs miami florida : June 7, 2007 5:28 pm Please check ronpaul.meetup.com There are twice as many living active supporters of Ron Paul than any other candidate. The facts speak for themselves. Ron Paul will win in ‘08 Posted By Mark, Atlanta, GA : June 7, 2007 5:28 pm I sent an email to CNN to let them know my anger at thier biased coverage of the debate. We need to hold these people accountable for distributing truth, not propaganda. Please donate money to Ron Paul if you believe in his message. I have donated to him twice. Register as a republican and vote for him in your state primary. Spread the word, otherwise the propaganda artists will win and the empire of america will continue indefinately. Ron Paul 2008! Posted By Chris, Thorofare New Jersey : June 7, 2007 5:29 pm Ron Paul said what had to be said — why did they bomb the Twin Towers?….The line that “they hate our lifestyle and culture” is b.s. and not holding up anymore as our troops are dying overseas. I am amazed how the GOP is still playing that ole tune — its great to be strong and patriotic, but it’s very dumb to be running around trying to kill everybody when you don’t acknowledge the motive behind the attacks. Posted By west palm beach florida : June 7, 2007 5:29 pm I was very impressed with Ron Paul. Not only is he astute and intelligent, he is not afraid to speak his mind, which is a rarity amongst politicians. I think he is the dark horse and after hearing the debates, I would like a man like him to have a chance at making it to the Oval Office. Keep it up Mr Paul ! Posted By Sean, Tarrytown, NY : June 7, 2007 5:29 pm Momentum is a hell of a thing in a campaign…fortunately for us, the alleged frontrunners will not be able to slow the Ron Paul movement, especially when they try to ignore or minimize it. Posted By Andrew H., Darmstadt Germany : June 7, 2007 5:29 pm I’m excited, isn’t that a little strange when talking politics? I’m 35 years old and have never felt this way about a presidential candidate ever. What we need to do is tell everyone that is glued to their televisions about Ron Paul since he is hardly mentioned in mainstream media. We need to talk about him to our friends and family that don’t have the same exposure to information as WE do. I never thought I would start talking to people about a Republican candidate for president to but here I am. A republican president with support of the Democrats is what this country needs right now. Ron Paul can do it by getting the Republican party back in line with the American people and bringing together both parties, aren’t you sick of Split votes in the senate because it is Republican against Democrat (or the other way around)!!! I don’t think a Democrat as president can do this. Ron Paul can get everyone working together again. I believe this and so do the other 700 people that have posted comments in the last 2 hours, yeah I see there are a couple non supporters up there but you are the minority. Let’s make this happen! It is up to us! I’m going to make signs now… Ron Paul!!! 2008 Posted By Anthony Brooks, High Falls NY : June 7, 2007 5:29 pm Ron Paul got steamrolled by Giuliani when he tried to blame America for September 11th. Which he did. There is no nuance to it, no “but he was right!” argument as Mr. Paul does not argue correctly that our policies helped contribute, but rather that our policies were the sole cause. A man who deliberately blinds himself to 1400 years of Muslim aggression against non-Muslims is not a candidate I could vote for. And if Ron Paul can’t even handle Rudy Giuliani challenging his opinion, how is he going to handle Fred Thompson? He’s going to crash and burn as he deserves to. Posted By ron paul is a loser : June 7, 2007 5:30 pm Dr. Ron Paul for President! I think Ron Paul is the best choice for President of the United States because of his sensible and well-reasoned approach to meeting and solving the challenges that America faces. I hope you feel the same way Posted By Carvin, Dallas, Texas : June 7, 2007 5:30 pm If Ron Paul was president, I am sure Elaine and Ed Brown in NH, would not have their house surrounded by police right now except for a salute for their patriotic duty as true Americans. Posted By bo weezel : June 7, 2007 5:30 pm Ron Paul is a kind of Republican most republicans have forgotten about…. a CONSERVATIVE one! The party has been hijacked by the current admin. neo con agenda and it’s costing both them and the American public who voted for basically anyone who WASN”T a republican in the last election. Posted By Please wake up our party, Lansing Michigan : June 7, 2007 5:31 pm I was thinking and I still am I must admit of voting Democrat…however after reading yesterday were every candidate stands on each of the views that were posed by CNN…I alligned myself more with Ron Paul than the others so I find this article very interesting that it has come out the very next day. Posted By Clyde, Bowie, Maryland : June 7, 2007 5:31 pm if your guy Rudy Giuliani won the debate, the science of it would not be an issue and you know it. fair and balanced, please. http://www.freemarketnews.com/WorldNews.asp?nid=43192 GO RON Posted By matt, boca raton florida : June 7, 2007 5:31 pm Ron Paul has made me proud to be