COURSE TITLE: Classical Mythology COURSE NUMBER: CLCV 451.01/ENGL 351/EURO 432 SECTION: 01 TERM: Spring 2015 TIME/DAYS: MW 3:00-4:15 pm INSTRUCTOR: Prof. Matthew Dillon COURSE DESCRIPTION/PRINCIPAL TOPICS A systematic review of Classical Mythology, beginning with its roots in the ancient Near East, through the great epic and tragic stories of the Greeks, to the variations and additions of the Romans. The course will focus on primary sources, but attention will also be paid to the later influences of myth on Western art and literature. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES In the course of reading the stories and commentary, students will: learn the plot lines and major characters of Greek and Roman mythology, recognize the iconography of and allusions to these major myth cycles, understand the importance of myth for ancient and modern culture, experience the physical settings of major myths through visits to ancient sites, interpret the major themes of myths from historical, psychological, and/or literary-critical perspectives in a final paper. PREREQUISITES/RECOMMENDED BACKGROUND Previous exposure to Classical literature in translation is helpful, but not required or presumed. Course counts in English Major as Pre-1800 Elective. REQUIRED TEXTS Epic of Gilgamesh (transl. N.K. Sandars; Penguin) th Classical Myth, (8 ed.), Barry Powell (Prentice Hall, 20014) COURSE WORK/EXPECTATIONS Approx. 80 pages of reading per week; frequent quizzes; midterm & final exam; term papers (2-3 & 10-12 pages). Format will be lecture with Powerpoint, discussion and oral reports.