Searchable Database - Highland High School

MLA Citation Reference 7th Edition (Yellow sheet)
Book Author (Last name, First Middle). Title (italicized). City of Publication: Publisher, Year. Print.
 Two authors:
Last, First and First Last.
 Three or more authors:
Last, First,
 Editor:
Last, First, ed.
Reference / Encyclopedia Article 7th Edition (Blue sheet)
Author if available (Last name, First Middle). “Article Title.” Title of Encyclopedia (italicized). Year ed. Print.
 Two authors:
Last, First and First Last.
 Three or more authors:
Last, First,
 Editor:
Last, First, ed.
Internet Web site (Pink sheet)
Author / Editor if available (Last name, First Middle). “Web Article Title.” Title of Website (italicized). Web. Date of
access Day Month Year.
Miller, Edward, ed. “Watergate.” CNN Newsroom. Web. 5 Oct. 1998.
Searchable lists of book topics for end of the year project
American Chemical Society. ChemCom Chemistry in the Community, Dubuque, IO: Kendall/Hunt
Publishing Company, 1988. Print.
#1a – 1d - Hardback large with beach scene with collage of houses, kids with balloons (4 copies)
Unit 1 - Waterfish and oxygen demand in water, temperature and gas solubility
Page 36
Water, water purification, hard vs. soft water
Page 58
Where is the Earth’s water
Page 4
Unit 2 – Natural resources like metals, Coin zinc in penny
Page 80
Restoring the Statue of Liberty
Page 104
Recycling paper, aluminum, glass
Page 115
Copper, sources, uses, ores, metallurgy, metal alloys, aluminum supply and demand
Page 119
Unit 3 - Petroleum, Petroleum refining (145 - 150), Fuel consumption, Fossil fuels (164),
Page 137
Combustion, Altering fuels (174)
Petrochemicals, Plastics, polymers
Page 182
Unit 4 - Foods, Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins, Vitamins, Food additives, Common food
Page 218
chart with calories, vitamin content, etc.
Unit 5 - Nuclear, radiation damage, radon in homes, radioisotopes in medicine, radiation
Page 266
dosage, nuclear waste
Unit 6 - Air, atmosphere, Gas, Climate, Carbon cycle, Greenhouse effect, Air pollutant
Page 332
levels and standards, photochemical smog, acid rain (386)
Unit 7 – Health, elements in the human body, enzymes, energy and exercise, proteins,
Page 400
pH balance in the body, cleaners, soaps, skin, spf sunscreens, hair, drugs, aspirin,
alcohol, drugs, toxic substances
Unit 8- Top 25 chemicals produced in the US, Fertilizers, Fixing nitrogen, explosives,
Page 456
Nobel prize winners, car battery, dry cell batteries, electroplating, Hall process for
Arny, Thomas T. Explorations an Introduction to Astronomy. St. Louis, MO: Mosby Publishing, 1994. Print.
#2 – mid size paperback red planet with space station on front cover
Earth, planets, sun, light years
Page 2
Light waves, electromagnetic spectrum, doppler
Page 78
Telescopes, observatories
Page E3-1
Page E4-0
Stars, solar system, planets, star brightness, star composition
Use index at back
Breslow, Ronald. Chemistry Today and Tomorrow. Washington, D.C.: Jones and Bartlett Publishers,
American Chemical Society, 1997. Print.
#3 - Medium sized paperback with Earth on front cover.
Medicine, Health, Biotechnology
Page 17
Housing and home furniture, transportation, food, national defense, law enforcement
Insecticides, radioactive waste,
Structural materials
Food supply
CFCs, ozone layer
Electronic revolution, electronic materials
Catalysts, Enzymes, Vitamins, new medicines
Page 33
Page 51
Page 26
Page 46
Page 48
Page 49
Page 60
Page 67, 73
Page 77
Christensen, John W. Global Science – Energy / Resources / Environment, A Global Approach to Integrated
Science. Englewood, CO: Kendall / Hunt Publishing Company, 1996. Print.
#4 Dark blue mid size(numerous copies)
Earth, Biosphere, sun, ecology, surviving an Antarctic winter
Page 2
Page 58
Minerals, ore, mining, importance of minerals, alloys
Page 114
Population growth
Page 178
Food agriculture soil conservation nutrition evolution extinction
Page 210
Energy alternative energy thermal pollution
Page 260
Nonrenewable resources
Page 302
Nuclear energy
Page 334
Energy altenatives, solar, tidal, geothermal, synthetic fuels
Page 376
Building insulation, high mileage cars, efficient appliances, energy storage
Page 416
Water, desalination, icebergs, cloud seeding, water pollution, sewage treatment
Page 444
Air Quality air pollution, acid rain, Greenhouse effect, waste
Page 498
Dorin, Henry, et. al. Prentice Hall The Study of Matter. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Inc., 1989. Print.
#5 - Large black and grey cover with pink Erlenmeyer flask.
Ammonia fountain
Page 567
Food energy
Page 100
Mass spectrometer
Page 137
Space spheres
Page 28
Double boilers
Page 290
Self cooling cans for soda pop
Page 313
Smudgeless Newspaper Ink
Page 395
Page 436
Page 447
Platinum wires
Page 505
Haber Process
Page 531
Expanding balloons
Page 539
Electrolytic titration
Page 593
Page 6
Page 610
Page 626
Page 627
Page 635
Page 658
Light from chemical energy
Page 660
Frasch Process Sulfur
Page 681
Soaps Detergents Saponification
Page 727
Page 729
Carbohydrates, lipids
Page 738
Liquid layers
Page 75
Radiocarbon dating
Page 768
De Duve Christian. A Guided Tour of the Living Cell. New York, NY: Scientific American Library, 1984. Print.
#6 – 2 Volume set of books on living cells
See index, Volume 1 = pages 1 – 222. Volume 2 = pages 224 to end.
Flatow, Ira. They All Laughed. New York, NY: Harper Perennial Harper Collins Publisher, 1993. Print.
#7 - Paperback small.
