Organic Compounds Study Guide

Study Guide for Science Test on Organic Compounds
examples: Glucose and galactose
Atoms/elements found in carbohydrates: CHO
Most likely found in corn starch
glycogen is the storage of energy in animals
cellulose differs from glycogen in that is it formed by plants and glycogen by animals
a carbohydrate with two monomers is called a disaccharide
has a 1:2:1 ratio of elements Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen (ex: C6H12O6)
cellulose is a polypetide made of many monomers
Starch is the storage of energy in plants
triglycerides are used for long term energy storage
don't dissolve in water
Three fatty acids bonded together to a glycerol head is called a triglyceride
monomer of lipids is triglyceride
ex. of lipids: estrogen, cholesterol, wax, steroids, triglycerides (NOT NUCLEIC ACIDS)
ex: hemoglobin in blood, collagen, enzymes, insulin
found in eggs
Long term energy storage in animals
Atoms or elements: CHONP
made of a sugar, phosphate, and base
monomer is a nucleotide
A macromolecue composed of long chains of monomers bonded together are called polymers
A monomer is a single unit of a macromolecule
pairings of monomers and polymers
monosaccharide and polycaccaride
triglyceride (fatty acid) and nucleotide
nucleotide and nucleic acid
( non-example: protein and nucleic acid)
POLYMERs are proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and polysaccarides
Organic molecules are so diverse because they