List of Differences Directions: In the space below, list all of the differences between the world depicted in The Giver and our society. Record the page number in the novel where you located the difference. Complete this list as you read the novel. You may need to continue writing on the back of the sheet Difference 1. Page located in novel 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Pg. 1 Journal Entry 1 Topic—Initial Reaction to the “Community” Directions: In the space below please respond to the following question: Based on what you know about the “community” depicted in The Giver so far, would you want to live there? Why or why not? Explain. Pg. 2 Vocabulary Exercise—Chapters 1-5 Directions: For each set of words, provide a definition that fits the context and write a sentence using the word. Chapter 1 1. Palpable Definition Sentence 2. Inconveniencing Definition Sentence 3. Distraught Definition Sentence Chapter 2 6. adherence Definition Sentence 7. fret Definition Sentence 8. aptitude Definition Sentence Chapter 3 4. Tunic Definition Sentence 5. Apprehensive Definition Sentence 9. hoarded Definition Sentence 10. remorse Definition Sentence 11. Mystified Definition Sentence Pg. 3 Chapter 4 12. Gravitation Definition Sentence 13. Bypass Definition Sentence 14. chortled Definition 15. Disquieting Definition Sentence 16. Infraction Definition Sentence 17. Gurgling Definition Sentence Sentence Pg. 4 Do it… or else! Directions: List all of the rules that affect you during a regular school day. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Pg. 5 A Walk on the Wild Side Directions: Pretend that some or all of the rules your group listed previously have been abolished. Imagine that you are a stranger who is walking past the school. You hear a great deal of noise coming from inside the school and begin to get a little curious. Write a description of one or more paragraphs in which you (the stranger) describe what you see as you walk down the hall. Remember that effective descriptive essays appeal to all five senses (sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste). Pg. 6 Dear Jonas Directions: Your assignment is to write a letter to Jonas describing the rules which exist in our society. You should describe not only school rules, but the laws that all citizens are expected to follow. You are then to pretend that you are Jonas. As Jonas, write a letter, in response to the first letter, which describes all of the rules of your “community.” You may want to refer to your “List of Differences,” Pg. 1 Dear Jonas: Pg. 7 Dear ______________________________ (fill in your name): Pg. 8 The Committee of Elders Central Plaza The Community 00001 “Where perfection takes the place of choice.” Dear ________________: During our observations over the last eleven years we have noticed that you _______________________________________________________________________ As a result, your assignment is ________________________. It will be your duty to ___________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________. Please read your instructional folder carefully. We hope you enjoy your Assignment! Thank your for your childhood. Respectfully, THE ELDERS Pg. 9 Journal Entry 2 Topic—“The Ceremony of Twelve” Directions: In the space below please respond to the following questions: How do you think Jonas and his friends felt during the ceremony? How did you feel when you were told you would be assigned a career today? How do you feel now that you have received the career? Pg. 10 Vocabulary Exercise—Chapters 6-11 Directions: For each set of words, provide a definition that fits the context and write a sentence using the word. Chapter 6 Chapter 7 ______________________________________________________________________ 1. prodded 7. meticulously Definition Definition Sentence Sentence ______________________________________________________________________ 2. indulgently 8. retroactive Definition Definition Sentence Sentence ______________________________________________________________________ 3. reprieve 9. lapse Definition Definition Sentence Sentence Chapter 8 ______________________________________________________________________ 4. relinquish 10. crescendo Definition Definition Sentence Sentence ______________________________________________________________________ 5. invariably 11. jaunty Definition Definition Sentence Sentence ______________________________________________________________________ 6. congregated 12. magnitude Definition Definition Sentence Sentence Pg. 11 Chapter 9 Chapter 11 ________________________________________________________________ 13. integral 18. peppered Definition Definition Sentence Sentence ________________________________________________________________ 14. unintentional 19. torrent Definition Definition Sentence Sentence ________________________________________________________________ 15. conceivably 20. transmitting Definition Definition Sentence Sentence Chapter 10______________________________________________________ 16. tentatively 21. conveyance Definition Definition Sentence Sentence _______________________________________________________________ 17. deftly (79) 22. quizzically Definition Definition Sentence Sentence Pg. 12 Journal Entry 3 Topic—Predictions Directions: In the space below, complete the following: 1. Predict at least three memories Jonas will receive from The Giver. 