Page Number
Chapter 1 Benjamin Franklin
Page 1
Chapter 2 Light Bulb
Chapter 3 Electric current
Chapter 5 Polio vaccine
Chapter 6 Melted candy bars to microwaves
Chapter 7 Fax machines
Chapter 8 Telephone and telegraph
Chapter 9 Television
Chapter 10 Television
Chapter 11 Xerox
Chapter 12 Laser
Chapter 13 Velcro
Chapter 14 Teflon
Chapter 15 Nylon
Chapter 16 Vaseline
Chapter 17 Artificial sugar
Chapter 18 Silly putty
Chapter 19 computer that saved d-day
Chapter 20 Submarine
Chapter 21 dream that won the battle of Britain
Chapter 22 typewriter
Chapter 23 wasp that changed the world
Chapter 24 first video game
Page 10
Page 27
Page 52
Page 57
Page 62
Page 71
Page 89
Page 104
Page 111
Page 119
Page 131
Page 135
Page 147
Page 152
Page 156
Page 161
Page 168
Page 187
Page 192
Page 197
Page 205
Page 213
Giddings, J. Calvin and Manus B. Monroe, eds. Our Chemical Environment. San Francisco, CA: Canfield
Press, 1972. Print.
#8 – Paperback mid size white and green
Page Number
Chapter 1 Poisons
Page 4
Chapter 2 Air Pollution
Page 43
Chapter 3 Water waste water, eutrophication, oil pollution, soap, phosphates in
Page 81
Chapter 4 Metals, metal contamination, heavy metal poisoning, lead, methyl mercury,
Page 125
cadmium poisoning
Chapter 5 Pestcides, DDT, organic compounds, pesticides
Page 163
Chapter 6 Food additives
Page 205
Chapter 7 solid waste, recycling, animal wastes to oil, plastic recycling
Page 227
Chapter 8 over population, population growth
Page 243
Chapter 9 energy, running out of fuel, electrical heating, coal
Page 283
Chapter 10 Nuclear plutonium, radiation, nuclear weapons
Page 335
Heimler, Charles H. and Jack S. Price. Focus on Physical Science. Columbus, OH: Charles E. Merrill
Publishing Co., 1984. Print.
#9a – 9B - Light blue book, mid size with buildings on front cover.
Simple machines (levers, pulley, wheel and axle, friction)
Page 29
Acceleration (moon and gravity)
Page 52
Newton’s Laws of motion air resistance, parachutes
Page 67
Page 82
Characteristics of metals and nonmetals
Page 127
Page 145
Metals Magnesium in baseball bats, chlorophyll, plaster, oil paints, electroplating, copper Page 157
wire, cadmium rods in nuclear power plant, lasers, metal alloys, iron, steel
Nonmetals Liquid nitrogen, fertilizers, Frasch process for mining sulfur, selenium in traffic Page 181
Neon lights, liquid helium, composition of dry air, dirigibles
Carbon (graphite diamonds) silicon transitors silicon dioxide lass silicon microchips
Polymers plastics soaps and detergents petroleum fractional distillation
Carbohydrates proteins vitamins
Rust decomposition food preservatives catalytic converters
Sulfuric acid, car batteries, common bases (deodorant, household cleaner, drain cleaner)
Waves, xrays, ultraviolet, infrared, microwaves, NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
Light and color, pigments, polarized light, laser choreography
Lenses and vision, telescopes, microscopes, cameras, optical fibers
Sound, musical sounds, instruments, Doppler effect, acoustics, noise pollution
Energy resources,
Heat, Insulation, Heating and cooling systems, Engines, Thermal pollution
Electricity, current, power, circuits
Magnetism, motors, ammeters, generators, transitors, cathode ray tubes, integrated
Nuclear power
Energy alternatives
Page 197
Page 203
Page 223
Page 232
Page 268
Page 283
Page 303
Page 325
Page 353
Page 369
Page 388
Page 408
Page 428
Page 450
Page 472
Page 494
Herron, J. Dudley, et. al. Heath Chemistry. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath and Company, 1987. Print.
#10 - Black and red with bubbles.
Popcorn popping
Page 199
Search for life on Mars
Page 241
Triple Point of mercury
Page 82
Page 143
Studying coral reefs for ocean currents
Page 172
Hot air balloons
Page 187
Mass spectrometer
Page 240
Radio carbon dating
Page 255
Radiotracers in medicine
Page 257
Building molecules by computer
Page 359
Nerve cells
Page 369
Stalactites and stalagmites
Page 371
Page 377
Iron production alloys steel
Page 379
Page 381
Space shuttle heat resistant tiles silicon, computer chips, n-type and p-type
Page 398
semiconductors, photovoltaic (solar) cells
Scanning tunneling microscope
Page 402
Ceramics and glass
Page 405
Glass and optical fibers
Page 406
Distillation, freezing point depression, boiling point elevation
Page 452
Page 483
Haber Process ammonia
Page 521
Acids and bases hydroxides
Page 544
Acid Rain
Page 575
Page 602
Page 607
Refining Petroleum, fractional distillation
Page 638
Esters odors
Page 643
Polymers, plastics, nylon
Page 648
Carbohydrates, lipids, steroids, proteins, fatty acids, DNA. Hormones, nucleic acids,
Page 659
neurotransmitters, vitamins, minerals, DNA cloning
Herron, J. Dudley, Heath Chemistry. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath and Company – Houghton Mifflin,
1996. Print.
#11 Midsize, Royal blue hardcover with three colored test tubes– numerous copies
Household substances and chemical change
Page Number
Page 72
Vapor pressure
Electrochemical cells
Global warming
Radioactivity helpful or harmful
Strategic metals
Pollution water
Food additives
CFCs chlorofluorocarbons
Air pollution and acid rain
Breath analyzers
Compact discs
Essential elements - life
Paper deteriorating
Sugar artificial
Scanning tunneling microscopes
Mass spectrometer
Particle accelerators
Solar cells
Page 492
Page 704
Page 732
Page 798
Page 120
Page 190
Page 428
Page 530
Page 596
Page 632
Page 676
Page 104
Page 247
Page 342
Page 382
Page 421
Page 451
Page 508
Page 664
Page 748
Page 780
Page 68
Page 283
Page 311
Page 402
Page 458
Page 491
Page 583
Page 687
Joesten, Melvin D., Chemistry Impact on Society. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Golden Sunburst Series,
Saunders College Publishing, 1988. Print.
#12 - Paper back middle sized, collage of fabric, yarn, runners, rocket on front cover.
