The interplay of non-numeral quantifiers, numerals and number in Helong grammar Misriani Balle, S.Pd & Stuart Cameron, M.Sc. Language and Culture Unit of GMIT (UBB-­‐GMIT) In Helong, the plural suffix –s when used is found on most elements within the clause including verb, dative object, subject and object. It also comes into play when distinguishing singular, plural, generic, and associative plural nouns. Numerals are often marked for plurality either within a large number or a consequence of number agreement with the head of the preceding noun phrase. In contrast to this, there are only a few non-­‐numeral quantifiers and these very rarely take affixes. The deictic system in Helong is complex with 65 known deictic forms. All are marked for number and relative distance from the speaker (proximal, distal or remote) and some can also be marked for referent tracking.