2. Predict whether or not Jonas will like his new position. Explain why or why not. Pg. 13 Creative Writing Assignments Try on a Life for Size By now you should be starting to see that while Jonas’s position as Receiver of memories is considered a great honor, it also involves certain sacrifices and burdens. Think about your own future. Do you think that you would prefer a career that is considered to be very prestigious (doctor, lawyer, corporate executive, etc.) but would require great sacrifice (long hours, stress, separation from friends and/or family) or a less prestigious job (janitor, garbage, collector, clerk, etc.) that would be less stressful (this is not to say these jobs are stress free) and would allow you a little more time to spend with your loved ones. Directions: If you cannot decide (which is entirely possible) discuss why. Write an essay about the above life choice Due Date ___________________ Note: Please attach prewriting and drafts to the final copy. Pg. 14 T-Graph—Prewriting for Creating Writing Assignment Directions: Decide on at least three jobs that you find interesting (you may continue on the back if you are interested in more than three). Then, list the pros (positive qualities) and cons (negative qualities) of each job in the appropriate columns of the T-graph. This exercise should help you to narrow down a topic for the creative writing assignment. It will also provide you with supporting details for that paper. ________________________________________________________________________ Job 1 Pros Cons ________________________________________________________________________ Job 2 Pros Cons ________________________________________________________________________ Job 3 Pros Cons Pg. 15 Go Ahead, Convince Me Directions: As a warm-up for the persuasive speech you will write, write a brief persuasive essay in the space below, (1-2 paragraphs) in which you effectively convince someone to change his or her mind. You should be sure to do the following: 1. Know exactly who your audience will be. For instance, the audience of an advertising copywriter who is writing a wrinkle cream ad is, most likely, old women. 2. Make sure your ideas are well organized and convincing. 3. Make sure your essay appeals to the emotions of your audience. Pg. 16 Jorunal Entry 4 Topic—My Feelings about the Community Directions: In the space below, discuss everything you like and dislike about the community. This could include rules, philosophies, living environment, etc. Make sure you discuss why you dislike each item you mention. Pg. 17 Writing Assignment—Persuasive Speech Directions: You are so disgusted with your life in the community that you have scheduled a meeting with The Elders in which you plan to outline the reasons for your discontent in the speech you will deliver to them. At the conclusion of your speech you will offer some solutions and/or alternatives to the way of life in this society in as persuasive a way as possible. Remember that you are there to make a difference. The Elders run the show and you are unhappy. Make sure your speech makes a point. Use the following prewriting activity to help you build your speech. Notes for introduction (should include a statement of your opinion and mention the points you’ll be covering in the body of your essay) Notes for paragraph 2 (should discuss your first point about the topic using as many specifics as possible and offer solutions/alternatives) Notes for paragraph 3 (should discuss your second point about the topic using as many specifics as possible and offer solutions/alternatives) Notes for paragraph 4 (should discuss your third point about the topic using as many specifics as possible and offer solutions/alternatives) Notes for conclusion (should reiterate the three points you have made and the solutions/alternatives you have offered, as well as make a final, dramatic appeal to the audience’s emotions) Pg. 18 Rate your Classmate Directions: As your classmates deliver their speeches, you are to imagine you are one of the Elders and fill in each of the three sections found below for each speaker. Name of Speaker 1 _________________ 1. Rate the persuasiveness of the speech on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest) Score Reason(s) for score 2. Notes on speech 3. Question(s) to ask the speaker Name of Speaker 2 _________________ 1. Rate the persuasiveness of the speech on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest) Score Reason(s) for score 2. Notes on speech 3. Question(s) to ask the speaker Name of Speaker 3 ________________ 1. Rate the persuasiveness of the speech on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest) Score Reason(s) for score 2. Notes on speech 3. Question(s) to ask the speaker Pg. 19 Journal Entry 5 Topic—What an Experience! Directions: In the space below, describe the best or worst experience you have had recently. Pg. 20 Revision of Journal Entry 5 Directions: In the space below, revise Journal Entry 5. Make the language in your entry as precise and descriptive as possible. Pg. 21 “A Lesson in Language” When Asher is late to class, he explains to his instructor that he was delayed because he got “distraught” watching salmon separated as he passed the hatchery. The instructor tells the class that “distracted” is a better word because “distraught” is too strong and adjective to describe this experience. All of us use language, at one time or another that is either too strong or too weak for our purposes. While hyperbole (exaggeration) and understatement are perfectly acceptable in some instances, other situations call for more accurate language. Directions: To practice the precise use of language, your group should rewrite each of the sentences assigned to you by replacing the italicized word(s) which eliminate understatement, overstatement, and non-descriptive language. You may have to rewrite the sentence slightly after replacing the word(s). Write your answers on a separate piece of paper if you cannot fit them on this sheet. Group 1 1. That book was cool! 2. You are an idiot! 3. That thing over there is stupid. Group 2 1. Tomorrow we are going there and doing stuff. 2. I spend my whole life doing homework. 3. World War II was a real bummer. Group 3 1. Television is the best! 2. I’ll die if I have to take gym. 3. The teacher said some junk about the garbage that is due Thursday. Group 4 1. I was traumatized when I broke my nail. 2. Her outfit is disgusting. 3. Dropping out of school is bad. Group 5 1. The earthquake victims must be upset. 