Page Number
Chapter 1 risks of technology
Page 1
Chapter 2 mixtures, separation techniques
Page 18
Chapter 3 Greek influence, atomic theories
Page 39
Chapter 4 Nuclear chemistry, transuranium elements, radiation damage, radioisotopes,
Page 65
carbon 14 dating, uses, radon, nuclear waste
Chapter 5 Bonding
Page 91
Chapter 6 acids and bases, electrolysis, batteries, corrosion, fuel cells
Page 109
Chapter 7 metals and their preparation, fractionation of air – making gas, silicon
Page 137
materials, sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide, phosphoric acid, sodium carbonate
Chapter 8 Energy fossil fuels, sources of energy, electricity production, nuclear energy,
Page 163
solar energy, controlled nuclear fusion
Chapter 9 hydrocarbons, combustion, refining petroleum, isomers
Page 188
Chapter 10 functional groups, optical isomers, coal, coal gas, catalysts
Page 205
Chapter 11 living systems, carbohydrates, proteins, enzymes, energy and biochemical
Page 238
systems, nucleic acids
Chapter 12 Food, soil, nutrients, fertilizers, plants
Page 268
Chapter 13 Nutrition, nutrients, RDA, USRDA, calories, minerals, vitamins, food additives Page 292
Chapter 14 toxicity, liver detoxification
Page 324
Chapter 15 water, pollution, air pollution, smog, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxides, acid
Page 353
rain, ozone, indoor pollution
Chapter 16 medicines, drugs, and drug abuse, antacids, analgesics, aspirin substituents, Page 386
anti-ulcer drugs, allergens, antihistamines, antiseptics, disinfectants, heart disease,
anticancer drugs, steroids, drugs in combinations
Chapter 17 skin, hair, nails, curling, coloring, growing, removing hair, skin preparations
health, beauty, deodorants, cleansing agents, toothpaste, paints, nail polish and remover
Page 419
Jones, Mark M., Chemistry and Society 5th Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders College Publishing,
#13 - Hardback orange with sunburst on cover.
Page Number
Chapter 1 technology and the industrial revolution, chip, splice, risk assessment
Page 1
Chapter 2 mixtures, separation techniques, comfort, profit, and curiousity
Page 2
Chapter 3 Greek influence, atomic theories
Page 41
Chapter 4 Periodic Table
Page 74
Chapter 5 Bonding
Page 92
Chapter 6 Reactions
Page 120
Chapter 7 Nuclear chemistry, transuranium elements, radiation damage, radioisotopes,
Page 136
dating, uses
Chapter 8 Energy fossil fuels, sources of energy, electricity production, nuclear energy,
Page 165
solar energy
Chapter 9 acids and bases, electrolytes, concentrations neutralization, buffers, salts, acid Page 204
Chapter 10 oxidation reduction, electrolysis, corrosion, batteries, fuel cells,
Page 224
Chapter 11 Raw materials, metals, reduction, fractionation of air – making gas, silicon
Page 243
materials, sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide, chlorine, hydrogen chloride, phosphoric acid,
sodium carbonate
Chapter 12 hydrocarbons, combustion, refining petroleum, isomers
Page 271
Chapter 13 organic chemicals, functional groups, alcohols, esters, fats, oils, naturally
Page 300
occurring organic compounds
Chapter 14 Polymers (copolymers), Paints and polymers (addition), Polymers
Page 332
(condensation), Nylon (polyamides), Polycarbonates, Silicones, polyacetylene
Chapter 15 Carbohydrates, Proteins, enzymes, digestion, liver, enzymes, glucose,
Page 352
nucleic acids
Chapter 16 Toxic substances, poisons, neurotoxins, mutagens, teratogens, carcinogens,
Page 395
hallucinogens, alcohols
Chapter 17 Water water use and reuse, water pollutants, water purification, oxygen
Page 429
demand, thermal pollution, hard water softening, chlorination, desalination, water
Chapter 18 clean air, smog, air pollution, ozone, halogenated hydrocarbons, carbon
Page 462
dioxide indoor air pollution, acid rain, ozone, carbon monoxide, indoor pollution
Chapter 19 agricultural chemistry, soils, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, plant growth
Page 490
Chapter 20 nutrition, food additives, obesity, nutrients, calorie needs, individual nutrients
Page 522
Chapter 21 antacids, analgesics, designer drugs, antihistamines, antiseptics,
Page 576
disinfectants, medicines, steroids, birth control pills, anticancer drugs, FDA
Chapter 22 Beauty and Cleansing Agents skin, hair, teeth, nails, skin care, nail polish,
Page 607
curling hair, coloring hair, removing hair, deodorants, disinfectants, cleaners, toothpaste
Chapter 23 Transportation car, drag, materials in auto industry, engines, fuels, air
Page 635
pollution, electric vehicles, rockets, space shuttle
Chapter 24 Imaging photography, electromagnetic radiation, vision, photocopying, video
Page 671
display, medical imaging, electron microscopy
Kerrod, Robin, ed. The Heavens. Chicago, IL: World Book Inc., 1985. Print.
# 14 – 8 ½ x 11 encyclopedia like book.
See index and Table of Contents – check articles to see if authors for MLA.
Masterton, William L., Chemical Principles 6th Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Golden Sunburst
Series Publishing, 1985. Print.
# 15A - B – Large orange and yello with flames ion front cover.
Distillation, fractional distillation, chromatography
Page 23
Frasch process sulfur
Page 95
Metal ores, Na from NaCl, Mg from seawater, Al from Al2O3
Page 100
Sources of energy
Page 143
Haber Process nitrogen fixation
Page 516
Water vapor climate
Page 522
Page 524
Ozone and CFCs
Page 527
Air pollution acid rain
Page 529
Transition metals
Page 747
Polymers and plastics
Page 841
McCarry, Heather, et. al. eds. Ultimate Visual Dictionary. New York, NY: Dorling Kindersley (DK) Publishing,
1994. Print.
#16 - Small / paperback / Man’s skull on front cover.
The Universe
Page 10
Prehistoric Earth
Page 56
Page 112
Page 138
Page 166
Human body, organs, cells, skin, hair, brain, nervous system, eye, nose, teeth
Page 210
Geology rocks, minerals, weathering, erosion, atmosphere, weather, stalagmite,
Page 264
Chemistry, energy, electricity, magnetism, light, motion
Page 306
Rail and road, cars, bicycles, motorcycles, engines
Page 324
Sea and air, iron ships, planes, jet engines, helicopters, hang gliders
Page 372
Paint, water colors, oil paint, pigments, print making
Page 430
Page 458
Music instruments
Page 502
Page 524
Miller, Kenneth R. and Joseph S. Levine. California Prentice Hall Biology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson
Prentice Hall, 2007. Print.
# 17 - Large green and aqua with fly on cover.
Should creatine supplements be banned?
