Carbohydrates and Lipids Quiz

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Carbohydrates and Lipids Quiz
1. What elements are all carbohydrates made of:___________________________________
2. What elements are all lipids made of:___________________________________
3. Which class of organic molecules is used for long term energy storage in animals?
A. Glucose
B. Proteins
C. lipids
D. Amino acids
4. A monomer is
A. a single unit of a macromolecule
B. multiple units of a macromolecules that are bonded together
C. same as a molecule
D. the entire structure of a macromolecule
5. A major characteristic that all lipids have in common is
A. They all contain phosphorus
B. They all contain nitrogen
C. None of them are very high in energy content
D. They are all acidic when mixed with water
E. They don’t dissolve in water
6. A macromolecule composed of long chains of monomers bonded together are called
A. monomers
B. polymers
C. disaccharides
D. chains
7. Three fatty acids bonded to a glycerol head is call a
B. phospholipid
C. nucleic acid
D. triglyceride
8. The cell wall of a plant cell is MOSTLY made up of these molecules
A. Carbohydrates
B. Proteins
C. Lipids
D. Nucleic Acids
9. Cellulose differs from glycogen in that
A. Cellulose is a lipid while glycogen is a carbohydrate
B. glycogen is formed by plants and cellulose by animals
C. cellulose is formed by plants and glycogen by animals
D. they are the same
10. A carbohydrate with two monomers is called a
A. double monomer
C. polysaccharide
B. disaccharide
D. glucose
11. Which of the following substances is NOT a lipid?
A. wax
C. nucleic acids
B. steroids
D. triglycerides
12. Estrogen, cholesterol, and other steroids are examples of
A. Polysaccharides
C. Polypeptides
B. Lipids
D. Nucleic acids