Eng 1DP Review

Eng 1DP Review
1. Four Levels of Reading
a. The “Little What”--plot
b. How--technique
c. Why--purpose
d. The “Big What”--Significance
Short Stories
a. Freytag’s pyramid (components: introduction, trigger or inciting incident,
conflict (types) climax, crisis, denouement)
b. Mood
c. Tone
d. Anaphora
e. Atmosphere
f. Setting—time and place
g. Syntax (kinds of sentences/sentence purposes)
h. Point of view (1st person, 3rd person realistic, 3rd person omniscient)
i. Protagonist/antagonist
j. Characters: round/dynamic; flat/static
k. Characterization: direct vs indirect (DOG/CAT)
l. Irony (types)
m. Theme
Short Stories Studied:
 “The Father”
 “Barney”
 “The Veldt”
 “Alicia”
 “The Birthday Party”
 “The Necklace”
3. Poetry
a. Five ways to look at a poem:
i. Visual
1. Stanzas/verses
2. concrete poetry
ii. Aural
Rhythm—iambic, trochee, dactyl, anapest, spondee/feet:
pentameter, tetrameter, etc
5. Euphony, cacophony
6. Alliteration
7. Onomatopoeia
iii. Poetic devices
1. Metaphor
2. Simile
3. Symbol
4. Metonym
5. Synecdoche
6. Image
7. Allusion
8. Personification
9. Hyperbole
10. Paradox
11. Oxymoron
iv. Denotation
v. Connotation
b. Genres of Poetry—characteristics of each
i. Acrostic
ii. Concrete
iii. Found
iv. Elegy
v. Ode
vi. Sonnet
1. characteristics of sonnets in general
2. types (Italian or Petrarchan vs English or Shakespearean)
3. rhetorical structure of sonnets
4. Shakespeare’s involvement with sonnets
a. Notion of circles within circles—both public and
private at the same time
b. Subjects of his poems: young man, dark lady, rival
c. Theatre closing in 1592—effect on Shakespeare
4. Novel Study—To Kill a Mockingbird
a. Historical context to story
i. Scottsboro trial
ii. Till trial
iii. Civil rights movement
iv. Jim Crow laws
b. Plot
c. Narrative Technique –Scout looking back as adult at herself as child
d. Themes:
i. prejudice, hypocrisy, social status
ii. courage—in its many forms
iii. empathy
iv. maturity
e. Characterization
i. Role of major and minor characters
ii. Foil
5. Mythology
a. Purpose of Myth—see Karen Armstrong’s A Short History of Mythology
b. Archetype
c. 3 ways of examining myth—archetype, purpose, ethnocentric
d. Heroic pattern
6. Drama—Romeo and Juliet
a. Shakespeare’s life
b. Shakespeare’s theatre
c. Dramaturgy
d. Important terms
i. Soliloquy
ii. Aside
iii. Oxymoron
iv. Pun
v. Sonnet
vi. Chorus
vii. Aubade
viii. Pathetic fallacy
ix. Courtly love tradition
x. Fate
xi. 5 Act structure
xii. Tragedy—nature of tragedy (tragic flaw(s))
e. Thematic concerns of Romeo and Juliet
i. Fate vs Free will
ii. Young love—impulsivity
iii. Truth vs deception
iv. Communication—failures
v. Parent-child relationships
vi. Failure/foolishness/destructiveness of grudges or feuds
f. Characters and characterization
i. Characteristics of major characters
ii. Characteristics and functions of minor characters