Religion 15 Outline 2014

Religion 15
Course Outline
Glenmary School 2013
Instructor: Mr. Brian Enright
Introduction: The purpose of the grade 10 religion program is to assist you in understanding the role
that our faith plays in our personal lives as well as our culture. Through study and reflection, we aim to
deepen our understanding of our faith in the development of culture. The textbook for this course is Christ
and Culture by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. Within this course, we will be using the text
and supplementary resources to fulfill the curriculum expectations.
General Objectives:
Examine the principles that guide Catholics in understanding their role in shaping culture
Understand that belonging to the Christian community involves witness and service.
Understand how the work of Jesus continues in the world through the Catholic Church.
Explore an overview of world religions
Tentative Schedule:
Unit I
Humanity and Culture
1. Identify those things which make us fully human.
2. Explore the meaning and foundations of culture.
Unit II
Christ in Culture
Consider how Christ’s message impacts culture
Unit III
Christianity and Culture
Examine how each of us, as individuals and community, fits in the world.
Unit IV
World Religions
Resources: The main resource for this course will be the CCCCB, Christ and Culture
Evaluation: The weighting for each evaluation component is shown below:
A person’s relationship with God is a matter of conscience, the internal forum of the soul. God alone is the
arbiter of souls (and then again, who can plumb the depths of Divine Mercy?). It is important, therefore,
that we avoid the grading or evaluation of a student’s faith.
We grade the knowledge the student has acquired based on the program of studies and the skills the student
is able to show in articulating his/her knowledge.
Each unit will include multiple assignments, projects and a unit test.
 Class Assignments & Projects
 Tests
 Journal
 Examination of Faith Project
Religion 15
Course Outline
Glenmary School 2013
 Notebook for journaling
 Lined paper in a binder
 Pencil, pens, eraser
All students are expected to have a binder for the course for all the course material (homework, notes,
handouts, etc). All course work should be organized chronologically by unit and/or by date.. Students
are expected to have their textbook, binder, agenda, pen or pencil and ruler for each class.
Do to others whatever you would have them do to you.” (Matthew 7:12)
Attendance/Tardiness: You are expected to attend all classes, to be on time, and to have the required texts
and supplies with you.
Participation: Discussion is crucial to this course and, as such, you are expected to become actively
involved in discussions. You should be able to, and willing to, express your opinions, answer questions,
and listen respectfully to other class members.
Legitimate Absence: Periodic absences are sometimes necessary. Please communicate these to your
teacher and arrange to complete that work which you have missed. You are responsible for any work/tests
you have missed.
Cheating: The consequences of cheating will be in accordance with those outlined in the Student
Attention Parents/Guardians: If you have any comments, questions or concerns about the course or the
progress of your child please feel free to contact Mr. Brian Enright, at the school (624-5656) or via e-mail
When You Finish Early: If you finish all of your assigned work early, you may a) read independently b)
work on an assignment for another class c) write or d) draw. However, do not talk or disturb others as it
will distract those who may not be finished.
Turning in Assignments:
Sometimes your homework, group-work or individual work done in class will be collected. Make sure each
assignment has your full name, course code and the date on it. This should be on the top margin of your
paper or on the title page.