Dōnēc grātŭs ĕrām tĭbĭ

Dōnēc grātŭs ĕrām tĭbĭ
Nēc quīsquām pŏtĭōr brācchĭă cāndĭdae
Cērvīcī iŭvĕnīs dăbăt,
Pērsārūm vĭgŭī rēgĕ bĕātĭōr.
Dōnēc nōn ălĭā măgĭs
Ārsīstī nĕque ĕrāt Lŷdĭă pōst Chlŏēn,
Mūltī Lŷdĭă nōmĭnĭs
Rōmānā vĭgŭī clārĭŏr Īlĭā.
Mē nūnc Thrēssă Chlŏē rĕgĭt,
Dūlcīs dōctă mŏdōs ēt cĭthărae scĭēns.
Prō quā nōn mĕtŭām mŏrī,
Sī pārcēnt ănĭmae fātă sŭpērstĭtī.
Mē tōrrēt făcĕ mūtŭā
Thūrīnī Călăīs fīlĭŭs Ōrnỹtī,
Prō quō bīs pătĭār mŏrī,
Sī pārcēnt pŭĕrō fātă sŭpērstĭtī.
Quīd sī prīscă rĕdīt Vĕnŭs
Dīdūctōsquĕ iŭgō cōgĭt ăēnĕō?
Sī flāva ēxcŭtĭtūr Chlŏē
Rēiēctaequĕ pătēt iānŭă Lŷdĭae?
Quāmquām sīdĕrĕ pūlchrĭŏr
Īllēst, tū lĕvĭōr cōrtĭce ĕt īmprŏbō
Īrācūndĭŏr Hādrĭă,
Tēcūm vīvĕre ămēm, tēcum ŏbĕām lĭbēns!
Donec gratus eram tibi
Nec quisquam potior bracchia candidae
Cervici iuvenis dabat,
Persarum vigui rege beatior.
Donec non alia magis
Arsisti neque erat Lydia post Chloen,
Multi Lydia nominis
Romana vigui clarior Ilia.
Me nunc Thressa Chloe regit,
Dulcis docta modos et citharae sciens.
Pro qua non metuam mori,
Si parcent animae fata superstiti.
Me torret face mutua
Thurini Calais filius Ornyti,
Pro quo bis patiar mori,
Si parcent puero fata superstiti.
Greek accusative
Greek nominative
Morior, mori, mortuus to die
Greek nominative
Chiasmus – gen., nom., nom., gen.
Quid si prisca redit Venus
Diductosque iugo cogit aeneo?
Si flava excutitur Chloe
Reiectaeque patet ianua Lydiae?
Quamquam sidere pulchrior
Illest, tu levior cortice et improbo
Iracundior Hadria,
Tecum vivere amem, tecum obeam libens!
Ille est
N.B. subjunctive mood
1. Donec while, as long as, until
2. Potior, potius comparative of potis more powerful, more precious, better,
preferable, superior
3. Vigeo, vigere, vigui to be vigorous, to thrive, to flourish
4. Quisquam anyone
5. Beātus, beata, beatum happy, prosperous, wealthy, rich
6. Ardeo, ardere, arsi, arsurus to be in love with, to burn
7. Metuo, metuere, metui, metūtus to fear
8. Parco, parcere, peperci, parsurus to spare, to use sparingly to be sparing with
dative, to take it easy on, to show mercy
9. Superstes, superstitis surviving, outliving
10.Torreo, torrere, torrui, tostus to troast, burn, scorch parch
11.Fax, facis f. torch, weding torch, flame of love
12.Patior, pati, passus to experience, to suffer, to allow to undergo
13.Morior, mori, mortuus to die
14.Priscus, prisca, priscum old, ancient
15.Redeo, redire, redii, reditus to go back, to come back, return
16.Diduco, diducere, diduxi, diductus draw apart, open, part, sever, untie
17.Iugum, iugi n, yoke, bond, couple pair
18.Aēneus, aenea, aeneum bronze
19.Excutio, excutere, excussi, excussum to shake out, shake off, loose, jilt
20.Reiicio, reiicere, reieci, reiectus throw back, reject
21.Pateo, patere, patui stand open, be open
22.Sidus, sideris n., star
23.Cortex, corticis m. bark, shell rind, cork
24.Improbus, improba, improbum below standard, inferior, bad, shameless,
unruly, restless, rebellious
25.Iracundus, iracunda, iracundum hot tempered, irritable, angry
26.Obeo, obire, obii, obiturus to go to meet, to travel, go, pass away, die, fade
27.Libens, libentis willing, ready, glad, merry
(Kalaïs) and Zetes (Zêtês). The Boreadae, or sons of Boreas and Orithyia. They were both
winged heroes, and took part in the Argonautic expedition. Coming in the course of the
enterprise to Salmydessus, they set free Phineus (q.v.), the husband of their sister Cleopatra ,
from the Harpies, chasing them through the air on their wings. According to one story, they
perished on this occasion; according to another, they were slain afterwards by Heracles on the
island of Tenos, on their return from the funeral games of Pelias. (See Acastus.) This was in
retribution for the counsel which they had given to the Argonauts on the coast of Mysia, to leave
Heracles behind. Their graves and monuments were shown in Tenos. One of the pillars was said
to move when the north wind blew. See Argonautae.
