EH 414H Writers of the United Kingdom's North

ENGL 408H/ENGL 408 Shakespeare
Professor: Janet Morgan Haavisto, Ph.D.
Course Description: A study of Shakespeare as poet and playwright; an examination of his plays in performance as well as
in literary context. The plays chosen will vary from year to year but will usually include a mixture of early and late works
through a sampling of comedies, histories and tragedies. In our course on Shakespeare, we will read and discuss plays
and excerpts of plays plus samplings of his sonnets.
The First Folio Curriculum Guide
Henry IV, Part I
Twelfth Night
The Tempest
Henry V: We will view the Kenneth Branagh film.
Taming of the Shrew: We will watch this play at Shakespeare’s Globe theatre.
 Sonnet 18 “Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?”
 Sonnet 29 “When, in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes,”
 Sonnet 60 “Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore,”
 Sonnet 73 “That time of year thou mayst in me behold”
 Sonnet 94 “They that have power to hurt and will do none,”
 Sonnet 97 “How like a winter hath my absence been”
 Sonnet 116 “Let me not to the marriage of true minds”
 Sonnet 119 “The expense of spirit in a waste of shame”
 Sonnet 130 “My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun;”
 Sonnet 138 “When my love swears that she is made of truth,”
 Sonnet 146 “Poor soul, the centre of my sinful earth,”
Other works as assigned.
If you choose to buy hard copies of the plays, I recommend the editions published by the Folger Shakespeare Library.
Otherwise, you may print out copies at Roehampton University.
Course Procedures:
Discussions of the readings, the sites, and of our impressions will allow us to analyze the works and the UK that
Shakespeare and his characters reveal to us.
Journal entries based on specific prompts will allow you to sort out what you read, learn, experience, think.
A well-written, grammatically correct, properly documented paper will be due four weeks after we return. We
will discuss the topic for each student while we are together.
Format for writing assignments:
Out-of-class writing assignments of all kinds must be typed, double-spaced (not one and a half space), using 12 point font
in Times New Roman. They must also be submitted electronically to .
In-class writings must be in blue or black ink on wide-ruled, lined notebook paper, one side only. These MUST also be
double-spaced. I WILL NOT ACCEPT SINGLE-SPACED PAPERS. Single-spaced papers will be returned to you
unread for resubmission and grading as late papers.
 Research Paper—including insight; organization; proper documentation of primary and secondary sources;
accurate spelling, grammar, and syntax; depth of research; on-time submission; etc. 100 points
 Scrapbook of documented photos, imported or scanned pictures (be sure to cite sources), and written
documentation of your entries. Graded on insight; organization; proper documentation of primary and
secondary sources; accurate spelling, grammar, and syntax; depth of research; on-time submission; etc. 100
Journal entries—including insight and thoughtfulness, quality of entries, on-time submissions of entries when
requested 100 points
Participation—including evidence of preparation by having read assignments, insight, interest in discussions,
civility (not participating in side conversations during group discussions, politeness to fellow discussants,
etc.). and attending excursions (complete with noticeable effort to glean understanding and insight from what
you experience) 100 points
Excursion Assignments—including insight, on-time submissions, response to the prompts (as opposed to
writing entries that fail to address the issues in the prompts), quality of writing (itemized above under paper)
100 points
Essays based on the literature-- insight; organization; proper documentation of primary and secondary
sources; accurate spelling, grammar, and syntax; depth of research; on-time submission; etc. 100 points
Please read as much as possible before arriving in the British Isles.