Chapter 2—Chemistry of Life Review Worksheet

Name: ______________________________________ Date: ___________ Period: ___
6.3 Organic Macromolecules Review Worksheet (pp. 157-163)
Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. (a) “Like” dissolves “like.” Describe what this statement means. (b) Identify a
substance that would not dissolve well in water. Explain why. (c) Identify a substance
that will dissolve well in water. Explain why.
2. Distinguish between organic and inorganic compounds.
3. Why is carbon a very special molecule?
4. Describe the relationship between monomers and polymers.
5. What 3 atoms make up all carbohydrates?
6. What are the monomers of carbohydrates? Give an example.
7. What is a major function of carbohydrates?
8. What is a disaccharide? Provide examples.
9. Name the 4 common polysaccharides and describe their functions.
10. What 3 atoms make up all lipids?
11. Distinguish between saturated and unsaturated fats.
12. (a) What are the monomers of nucleic acids? (b)What are the 3 parts of these
13. What is/are the functions of nucleic acids?
14. What are the 2 types of nucleic acids?
15. What is the monomer for proteins?
16. What is/are the functions of proteins?
17. What is the function of enzymes? Enzymes typically belong to which group of
18. Explain how enzymes speed up chemical reactions.
19. What is biology? What are some of the units of study in biology?
20. What are the characteristics of all living things?