Grade: __8__ Subject: Essential Questions Content in terms of essential concepts and topics Curriculum Map 8th Grade Reading Reading Building: ____Summit Hill Jr High _______ Teachers: 8th Grade LA Quarter 1 Quarter 2 How can you become an active reader? What elements of literature/literary devices are included in an effective piece of fiction? How can figurative language enhance an author’s communication? Investigate literature utilizing Active Reading strategies. Apply pre-reading strategies to increase comprehension. Engage in while reading strategies independently/ Demonstrate comprehension of text utilizing post reading strategies. Generate a graphic organizer identifying elements of literature of selected text. Analyze author’s use of figurative language impacts literature. Identify author’s point of view. Writing a Literary Response: Examine and apply fiction text, applying using sensory language, develop introductions and conclusions, Conventions: organizing details, complete sentences, proper punctuation, capitalization, consider word choice Skills process and skills emphasized Standards State Academic Standards Comprehension/Analysis Prediction Drawing Conclusion Point of view Analyzing Figurative Language Inference Implied Theme Memoirs Third Person Narrative Character Motive Active Reading Cause & Effect Point of View Word Study Vocabulary in context Word Analysis Synonyms Antonyms Etymologies/Derivations Affixes 2A3a 2A3b 2A3c 2A3d 2B3a 2B3b 2B3c 1A3a 1A3b 1B3a 1B3b 1B3c 1B3d 1C3a 1C3b 1C3c 1C3d 1C3e 1C3f How do you respond to literature from a personal, yet critical point of view? Why is reading a wide variety of literature important to your learning? Investigate a variety of literature Generate a literary response demonstrating active reading through critical analysis Identify author’s purpose in selected texts. Support assertion with text support, interpretations, extension, and comparison. Examine character motivation. Compare & Contrast literature from a variety of eras & genres. Compose literary response demonstrating understanding of the text from a personal point of view while demonstrating creatively. Writing a Literary Response: Examine and apply required elements of persuasive writing: supporting your purpose, evaluate reasons, compose effective introductions and conclusions, include support & elaboration, identify voice and apply in writing 2A3a 1B3b Comprehension/Analysis Irony 2A3b 1B3c Allusion 2A3c 1B3d Questioning 2A3d 1C3a Characterization 2B3a 1C3b Idioms 2B3b 1C3c Author’s purpose 2B3c 1C3d Cross Curricular Connection 1A3a 1C3e Analyzing Figurative Language 1A3b 1C3f Compare & Contrast 1B3a Inference Comparing Literary works Novel Study Word Study Vocabulary in context Word Analysis Etymologies/Derivations Affixes Curriculum Map 8th Grade Reading Reading Building: ____Summit Hill Jr High _______ Teachers: Grade: __8__ Subject: These are listed in “content”. They are bold & Reasoning italicized. Skills Products/Assessment It is assumed that students will be assessed with traditional tests Resources 8th Grade LA These are listed in “content”. They are bold & italicized. Formative: Observation Informal checklists Reading Logs Portfolios Class work/homework Rubrics Graphic Organizers Literary Response Accelerated Reader Formative: Observation Informal checklists Reading Logs Portfolios Class work/homework Rubrics Graphic Organizers Literary Response Accelerated Reader Summative: Literary Response: due by 11.4.08 Prentice Hall Silver textbook: teacher chosen selection from Unit 1 & Unit 3 (tp 1-180) Prentice Hall Overheads Readers Companion Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workbook Unit 1-4 Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary resource Disc Novel Selection Optional (2 or more to be for year) Illinois Learning Standards Assessments and Performance Descriptors Summative: Literary Response: due by 1.28.09 Prentice Hall Silver textbook: teacher chosen selection – Unit 3 & Unit 4 (tp 240- 400) Prentice Hall Overheads Readers Companion Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workbook Unit 1-4 Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary resource Disc Novel Selection Optional (2 or more to be for year) Illinois Learning Standards Assessments and Performance Descriptors