Teacher: Megan Wix 1
Dates: 8/1- 8/9
Subject: Social Studies- 6
Common Core Standard(s) to be taught: (Write the entire standard)
RH 7- Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
RH 4- Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies.
SPI(s) to be taught: (Write the entire SPI)
6.3.spi.1 identify the basic components of a world map (i.e., compass rose, map key, scale, latitude and longitude lines, continents, oceans).
6.3.spi.6. interpret a graph that illustrates a major trend in world history (i.e. population growth, economic development, governance land areas, growth of religions).
6.1.spi.2. identify the job characteristics of archaeologists, anthropologists, geologists, and historians.
Daily practice activity for citing text based evidence in conversation and/or writing:
Bellringer- answer a series of questions using/providing evidence from a given (short) text
I Can Statements :
I can identify the components of a world map.
I can interpret a graph that shows a historical trend.
I can explain the job of archaeologists, anthropologists, historians, and geologists.
Student Agenda:
Posted daily but NOT included in Lesson Plan
Assessment Strategies (for Stage 1 teachers ONLY) : Assessment used to determine mastery daily: If a quiz or test is given, include in the Teacher’s Lesson Plan Notebook.
Class discussion/questioning, exit slips, vocabulary worksheets, bellringers.
Instructional Materials (for Stage 1 teachers ONLY): A ll instructional materials are to be included in the Teacher’s Lesson Plan
Textbook, BrainPop, TCAP Coach workbook, various maps/graphs, Discovery Education
Instruction: In outline form, describe each day of instruction. Formative Assessment:
Day 1 A
I will quickly go over my expectations and students will assist me in developing classroom rules.
Students will complete a student survey.
Complete Pre-test in TCAP Coach workbook- will go over as a class
Common Core- explain what “common core” entails and what kinds of things the students will be assessed on, explain what is meant by “text based evidence”, complete a writing assignment
Day 2 B
I will quickly go over my expectations and students will assist me in developing classroom rules.
Students will complete a student survey.
Complete Pre-test in TCAP Coach workbook- will go over as a class
Common Core- explain what “common core” entails and what kinds of things the stude nts will be assessed on, explain what is meant by “text based evidence”, complete a writing assignment
Day 3 A
Watch videos on BrainPop- map skills, continents/oceans, etc.
Discuss map packet (includes examples of various types of maps and defines key vocabulary
Move through atlas in textbook (explains maps and geography terms, also provides visuals)
Complete lessons from the TCAP Coach workbook (group work)
Common Core- Complete Analyzing Visuals worksheet (map), discuss/interpret various graphs, students will work in groups to develop their own maps/graphs (must contain all necessary terms/tools), writing- develop a story that contains key map terms
TCAP Coach pre-test
TCAP Coach pre-test
BrainPop video quizzes
Class discussion
TCAP Coach lessons
Day 4 B
Watch videos on BrainPop- map skills, continents/oceans, etc.
Discuss map packet (includes examples of various types of maps and defines key vocabulary
Move through atlas in textbook (explains maps and geography terms, also provides visuals)
Complete lessons from the TCAP Coach workbook (group work)
Common Core Complete Analyzing Visuals worksheet (map), discuss/interpret various graphs, short writing- Why are maps important?
Day 5 A
Complete new vocabulary
Read through and discuss as a class “Tools of the Historian” (pgs TOOLS 1-11)
Complete a Focus activity- includes writing, how will future historians analyze us
Complete an Assess activity- group work, developing a new calendar
Video- Archaeology
TCAP Coach workbook lesson
Common Core- class discussion describing what the term “culture” means, World
BrainPop video quizzes
Class discussion
TCAP Coach lessons
Focus and Assess activities
Class discussion
Group work
TCAP Coach lesson
Culture worksheet (reading), complete a graphic organizer (groups) explaining aspects of our culture, writing- If you could choose any other culture around the world, where would it be and why?
Day 6 B
Complete new vocabulary
Read through and discuss as a class “Tools of the Historian” (pgs TOOLS 1-11)
Complete a Focus activity- includes writing, how will future historians analyze us
Complete an Assess activity- group work, developing a new calendar
Video- Archaeology
TCAP Coach workbook lesson
Common Core- Students will work in groups to develop their own maps/graphs (must contain all necessary terms/tools), writing- develop a story that contains key map terms
Day 7 A
Watch and discuss “Time Dating” powerpoint, writing- What do you think the world was like 5,000 years ago? (share), BrainPop- Wonders of the Ancient World, graphic organizer (group)- Ancient Artifacts and culture
Common Core- In groups, create a comic strip depicting a cave man’s life/culture (to share), writing- If I were a cave man? Should include details about daily life and
Focus and Assess activities
Class discussion
Group work
TCAP Coach lesson
Class discussion
Writing activity
BrainPop quiz examples of new technological inventions
Alternate Instructional Interventions: Provide a specific plan for alternate instructional interventions, or re-teaching.
I will re-cover key vocabulary terms and map tools (daily review at the beginning and end of each block).
Provide additional materials including visuals and texts to the students are having difficulty.
Model reading additional maps and allowing students to develop their own questions, in which I will use a map/graph to answer.
Instructional technologies to enhance learning: List how each will enhance the effectiveness of the lesson.
Mobi- students will be able to label maps/graphs and become familiar with the tools used to interpret the map
BrainPop- videos will explain key vocabulary and show visuals of each map tool
Discovery Education- video provides visuals of archaeological expeditions and explain the scientific aspect of archaeology