Medical Microbiology


Medical Microbiology


Chapter 1 Introduction, basic bacteriology


Master the definition of microorganism

Master the classification of microorganism

[Class hour: 0.5 hours ]


1. Microbes : Definition, Classification, Distribution of Microorganisms

2. Microbiology

Chapter 2 Structure of bacterial cells


Master the superficial structure of bacteria.

Master the special structure of bacteria and their functions.

Master the following concepts :

1.plasmid 2. flagellum 3. pillus 4. capsule 5. spore

6.L-form bacterium 7.


Understand the size and shape of bacteria.

[Class hour: 2 hours ]


I . Size of bacteria

II Shape of bacteria

III Superficial layer and specific structure

IV Bacteria L—Forms

Chapter 3 Growth


Master the reason that obligate anaerobes can’t grow in free oxygen condition.

Master the anabolic metabolic products of bacteria.

Master the following concepts: pyrogen

Understand bacterial nutrition.

Understand the growth curve of bacteria

[Class hour: 0.5 hours ]


I . Bacterial nutrition

II Bacterial growth and reproduction

III Growth curve of bacteria

Chapter 4 Genetics


Master the characteristics of plasmid.

Master the mechanism of mutation and gene transfer of bacteria.

Master the following concepts :

1. Plasmid 2 . transformation 3. transduction 4.


5 . lysogenic phage (temperate phage) 6. lysogenic bacteria 7. prophage

[Class hour: 1 hours ]



Genetic substance





3. phage: Interrelation between phage and bacteria : lysogenic state

II. Mechanism of bacterial variation mutation.


2. genetic transfer: transformation, transduction, conjugation

Chapter 5 Normal flora


Master the infection of opportunistic pathogenic bacteria

Master the functions of normal flora

Master the following concepts :

1. normal flora 2. opportunistic pathogenic bacteria

[Class hour: 1 hours ]


Concepts: normal flora; opportunistic pathogenic bacteria

1. Distribution of normal flora

2. Roles of normal flora.

(1) Biological barrier: antagonism

(2) nutrient synthesize :

(3) immue: enhance and develop and maturation of immue system

3. Flore disequilibrium (dysbacteriosis)

Chapter 6 Pathogenesis


Master the mechanism of b acterial virulence

Master the toxins of b acteria

Master the following concepts : 1.Toxemia 2.bacteremia 3.septicemia 4.pyemia

[Class hour: 3 hours ]



I. Invasiveness

II. Toxin: properties of endotoxin and exotoxin

III. Occurance and development of infection


Clinical bacteriology

Chapter 15 Gram-Positive Cocci


Master the diseases, pathogenesis and clinical findings of Staphylococcus and


Master the important toxins and enzymes produced by S. aureus and group A streptococcus.

Master the three hemolytic types of streptococcus.

Master the following concepts: 1. Coagulase 2. SPA 3. M protein 4. Streptolysin

5. poststreptococcal diseases

Understand the important properties, transmission, laboratory diagnosis, treatment and prevention of staphylococcus and streptococcus.

[Class hour: 2 hours ]


Section 1 Staphylococcus

1. disease

2. important properties: morphology, important cell wall components and antigens

3. transmission

4. pathogenesis: enzymes, toxin

5. treatment

6. prevention: no vaccine

Section 2 Streptococcus




important properties: hemolytic types, important antigens


classification of streptococci




pathogenesis: mechanism: A. inflammation-related enzymes B. toxins and hemolysins poststreptococcal diseases: A.acute glomerulonephritis B. acute rheumatic fever


laboratory diagnosis: microbiologic, serologic


treatment: penicillin G, vancomycin


prevention: no vaccines against any of the streptococci except S. pneumoniae

Chapter 16 Gram-Negative Rods Related to the Enteric Tract


Master antigens and common features of the enterobacteriaceae family.

Master the diseases, pathogenesis and clinical findings of Escherichia.

Master the surface structural components and toxin associated with pathogenesis of


Master the feature of three types E.coli (ETEC, EIEC, EHEC) in intestinal tract infection.

Master the disease of systemic infection caused by E.coli.

Understand the important properties, laboratory diagnosis, treatment and prevention of Escherichia.

