Bev McGee

I will allow their reflections to drive my review for TCAP. The stronger the weakness, the more we’ll review.
Bev McGee
9-Week Reading/Language Arts Planning Template
Stewarts Creek Middle School
Week # _____________ Date 4/7/2014______________________
6th Grade Reading/Lang Arts
BW-Brainpop about research. Go over quiz
TW-Facilitate a discussion about spring break
while calling on responses. Facilitate going over
objectives and discussing weaknesses to be
covered in review.
SW-participate in class discussion and mark
weaknesses on objectives for review.
Reading/Lang Arts - 0601. Noun-Collective
and agreement
PN-subject; object; agreement
TW – Break the class into a team, a band, a
group and a class and assign each of them to
write a paragraph, collectively about their spring
break. Lead discussion about collective noun
subj/verb agreement. Give them a minute to
edit their paragraphs and present to the rest of
the class. Go over the PN Rap. Facilitate time
to work on the TCAP Prep book.
SW – Complete the activity. Share responses.
Participate in class discussion and work in
TCAP Prep. Book.
HW – n/a
TOD- Define the word antecedent
BW- Work through and go over at least 5 q and
a’s in the TCAP Prep. book
Lesson Plan for Bev McGee
7th Grade Reading/Lang Arts
BW-Work through and go over at least 5 q and a’s
in the TCAP Prep. Book-10-15 minutes
Magic Lens 4-level sentence
Reading-Research topics; strengths and
weaknesses from objectives covered
Lang Arts - 0701. Nouns/Pronouns-DO’s, IO’s,
Pred. nom, pred. adj, agreement, reflexive,
intensive, demonstrative
TW – Facilitate pairs of students discussing their
spring breaks and formulating KWL charts on their
desks to use as a scaffold for reviewing research
topics and narrowing subjects. Facilitate “The
Pronoun Rap” review and go over pgs. R-46—R65. Facilitate time for working on TCAP Prep.
SW – Participate in class discussion, formulate
kwl charts on desks about their spring break.
Participate in class discussion about how we
could research the W parts of KWL, narrow topics
and fill in the L part of the charts. Work on TCAP
Prep. Book.
HW – Reread objectives in your notebooks. In
WJ, reflect on today’s lesson and any other
objectives we need to cover while reviewing for
TCAP. Be ready to share.
BW- Work through and go over at least 5 q and
a’s in the TCAP Prep. Book. Facilitate discussion
TCAP Review
8th Grade Reading/Lang Arts
BW- Work through and go over at least 5 q and
a’s in the TCAP Prep. book
Compare/contrast objectives to Item Sampler
questions/answers to make connections and
complete data.
Reading-Research topics; strengths and
weaknesses from objectives covered
Lang Arts - 0701. Nouns/Pronouns-DO’s,
IO’s, Pred. nom, pred. adj, agreement,
reflexive, intensive, demonstrative
TW – Facilitate students discussing their spring
breaks and formulating KWL charts on their
desks to use as a scaffold for reviewing
research topics and narrowing subjects.
Facilitate “The Pronoun Rap” review and go
over R pgs onscreen to review pronouns and pn
antecedent agreement. Give TOD. Facilitate
time for working on TCAP Prep. Book.
SW – Participate in class discussion, formulate
kwl charts on desks about their spring break.
Participate in class discussion about how we
could research the W parts of KWL, narrow
topics and fill in the L part of the charts. Review
pronouns and pn/antecedent agreement by
correcting sentences for TOD. Work on TCAP
Prep. Book.
TOD-pg. from GUM wb on ELMO. Correct
agreement in sentences.
HW – Reread objectives in your notebooks. In
WJ, reflect on today’s lesson and any other
objectives we need to cover while reviewing for
TCAP. Be ready to share.
BW- Work through and go over at least 5 q and
a’s in the TCAP Prep. Book
4th – Nine Weeks 2013
I will allow their reflections to drive my review for TCAP. The stronger the weakness, the more we’ll review.
about objectives vs. journal entries from last night.
Reading-0601 Speech topic, audience, order
Magic Lens 4-level sentence
and bibliography
Lang Arts - 0601. VerbsReading-0701 Research continued-engaging
an audience, order of presentation
Adjectives and Adverbs-comparative
Team/group roles
TW-Facilitate and pace “Big Question”-pg. 892.