Page 233
Genetically modified foods
Page 330
Should antibiotics be restricted ?
Page 403
Should mass vaccinations be required? disease
Page 484
History of vaccines
Page 486
Should herbal remedies be restricted?
Page 647
Using nature to produce sunscreen
Page 668
Making artificial skin
Page 932
Plants (many chapters – use index at back of book)
Animals (many chapters – use index at back of book)
Human systems (many chapters – use index at back of book)
Miller Jr., G. Tyler, et. al. Chemistry A Contemporary Approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing
Company, 1987. Print.
# 18 - Rust colored hardback with lipstick and pills on the front cover.
Chapter 3 Nuclear transmutation, making new elements, harmful effects of radioactivity, Page 50
radioisotopes, medicine, fission, fusion
Chapter 5 Ten important chemical reactions
Page 123
Chapter 6 Acids and bases, excess stomach acid, improving lakes, baking bread, Page 137
bleaching, water purification, stain removal, photography, batteries
Chapter 7 Reaction rates
Chapter 8 Carbon, fossil fuels, petrochemicals, plastics, refrigerators, refrigerants,
pesticides, oxygen containing chemicals – cocktails to flavors, nitrogen containing
chemicals drugs to dynamite.
Chapter 9 Biochemistry, carbon, carbohydrates, sugar, rice, lipids, proteins, hair,
muscles, skin, enzymes, nucleic acids
Chapter 10 Soil and mineral resources, earth chemistry, raw materials, soil, minerals
resources, converting sand into computer chips, silicon, getting metals from ore,
environmental consequences of using resources, solid and hazardous waste
Chapter 11 Energy resources, energy quality, energy efficiency, fossil fuels, nuclear
energy, energy solar, wind, earth’s heat, energy from hydrogen, energy options
Chapter 12 Air pollution, industrial smog, acid rain, photochemical smog, air pollution,
ozone layer, global climate, air pollution
Chapter 13 Water resources, pollution, organic pollution, dissolved oxygen keeping fish
alive, acids, salts, and toxic metals, groundwater, drinking water, ecology
Chapter 14 Laundry products, surface active agents, removing dirt and grease, soap and
hard water, laundry detergents, cleaning products
Chapter 15 Synthetic polymer products, polyethylenes, vinyls, synthetic fibers, Dacron,
nylon, thermosetting polymers
Chapter 16 Personal products, teeth, tooth decay, toothpaste, skin care, shampoo and
conditioners, deodorants and antiperspirants, sun and skin care, SPF
Chapter 17 Fertilizers, Pesticides, Pest control
Chapter 18 Nutrition, vitamins, food additives, preservatives
Chapter 19 Medicine drugs, antibiotics, cancer, hormonal thieves, steroids, birth control
Chapter 20 Nervous system, pain killers, depressants, pain, sleep, mind drugs, treating
mental disease, nerve disorders, stimulants, antidepressants, hallucinogens, depression,
drug abuse
Chapter 21 Toxicology, poisons, corrosive and metabolic poisons, nerve poisons, toxic
metals, mutagens, carcinogens, teratogens, genetic disorders
Chapter 22 Body, genetic engineering, genetic therapy, new body parts, better athletic
performance, increased oxygen supply, muscle, stamina
Page 161
Page 185
Page 185
Page 246
Page 275
Page 314
Page 347
Page 377
Page 399
Page 424
Page 446
Page 468
Page 499
Page 522
Page 552
Page 575
Nye, Bill. Bill Nye The Science Guy’s Big Blast of Science, Reading, Massachusetts: Addison Wesley
Publishing Company, 1993. Print.
# 19 - Paperback small with Bill Nye on cover.
Four fundamental forces: Gravity, Electromagnetism, Strong and weak forces
Page 35
Heat and thermometers, Temperature scales, Thermodynamics
Page 45
Conduction, Insulation, Convection, Radiation, Hot Air Balloons
Page 59
Light, Colors of the Rainbow (81), Infrared (86), Ultraviolet (88), Lasers (89),
Page 69
Electricity and Magnetism, Batteries, Electric motors, Telegraph (109), Radios (112-119), Page 92
Television (120-132), Microwaves (133)
Weather, Greenhouse Effect (146), CFCs Chlorofluorocarbons(150), History of solar
Page 136
system, pulsars, galaxies
Oxtoby, David O., Chemistry Science of Change. Philadelphia, PA: Sanders Golden Sunburst Series,
Saunders College Publishing,lnc., 1998. Print
# 20 - Large Blue with white streak across.
Dry ice
Page 108
Hydrogen separation and storage
Page 158
Air bags
Page 181
Osmosis, Dialysis, and your kidneys
Page 263
Gas Synthesis
Page 302
Hemoglobin and Oxygen transport Blood
Page 306
Lead all around you
Page 403
Food calorimetry
Page 440
Redox reactions in the mouth
Page 514
Corrosion – Turning corrosion to good use
Page 557
Catalytic converters
Incandescent Light
Gems Ruby Emeralds
Soil Termites
LCDs Liquid crystal displays
Superconductors ceramics
Fluorine Fluorinated Drugs
Pesticides and Pharmaceuticals
Taxol medicines from plants
Chemicals Produced in largest amounts in the US
Petroleum Industry Fractional distillation
Polymers Plastics (986)
Page 599
Page 653
Page 781
Page 784
Page 823
Page 854
Page 894
Page 922
Page 949
Page 959
Page 986
Page 846
Page 849
Page 867
Page 920
Page 934
Page 930
Page 986
Page 984
Peterson, Rita, et. al. Science and Society. Columbus, OH: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, 1984.
# 21 - Medium sized Blue binding with white cover with space pod on front cover.
Science and society, population, grain consumption food, space exploration
Page 5
Environmental biology, water (263), food chains (265), water cycle, nitrogen cycle,
Page 247
carbon cycles, phosphorus cycle, acid rain (298), smog greenhouse effect (301)
Human body and systems
Physics Today. Chicago, IL: World Book Inc., 1985. Print.
# 22 – 8 ½ x 11 encyclopedia like book.
Solids, liquids, gases, electrostatics, heat, electromagnetic radiation, color,
luminescence, fluorescence, lasers , ultraviolet, microwaves, acoustics, sound,
electricity, batteries, electronics, magnets, time
Page 372
See index and Table of Contents
– check articles to see if authors
for MLA.
Raven, Peter H. and George B. Johnson. Biology. Boston, MA: McGraw Hill Publishing, 2002. Print.
