PLURAL OF NOUNS LAWLESS LANGUAGE (Unknown author) We’ll Begin with a Fox and the plural is foxes, But the plural of ox should never be *oxes. One fowl is a goose and the plural is geese, But the plural of moose won’t therefore be * meese. So also for mouse the plural is mice, But for house it’s houses – we never say *hice. And since the plural of man is always called men, For the plural of pan, why can’t we say pen? Then one may be that and three may be those, Yet rat in the plural is never called rose. And the masculine pronouns are he, his, and him, But imagine the feminine she, *shis, and *shim! So English, I fancy, you all will agree, Is the most lawless language you ever did see. 1) Match A) fancy B) fowl C) fox D) goose E) lawless F) moose G) ox H) pan ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( flash - flashes (lampejos) echo - echoes (ecos) box – boxes buzz – buzzes ( zumbir) superhero - superheroes (super-heróis) 2) Palavras terminadas em O originárias do latim, grego, espanhol ou italiano ou ainda abreviadas, formamos o plural acrescentando S: piano – pianos zoo – zoos photo – photos dynamo – dynamos casino – casinos cello – cellos (violoncello) kilo – kilos magneto – magnetos portfólio – portfólios radio – rádios solo – solos soprano – sopranos tango – tangos virtuoso – virtuosos avocado – avocados (abacate) Eskimo – Eskimos commando – commandos vídeo – vídeos ghetto – ghettos ( gueto) kangaroo - kangaroos As palavras buffalo, mosquito, tornado e volcano, aceitam tanto o S para o plural como o ES 3) Substantivos terminados em –ch cuja pronúncia é /k/ também fazem plural apenas com –s: epoch – epochs (época) conch - conchs (conchas) monarch - monarchs (monarcas) patriarch - patriarchs (patriarcas) stomach - stomachs (estômagos) matriarch – matriarchs (matriarca) ) raposa ) boi ) ave ) ganso ) alce ) panela ) desregrado ) imaginar PLURAL OF NOUNS REGRA GERAL: Acrescentamos “S” ao substantivo: house – houses (casa) car – cars (carro) book – books (livro) girl – girls ( garota) topaz – topazes (topázio) match - matches (fósforos) watch – watches ( relógio) crash - crashes (colisões) hippo – hippos (hoppopotamus) table – tables (mesa) PARTICULARIDADES: 1) Substantivos terminados em: s, ss, sh, ch, x, z ou o, formamos o plural acrescentando ES. tomato – tomatoes bus – buses church – churches brush – brushes volcano – vulcanoes hero – heroes ( herói) potato – potatoes (batata) glass – glasses (copo) brush – brushes (pincel) wish – wishes ( desejo) 4) Substantivo terminado em Y precedido de consoante trocando o Y por IES: baby – babies lady – ladies city – cities country – countries family – families story – stories fly – flies (mosca) body-bodies (corpo) ferry – ferries (balsa) sky – skies – (céu) vocabulary-vocabularies nappy - nappies (fralda) poppy - poppies (papoula) 5) Substantivo terminado em Y precedido de vogal, formamos o plural com S boy – boys key – keys donkey – donkeys guy – guys (caras, rapaz) 6) Substantivos terminados em F ou Fe, trocamos o F ou FE por VES: wife – wives (esposa) life – lives (vida) knife – knives (faca) shelf – shelves (estante) wolf – wolves (lobo) calf – calves (bezerro) leaf – leaves (folha) loaf – loaves ( pão) sheaf – sheaves ( feixe, maço) half – halves (metade) self – selves ( a própria pessoa) thief – thieves (ladrão) elf – elves (elfos) Estas 13 palavras mudam o F para V e acrescentamos ES. As demais palavras terminadas em F ou FE fazem parte do plural regular, ou seja, com o acréscimo de S: roof – roofs (telhado) cliff – cliffs ( penhasco) chief – chiefs ( chefe) dwarf – dwarfs (anão) strife – strifes ( briga) 7) Palavras terminadas em MAN , formamos o plural mudando o A pelo E: man – men woman – women policeman – policemen Obs: Nacionalidade acrescentamos apenas o S German - Germans 8) Alguns substantivos são irregulars: child children (criança) mouse – mice (camundongo) goose - geese (ganso) tooth – teeth (dente) foot – feet (pé) ox – oxen (boi) louse - lice (piolho) dice – dice (dados) 9) Palavras estrangeiras SINGULAR PLURAL Datum data Erratum errata Bacterium bacteria Crisis crises Basis bases Thesis theses Mitosis mitoses Analysis analyses Nucleus nuclei Genius genii Cactus cacti Focus foci Criterion criteria Phenomenon phonomena 10) Alguns substantivos, por conter a idéia de um grande número ou porque indicam que a entidade é composta de duas partes iguais, são somente usados no plural: Binoculs cattle glasses jeans knickers leggings pajamas pants pliers pincers police scales scissors shorts tights tongs trousers binóculo gado óculos jeans calções fusô pijama calça alicate pinça polícia balança tesoura calção meia-calça tenaz calça 2) Give the plural of nouns: 01) BOX: _______________________ 02) HALF: ______________________ 03) HERO: _____________________ 04) COMPUTER: ________________ 05) WOMAN: __________________ 06) BUS: ____________________ 07) ECHO: __________________ 08) LADY: ___________________ 09) WIFE: ____________________ 10) STORY: ___________________ 11) DOG: ____________________ 12) NEGRO: _____________________ 13) DISH: ____________________ 14) BUTTERFLY: ______________ 15) SHEAF: __________________ 16) FOOT: ____________________ 17) GLASS: ___________________ 18) HALF: _____________________ 19) MATCH: ____________________ 20) NOTEBOOK: __________________ 21) WATCH: ____________________ 22) WORD: ______________________ 23) GLOVE: ____________________ 24) UMBRELLA: ________________ 25) QUIZZ:___________________ 26) LOUSE:_____________________ 27) DELIVERY: ________________ 28) ROSE: ______________________ 29) MONKEY: ________________ 30) TORNADO:___________________ 3) Rewrite these sentences in the plural: a) A tomato is a vegetable._________________ b) A ball is a toy. __________________________ c) This child is very tall._____________________ d) A fly is an insect. _______________________ e) An ox is a mammal. _____________________ f) He is an Eskimo. ________________________ g) The chief is here. _______________________ h) This story is funny. _____________________ i) Look at that box. _____________________ j) This bus is new. ________________________ k) There was a glass on the table.__________ l) That man is a good engineer._______________ m) There’s a dwarf in this jungle.____________ n) Look at the funny roof! _____________ o) Where’s the knife? ______________ p) The tomato is in the box. ____________ q) There is a yellow peach in the basket._______ r) Your photo is on the piano. __________ s) The lady is near the child. _______________ t) The policeman is here. _________________ u) He is a gentleman. ____________________ v) There is a boy in the class. ____________ w) Is your child well? _______________________ x) I can see black cow in her property.________ 4) COMPLETE THE SENTENCES. USE THE CORRECT PLURAL FORM: 1.The __________________ of the ______________________ are waiting for you. ( wife / policeman ) 2. The _____________________ are playing with their _________________ in the garden. ( child / toy) 3. There are _________________ of fresh ___________________ and __________________ at the street market. ( box / tomato / peach) 4. The _________________ are sleeping but the __________ are not. ( baby / boy) 5. I like to eat hot ____________ ( potato) 6. They are talking the ______________ to the police station. ( thief ) 7. Brush your __________ after dinner. ( tooth) 8. Those ______________ are valuable. (picture ) 9) The _____________ are late. ( bus ) 10) It’s possible to learn new _______________ in this song. ( word ) 5) One of the boldface words is not correct. Write the correct form in the parentheses, a) Those European countries had wise monarches.( _____________________ ) b) The rooves of the huts were covered with leaves from the trees. (____________ ) c) Old MacDonald had a farm with a lot of sheep, calfs and oxen. ( _____________ ) d) The poor slum children had lices. ( ____________ ) e) There were three loafs and ten glasses of milk on the table. ( _____ ) 06) Choose the correct alternative: 1) In each group, identify the alternative in which the plural form f all the nouns is correct: a) ( ) tomatoes; photos; countries, wives ( ) tomatos; photos; countrys; wifes ( ) tomatoes; photos; countrys, wives ( ) tomatos; photos; countries; wives b) ( ( ( ( ) babies; sheaves; half ) baby; sheafs, halves ) babies; sheaves; halves ) babys; sheafs, halves c) ( ( ( ( ) knifes; leaves; gooses ) knives; leafs; geeses ) knives; leaves; geese ) knives; leafs; geese d) ( ( ( ( ) armschairs; louses; Englishman; loafs ) armchairs; louses; Englishmans; loaves ) armchairs; louses; Englishmen, loafs ) armchairs; lice; Englishmen, loaves e) ( ( ( ( ) data; bacterium; bases ) datum; bacteria; basis ) data; bacteria, bases ) datum; bacterium; basis 07 ) Fill in the blanks with the correct alternative: a) _______________are dangerous weapons. ( ) the knife ( ) knifes ( ) a knife ( ) knives b) The plural of FOX is: ( ) foxen ( ) foxes ( c) The plural of a German is: ( ) German ( ) Germanes ) vixen ( ( 7) _______________, _____________, ____________, ____________ are animals. ( ) ox, geese, mouse, dogs ( ) oxes, goose, mousse, dogs ( ) oxen, geese, mice, dogs ( ) oxen, geese, mice, dog ) fox ) Germans ( ) Germen d) Boys have big _________________ and girls have small ones. ( ) foots ( ) feet ( ) feets ( ) foots e) My mother bought us five beautiful white ________. ( ) toothbrushes ( ) toothbrush ( ) teethbrush ( ) teethbrushes 3) Observe as orações