Lang Arts - 0701. Verbs-action, linking,
irregular, perfect tenses, verb phrases
Facilitate R-55 in Lit. book Onscreen. Elect
TW-Go over roles within a Lit. Circle and lead a
superlatives for the class to review comparative
adjectives and adverbs. Read The Treasure
discussion about the importance of each role.
Tree aloud.
Provide and distribute passages-pg, Jacob’s
SW-Participate in activity. Discuss. Review
Ladder story. Roll the Reading Squares and
verbs and adjectives/adverbs. Elect class
discuss each team/group role’s purpose. Facilitate
superlatives. Listen to The Treasure Tree.
pg. R-55 in Lit. book Onscreen.
HW-Walk through which character you might be
SW-Popcorn read selection provided. Participate
from the book and how might you use your
in rolling the Reading Squares to illustrate group
strengths to engage an audience on an
roles and dynamics.
informational speech topic. Write in your RRJ.
Review verbs.
HW- Reread objectives in your notebooks. In WJ,
reflect on today’s lesson and any other objectives
we need to cover while reviewing for TCAP. Be
ready to share.
BW- For 10 minutes, work in the TCAP prep.
Books. Walk through and go over at least 5 q
and a’s in the TCAP Prep. book
Reading-0601 Formal/Informal review;
Summarize/paraphrase review
Draw conclusion from speeches/nonprint
Lang Arts - 0601. Phrases-prep, adj/adv,
appositives, infinitives and gerunds
TW-Take the students to the library where they’ll
summarize pictures on display. Share.
Facilitate pg. R-60 in Lit. book onscreen. Read
The Treasure Tree aloud.
SW-Summarize what’s going on in each
picture/ad you see. Share. Review phrases
HW-In your WJ, reflect on today’s lessons and
decide any strengths and weaknesses to be
covered tomorrow.
Lesson Plan for Bev McGee
BW- Work through and go over at least 5 q and
a’s in the TCAP Prep. Book. Facilitate discussion
about objectives vs. journal entries from last night.
Magic Lens 4-level sentence
Reading-0701 Summarizing vs. Critique
Choose appropriate medium-purpose of
Draw conclusion from nonprint
Lang Arts - 0701. Phrases-prep, verb,
appositives, infinitives, adj/adv
TW-Provide, distribute and go over summary vs.
critique worksheets onscreen. Review summary
vs. critique with a few examples onscreen. Take
the students to the library to write summaries and
critiques of 4 pictures provided. Pace 10-15
minute rotations
SW-Participate in class. Go to the library to
summarize and critique pictures provided.
TCAP Review
Compare/contrast objectives to Item Sampler
questions/answers to make connections and
complete data.
Reading-0801 Main idea, supporting ideas,
theme, mood and tone within the textspeech and nonprint
TW-Provide and distribute copies of summary
vs. critique worksheets. Go over from ELMO
onscreen. Show samples of summaries and
critiques for dress code to model. Begin going
over the 11 steps to critiquing artwork.
SW-Discover the main ideas and supporting
details within nonprint mediums by summarizing
and critiquing pieces of artwork.
HW- Reread objectives in your notebooks. In
WJ, reflect on today’s lesson and any other
objectives we need to cover while reviewing for
TCAP. Be ready to share.
TOD-Complete a summary and a critique of the
picture provided.
BW- Work through and go over at least 5 q and
a’s in the TCAP Prep. Book
Compare/contrast objectives to Item Sampler
questions/answers to make connections and
complete data.
Reading-0801 Review summarize vs. critique
nonfiction and nonprint sources
TW-Take the students to the library to critique
classic pieces of art-Mona Lisa, The Scream,
The Starry Night and Wood Grant America.
SW-Critique works of art in groups of 2-3 while
rotating every 10-15 minutes.
HW-Reread objectives in your notebooks. In
WJ, reflect on today’s lesson and any other
objectives we need to cover while reviewing for
TCAP. Be ready to share.
4th – Nine Weeks 2013
I will allow their reflections to drive my review for TCAP. The stronger the weakness, the more we’ll review.
HW- Reread objectives in your notebooks. In WJ,
reflect on today’s lesson and any other objectives
we need to cover while reviewing for TCAP. Be
ready to share.
BW- Work through and go over at least 5 q and
a’s in the TCAP Prep. Book. Discuss reflections
in WJ.