[Class hour: 2 hours ]


Section 1 Introduce of Enterobacteriaceae


common features of the family


pathogenesis: endotoxin, exotoxin


antigens: the O antigen, the H antigen, the K antigen

4. laboratory diagnosis: MacConkey’s agar, EMB agar


coliforms and public health

Section 2 pathogens both within and outside the enteric tract----escherichia




important properties: ferment lactose


pathogenesis: intestinal tract infection, systemic infection, urinary tract infection


laboratory diagnosis: MacConkey’ agar, EMB agar


treatment: depend on the resistance pattern of the specific isolate


prevention: no active or passive immunization available

Chapter 18 Vibrio cholerae


Master the mechanism of pathogenicity

[Class hour: 0.5 hours ]


1. important characteristics: Morphology; culture;

2.pathogenicity--pathogenic factor: flagellum; Cholera enterotoxin; Disease--cholera


4.laboratory diagnosis(bacteriological methods):specimen

5.prevention and treatment

Chapter 21 Mycobacteria


Master the mechanism of pathogenicity

Master the following concepts :BCG

[Class hour: 1.5 hours ]


1. important characteristics: Morphology; culture2.pathogenicity--pathogenic factor:

Lipid contents of the cell wall


3.immunity: CMI; PPD skin test; hypersensitivity

4.laboratory diagnosis(bacteriological methods): acid-fast stain

5.prevention and treatment: vaccine--BCG

Chapter 22 Actinomycetes


Master the difference between actinomycete and eukaryote

Master the following concepts : Sulfur granule

[Class hour: 0.5 hours ]


1. biological characteristics: Filamentous prokaryotic microbes

2. pathogenicity--pathogenic factor

3 .immunity

4. laboratory diagnosis(bacteriological methods): Sulfur granule





Chapter 23 Mycoplasmas


Master the common characteristics of Mycoplasma

Master the disease caused by Mycoplasma

[Class hour: 0.5 hours ]


1.common biological characteristics: non-cell wall; special cell membrane

2.pathogenicity--pathogenic factor phathogenesis: disease


4.laboratory diagnosis(bacteriological methods)


6. treatment

Chapter 24 Spirochetes


Master the common characteristics of Spirochetes

Master the disease caused by Spirochetes

[Class hour: 0.5 hours ]


1.common biological characteristics: situs is between bacterium and protozoa

2.pathogenicity--pathogenic factor phathogenesis: disease—syphilis and Leptospirosis


4.laboratory diagnosis(bacteriological methods)


6. treatment

Chapter 25 Chlamydiae


Master the common characteristics of Chlamydiae

Master the diseases caused by Chlamydiae

Master the following concepts: Elementary body, Initial body, inclusion body

[Class hour: 0.5 hours ]


1.common biological characteristics: situs between bacterium and virus; unique life cycle

2.pathogenicity--pathogenic factor phathogenesis: disease


4.laboratory diagnosis(bacteriological methods)


6. treatment

Chapter 26 Rickettsiae


Master the common characteristics of Rickettsiae

Master the disease caused by Rickettsiae and the transmitted way

Master the following concepts : Weil-Felix reaction

[Class hour: 0.5 hours ]


1.common biological characteristics: situs between bacterium and virus

2.pathogenicity--pathogenic factor pathogenesis: transmitted way


4.laboratory diagnosis(bacteriological methods): Weil-Felix reaction


6. treatment

Chapter 27 Anaerobic bacteria


Master the classification of anaerobic bacteria

Master the pathogenetic conditions of Clostridium

Master the mechanism of pathogenicity

[Class hour: 0.5 hours ]


1 . classification:Spore-forming anaerobes--Clostridium(G

+ bacilli)

Non-spore-forming anaerobes--polymorphic

2.biological characteristics: obligate anaerobic

3.pathogenicity—pathogenic factor: condition; tetanpspasmin (neurotoxin); phathogenesis: mechanism

4. immunity: Active immunization: toxoid DPT

Passive immunization: TAT

5. laboratory diagnosis(bacteriological methods)

6. prevention

7. treatment

PART III Basic VirologyChapter 28 Structure


Master the chemical composition and function of viruses

Master the following concepts :


Obligate intracellular parasites 2. Virion 3. Defective virus 4.


Understand the characteristics of Viral Genetics.

[Class hour: 1 hours ]


1 .


B a s s i i c C o n c e p t t s s o f f V i i r r u s s e s 3 .


S i i g n i i f f i i c a n c e o f f S t t u d i i n g V i i r r o l l o g y f f o r r L i i f f e

S c i i e n c e

4. Concept of virion, size and shape

5. Structure of virus

6. Atypical virus-like agents: defective virus, prion.

Chapter 29 Replication


Master the major feature of the replication cycle of viruses.

[Class hour: 1 hours ]


1. Replication cycle

Chapter 30 Genetics and Gene Therapy


Master the following concepts : 1.

Recombination 2. Reassortment

Master the interrelation between phage and bacteria

[Class hour: 0.5 hours ]


1. mutation, ts mutant

2. Recombination and Reassortment

3. complementation

4. Phenotypic mixing

Chapter 31 Pathogenesis


Master the the pathways of viral infections and the viruses which can result in vertical infection .