(Zêtês) and Calăis (Kalaïs). The sons of Boreas and Orithyia, frequently called the Boreadae, are
mentioned among the Argonauts, and are described as winged beings (Pyth. iv. 325; Ap. Rh. i.
219). Their sister, Cleopatra , who was married to Phineus, king of Salmydessus, had been
thrown with her sons into prison by Phineus at the instigation of his second wife. Here she was
found by Zetes and Calaïs, when they arrived at Salmydessus in the Argonautic expedition. They
liberated their sister and her children, gave the kingdom to the latter, and sent the second wife of
Phineus to her own country, Scythia ( Diod.iv. 44). Other accounts relate that the Boreadae
delivered Phineus from the Harpies; for it had been foretold that the Harpies might be killed by
the sons of Boreas, but that the sons of Boreas must die if they should not be able to overtake the
Harpies ( Apollod.i.9.21). Others, again, state that the Boreadae perished in their pursuit of the
Harpies, or that Heracles killed them with his arrows near the island of Tenos ( Hyg. Fab.14).
Their tombs were said to be in Tenos, adorned with sepulchral stelae, one of which moved
whenever the wind blew from the north. Calaïs is also mentioned as the founder of the
Campanian town of Cales (Sil. It. viii. 515). See Harpyiae.
leads Arcadians to join army of Agamemnon: Paus. 8.28.4
(Thourioi), more rarely Thurium (Thourion). Now Terra Nuova; a Greek city in Lucania,
founded B.C. 443, near the site of the ancient Sybaris, which had been destroyed more than sixty
years before. (See Sybaris.) It was built by the remains of the population of Sybaris, assisted by
colonists from all parts of Greece, but especially from Athens. Among these colonists were the
historian Herodotus and the orator Lysias. The new city, from which the remains of the Sybarites
were soon expelled, rapidly attained great power and prosperity, and became one of the most
important Greek towns in the south of Italy. See Pappritz, Thurii (1890).
Reference article in Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities (1898)
THU´RII (Thourioi: Eth. Thourinos, Thurinus), called also by some Latin writers and by
Ptolemy THURIUM (Thourion, Ptol.), a city of Magna Graecia, situated on the Tarentine gulf,
within a short distance of the site of Sybaris, of which it may be considered as having taken the
place. It was one of the latest of all the Greek colonies in this part of Italy, not having been
founded till nearly 70 years after the fall of Sybaris. The site of that city had remained desolate
for a period of 58 years after its destruction by the Crotoniats [SYBARIS]; when at length, in
B.C. 452, a number of the Sybarite exiles and their descendants made an attempt to establish
themselves again on the spot, under the guidance of some leaders of Thessalian origin; and the
new colony rose so rapidly to prosperity that it excited the jealousy of the Crotoniats, who, in
consequence, expelled the new settlers a little more than 5 years after the establishment of the
colony. (Diod. xi. 90, xii. 10.) The fugitive Sybarites first appealed for support to Sparta, but
without success: their application to the Athenians was more successful, and that people
determined to send out a fresh colony, at the same time that they reinstated the settlers who had
been lately expelled from thence. A body of Athenian colonists was accordingly sent out by
Pericles, under the command of Lampon and Xenocritus; but the number of Athenian citizens
was small, the greater part of those who took part in the colony being collected from various
parts of Greece. Among them were two celebrated names,--Herodotus the historian, and the
orator Lysias, both of whom appear to have formed part of the original colony. (Diod. xii. 10;
Strab. vi. p. 263; Dionys. Lys. p. 453; Vit. X. Orat. p. 835; Plut. Peric. 11, Nic. 5.) The new
colonists at first established themselves on the site of the deserted Sybaris, but shortly afterwards
removed (apparently in obedience to an oracle) to a spot at a short distance from thence, where
there was a fountain named Thuria, from whence the new city derived its name of Thurii. (Diod.
