Newsletter May 2012 - Duncannon Christ Lutheran Church

Williams, Dottie Deiter, Linda Burger,
Ron Little, Delores Lowe, Rachel
Lesh, Bo Kresge, Hunter Hazzard,
Vaughn Schlacher, Kevin Eckerd,
Brian Sands, Stacy Ryan, Stephanie
Bailey, Chad and Sarah Hummel.
Sethina Tringali, Janet Smithgall,
Sharon Hoover, Jim Hoover, Becky
Kraft, and Dillon.
Christ Lutheran Church
Duncannon, PA
Church web address:
Pastor Debbie Brumbaugh
Newsletter May 2012
Heavenly Father, thank you for Your
grace. Your forgiveness is SO good
that we struggle with believing it at
times. Thank You for rescuing us from
ourselves and giving us Your Holy
Spirit. Your love is better than life. As
we grow deeper in love with Him Who
first loved us, may the Holy Spirit
increase our faith, may our Savior,
Jesus Christ, hear our adoration and
thanksgiving, and may God grant that
our worship and fellowship overflow
with joy that will never end!
People to hold in prayer:
Betsy Karlik, Edgar Herr, Madelyn
Hoover, Jacob Liddick, Corey Stuckey,
Ritter Gamble, Bob Larish, Briellie
Kelly, Christine Ribulla, Alberta
Rogers, Nancy Moore, Allison Speck,
Sara Jane Hickoff, Jennifer Dominini,
Jim and Karin Shumaker, Tom Daub,
Geraldine Owen, Shirley Bucher, A.E.
Balsbaugh, Jack Smith, Christine Seay,
Louise Preston, Jesse Reed, Daisy
Rohrer, Jane Salay, Helen Huss, Betty
Social Ministry
(Velma Wittlinger)
Members on our committee are; Peg
Ryan Council Liaison, Sandy Hoover,
Norma Jones, Pat Wachter, Gail Smith,
Joanne Speis and Velma Wittlinger,
chairman. We welcome anyone who
would like to be part of our ministry.
Our mission Statement is: To provide
the congregation of Christ Lutheran
Church with ways to serve the needs of
our neighbors and to encourage each
member of the church to participate in
this service.
Jane Salay has been diagnosed with
lung cancer. She has undergone
radiation treatments and has begin
chemotherapy. She is staying at her
western PA home.
If you would like to send her a card,
her address is:
Jane Salay
108 Greenwood Ave.
Belle Vernon, Pa. 15012
WELCA will be meeting on Monday,
May 14 at 7:00 p.m. in the undercroft.
Cindy Brookhart will have the program
and refreshments will be served by
Carol Shumaker.
Food Bank
Perry County food bank for May is
“bring your favorite food.” Please
place food in the hallway of the
education wing.
Join Hands
There are envelopes in the pew racks
for Join Hands, donations here helps
needy people in Perry County. Our
Church has contacted them several
times for help for the people in our
Mutzy Money
We are continuing to sell Mutzy
Money, see Cindy Brookhart
downstairs during the coffee hour. We
receive 5% of what we sell to fund our
programs. We now need to contact
Cindy and pay for it when we order it.
Also, we are still collecting used cell
phones. There is a container in the
education area by the bulletin board for
them. If you have a friend who needs
to dispose of an old phone, maybe they
will donate it to us. We cannot send
the extra items, just the phone. We
earn money for what we re-cycle, they
also pay for the shipping of them. This
keeps these phones out of the waste
dumps. We also are collecting old ink
cartridges. I take them to Staples and
use the money to buy paper for the
Indian Mobile Mission Request
I just received a letter from Sylvia
Webb of Indian Mobile Mission. She
states that the I.M. M. really needs
some help with funding of The
Summer Lunch Program for the Indian
children. Sylvia says the children are
really hungry in the summer when they
are not in school. This program really
helps them. The cost is one dollar per
day per child. This
includes lunch, juice, and a Gospel
tract, geared to their age. I telephoned
Sylvia to obtain some more
information. Sylvia told me she
purchases enough food to fill her truck,
then drives to the reservation for a few
days, until all the food is given to the
children. Then Sylvia drives back to
Snowflake for another truck load. I
asked her how she distributes the
lunches. The children go to their school
bus stop every day at a scheduled time
to receive there lunch and Gospel tract.