Reading-0601 Conflict-printed deductive,
inductive and fallacious reasoning Lang Arts
- 0601. Subordinating/Coordinating
Commas, ;, :
TW-Review “Moford’s Theorum” to review
reasoning. Facilitate pg. R-49 in Lit. book,
SW-Participate in class discussion and take
appropriate notes as we review logical
reasoning. Review subordinate clauses,
coordinating conjunctions and commas.
HW- In your WJ, reflect on today’s lessons and
decide any strengths and weaknesses to be
covered tomorrow.
BW- Work through and go over at least 5 q and
a’s in the TCAP Prep. Book Discuss reflections
from last night’s journal entries.
Reading-0601 Main ideas, supporting detailsprint and nonprint mediums
Lang Arts - 0601. Sentence Combining
TW-Onscreen-Elmo-go over the details and
supporting details determined through
Wednesday’s activity. Facilitate Review-Unit 9,
Combining Sentences.
SW-Review logic in print and nonprint mediums.
Work on “Madlibs” Review sentence combining.
Lesson Plan for Bev McGee
BW- Work through and go over at least 5 q and
a’s in the TCAP Prep. Book. Facilitate discussion
about objectives vs. journal entries from last night.
Magic Lens 4-level sentence
BW- Work through and go over at least 5 q and
a’s in the TCAP Prep. Book
Complete and revise critiques from yesterday.
Prepare to share.
Reading-0701 Conflict-print or nonprint
Lang Arts - 0701. Subordinating
TW – Facilitate having the students revise
yesterday’s summaries and critiques. Have them
highlight conflicts or write conflicts they saw in the
pictures. Lead class discussion. Teacher
Resources-Unit 9 Lit. book-facilitate onscreen.
SW –Revise yesterday’s summaries and critiques
to include conlicts. Discuss and share.
Participate in class as we review subordinate
clauses and conjunctions.
HW – Review today’s lesson and compare and
contrast to objectives and strengths and
weaknesses gathered earlier this week.
Reading-0801 Nonprint deductive, inductive
and fallacious reasoning;Conflict-print or
TW – Facilitate having the students revise
yesterday’s summaries and critiques. Have
them highlight conflicts or write conflicts they
saw in the pictures. Lead class discussion.
Intro. Jacob’s Ladder article and begin reading.
SW –Revise yesterday’s summaries and
critiques to include conflicts. Discuss and
share. Participate in class as we review
deductions and inductions made in nonprint
resources. Begin reading Jacob’s Ladder article
and taking notes for critique.
HW – Review today’s lesson and compare and
contrast to objectives and strengths and
weaknesses gathered earlier this week.
BW- Work through and go over at least 5 q and
a’s in the TCAP Prep. Book. Facilitate discussion
about objectives vs. journal entries from last night.
Magic Lens 4-level sentence
BW- Work through and go over at least 5 q and
a’s in the TCAP Prep. Book
Complete compare and contrast of objectives
vs. strengths and weaknesses to better prepare
for TCAP.
Reading-0701 Before, during and after reading
Main idea/supporting details
Lang Arts - 0701. Adjectives/Adverbscomparative, superlative, phrases
TW – Facilitate showing advertisements, comics
and pictures on the screen to discuss reasoning,
main idea and supporting details. TOD
TCAP Review
Reading-0801 Printed reasoning using
nonfiction text. Nonprint reasoning
continued using propaganda
TW-Lead a discussion and facilitate going over
the Ladders. Put samples of literary critiques
and summaries onscreen and go over.
SW-Work on Ladders and share. Write critique
4th – Nine Weeks 2013
I will allow their reflections to drive my review for TCAP. The stronger the weakness, the more we’ll review.
Review phrases and comparative and superlative
adjectives and adverbs by electing class
superlatives and making statements about each
one elected.
SW – Participate in class discussion. Complete
Elect class superlatives and make campaign
statements to illustrate phrases.
HW- Reread objectives in your notebooks. In WJ,
reflect on today’s lesson and any other objectives
we need to cover while reviewing for TCAP. Be
ready to share.
Lesson Plan for Bev McGee
TCAP Review
about article and include in class discussion.
HW- Review today’s lesson and compare and
contrast to objectives and strengths and
weaknesses gathered earlier this week.
4th – Nine Weeks 2013