l. c.; Strab l. c.) The foundation of Thurii is assigned by Diodorus to the year 446 B.C.; but other
authorities place it three years later, B.C. 443, and this seems to be the best authenticated date.
(Clinton, F. H. vol. ii. p. 54.) The protection of the Athenian name probably secured the rising
colony from the assaults of the Crotoniats, at least we hear nothing of any obstacles to its
progress from that quarter; but it was early disturbed by dissensions between the descendants of
the original Sybarite settlers and the new colonists, the former laying claim not only to honorary
distinctions, but to the exclusive possession of important political privileges. These disputes at
length ended in a revolution, and the Sybarites were finally expelled from the city. They
established themselves for a short time upon the river Traens, but did not maintain their footing
long, being dislodged and finally dispersed by the neighbouring barbarians. (Diod. xii. 11, 22;
Arist. Pol. v. 3.) The Thurians meanwhile concluded a treaty of peace with Crotona, and the new
city rose rapidly to prosperity. Fresh colonists poured in from all quarters, especially the
Peloponnese; and though it continued to be generally regarded as an Athenian colony, the
Athenians in fact formed but a small element of the population. The citizens were divided, as we
learn from Diodorus, into ten tribes, the names of which sufficiently indicate their origin. They
were,--the Arcadian, Achaean, Elean, Boeotian, Amphictyonic, Dorian, Ionian, Athenian,
Euboean, and Nesiotic, or that of the islanders. (Diod. xii. 11.) The form of government was
democratic, and the city is said to have enjoyed the advantage of a well-ordered system of laws;
but the statement of Diodorus, who represents this as owing to the legislation of Charondas, and
that lawgiver himself as a citizen of Thurii, is certainly erroneous. [Dict. of Biogr. art.
CHARONDAS.] The city itself was laid out with great regularity, being divided by four broad
streets or plateae, each of which was crossed in like manner by three others. (Diod. xii. 10.)
Very shortly after its foundation, Thurii became involved in a war with Tarentum. The subject of
this was the possession of the fertile district of the Siritis, about 30 miles N. of Thurii, to which
the Athenians had a claim of long standing [SIRIS], which was naturally taken up by their
colonists. The Spartan general, Cleandridas, who had been banished from Greece some years
before, and taken up his abode at Thurii, became the general of the Thurians in this war, which,
after various successes, was at length terminated by a compromise, both parties agreeing to the
foundation of the new colony of Heracleia in the disputed territory. (Diod. xii. 23, 36, xiii. 106;
Strab. vi. p. 264; Polyaen. Strat. ii. 10.) [HERACLEIA] Our knowledge of the history of Thurii
is unfortunately very scanty and fragmentary. Fresh disputes arising between the Athenian
citizens and the other colonists were at length allayed by the oracle of Delphi, which decided that
the city had no other founder than Apollo. (Diod. xii. 35.) But the same difference appears again
on occasion of the great Athenian expedition to Sicily, when the city was divided into two
parties, the one desirous of favouring and supporting the Athenians, the other opposed to them.
