ECO 302 Macroeconomics


ECO 297 History of Economic Thought

Grading Rubric for Short Papers

Low Scores 1 or 2 Average Score 3

1. Originality of Topic, and Central Idea

High Scores 4 or 5

Low: Choice of topic and paper is is poorly-established, the analysis is banal or unoriginal.

Paper drifts substantially from original purpose or controlling idea.

Average: Treatment of topic shows some originality. Relationship to source is adequatelyestablished. Analysis is relevant but not original.

High: Choice of topic is original, creative, and stimulating. A clear explanation of points and contrasts is provided.

2. Engagement and use of source material

Low: Paper does not connect well with the source text. The paper shows little evidence of understanding the readings that inform the paper.

Average: The paper shows evidence that source materials were read and shaped the student’s writing. The paper shows evidence of ability to engage the substance of the text.

High: The paper shows clearly that the student has read and understood the source text. The paper summarizes the key points or issues, and critically analyzes or synthesizes those ideas with the student’s own ideas.

3. Organization and Support

Low: Ideas and text move in unpredictable sequence. Paper moves from idea to idea without development or depth. Little or no support for arguments or claims.

Average: Some evidence of organization, with appropriate introduction and conclusion.

Paper achieves some depth and specificity of discussion, and provides specific detail in some places.

High: The paper establishes a clear pattern of development, the information is presented in an orderly fashion from beginning to end. Paper develops specific ideas in depth with strong and appropriate supporting examples, data, or experiences.

4. Style and Grammar

Low: The writing contains wrong words or awkward phrases. The paper contains many errors of punctuation, spelling, capitalization.

Average: Style is competent, though not engaging or inventive. Student shows reasonable command over phrasing and word choice. Some typical errors occur, but overall, the writing is correct.

High: The student clearly controls the pace, rhythm, and variety of sentences. Style is smooth and efficient. Few or no errors of punctuation, spelling, or capitalization occur.
