Project Monitoring Report Please submit through your APEC Secretariat Program Director by Aug. 1 and Feb. 1 of each year. SECTION A: Project profile Project number & title : CTI SCSC 37/2010T APEC SCSC Strategic Education Program for Trade Facilitation - Phase 3: Exchange Program for Higher Education Time period covered in Feb 2011 - July 2011 Date submitted: 5 Aug 2011 report: Committee / WG / Fora: CTI/SCSC Project Overseer Name: Mr. Sangun JIN Organization / Economy Korean Agency for Technology and Standards /Rep.of.Korea SECTION B: Project update Briefly answer each of the questions below to a maximum of 2-3 pages. If you have submitted previous Monitoring Reports, focus on progress since your most recent previous report. 1. Current status of project: On schedule: YES On budget: YES On target to meet project objectives: YES 2. Implementation: Describe progress and any deviations against the project’s work plan. This project has two parts – workshop and trail program. The outcomes and lessons of the trial program will be consolidated as final report. The first part, education workshop has been successfully completed with large participation from diverse stakeholders of member economies. A. Education Workshop Preparation in Washington DC, USA on Feb 28, 2011 This workshop was prepared as a joint workshop between APEC SCSC PAGE and the ANSI Committee on Education on Monday, February 28, 2011 in Pavilion Room, Ronald Reagan Building, Washington DC, US This workshop was co-chaired by Korea (Mr. Donggeun Choi, KSA) and the US (Mr. Erik Puskar, NIST). This workshop lunch and reception was sponsored by ANSI, UL, Qualcomm, Microsoft. Around one hundred attendees from academia, government, industry/business, and standards developers from 14 APEC economies represented Drawing on the presentations and active discussion among participants, this workshop has recommending the followings: A broad set of education tools is needed to reach diverse communities of learners ex. case studies, web-serviced programs, education inventory Promotion of standardization research and theory for education ex. Cost-benefit analysis, standardization and innovation, standards and IPR Too few publication outlets and academic for a exclusively on standardization; it is important to increase publication outlets and to create or support academic for a to support education on standardization CTI SCSC 37/2010T – Monitoring Report (31 July 2011) 1 B. Trial Exchange Program in Universities January to June 2011 This trial program is under implementation on schedule. Fifteen universities participated in this trial program – seven APEC funded and eight Korea self-funded. Their final lesson reports will be published as APEC publications. Twelve out of the fifteen universities already submitted their final reports, and three universities will do within a few weeks. The final report will be prepared in late August, and to be circulated for approval of SCSC. 3. Challenges: If not covered in Q1, describe any problems which have arisen and how you overcame them / aim to overcome them. How might these change the project schedule or budget? How might your fora Committee or the Secretariat help? No special challenges identified so far. 4. Engagement: Describe the engagement and roles of stakeholders so far, including other APEC fora, experts and beneficiaries. The workshop was co-organized by ANSI education committee, and this co-organization attracted relevant stakeholders from Academia, industry, and governments successfully. Also, the trial program has involved fifteen universities of APEC region. 5. Objectives and outputs: How do results of the project so far (if any) compare with its expected results? Are outputs being delivered on time and of sufficient quality? The project has been going smooth on schedule. The workshop has been successfully completed involving very dynamic participation and discussion. Also, the workshop participated by the president of ANSI and Director of NIS of the US. Increasing awareness and shareing different perspectives - the two objectives are well achieved. The trial program is on schedule. We successfully invited fifteen universities, three more universities than we planned. The fifteen universities have secured dynamics in economies (6 developed and developing economies), levels (undergraduate/master/ph.d), majors (engineering, management, international trade, et al) FOR APEC SECRETARIAT USE ONLY APEC comments: Is the project management effective? How could it be improved? Are APEC guidelines being followed? CTI SCSC 37/2010T – Monitoring Report (31 July 2011) 2 Annex 1. Education Workshop Report CTI SCSC 37/2010T – Monitoring Report (31 July 2011) 3 CTI SCSC 37/2010T – Monitoring Report (31 July 2011) 4 Annex 2. Trial Exchange Program – Selected Universities for Contracting A 2.1 APEC Funding - 8 Universities University Information Economy no. 1 P.R.China University Course information Department Professor /College in Charge Course Title Level Final Assessment China Jiliang (two majors) business Name: Song Mingshun International Undergraduate+ 1. Approve for 5,000 USD University (CJLU) management or Position/Title: Vice president & Trade and Master funding (APEC) ( international trade Professor Standardizatio Email: n Phone: +86-571-86836008 2 Japan Waseda Global business and Name: Takuro Sato Global Undergraduate+ 1. Approve for 5,000 USD University standardization Position/Title: Professor business and Master funding (APEC) Email: standardizatio Master 1. Approve for 5,000 USD ( top/index-j.html) 3 Japan Phone: +81-3-5286-9839 n Kanazawa Graduate Program in Name: Yukiko Kamijo Basics of Institute of Systems for Intellectual Position/Title: Associate Professor, Technical Technology (KIT) Creation (Graduate School Patent Attorney Standardizatio (www.kanazawa- of Engineering) Email: n1 4 Vietnam funding (APEC) Phone: +81-3-5777-2227 The National Department of Business Name: Prof. Nguyen Dinh Phan Quality Economics Management Position/Title: Chairman of The NEU Management University Email: ( Phone: 0913213160 Undergraduate 1. Approve for 5,000 USD funding (APEC) ) CTI SCSC 37/2010T – Monitoring Report (31 July 2011) 5 5 Peru Pontificia Insitituto para la Calidad Name: M.Sc. José Carlos Flores International Specialized 1. Approve for 5,000 USD Universidad (Quality Institute) funding (APEC) Position/Title: Director Trade and Course (open Católica del Perú Email: Standardizatio for graduate ( Phone: (511) 6262267 n students) e/calidad) 6 Indonesia Trisakti (15) Industrial Management Prof. Syamsir Abduh Management Master 1. Approve for 5,000 USD University of Technology (30) funding (APEC) ( 62215663232 Ext. 8421 and d) Upgrade for Innovation 5,000 USD funding Strategy: Quality Management and Standardizatio n 7 Indonesia University of Industrial Engineering Diponegoro Name: Bambang Purwanggono Introduction Undergraduate 1. Approve for 5,000 USD Position/Title: Vice Dean to (60) funding (APEC) Email:; Standardizatio n Upgrade for 5,000 USD funding Phone: +62247460053 CTI SCSC 37/2010T – Monitoring Report (31 July 2011) 6 A2.2 Korea Self-Funding - 8 Universities University Information Economy no. 1 Korea University Department Professor /College in Charge Course Title Hanyang Business Administration Name: Seo, Hwan-Joo Strategy of University (College of Economics and Position/Title: Associate Professor technological ( Management) Email: innovation and Phone: 82-31-400-5638 Standardizatio kr) Final Course information Assessment Level Master+Ph.D 1. Accept for 5,000 USD funding (Korea) n 2 Korea Korea University Electronics & Information Name: Kang, Byung-Goo Special Issues Undergraduate+ 1.Accept for 5,000 Engineering Position/Title: Professor in Conformity Master USD funding (Korea) Email: Testing and Phone: 82-41-860-1562 Standardizatio Undergraduate 1. Accept for 5,000 USD funding n 3 4 Korea Korea Kookmin Elective Course for All Name: Hyung-gin Kim Future Society University Majors Position/Title: Associate Professor and Email: Standardizatio Phone: +82-2-2123-3288 n Ewha Womans MBA (Masters of Business Name: Yang, Hee-Dong Management University Administration) Position/Title: Full professor of Technology Email: and Phone: 02-3277-3582 Intellectual ( (Korea) Master 1. Accept for 2,500 USD funding (Korea) Properties : Case Projects on CTI SCSC 37/2010T – Monitoring Report (31 July 2011) 7 Standardizatio n and Innovation 5 Korea Korea National Department of Technology Name: Sangbong YI Research on University of Education (College of Position/Title: Professor Instructional Education (KNUE) Secondary Education) Email: Materials for Phone: (office) +82 43-230-3759 Technology ( (Mobile). +82 10-3117-3759 6 Korea Yonsei University Master+Ph.D 2. Accept for 2,500 USD funding (Korea) Education International Management Name: Heejin Lee Electronic and International Trade & Position/Title: Professor Commerce Finance Email: and Phone: +82-2-2123-3288 Standardizatio Master 2. Accept for 2,500 USD funding (Korea) n 7 Korea Choongang Business Administration University Name: Taeha Kim IT Position/Title: Associate Professor Management Email: (and Phone: +82-2-2123-3288 Standardizatio Master+Ph.D 2. Accept for 2,500 USD funding (Korea) n) 8 Korea Hankuk University Dept. of Industrial & Name: Kim, Moon-Soo Management Undergraduate+ 2. Accept for 2,500 USD funding of Foreign Studies Management Engineering Position/Title: Professor Strategy for Master (Korea) (HUFS) (College of Engineering) Email: Indusrial Phone: +82-31-330-4979 Systems ( CTI SCSC 37/2010T – Monitoring Report (31 July 2011) 8