Dal-Yeong Lee received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in

Dal-Yeong Lee received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in English
Literature from the Soong-Sil University, Seoul, Korea in 1981, 1983, and
1999, respectively. From 1983 to 1995, he was with the Woosong
Information College, Daejeon, Korea, as an Assistant Professor. Since
1995, he has been with the Woosong University in Daejeon, Korea, where
he is currently a professor. He was the Dean of Public Relations from 2002
to 2004, Dean of Student Affairs from 2004 to 2006, Dean of International
Relations from 2006 to 2008, Vice-President of Woosong, where he is currently the Dean of
International and External Affairs since 2012.
Presenter: Professor Dal-Yeong Lee, Woosong University, Dean of International & External Affairs
Presentation Title: Meeting the Needs of a Changing Educational Background
Venue: Engineering and Architecture Faculty Conference Room
Date and Time: January 27, 2016, 15:00-16:00
Every year, the population of school-age individuals decreases in Korea. This has resulted in 2018
becoming the starting point of the predicament in which the number of high school graduates will be
less than the minimum student enrollment capacity for universities in Korea.
Universities in Korea face a stark reality. For its survival, the university must nurture competitive
students through a reform in the education system. Through the process of globalized education,
Woosong University strives to nurture global talents through the creation of various international
exchange programs and promoting specialization in education. In one calendar year, there are 4
semesters in which students attend classes for a total of 42 weeks which allows them to graduate in
3.5 years as opposed to 4 years. Also, in order to allow our students to become global leaders,
Woosong University operates 2 + 2 programs, study abroad, and various international exchange
Furthermore, SolBridge International Business School received the AACSB accreditation in just six
years through aggressive investment and the establishment of a specialized education system.
SolBridge International Business School has been recognized as a model of successful globalization
training and is currently being used as a benchmark at many universities.
Currently, SolBridge professors from approximately 12 different countries and international students
from over 40 nations from around the world are studying and residing together in a global learning
environment. All courses are taught in English and students' academic skills are improved through
team projects, lectures and discussions.
In addition, through cooperation with various domestic and foreign global companies including
Samsung and LG, a CEO mentoring program has been created for the students so that they can feel
the presence of global companies.
Today ’ s presentation was focused on the specialized education and promotional practices of
SolBridge International Business School.