The latter faction at first prevailed, so far that the Thurians observed the same neutrality towards
the Athenian fleet under Nicias and Alcibiades as the other cities of Italy (Thuc. vi. 44); but two
years afterwards (B.C. 213) the Athenian party had regained the ascendency; and when
Demosthenes and Eurymedon touched at Thurii, the citizens afforded them every assistance, and
even furnished an auxiliary force of 700 hoplites and 300 dartmen. (Id. vii. 33, 35.) From this
time we hear nothing of Thurii for a period of more than 20 years, though there is reason to
believe that this was just the time of its greatest prosperity. In B.C. 390 we find that its territory
was already beginning to suffer from the incursions of the Lucanians, a new and formidable
enemy, for protection against whom all the cities of Magna Graecia had entered into a defensive
league. But the Thurians were too impatient to wait for the support of their allies, and issued
forth with an army of 14,000 foot and 1000 horse, with which they repulsed the attacks of the
Lucanians; but having rashly followed them into their own territory, they were totally defeated,
near Laüs, and above 10,000 of them cut to pieces (Diod. xiv. 101).
This defeat must have inflicted a severe blow on the prosperity of Thurii, while the continually
increasing power of the Lucanians and Bruttians, in their immediate neighbourhood would
prevent them from quickly recovering from its effects. The city [p. 1193] continued also to be on
hostile, or at least unfriendly, terms with Dionysius of Syracuse, and was in consequence chosen
as a place of retirement or exile by his brother Leptines and his friend Philistus (Diod. xv. 7).
The rise of the Bruttian people about B.C. 356 probably became the cause of the complete
decline of Thurii, but the statement of Diodorus that the city was conquered by that people (xvi.
15) must be received with considerable doubt. It is certain at least that it reappears in history at a
later period as an independent Greek city, though much fallen from its former greatness. No
mention of it is found during the wars of Alexander of Epirus in this part of Italy; but at a later
period it was so hard pressed by the Lucanians that it had recourse to the alliance of Rome; and a
Roman army was sent to its relief under C. Fabricius. That general defeated the Lucanians, who
had actually laid siege to the city, in a pitched battle, and by several other successes to a great
extent broke their power, and thus relieved the Thurians from all immediate danger from that
quarter. (Liv. Epit. xi.; Plin. xxxiv. 6. s. 15; Val. Max. i. 8. § 6.) But shortly after they were
attacked on the other side by the Tarentines, who are said to have taken and plundered their city
(Appian, Samn. 7. § 1); and this aggression was one of the immediate causes of the war declared
by the Romans against Tarentum in B.C. 282.
Thurii now sunk completely into the condition of a dependent ally of Rome, and was protected
by a Roman garrison. No mention is found of its name during the wars with Pyrrhus or the First
Punic War, but it plays a considerable part in that with Hannibal. It was apparently one of the
cities which revolted to the Carthaginians immediately after the battle of Cannae, though, in
another passage, Livy seems to place its defection somewhat later. (Liv. xxii. 61, xxv. 1.) But in
B.C. 213, the Thurians returned to their alliance with Rome, and received a Roman garrison into
their city. (Id. xxv. 1.) The very next year, however, after the fall of Tarentum, they changed
sides again, and betrayed the Roman troops into the hands of the Carthaginian general Hanno.
(Id. xxv. 15; Appian, Hann. 34.) A few years later (B.C. 210), Hannibal, finding himself unable
to protect his allies in Campania, removed the inhabitants of Atella who had survived the fall of
their city to Thurii (Appian, Hann. 49); but it was not long before he was compelled to abandon
the latter city also to its fate; and when he himself in B.C. 204 withdrew his forces into Bruttium,
he removed to Crotona 3500 of the principal citizens of Thurii, while he gave up the city itself to
the plunder of his troops. (Appian, l. c. 57.) It is evident that Thurii was now sunk to the lowest
state of decay; but the great fertility of its territory rendered it desirable to preserve it from utter
desolation: hence in B.C. 194, it was one of the places selected for the establishment of a Roman
colony with Latin rights. (Liv. xxxiv. 53; Strab. vi. p. 263.) The number of colonists was small in
proportion to the extent of land to be divided among them, but they amounted to 3000 foot and
300 knights. (Liv. xxxv. 9.) Livy says merely that the colony was sent in Thurinum agrum, and
does not mention anything of a change of name; but Strabo tells us that they gave to the new
colony the name of COPIAE, and this statement is confirmed both by Stephanus of Byzantium,
and by the evidence of coins, on which, however, the name is written COPIA (Strab. l. c.; Steph.