# 23 – Large dark green and white with art deco jungle scene.
Fermentation Alcohols
Page 181
Cancer, Tumors, Smoking, Genes, Cloning
Page 367
DNA Fingerprinting, Human Genome Project, Genetic Engineering
Page 401
Water Cycle, Carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, Phosphorus cycle
Page 572
Global warming
Page 617
Acid rain
Page 619
Page 618
Ozone hole
Page 620
Page 670
Plants (many chapters – use index at back of book)
Page 735
Human body and systems (many chapters – use index at back of book)
Page 983
Sackheim, George I. and Dennis Lehman. Chemistry for the Health Sciences. New York, NY: Macmillan
Publishing Company, Inc., 1981. Print.
24A and B -White medium sized with Multi- color Erlenmeyer and graduated cylinders
Carbohydrates, Sugars, Starch
Page 269
Lipids, Fats, Hydrogenation of fats, Rancid fats, Soaps, Detergents, Waxes,
Page 292
Phospholipids, Steroids
Proteins, Peptides
Page 313
Enzymes, Antibiotics, Chemotherapy,
Page 335
Carbohydrate Metabolism – digestion and energy production, diabetes
Page 359
Fat Metabolism – storage of fat, cholesterol
Page 359
Uses of salt in treatment and diagnosis
Opiates, Psychedelics, alkaloids
Urine, Creatine
Blood Electrolytes, Importance of cations and anions in the body
Heredity, Nucleic acids
Page 157
Page 184
Page 259
Page 378
Page 387
Page 397
Page 407
Page 426
Page 436
Page 457
Page 480
Sarquis, Jerry L., et. al. Teaching Chemistry with Toys. Middletown, OH: Learning Triangle Press – A
Division of McGraw-Hill Publishing, 1995. Print.
# 25 – White Paperback 8 ½ x 11 with play dough on front cover
Scratch and Sniff
Page 45
Things that glow in the dark
Page 161
Silly Putty
Page 203
Salt solutions and “grow” creatures, crystallization of salts, super saturated solutions
Page 221
The effect of temperature on light sticks , glo in the dark, glow
Page 269
Light sensitive paper
Page 275
Smoot, Robert G., Merrill Chemistry. New York, NY: Glencoe McGraw-Hill Publishers, 1998. Print.
# 26A – 26C – Large black book with steaming beaker.
Page Number
Essential Materials
Page 10
Thin layer magnetism
Page 126
The Strontium-90 Hazard
Page 150
Making the bone more binding
Page 181
Economic trade-offs
Page 197
Developing self fertilizing plants
Page 232
Gas stations
Page 238
Metallic hydrogen
Page 264
Chemical Research
Page 27
Welding gems
Page 280
Forensic chemist
Page 284
Page 289
Alien alloys
Page 312
Super soot
Page 340
Page 342
Ion trapping
Page 355
Drug detection
Page 370
Ready! Aim! Plasma!
Page 387
Medical lasers
Page 389
Page 405
Space and defense spin-offs
Page 410
Silicate magma
Page 433
Losing then ozone layer
Page 470
Gases from air
Page 484
Crystal coolers
Page 52
Desalination of sea water
Page 536
Page 547
Laser zapped ions
Page 549
Chemical economics
Page 585
Swimming pool technician
Acid rain
Making light of toxic waste
Cadmium batteries
Anodizer electroplating
Cool sweats and hot socks
Environmental quality
Energy Problems
Food irradiation
Commercial fusion
Paddy gas
DNA fingerprinting
Genetic engineering
Arsenic and stardust
Photoelectric effect
Page 610
Page 614
Page 636
Page 657
Page 664
Page 666
Page 691
Page 695
Page 70
Page 728
Page 732
Page 744
Page 787
Page 790
Page 86
Page 99
Smoot, Robert C., et. al. Merrill Chemistry. Westerville, OH: Glencoe/McGraw/Hill, 1998. Print.
# 26A – 26C – Large black book with steaming beaker.
Acid rain
Page 614
Air pressure in tires
Page 381
Alloys metallurgy
Page 310
Ammonia fertilizer
Page 567
Ancient metallurgy in Peru
Page 282
Baking and acid base reaction food
Page 589
Beverage Cans
Page 157
Bread Making
Page 16
Cadmium batteries recharging and recycling
Page 664
Capillary action and types of paper
Page 442
Carbon-14 radiocarbon dating
Page 724
Chemistry and Human Life
Page 700
Chlorophyll – magnesium in plants
Page 277
Coatings that prevent corrosion
Page 262
Page 677
Desiccants drying materials
Page 412
Drinking water from sea water
Page 536
Drug detection
Page 370
Page 760
Page 559
Page 118
Food irradiation
Page 728
Gas from air
Page 484
Page 338
Genetic engineering
Page 790
Hard water
Page 371
Hazardous Materials at Home
Page 172
Health and pH
Page 606
Hot air balloons
Page 458
Human cooling systems
Page 431
Ice skating
Page 424
Page 365
Liquid Crystal Thermometers
Page 414
Losing the ozone layer
Page 470
Medical lasers
Page 389
Medicine buffers and hyperventilation
Page 613
Medicine NMR nuclear magnetic resonance MRI magnetic resonance imaging
Page 753
New tips on laundry
Page 367
Photoelectric effect
Preparing preserves with pectin food
Salts from the Dead Sea
Sea water
Self fertilizing plants
Soaps and detergents
Sodium potassium electrolytes nerves
Space and defense spin-offs
Stellar nucleosynthesis
Toxic waste
Trees, Natural Regulators
Ultraviolet radiation (UV)
Under Water diving
Page 99
Page 642
Page 88
Page 515
Page 786
Page 289
Page 57
Page 510
Page 232
Page 67
Page 772
Page 619
Page 410
Page 731
Page 636
Page 211
Page 93
Page 507
Solomons, T.W. Graham, and Craig B. Fryhle. Organic Chemistry 7th Edition. New York, NY: John Wiley
and Sons, Inc., 2000. Print.
#27 - Large hardback orange and green with trees on cover.
Crixivan, a drug used against AIDS
Page 50
Structure of diamond gemstones
Page 129
Food hydrogenation
Page 308
Page 402
Page 571
Green chemistry
Page 619
Page 641
Page 650
Plastics poly styrene
Page 693
Vitamin B6
Page 714
Page 844
Page 810
Page 850
Sugar artificial sweeteners
Page 1122
Olestra Fat substitutes
Page 1148
Sickle Cell Anemia
Page 1199
Stoker, H. Stephen and Spencer L. Seager. Environmental Chemistry Air and Water Pollution. Glenview, IL:
Scott, Foresman, and Company, 1972. Print.
