WORLD HISTORY 1 Mr. George ISLAMIC ART GALLERY ASSIGNMENT– 200 POINTS In small project teams, you will create an Islamic Art Gallery that includes 12 images that reflect Islamic Art or Architecture. One image will be on one slide. To avoid duplication within each project, each team should have no more than two images that reflect a similar theme, characteristic, feature or topic. Examples of topics are: Calligraphy Water Mosques Geometric Patterns Light Palaces Floral Patterns Courtyards Each slide will contain: Image Title of Object Brief note that describes piece of art with key feature(s) Student teams present their art galleries in the classroom. Each student will narrate (or present) each individual image as to what it is and how it reflects Islamic art (doe it reflect the religion of Islam?) ISLAMIC ART GALLERY RUBRIC Communicate effectively Write effectively Read purposefully Your final product should show that time and effort went into its completion (neat and well organized). Unacceptable Does not follow directions. Content is unacceptable. Final product demonstrates no work has been proofread. Needs Improvement Reads assignment sheet, follows directions and completes few aspects of assignment. Weak content within the assignment. Final product demonstrates little work has been proofread. 0 Writing is disorganized. Grammar, spelling, punctuation or capitalization errors are unacceptable. Did not proofread. 0 Did not communicate effectively. 35 Writing could be more clear and organized. Many grammar, spelling, punctuation or capitalization errors. Needs to improve editing skills. Unacceptable. Incomplete content. Proficient Reads assignment sheet, follows directions and completes most aspects of assignment. Final product demonstrates most work has been proofread. Exemplary Reads assignment sheet, follows directions and completes all aspects of assignment. Final product demonstrates all work has been proofread. 42 50 Clear and organized writing. Few grammar, spelling, punctuation or capitalization errors. Clear and organized writing through gallery. No grammar, spelling, punctuation or capitalization errors. 42 50 The communication of ideas and information within the assignment are somewhat clear, creative and interesting. Communicates a clear message to a specific audience. Communicates SOME features clearly. Successfully connects MOST gallery objects to Islam through its features, characteristics or theme. The communication of ideas and information within the assignment are clear, creative and interesting. Communicates a clear message to a specific audience. Communicates ALL features clearly. Successfully connects ALL gallery objects to Islam through its features, characteristics or theme. Gallery includes: 6-12 images and missing details Gallery includes: 12 images and details Gallery includes: 12 images and details Few requirements are met. Content is weak or needs improvement. Content is accurate. Verbal communication is not comprehensive. Content is comprehensive & accurate. 70 85 35 The communication of ideas and information within the assignment are unclear. Some parts could be more clear. Communicates FEW features clearly. Connects FEW gallery objects to Islam through its features, characteristics or theme. 0 TOTAL POINTS 100 /200 POINTS 10% is deducted each day assignment is late. After three days – it will not be accepted.