an American again. At 24, I’ve been voting since the ‘00 elections as a republican, and had become discouraged in voting again after being betrayed on immigration, spending, and big government. I can’t wait to vote for Ron Paul!!! Posted By Nate Caldwell, Knoxville, TN : June 7, 2007 5:31 pm Ron Paul is a real American. Ron Paul will be the next President of the United States. Why? Because he is looking out for the American People!!! Posted By John B. Fleming; Glendale, CA : June 7, 2007 5:31 pm I already voted for Ron Paul of Texas, it was in 1988 when he ran for president as a Libertartian. He is the one candidate who is tolerant of others lives and fiscally solid as a rock. No other candidate, Republican or Democrat can say that and mean it with their prior voting record. Posted By David Jahntz, Geneva, IL : June 7, 2007 5:31 pm Ron Paul = Dark Horse God Bless this man. Him winning the online polls has little to do with how organized his campaign is. People with access to the Internet have an advantage over others to actually research the candidates and the majority of them are choosing Ron Paul. How can someone NOT find this man intelligent, genuinely concerned for our nation, and trustworthy based on his voting history??? He is a true gem, a true patriot and God save us all if he is NOT elected President. Posted By D, Austin TX : June 7, 2007 5:32 pm Thank you for finally giving this most excellent candidate some of your precious time. While he has a long, long, long shot of being elected, he is making points that should be heard by EVERY American, especially the ones that he shares the podium with. Good Luck, Ron. Posted By Mark, Fredericksburg, TX : June 7, 2007 5:33 pm It should be crystal clear to the mainstream media by now. There are more than just a handful of us that want Ron Paul to be heard! Posted By Paige, Houston TX : June 7, 2007 5:33 pm Ron Paul is the only Republican I would vote for. His straight talk and common sense make the rest look silly. While I may not agree with him on some issues, I respect him which is a lot more then I can say for the rest. Posted By Bruce, Deerfield Beach, FL : June 7, 2007 5:34 pm I am not a republican, but Ron Paul is the representative for my district and he is the only republican that I have hear that put America ahead of party interest. He is a healer and that is exactly what this country need’s. I like Ron over any of the Democratic that are running. (Only if Gore runs would I change) Posted By Rex Horst, Victoria, Texas : June 7, 2007 5:34 pm The truth is that his message resonates with all Americans on each side of the political line. Even this article about the Ron Paul phenomenon is skewed to make it look as if Ron Paul’s support is the work of hackers. “As if” CNN.com really had a strain of resources when they removed the comment section yesterday… Ron Paul rules!!! What he has accomplished already will spawn the reclaiming of America and the Constitution by the people! Go RON! Posted By Mike Stanley, Willits CA : June 7, 2007 5:34 pm Wow, maybe you guys (CNN) should have done a little research on his views regarding abortion and marriage. Actually, someone could have asked him during the debate, but he’s just a wacko, long-shot libertarian, right? Why waste the air time. Posted By Tom, San Francisco CA : June 7, 2007 5:34 pm It takes what it always takes for a candidate to be a contender in a non publically funded election. Money!!!! Until dollars don’t equal votes, compelling options like Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinish may just as well be lumped in with Ralph Nader. Posted By Chris English, Aurora Colorado : June 7, 2007 5:34 pm I am a registered Green, but to be honest, Ron Paul is more attractive to me than any of the Democratic candidates. Kucinich has great ideas that appeal to my warm and fuzzy side, but Ron Paul’s stances are based on the Constitution, the “law of the land.” While I disagree with him on issues like immigration, he is very appealing and I would feel incredibly comfortable with such a principled leader as my President. Posted By Matt - Los Angeles, CA : June 7, 2007 5:34 pm I would like to know what determines a “Front Runner”. What is the difference between “First Tier” and “Second Tier”? And who decides? Ron Paul may not be a natty dresser, but is that the sole criteria for a good president? This the real world, not the reel world. We are not casting for a movie guys. This country is sliding down a greased shute and we need to wake up quick before it is too late. Posted By Sandra, Ridgecrest CA : June 7, 2007 5:34 pm Ron Paul deserves the same amount of time as the “mainstream” candidates. Actually it is not so much Ron Paul that deserves it but rather the American people. We need to hear from ALl the candidates, not just the ones preferred by the media and other “powers that be”. Ron Paul is believes in the constitution and I think it is time we got back to that. Posted By Sandi, Fort Myers, FL : June 7, 2007 5:35 pm It’s time for a real change in Washington. If the mainstream media gives him a fair shake, Ron Paul will win the GOP nomination. Posted By Jesse, Largo, FL : June 7, 2007 5:35 pm I should have added in my previous comment that it isn’t the Ron