2. She was unhappy when I smashed into her car. 3. You have to be a good athlete to make the Olympic team. Pg. 22 Vocabulary Exercise—Chapters 12-16 Directions: For each set of words, provide a definition that fits the context, and write a sentence using the word. Chapter 12 ______________________________________________________________________ 1. Admonition 7. Daub Definition Definition Sentence Sentence ______________________________________________________________________ 2. Fleeting 8. Assuage Definition Definition Sentence Chapter 13 3. Vibrancy Definition Sentence Sentence __________________________________ 9. Lull Definition Sentence _________________________________________Chapter 15___________________ 4. Successor 10. Immobilized Definition Definition Sentence Sentence _________________________________________Chapter 16___________________ 5. Assimilated 11. Ecstatic Definition Definition Sentence Sentence Chapter 14____________________________________________________________ 6. Skittered 12. Flushed Definition Definition Sentence Sentence Pg. 23 Piecing Together the Release Puzzle Directions: With your partner, read each passage in the novel referred to below and then answer the corresponding questions. If you and your partner feel differently about any of the questions, simply include both responses. Release of the Old Chapter 4, from “This morning we celebrated…” to the end of the chapter. 1. Where do you think Roberto thought he was going when he was released? 2. Why do you think the Old celebrate release by telling about their lives? 3. Why do you think children are not allowed to attend these celebrations? Loss versus Release Chapter 6, from “This new Caleb…” to “Release was not the same as Loss” 4. Why do you think “loss” is different from “release” in this community? 5. What is your reaction to the “Murmur-of-Replacement Ceremony”? Pg. 24 Applying for release Chapter 6, near the end, from “If you don’t fit in…” to “The community was so meticulously ordered, the choices so carefully made.” 6. Do you think everyone who is released is sent to “Elsewhere”? If “yes,” please describe “Elsewhere.” If not, why not? 7. How do you feel about someone applying for release because of not “fitting in”? Is this a good enough reason to leave a community? Why/why not? Release of a Twin Chapter 16, near the end, beginning with “I want to get to sleep early tonight” to “…and then maybe they would get mixed up and take the wrong Jonathan home, and maybe his parents wouldn’t notice, and then —“ 8. What is your reaction to Jonas’s father’s description of the release of a twin? 9. How do you feel about Lily’s reaction to the news about the release of the twin? 10. Lily thinks that a possible reason why one twin is always released so that two people will never be mixed up. Why do you think one twin is always released? Rosemary’s Release Chapter 18, near the end, beginning with “Finally one afternoon…” to the end of the chapter. 11. Why did Rosemary ask for release? 12. Why do Jonas’s rules state that he cannot apply for release? 13. Do you agree with Rosemary’s decision to be released? Why/why not? Pg. 25 Journal Entry 6 Topic—My Predictions about Release Directions: In the space below, please predict what will be revealed about release in chapter 19. Pg. 26 Journal Entry 7 Topic—My Reactions to the Truth about Release Directions: In the space below, please react to the release of the twin in chapter 19. Now that you know the truth about release, how do you feel? If your predictions were way off base, why do you think you were fooled? Pg. 27 Dear Dad Directions: Pretend that you are Jonas and you have just seen your father “release” a twin. Write a letter to your father (remember, you are Jonas) telling him how you feel about what he has done. Even though Jonas has been told not to discuss his training with anyone, you may describe what you have learned from the Giver and how it plays a part in your reactions to the release. Pg. 28 Journal Entry 8 Topic—My Reaction to the Novel’s Ending Directions: In the space below, please react to the novel’s ending. Was it what you expected? Is it clear what happens to Jonas and Gabriel? Do you have any questions? Pg. 29 Creative Writing Assignment—Rewrite the Ending Directions: Your assignment is to rewrite the ending of The Giver. This is a creative assignment, so the content is entirely up to you! If you found the ending frustrating or confusing, this is your chance to make it great. Due Date___________________ Note: Please attach prewriting and drafts to the final copy. Pg. 30 Prewriting for Creative Writing Assignment One way to pre-write is to free-write! When you free-write you put your pen to paper and write continuously for a certain amount of time. (Your teacher will time you.) This method is designed to help you generate ideas before you sit down to write, and helps avoid the famous “writer’s block.” The important thing to remember is never stop moving your pen. If you can think of nothing to write, simply write “I don’t know what to write, I don’t know what to write, etc.” Don’t worry about grammar, punctuation, spelling, or anything else but letting your mind concentrate on your essay topic. Directions: After carefully reading your creative writing assignment, complete a timed free-writing session below. You may continue on the back of the page if you fill up the front. Good luck! Pg. 31 Vocabulary Exercise—Chapter 17-23 Directions: For each set of words, provide a definition that fits the context, and write a sentence using the word. Chapter 17 1. permeated Definition Chapter 18_____________________ 4. luminous Definition Sentence Sentence _____________________________________________________________________ 2. exasperation 5. successor Definition Definition Sentence Sentence _______________________________________Chapter 19____________________ 3. righted 6. winced Definition Definition Sentence Sentence ____________________________________ 7. receptacle Definition Sentence Pg. 32 Chapter 20 8. empowered Definition Chapter 23 14. matted Definition Sentence Sentence ___ _____________________________________________________________________ 9. chastise 15. imperceptibly Definition Definition Sentence Sentence 16. leaden Definition Sentence Pg. 33 Have I Got a Story for You! Directions: Your job is to write a story using as many words as possible from the cumulative vocabulary listed on the vocabulary pages. Before starting to write brainstorm some possible topics. Possible topics 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. Your Story Pg. 34