Master the following concepts : vertical transmission 2 . CPE 3. latent infection 4. slow virus infection

[Class hour: 2 hours ]


1. The pathways of viral infections

2. The type of viral infection

3. Pathogenesis and immunopathogenesis of Viral Infection

Chapter 33 Host Defenses


Master the the antiviral activity of IFN.

Master the following concepts : 4.Interferon (IFN) 5. AVP 6. neutrilizing antibody

Understand the classification of IFN and the production of IFN.

[Class hour: 1.5 hours ]


1. IFN concept, classification,production,

2. Action of IFN(anti-virus)

3. characteristics of IFN

4. Neutrilizing antibody


Chapter 34 Laboratory Diagnosis


Understand the examination methods of viral infection.

[Class hour: 0.5 hours ]


1. identification in cell culture.(CPE, inclusion body).

2. Serologic procedures.

3. Detection of viral nucleic acid.

Chapter 35 Antiviral Drugs


Understand the characteristics of antiviral agents.

[Class hour: 1 hours ]


1. inhibition of early events

2. inhibition of viral nucleic acid synthesis

3. inhibition of viral protein synthesis

Chapter 36 Viral vaccine


Understand the vaccines of viruses

[Class hour: 0.5 hours ]


1. immunization prevention of viral infection artificial passive immunizaton

Chapter 37 DNA Enveloped Viruses


Master the common properties of Herpesviruses.

[Class hour: 0.5 hours ]


1. Common properties of Herpesviruses

2. Classification and associated diseases of Herpesviruses

Chapter 38 DNA Nonenveloped Viruses


Master the diseases caused by HPV.

[Class hour: 0.5 hours ]



Important properties of HPV


Diseases caused by HPV.

Chapter 39 RNA Enveloped Viruses


1. Master the property of Influenza viruses genome.

2. Master the two types of antigenic changes of Influenza viruses: antigenic shift and antigenic drift.

[Class hour: 2 hours ]


1. Classification and associated diseases of respiratory viruses

2. Influenza viruses: important properties, transmission & epidemiology, pathogenesis, control.

Chapter 40 RNA Nonenveloped Viruses


Master the common properties of Enteroviruses.

[Class hour: 0.5 hours ]


1. The common properties of Enteroviruses

2. Classification and associated diseases of Enteroviruses

Chapter 41 Hepatitis Viruses



Master the important properties, transmission, Ags & Abs, and vaccines of HBV;


Understand the important properties of HAV.

[Class hour: 2.5 hours ]



Classification of Hepatitis viruses;


HAV: important properties, transmission, pathogenesis, control


HBV: important properties, transmission, pathogenesis, control.

Chapter 45 Human Immunodeficiency Virus



Master the functions of gp120;


Master the transmission of HIV;


Understand the pathogenesis of HIV.

[Class hour: 2 hours ]



Important properties;


Summary of replication cycle







--------Luan yi

Medical Microbiology Experiment


Experiment 1


Master the use of oil-immersion lens of microscope.

Master the approach of gram stain.

Be familiar with the bacterial shape and special structure .



Use oil-immersion lens of microscope


gram stain


observation the shape of bacteria

[class hour: 4 hours]

Experiment 2


Master the techniques for bacterial inoculation.

Be familiar with the media for routine cultivation of bacteria well.

Be familiar with the special structure of bacteria.



Observation of special structure of bacteria


Media for routine cultivation of bacteria


Techniques for bacterial inoculation

[class hour: 4 hours]

Experiment 3


Master the preparation of agar plate.



Preparation of agar plate


bacterial cultivation from air and skin

[class hour: 4 hours]

Experiment 4


Master the paper disk method of antibiotics sensitive test.



Quiz of bacteriology


Antibiotics sensitive test----paper disk method

[class hour: 4 hours]

Experiment 5


Master the process of coagulase test.

Be familiar with the process of identification of pus.

Be familiar with the morphology of pathogenic cocci.



Identification of pathogenic cocci from clinical specimen (pus)


coagulase test


morphology of pathogenic cocci

[class hour: 4 hours]

Experiment 6


Master the process of acid-fast stain.

Be familiar with anaerobic culture and Morphology of anaerobic bacteria.



Introduction of anaerobic culture and morphology of anaerobic bacteria


acid-fast stain

[class hour: 4 hours]

Experiment 7


Master the process of heamagglutination test.

Be familiar with viral inclusion body.



Heamagglutination test


Observation of viral inclusion body.

[class hour: 4 hours]

Experiment 8


Master the process of the stain of fungi.

Be familiar with the morphology of mycoplasma, chlamydia, spirochetes and fungi.



Stain of fungi


Morphology of mycoplasma, chlamydia, spirochetes and fungi

[class hour: 4 hours]

--------Luan yi
