Spanish 3—A Days Homework Log Unit 3 Lesson 1 The following is a chart that breaks up the homework on a daily basis. The dates assigned are the days when homework should be done – not when it is due. Although we are on a block schedule here at Casa, that is not the best way to learn a foreign language. The best way (besides total immersion) is to study a bit every day. The best way to complete your homework is to have all your resources out and reference your study guide and vocabulary list frequently. You should be spending 20-30 minutes on your Spanish everyday. If a packet page only takes a few minutes to complete, you should then use the rest of that time to review vocabulary, notes and grammatical concepts from previous lessons. I recommend that you go to (Avancemos 3) for additional practice. Date T W Th F 11/10 11/11 11/12 11/13 S/S 11/14-15 M 11/16 T W 11/17 11/18 Th 11/19 F 11/20 S/S 11/21-22 11/23-27 S/S 11/28-29 M T 11/30 12/1 W 12/2 Th 12/3 F 12/4 S/S 12/5-6 M T 12/7 12/8 Assignment UNIT 3 LESSON 1 (U3 L1) Do page 1 of homework packet Veteran’s Day – NO HOMEWORK Do page 2 of homework packet Study pages 1 and 2 of study guide (SG) and today’s notes Do page 3 of homework packet Do page 4 of homework packet Do pages 5 and 6 Study for U3 L1 Quiz #1 (see calendar on my website for details) Study pages 1 and 3 of SG and today’s notes Do page 7 Review U3 L1 vocabulary and grammar THANKSGIVING BREAK Review U3 L1 vocabulary and grammar Do pages 8 and 9 Study for U3 L1 Quiz #2 (see calendar on my website for details) Do page 10 of homework packet Do page 11 of homework packet Study for U3 L1 Exam Study for U3 L1 Exam Study for U3 L1 Exam UNIT 3 LESSON 1 EXAM