abaixo: I – Kurt and Gabriel are boys who like to play with tois. II – The Le Corbusier and Antoni Gaudi are famous European architects III – Those European countries had wise monarches. Verifica-se que houve acerto no emprego do plural: ( ) Apenas na I ( ) em todas. ( ) Apenas na II ( ) Apenas na III 4) In each group identify the only word which demands the verb in the singular: ( ) data ( ) theses ( ) analysis ( ) synopses ( ) pianos ( ) mice ( ) geese ( ) potato ( ) men ( ) children ( ) bus ( ) dice ( ) teeth ( ) foot ( ) churches ( ) hippos ( ) armchairs ( ) benches ( ) key ( ) photos ( ) pianos ( ) mice ( ) geese ( ) potato ( ) salesmen ( ) lice ( ) mice ( ) meese 5) Choose the correct plural form for: “calf, cliff; basis, armful”: ( ) calves, cliffs, basis, armsful ( ) calves, clives, basis, armful ( ) calves, cliffs, bases, armfuls ( ) calfs, clives, basis, armfuls 6) Complete the sentences: There are too many ___________ in these ____________. ( ) thieves, citys ( ) thiefs, cities ( ) thiefs, cityes ( ) thieves, cities 8) Which plural form is right? ( ) chief, chiefs ( ) calf, calves 9) Which plural form is wrong? ( ) wolves ( ) loaves ( ( ) ox, oxes ) beliefs ( ( ) bench, benches ) studioes 10) A palavra que forma o plural pelo simples acréscimo de s é: ( ) man ( ) child ( ) box ( ) night 11) Plural form of the sentence “ The wolf was trying to catch the calf” is: ( ) The wolfs was trying to catch the calfs ( ) The wolves was trying to catch the calves ( ) The wolfs were trying to catches the calves ( ) The wolves were trying to catch the calves 12) The plural of the sentence “Why doesn’t the bus stop in this city?” is: ( ) Why don’t the buses stop in these cities? ( ) Why doesn’t the bus stop in this citys? ( ) Why doesn’t the buses stop in this cities? ( ) Why don’t the buses stop in those cities? 13) The plural of the sentence “ The crash was very serious. He hurt his foot and broke a tooth” is: ( ) The crash was very serious. They hurt their feet and broke some tooth. ( ) The crashes was very serious. They hurt their feet and broke some tooth. ( ) The crashes were very serious. They hurt their feet and broke some teeth. ( ) The crashes was very serious. They hurt their feet and broke some teeth. 14) The plural form of the sentence “Tell that girl to put her brush in this box” is: ( ) Tell those girls to put their brushes in these boxes. ( ) Tell these girls to put their brushes in those boxes. ( ) Tell those girls to put her brushes in these boxes. ( ) Tell those girl to put their brushes in those boxes. 15) The word that doesn’t have an irregular plural form like “tooth – teeth” is… a) ox b) foot c) cloth d) goose e) mouse 21) Escolha a alternativa correta: 1. 16) Na frase “Did hundreds of Japanese kids suffer a TV-induced epileptic attack last 2. week? Indique a alternativa em que todas as palavras têm a mesma forma de plural1. de kids. 3. a) attack – mouse b) goose – Japanese c) cartoon – trigger 1. d) show – child e) cherry – peach 4. 1. 17) Knives is the plural of knife. Which of the words below does not form its plural in 5. the same way? 1. a) wife b) life c) leaf d) chief e) half 18) Mark the only word that does not form the plural regularly: a) pupil b) teacher c) house d) proof e) loaf 19) Which alternative shows the correct plural form of the words given? a) mouse – mice / goose – geese b) mouse – mices / person – child – children c) mouse – mousse / foot – feet d) bus – buses / book – beek e) child – childs / knife – knives 20) Match the columns below so that the words in the second columns fit the sentences provided in the first one; 1. Tom and Mary loves their ______________. 2. Put the oranges inside those _______________. 3. I can’t walk. My ________ are aching a lot. 4. The ______________ are flying south. 5. The cat is hunting the __________________. 6) When Jane fell over, she broke two of her ______________. a) ( ) feet b) ( ) teeth c)( ) children d) ( ) geese e)( ) mice f) ( ) boxes a) b) c) d) e) 6–3–1–4–5–2 3–6–1–4–5–2 3–6–2–4–5–1 5–3–4–2–6–1 3–6–4–1–2–5 6. 1. 7. 1. 8. 1. 9. 1. 2. The plural of "way" is ( ) waies ( ) wayes ( )wayses ( )ways The plural of "baby" is ( )babys ( ) babies ( ) babyes ( )babyses The plural of "church" is ( ) churchs ( ) churchies ( ) churches ( ) churies The plural of "key" is ( ) keys ( ) keyies ( ) keies ( ) keyes The plural of "wish" is ( ) wish ( ) wishies ( ) wishs ( ) wishes The plural of "loss" is ( ) loss ( ) lossies ( ) losses ( ) lossys The plural of "enemy" is ( ) enemys ( ) enemies ( ) enemyes ( ) enemes The plural of "line" is ( ) lines ( ) linies ( ) lins ( ) linses The plural of "show" is ( ) showes ( ) showies ( ) showers ( )shows The plural of "box" is ( ) boxs ( ) boxies ( ) box ( ) boxes