Byz. s. v. Thourioi; Eckhel, vol. i. p. 164.) But this new name did not continue long in use, and
Thurii still continued to be known by its ancient appellation. It is mentioned as a municipal town
on several occasions during the latter ages of the Republic. In B.C. 72 it was taken by Spartacus,
and subjected to heavy contributions, but not otherwise injured. (Appian, B.C. i. 117.) At the
outbreak of the Civil Wars it was deemed by Caesar of sufficient importance to be secured with a
garrison of Gaulish and Spanish horse; and it was there that M. Coelius was put to death, after a
vain attempt to excite an insurrection in this part of Italy. (Caes. B.C. iii. 21, 22.) In B.C. 40 also
it was attacked by Sextus Pompeius, who laid waste its territory, but was repulsed from the walls
of the city. (Appian, B.C. v. 56, 58.)
It is certain therefore that Thurii was at this time still a place of some importance, and it is
mentioned as a still existing town by Pliny and Ptolemy, as well as Strabo. (Strab. vi. p. 263;
Plin. iii. 11. s. 15; Ptol. iii. 1. § 12.) It was probably, indeed, the only place of any consideration
remaining on the coast of the Tarentine gulf, between Crotona and Tarentum; both Metapontum
and Heraclea having, already fallen into almost complete decay. Its name is still found in the
Itineraries (Itin. Ant. p. 114, where it is written Turios; Tab. Peut.); and it is noticed by Procopius
as still existing in the 6th century. (Procop. B. G. i. 15.) The period of its final decay is uncertain;
but it seems to have been abandoned during the middle ages, when the inhabitants took refuge at
a place called Terranova, about 12 miles inland, on a hill on the left bank of the Crathis.
The exact site of Thurii has not yet been identified, but the neighbourhood has never been
examined with proper care. It is clear, from the statements both of Diodorus and Strabo, that it
occupied a site near to, but distinct from, that of Sybaris (Diod. xii. 10; Strab. l. c.): hence the
position suggested by some local topographers at the foot of the hill of Terranova, is probably
too far inland. It is more likely that the true site is to be sought to the N. of the Coscile (the
ancient Sybaris), a few miles from the sea, where, according to Zannoni's map, ruins still exist,
attributed by that geographer to Sybaris, but which are probably in reality those of Thurii.
Swinburne, however, mentions Roman ruins as existing in the peninsula formed by the rivers
Crathis and Sybaris near their junction, which may perhaps be those of Thurii. (Swinburne,
Travels, vol. i. pp. 291, 292; Romanelli, vol. i. p. 236.) The whole subject is very obscure, and a
careful examination of the localities is still much needed.
The coins of Thurii are of great beauty; their number and variety indeed gives us a higher idea of
the opulence and prosperity of the city than [p. 1194] we should gather from the statements of
ancient writers. [E. H. B.]
Reference article in Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith,
On the E coast of the toe of Italy, the city lies some 134 km SW of Taranto. The colony was
founded in 443 B.C. by the Athenians, together with citizens from the former city of Sybaris.
Diodorus (12.10.6) states that it was not far from Sybaris by a spring called Thuria. As early as
426 B.C. the port of Thurii was considered an important one. During the 4th c. B.C., there was
constant warfare with the Lucanians and Bruttians, and the city became a voluntary Roman
dependency. As such it opposed Pyrrhos and Hannibal (App. Hann. 9.57). In an attempt to revive
the town after Hannibal, the Romans planted the colony of Copia there in 194 B.C., but it
quickly declined and finally was abandoned (App. BCiv. 5.56).
Although Diodorus says that Thurii was founded not far from Sybaris, the archaeological
evidence points to the fact that it was built over the S section of Sybaris. Hippodamos reputedly
planned the city by dividing it up into twenty wards formed by three main avenues which were
bisected at right angles by four streets. In the NE corner of the Serra Pollinara are the remnants
of a Roman villa; other Hellenistic and Roman remains have been found in the area. Late
Classical, Hellenistic, and Roman graves have come to light by the church of S. Mauro, by the
Torre Monachelle, and near the village of Frassa.
Reference article in The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites (eds. Marian Holland
McAllister, Richard Stillwell, William L. MacDonald)]