World mythology poster

World Mythology Name (Example: Norse Mythology)
Ima Graduatin
Jess Kiddin
Les Likely
Will Workforfood
****Please see below for partner requirements. Only three to a group MAX.
Posters are due Monday, April 25 EVEN IF YOU ARE ABSENT. You are also getting graded on your presentation.
Section II. Where in the world do you find this mythology and other cool
Section I. List and describe the supernatural beings and “major” gods. Give
differences and similarities between this myth and Greek mythology.
1. In this space, give a list and description of the supernatural beings and the
“major gods.” Give as many as you can.
2. Compare and contrast your world myth to that of Greek mythology…you could
use a table maybe to show your comparisons.
1. Show a map of the part of the world this mythology is found; how do you think
geography has affected the myths that were created here?
2. Random facts: where gods lived; treatment of humans (nicer gods vs. meaner
3. More random facts: what happens when humans die; special place they go:
who could go?
Section III. Summary of a myth from your world mythology
1. Choose one myth to analyze (your creation myth or other myth choice)
2. Use this space here to give a SUMMARY in your own words of what this
myth is about. You can bullet the summary with the major events OR
maybe create a visual that will retell the story for us. (Clear this with me
Function 1
Function 2
Section IV. Four Functions Analysis
Use this space to analyze your myth from box 3 for the four
functions. Give specific examples from the myth to support your
analysis. See research planning sheet for more information.
Mythology Choices:
Function 3
Indian (Hindu)
Norse (Viking)
Oceanic (Oceanic, Polynesia, Austrralia)
Native American Indian Mythology---2 or 3 regions of North America
Function 4
Central or South American Indian Mythology---Choose a major region
****Students are only allowed to pair up with another person IF: student is passing AND student has good attendance. If you don’t meet BOTH of these criteria,
student will work BY HIM OR HERSELF! I will let you know if you qualify for a partnership and/or group.
 This is worth 50 points in the summative category.
 Posters are due Monday, April 25 EVEN IF YOU ARE ABSENT. You are also getting graded on your presentation
 Though the layout on the front side is recommended, you may choose to lay out your poster in the most efficient and logical manner. You must
use “regulation-sized” poster board; you might need to use two if all your work can’t fit on there neatly. You might consider purchasing a tri-fold
poster board.
 Your poster must follow the guidelines outlined on the handout “Creating a Poster” (separate handout).
 At the top should be the world myth title and group members’ names.
 All group members must contribute equally and each member and/or individual will turn in the Mythology Research Sheet (separate handout) for
credit on Monday, April 25.
 All group members and/or individuals must complete the Mythology Research Checklist (separate handout) and turn this in for credit on
Monday, April 25. You will have only 3 days in the lab to complete your project. You may have some homework.
 If you are not here the day of presentations, you will only receive partial credit.
Exceeds Expectations: This is an A
 Four Functions are thorough and go beyond the obvious; more than one example is given and an interesting connection is made between the
example and lesson.
 Poster is designed in a creative and appealing manner. It is easy to read and follow.
Meets Expectations: Must meet these to get a B
Includes a clear analysis of Section 4: Four Functions of myth
Identifies WHAT in the myth qualifies for this function. Write a sentence or two listing or naming the elements.
Explains the LESSON or VALUES this myth promotes based on the elements found in the function.
Is NOT a SUMMARY of the myth, but an explanation of the lesson in student’s own words! Explains the message or theme of this function
And meet these expectations:
 Includes all parts of Section 1: supernatural beings; gods and compare/contrast to Greek Mythology is given
 Includes all parts of Section 2: map; random facts: where gods lived, treatment of humans; what happens when humans die and where do they go
 Includes all parts of Section 3: choice of one myth and summary in own words
 Neat and free of mistakes: meets requirements of a good poster
 Presentation of information is clear and easy to understand
 Includes checklist and research sheet with attached myths
Partially Meets Expectations: This is a C. Includes the Four Functions and only meets 4-5 requirements above
Doesn’t meet expectations: This is a D. Four Functions are there but incomplete and only meets 2-3 requirements above
Doesn’t meet expectations: This is an F. Missing four functions and meets only 1-2 requirements
50-45 A
44-40 B
39-35 C
34-30 D