Sylvia says the children really look
forward to the Gospel tracts. This is a
great way to spread the Gospel to the
children. If anyone would like to help
with this Summer Lunch program,
please give your donation to Bev
Reifsnyder or put it in the offering
plate in an envelope with Indian
Mobile Mission Summer Lunch
Program written on the outside of the
envelope. Sylvia thanks us for praying
for her, Ardell, and The Indian Mobile
Mission. She asks us to continue to
pray for them. I asked her how Ardell
is doing. She says he is doing well and
always gives her a hug when he sees
her. Sylvia says that is unusual because
the Navajos are not people who show
affection by hugging each other.
Thank you and God bless all of
you for your continued support to
Ardell and the Indian Mobile Mission.
Relay For Life
This years ACS Relay For Life in June
15th and 16th at the Susquenita High
School Track from Noon to Noon. Our
church has a team and if you would
like to participate see Terry Kuhn or
Sue Masser or you can sign up on line
The Relay receives a percent of all
sales on the following Hoss's dates so
have lunch or dinner and help raise
money for Cancer at the same time.
to have a stent removed. Please keep
me in your prayers. Hopefully it will
be a one-day affair. Hope to see you in
church soon.
Helen Huss
Nursery Service
Nursery service is provided during the
10 AM worship service for infants and
pre-school children only. Children
who are in the first grade and over are
asked to attend the worship service in
the sanctuary. The nursery is staffed by
an adult volunteer.
May 20th
Nursery Volunteers Needed
June 10th
Nursery service is provided for preschool children during the Sunday
worship service.
The Nursery is
staffed by an adult volunteer. A few
more volunteers are needed.
especially need a volunteer for the
10AM Easter service on April 8. If
you would like to provide nursery
service on Easter Sunday, or you
would like to be placed on the Nursery
volunteer Schedule, please contact Bev
2012 Calendar
A 2012 calendar has been placed on
the bulletin board in the educational
building. Please place all meeting
dates, social events dates, any other
services, or happenings at Christ
Lutheran on the calendar.
My Oath To You
Thank You
Dear Friends at Christ Lutheran:
It’s been awhile but I’m finally feeling
better and getting some strength back.
I must send my thanks for all your
prayers and concerns, cards, phone
calls, foods, flowers and visits. I must
go to the hospital (Don’t’know when)
When you are sad … I will dry your
When you are scared… I will comfort
your fears.
When you are worried… I will give
you hope.
When you are confused… I will help
you cope.
When you are lost and can’t see the
light … I shall be your beacon shining
ever so bright.
This is my oath I pledge till the end.
Why you may ask: Because you are
my friend.
It Is Not Easy
To Apologize
To Begin Over
To Take Advice
To Be Unselfish
To Admit Error
To Face a Sneer
To Be Charitable
To Keep Trying
To Be Considerate
To Avoid Mistakes
To Endure Success
To Profit By Mistakes
To Forgive and Forget
To Think and Then Act
To Keep Out of a Rut
To Make the Best of Little
To Subdue an Unruly Temper
To Shoulder a Deserved Blame
To Recognize the Silver Living
Newsletter articles or information
Contact Betty Minarich at 582-2281 or
email at
There were three men on a hill with their
watches. The first man threw his watch
down the hill and it broke. The second
man threw his watch down the hill and it
broke. The third man threw his watch
down the hill, walked all the way to the
bottom, and caught it.
The other two men were puzzled and
asked the third man how he did it.
The third man said, "Easy. My watch is 5
minutes slow!"
A Minnesota couple decided to vacation to
Florida during the winter. They planned to
stay at the very same hotel where they
spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier.
Because of hectic schedules, it was
difficult to coordinate their travel
schedules. So, the husband left Minnesota
and flew to Florida on Thursday. His wife
would fly down the following day.
The husband checked into the hotel. There
was a computer in his room, so he decided
to send an e-mail to his wife. However, he
accidentally left out one letter in her e-mail
address, and without realizing his error, he
sent the e-mail.
Meanwhile.....somewhere in Houston, a
widow had just returned home from her
husband's funeral. He was a minister of
many years who was called home to glory
following a sudden heart attack. The
widow decided to check her e-mail,
expecting messages from relatives and
friends. After reading the first message,
she fainted.
The widow's son rushed into the room,
found his mother on the floor, and saw the
computer screen which read:
To: My Loving Wife
Subject: I've Arrived
Date: 16 May 2003
I know you're surprised to hear from me.
They have computers here now and you
are allowed to send e-mails to your loved
ones. I've just arrived and have been
checked in. I see that everything has been
prepared for your arrival tomorrow.
Looking forward to seeing you then! Hope
your journey is not as uneventful as mine
P.S. Sure is hot down here!