Using the Data CD

Using the Data CD that Accompanies the Weiers Text
1. Insert the CD in the CD drive of the computer you’re using. Most likely, after a short delay your
computer will bring up a screen with various options, including “Install Data Analysis Plus and Data Sets.”
Do NOT install this stuff. Close the screen by clicking on the red-boxed X in the upper-right-hand corner.
2. Bring up Excel.
3. From Excel, Choose File-Open and direct your computer to the CD drive.
4. When you’ve reached the root directory for the CD, click on the folder “Manual Install,” and in that folder
click on “Datasets.” In the Datasets folder, click on “Excel.” You should now be looking at a list of
chapters. Click on the chapter folder that you’re currently working in.
5. You will see a list of Excel spreadsheets; the last 2 digits of each spreadsheet name is the problem number
corresponding to that problem in the text.
6. If you’re working on your own computer, it would save you some time to copy all the problem files from
Chapters 11, 12, 13, 15, 16 and 18 to your hard drive. You can then access them directly without needing the