#28 - Paperback small red and white picture of smog.
Page Number
Chapter 1 Air Pollution
Page 2
Chapter 2 Carbon monoxide
Page 8
Chapter 3 Nitrogen oxides
Page 25
Chapter 4 Hydrocarbons and photochemical oxidants
Page 37
Chapter 5 Sulfur oxides
Page 52
Chapter 6 Particulates
Page 65
Chapter 7 Temperature Inversions and the Greenhouse effect
Page 83
Chapter 8 Water pollution
Page 90
Chapter 9 Mercury
Page 119
Chapter 10 Lead
Page 131
Chapter 11 Detergents
Page 142
Chapter 12 Insecticides and pesticides
Page 152
Chapter 13 Oil
Page 168
Chapter 14 Waste Water Treatment
Page 178
Starr, Cecie, and Ralph Taggart. Biology The Unnity and Diversity of Life. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks / Cole
Publishing, 2001. Print.
#29 – Large back and green with wolf on front cover
Page Number
Plants, animals, cells, human body
Check Table of Contents and Index at back of book.
Tannenbaum, Ginger. Lessons in Chocolate. Batavia, IL: Flinn Scientific Company, 1993. Pamphlet.
#30 - 8 1/2 x 11 yellow and brown cover of chocolate
Entire pamphlet is on the chemistry of chocolate
Page 1 - 50
Turk, Amos, Ecology, Pollution, and Environment. Philadelphia, PA: W. B. Saunders Company, 1972.
#31 - Small paperback black and green with
Page Number
Chapter 1 Introduction to Ecology, Ecosystems, Food chains
Page 1
Chapter 2 Agricultural environments, soil
Page 26
Chapter 3 Pesticides, chlorinated hydrocarbons, pest control
Page 41
Chapter 4 Radioactive wastes, nuclear power, transmutation, waste disposal
Page 54
Chapter 5 Air pollution, gas
Page 79
Chapter 6 Water pollution, nutrients, oxygen demand, detergents, algae, eutrophication,
Page 109
industrial waste, corrosiveness, water purification
Chapter 7 Solid waste, solid waste, recycling, disposal
Page 135
Chapter 8 Population and growth control
Page 146
Chapter 9 thermal pollution, temperature change
Page 175
Chapter 10 Noise, sound, loudness, decibel scale, SST (super sonic transport)
Page 190
Turkington, Carol. The Brain Encyclopedia. New York, NY: Facts on File, Inc., 1996. Print.
# 32 - Mid size blue and white with brain on front.
Page 8
Alzheimer’s disease
Page 11
Page 22
Page 24
Page 27
Page 54
Cat Scans
Page 57
Page 69
Page 82
Page 82
Page 92
Epinephrine Adrenaline
Page 94
Lead poisoning
Page 138
Page 144
Page 147
Page 201
Page 219
Page 225
Page 253
Page 265
Page 266
Page 272
Wilbraham, Antony C., Wilbraham Chemistry. Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson, Prentice Hall, 2007.
# 32 - Orange CP textbook numerous copies
Page Number
Chapter 1 Nature's Pharmacy Medicines from plants and animals
Page 18
Chapter 2 Hanging by a Thread
Page 43
Chapter 3 Scale Models
Page 88
Chapter 4 Electron Microscopy
Chapter 5 Lasers at Work
Chapter 6 True Colors – Oil paint pigments
Chapter 7 Building with alloys
Chapter 8 The Chemistry of Adhesives / glue
Chapter 9 Plasma TV television
Chapter 10 Drug Testing
Chapter 11 Combating Combustion / arson investigation / gas chromatography
Chapter 12 Just the Right Volume of Gas Air bags
Chapter 13 Thin films
Chapter 14 Diving In Scuba diving
Chapter 15 Water Worth Drinking
Chapter 16 A Solution for Kidney Failure
Chapter 17 Solar Power Plants
Chapter 18 Don’t Let Good Food Go Bad Food preservatives and additives
Chapter 19 Rescuing Crumbling Books – paper deterioration
Chapter 20 Cold Water Makes a Hot Meal MREs Meals Ready to Eat
Chapter 21 Electroplating metals
Chapter 22 A Number You Can’t Knock octane rating in gasoline
Chapter 23 Organic Dyes
Chapter 24 Biomedical Implants
Chapter 25 Dating a Fossil – Radiocarbon dating
Elements in the Earth’s crust
Elements in the Ocean
Elements in the Atmosphere
Elements in the Sun
Elements in the human body
Manufacturing sodium
Sodium vapor lamps
Restoring electrolytes potassium and sodium
Cesium atomic clock
Salt sodium chloride
Lithium bipolar disorder
Production of magnesium
Magnesium in chlorophyll
Calcium carbonate limestone caves stalagtities
Calcium restoring bones
Light emitting diodes LEDs
Boron, borax, 20 mule team borax
Sapphires aluminum oxide
Uses of indium
Recycling aluminum
Manufacturing aluminum
Anodized aluminum
Silcon and silicates, silicon dioxide, glass
Green chemistry
Optical glass
Carbon buckyballs
Greenhouse gases
Silicon composite materials
Recycling plastics
Silicone polymers
Carbon monoxide
Cryogen nitrogen cooling
Ammonia to Nitric acid
Page 109
Page 147
Page 168
Page 204
Page 242
Page 259
Page 313
Page 340
Page 376
Page 405
Page 430
Page 463
Page 478
Page 518
Page 548
Page 623
Page 644
Page 685
Page 716
Page 754
Page 791
Page 814
Page R4
Page R4
Page R4
Page R4
Page R5
Page R6
Page R8
Page R8
Page R9
Page R9
Page R9
Page R10
Page R12
Page R12
Page R13
Page R13
Page R15
Page R14
Page R15
Page R16
Page R16
Page R17
Page R17
Page R18/R19
Page R20
Page R20
Page R21
Page R21
Page R22
Page R22
Page R23
Page R23
Page R23
Page R24
Page R25
Acid Rain
Frasch process – mining sulfur
Selenium in food, food additives
Sulfuric acid
Sulfites in food, sulfur dioxide, food preservatives
Chlorine gas
Tooth decay and fluorine
Swimming pool chemistry
Artificial blood
Iodized salt
Neon lights
Taken for a ride by argon
Xenon-ion engines
Heavy water reactors
Hydrogen Fuel
Hydrogen peroxide
Transition metals
Catalytic converters
Copper Alloys
Iron and steel
Permanent magnets
Sunscreens skin
Page R26
Page R26
Page R27
Page R27
Page R28
Page R29
Page R30
Page R30
Page R31
Page R31
Page R32
Page R34
Page R34
Page R35
Page R35
Page R37
Page R37
Page R37
Page R39
Page R39
Page R39
Page R40
Page R42
Page R42
Page R43
Page R44
Page R44
Page R45
Page R45
Wistrom, Cheryl, et. al. Glencoe Chemistry. Westerville, OH: Glencoe McGraw-Hill Publishing Company,
2000. Print.
#33 - Big hardback Navy Blue cover with Erlenmeyer flask.