Paul phenomena, but rather the Ron Paul Revolution. Also, as to the comments about how the RP supporters are organized and flood the online polls. Ummm, the other candidates supporters could do so as well. Perhaps the real truth is that they don’t have as many supporters as the media and pollsters would like us to believe. Posted By Sandi, Fort Myers, FL : June 7, 2007 5:37 pm Hey, Folks, Since the “Main Stream Media” choose to ignore Dr. Paul, we have to get his name out to the voters on our own. One way to do this is through Meetups. Check out ronpaul.meetup.com and join a group near you!!! Posted By John Girardeau, Vonore, TN : June 7, 2007 5:37 pm The vast majority of people who use the internet are much better informed on the issues and on the candidates then those who rely on talk radio and the mainstream media, this is why Ron Paul does better on the internet. Most using the internet now realize the mainstream is nothing but an arm of corporate America and will insure a candidate is elected who will continue the status quo. People who actually want change, actually wish to have leaders who believe in the Constitution and also want candidates with real character - we research on the internet. THIS is why we like Ron Paul. Face it - CNN will insure the next President will be good for their bottom line period Posted By don berry tullahoma,tn : June 7, 2007 5:37 pm I do not understand why talk of liberty is branded as right-wing. Don’t people want to be free? Is freedom only for right-wingers? What is Dr. Paul saying that is so difficult to understand? Aren’t people tired of politics as usual? Don’t people want someone who can be counted on to do what they say they will do? Dr. Paul has 30 years, on and off, of voting records which say that he only supports laws which align with his principles, regardless of how they make him look at the time. If Dr. Paul is irrelevant, why is it so important to the mainstream media to twist his words, as CNN has done (in a small way) in this very article? The only reason I can see for these things, is that Dr. Paul is threatening in some way. If anyone else can see a different reason, I would be glad to hear it. Posted By Woody Barrett, Shaftsbury VT : June 7, 2007 5:38 pm Ron Paul does not and will not get fair coverage because he represents a threat to the power base of this country (a.k.a. the Democrats and Republicans). Dr. Paul is an honest, hard working man, who I believe truly represents a large majority of middle of the road Americans. Americans who want the chance to work hard and better themselves. Americans who believe that they have the capability to make better decisions about their own lives than the government does. Ron Paul believes in DECREASING the power of the federal government. This is scary to our politicians, the parties who they represent, and the special interest groups who pay these parties and politicians for favors. Does anyone else realize that if Hillary Clinton is elected president, that our country will have been ruled by only TWO families for the last 24 YEARS! Is this alarming to anyone else? I believe this illustrates a big problem with our political system. Our country used to be ruled by the people (anyone remember “We the people”). Dr. Paul would like to see this happen again, becuase he knows that freedom is the root cause to the success and strength of this nation. If you love freedom, and you think that we need limit the power of our government, then you should take the time to learn a bit more about Ron Paul. Posted By Jason, Philadelphia, PA : June 7, 2007 5:38 pm I support Paul because he is the only one who has the guts to talk about our foreign policy towards middle east. Paul talks about our foreign policy being not even handed between Israel and the rest of the Arab world and that is true.Anyone who is not biased can see that except our politians. Posted By Sam, Columbus, OH : June 7, 2007 5:38 pm Ron Paul and Mike Gravel should run together on an independent ticket.I’d vote for that… They’re the only ones that have their head screwed on straight. Posted By Slithering, Attica, IN : June 7, 2007 5:39 pm I am an individual, a voter, a taxpayer, a mother, and an American that has found truth and integrity in Dr. Ron Paul’s message. It should be obvious that the posts are not the work of an organized fringe faction when they come from all corners of the country. We are VOTERS. Posted By Anonymous : June 7, 2007 5:39 pm I think the American people need to start holding the mainstream media accountable for their blatant obfuscation of who the real frontrunner is for the Republican nomination. If the NH debate was any indication, it is clearly Ron Paul. He had well over twice the number of very passionate supporters there as the next candidate, proving this is NOT just an internet phenomenon. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/487443841 Posted By Steve Martin, Amity, Maine : June 7, 2007 5:39 pm « Back to Blog Main CNN Comment Policy: CNN encourages you to add a comment to this discussion. You may not post any unlawful, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic or other material that would violate the law. 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