Page Number
Natural vs. synthetic chemicals
Page 32
Recycling glass
Page 60
Medicines from plants and animals – the rain forest pharmacy
Page 146
Atmospheric pollution
Page 495
Water treatment
Page 447
Artificial blood
Page 537
Plastic recycling
Page 659
Metals that untwist
Page 108
Carbon allotropes from soot to diamonds
Page 176
Mining the air
Page 216
High tech microscopes
Page 240
Carbon and steel alloys
Page 288
Page 326
Fractionation of Air (getting other gases)
Page 354
Hyperbaric oxygen chambers
Page 390
Manufacturing sulfuric acid
Page 484
Forensic blood detection
Page 573
Copper ore to wire
Page 590
Alternative energy sources
Page 728
Archaeology radiochemistry
Page 754
Nutrition, chemicals in food, elements in your body
Page 19
Page 76
Metallic Money – Coins
Page 110
Elemental Good Health - Elements essential in food
Water softening – hard water
Whitening whites – Bleach, bleach reactions laundry products
Meals Ready to Eat MREs
Gemstones and colors corundum, precious stones, sapphires
Microwave ovens and jiggling molecules
Freeze drying by sublimation
Air Bags
Soaps and Detergents
Balancing pH in Cosmetics
Hiccups with acids and bases
Lightning-Produced fertilizer
Manufacturing CDs compact disks
Hair permanent curling
Sugar and sugar substitutes how we taste sweetness
Fake fats and designer fats
Catalytic converters
Radon gas – an invisible killer, lung cancer, in your home
How They Work - Cement
How They Work - Emergency Light Sticks glo in the dark
How They Work - Light bulbs
How They Work - Pressure cookers
How They Work - Tire pressure gauges
How They Work - Electronic balances
How They Work – Reverse Osmosis units
How They Work – Taste
How They Work – Indicators
How They Work –Breathanalyzer
How They Work – Nicad Nickel Cadmium rechargeable batteries
How They Work –Hydrogen – Oxygen Fuel Cells
How They Work –Hot and Cold Packs
Ceramics and porcelain glass
Glass sculptures
Hydrogen in the Hindenburg and the Space Shuttle
Lead poisoning in Rome
Aurora Borealis
Solid rocket booster engines
Teeth, fluorides, tooth decay
Blood gases
Vitamin A and vision
Lithium batteries use in pacemakers
Hemoglobin function in blood
Weather balloons
Cave formations stalagmites and stalactites
Refining of ores by bacteria
Page 128
Page 160
Page 194
Page 221
Page 248
Page 275
Page 320
Page 353
Page 397
Page 417
Page 455
Page 466
Page 501
Page 534
Page 571
Page 594
Page 657
Page 683
Page 685
Page 715
Page 777
Page 167
Page 197
Page 284
Page 359
Page 377
Page 410
Page 468
Page 519
Page 545
Page 569
Page 612
Page 614
Page 710
Page 163
Page 346
Page 141
Page 271
Page 73
Page 566
Page 280
Page 487
Page 632
Page 610
Page 693
Page 387
Page 524
Page 727
Wolke, Robert L. What Einstein Told His Barber. New York, NY: Dell Publishing – a Division of Random
House, 2000. Print.
# 34 - Paperback small.
Page Number
Chapter 1 Laws of motion, Moving and Shaking driving on the right, earth’s orbit, rubber
Page 1
tires, silver bullets, what keeps an airplane up, speed of sound
Chapter 2 Seeing and believing, day glo bright colors, primary colors, brightness of snow, Page 33
fluorescent light, mirrors, glass, sparks from WintOGreen life savers
Chapter 3 Hot Stuff, temperature, candle flames, global warming, high voltage
Chapter 4 The Earth Beneath my feet, gravity, hot air rising, radiocarbon dating, toilets
flushing in different hemispheres
Chapter 5 Heavens Above – odors, vacuum cleaners, whips making cracking sounds,
why does the moon look bigger near the horizon?, how does the moon keep one side
facing the earth?, Phases of the moon, ocean tide, why is it cold in space?
Chapter 6 Water why are oceans blue?, Salt in the ocean, laundry detergent, is glass a
liquid?, what makes ice cubes cloudy?, windshields
Chapter 7 erasers, airplanes, clothes wrinkle, soda, smoke detectors and radioactivity,
fertilizers, matches
Page 77
Page 103
Page 142
Page 178
Page 215
Wolke, Robert L. What Einstein Told His Cook 1. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 2002. Print.
# 35 - Hardback medium – blue shaded with paper jacket.
Page Number
Chapter 1 Sweet Talk, sugar, caramelize, starch, corn syrup, chocolate
Page 3
Chapter 2 Salt, salt substitutes, pasta, unsalted butter, sea salt, kosher salt
Chapter 3 Fat of the Land, fat and fatty acid, butter, corn oil, nonstick cooking spray,
Chapter 4 Chemicals in the Kitchen, home water filters, baking powder and baking soda,
aluminum, baking ammonia, sour salt, cream of tartar, vanilla, MSG mono sodium
carbonate, vinegar, lye
Chapter 5 Turk and surf, meat, brining, seafood
Chapter 6 Fire and Ice, cooking at high altitudes, BTU, freezer burn, why does blowing
on food cool it, cooking an egg on the sidewalk, defrost foods
Chapter 7 Liquid refreshment, coffee, decaffeinated coffee, tea and tisane, soda, wine,
Chapter 8 Microwaves, microwave ovens, metal in microwaves
Chapter 9 Tools and Technology, nonstick cookware, tarnish on silver or metals,
pressure cookers, food irradiation
Page 39
Page 65
Page 93
Page 124
Page 177
Page 215
Page 269
Wolke, Robert L. What Einstein Told His Cook 2 The Sequel. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company,
2005. Print.
# 36 - small paperback.
Page Number
Chapter 1 Something to Drink, ice tea, coffee, alcohol, wine, drunk
Page 3
Chapter 2 Down on the Farm, skim milk, yogurt, soft serve ice cream, cheese, eggs
Chapter 3 Vegetables, onions, tofu, gas from beans,
Chapter 4 Fruited plain, fruit ripening, oil, trans fat, fats turn rancid, olive oil, juice
Chapter 5 Amber waves of grain, carbohydrates, mashed potatoes, calories, alcohols,
fiber, flour
Chapter 6 Fish shellfish, sea food, From sea to shining sea, salmon, fish, lime, shrimp
Chapter 7 Meat, red vs. brown hamburger, nitrites in meat, wine, marinating meat
Chapter 8 Flavorings, Spices, herbs, garlic, liquid smoke, wasabi, vanilla
Chapter 9 Baking soda, food preservatives, aluminum cookware, microwaves, glass and
metal cooking pans, silicone, does cooking with slow low temperature vs. fast high
Chapter 10 marshmallows, chocolate
Page 51
Page 107
Page 147
Page 202
Page 238
Page 269
Page 325
Page 367
Page 417
Zumdahl, Steven S., et. al. World of Chemistry. Evanston, IL.: McDougal Littell, A Houghton Mifflin
Company, 2002. Print.
# 37 – Blue – Beakers on the front cover
Page 5
Hydrogen peroxide
Page 26
Page 50
Nitric acid
Page 96
Page 114
Calcium carbonate
Carbon monoxide
Sulfur dioxide
Carbon dioxide
Aspartame artificial sugars and sweeteners
Chapter 2 Gold in Plants
Top Ten Lists – Massive bodies in the solar system
Top Ten Lists – Elements in the Universe
Top Ten Lists – Elements in the Human Body
Top Ten Lists – Elements with the highest densities
Top Ten Lists – Elements in the moon
Top Ten Lists – Chemicals used in the United States
Top Ten Lists – Lowest temperatures recorded by state
Top Ten Lists – Components of air
Top Ten Lists – Lowest melting points
Top Ten Lists – Elements in Sea water
Top Ten Lists – Fruit crops in the world
Top Ten Lists – Antimicrobial spices
Top Ten Lists – Most active metals
Top Ten Lists – Countries producing electricity by nuclear power
Top Ten Lists – Elements in the sun
Top Ten Lists – Energy consuming countries
Top Ten Lists – Sugar consuming countries
Line mine buzzers
Carbon – element of many forms
Trace elements – small but crucial
No laughing matter
Glowing tubes, television sets, computer screens
Hard and soft water
Do we age by oxidation
Launching the space shuttle
Methyl alcohol: fuel with a future
A magnetic moment
Composite cars
Signs of pollution
Reducing friction
Metal with a memory
Gum that foams
Airplane rash
Protecting the ozone
Real gold
An engine for the 21st century
Page 179
Page 198
Page 230
Page 267
Page 303
Page 333
Page 377
Page 427
Page 454
Page 490
Page 525
Page 555
Page 581
Page 622
Page 668
Page 696
Page 41
Page 13
Page 26
Page 48
Page 144
Page 173
Page 264
Page 292
Page 421
Page 447
Page 479
Page 504
Page 543
Page 591
Page 619
Page 625
Page 649
Page 693
Page 10?
Page 20?
Page 49?
Page 53
Page 58
Page 89
Page 155
Page 237
Page 238
Page 265
Page 301
Page 342
Page 351
Page 368
Page 383
Page 429
Page 458
Page 460
Page 505
Page 516
Page 541
Page 590
Page 597
Making elements
Dating diamonds
Nuclear waste disposal
Plastic tasters
Termite mothballing
Polymers are tacky
Urine farming
Talking tadpoles - animals
The beetle that shoots straight - animals
Nature has hot plants
Plants seeing red
Whales need changes of state- animals
Plants fight back
Miracle coatings - paints
Nutrition facts
MREs instant cooking on demand
Veggie gasoline
Snacks food
Air bags
Green chemistry
The heart of the matter
Top Ten Spices
US Coins
US DOT Department of Transportation
Faux fats
History – Alchemical cymbals
History – Sugar of Lead
What is a meter anyway?
Stellar nuclesynthesis
Using chemistry to understand lost worlds – archaeology – carbon 14 dating, radiocarbon
Page 613
Page 617
Page 626
Page 637
Page 659
Page 673
Page 692
Page 103
Page 202
Page 297
Page 327
Page 448
Page 510
Page 74
Page 171
Page 225
Page 311
Page 420
Page 432
Page 471
Page 529
Page 543
Page 580
Page 646
Page 705
Page 36
Page 87
Page 121
Page 624
Page 183
Zumdahl, Steven S. and Susan Zumdahl. Chemistry. Boston, MA. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2000. Print.
# 38 - Honors Blue Textbook – numerous copies
Chapter 2 Gold in Plants
Page 41
Reading History bogs
Page 52
Page 60
Chapter 3 Elephant poachers
Page 87
High mountains low octane
Page 108
Chapter 4 Solutions
Page 139
Iron pollution
Page 166
Aging and oxidation chocolate
Page 172
Chapter 5 Air bags
Page 209
Scuba diving
Page 211
Acid rain
Page 227
Chapter 6 Firewalking
Page 255
Heat packs
Page 277
Hot plants
Page 278
Chapter 7 Fireworks
Page 304
Page 337
Chapter 8 Semiochemicals
Page 402
Chapter 10 Titanic
Page 469
Page 481
Diamonds at low pressure
Page 497
Page 498
Chapter 11 Lake Nyos Tragedy
Page 526
Chapter 12 Autos – air purifiers
Page 595
Chapter 14Household Chemistry
Paper deteriorating
Chapter 15 Teeth
Chapter 17 Statue of Liberty copper patina
Sunken Treasure corrosion
Chapter 21 Stellar nucleosynthesis
Nuclear power
Nuclear waste disposal
Chapter 22 Wallace Hume Carothers
Chapter 23 Vision
Page 679
Page 705
Page 778
Page 864
Page 870
Page 1031
Page 1045
Page 1046
Page 1089
Page 1138