French 3/4/5 Syllabus - Maine East High School

Teacher: Mr. Lewis
Office: Room 328A
Office Phone: (847)692-8452
Office Hours: Available by Appointment
Email Address:
I. Prerequisite
For French 3: French 2 or equivalent, for French 4: French 3 or equivalent and for
French 5: French 4 or equivalent.
II. Course Description
This course develops skills in pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and intermediate
communication within the context of the cultures of French-speaking countries.
III. Learning Objectives
To learn to actively communicate in French.
To gain an appreciation of contemporary French culture.
To understand written and spoken French in everyday contexts.
To comprehend basic reading selections in French.
To learn basic elements of French grammar.
To write intermediate-level sentences in certain contexts.
IV. Academic Integrity
Students are required to demonstrate academic integrity and follow Maine East’s
Code of Academic Conduct. This code prohibits:
plagiarism (turning in work not written by you)
falsification and fabrication (lying or distorting the truth)
helping others to cheat
unauthorized changes on official documents
pretending to be someone else or having someone else
pretend to be you
There are serious consequences to violations of the academic integrity policy.
The Student Handbook, page 37, states the following:
“Students are expected to complete all tests and assignments honestly
and will not collaborate in dishonest actions. Students will not give
or accept answers or assignments unless directed to by the teacher.
Students caught cheating or plagiarizing will be subject to discipline
as stated in the Student Handbook.”
Refer to the student handbook for more details.
V. Assignments
Assignments are usually given three times a week with a Quest (quiz and test put
together) on Friday. This routine might be altered due to circumstances such as
holidays or special bell schedules.
VI. Methods of Instruction
Class time will be devoted to practice structures, expressions and vocabulary
in the context of everyday functions. Students are expected to participate as fully
as possible. Homework assignments will provide additional practice.
VII. Course Practices Required
Arrive to class on time. See policy below (section X).
Be prepared for class.
Complete all homework assignments.
Quests will include all material covered in the chapters, both in class
and in the homework activities.
VIII. Instructional Materials
Trésors du Temps, Glencoe publishers, 2004 Edition and
Reprise Workbook, 2005 Edition.
Glencoe also has a website,, that
offers extensive review and application of curricular material as well
as internet cultural links and activities.
IX. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress
The final grade is based on Quests, journals, homework and class participation.
The grade distribution is:
French 3 Regular
100 – 86% = A*
85 – 76% = B
75 – 66% = C
65 – 56% = D
Below 56% = F
French 3 Accelerated
Same as French 4 Regular
French 4 Regular
100 - 88% = A
87 - 78% = B
77 - 68% = C
67 - 58% = D
Below 58% = F
French 4 Accelerated
100-90% = A
89-80% = B
79-70% = C
*Accelerated credit is not given
with a grade below a C.
French 5 Regular
Same as French 4 Accelerated
French 5 Accelerated
100-93% = A
92-85 % = B
84-77% = C
Accelerated credit is not given
with a grade below a C
*All grade percentages are rounded up at .5
Quests and Journals
100% - final grade
80% of grade above + 20% final exam score = 100% semester grade.
The final exam will count as 20% of the final grade each semester.
Grades will be posted and updated on a regular basis, usually every two weeks.
X. Other Class Information
1. Attendance is very important in any class. If you are absent, please
check with me when you return to make up any assignments you have
missed. You can also check my school website for weekly assignments.
2. All homework and journal assignments are due on the date given when they are
assigned. Any assignments turned in the next day will be accepted for half credit.
The only exception is due to absences. Missing assignments due to absences must be
made up within a week of the absence, otherwise no credit will be given. Quests
must also be made up within a week of the absence. If not, it can be made up the
following week for half credit.
3. Other important classroom rules are as follows:
A. You must arrive to class on time. Those students who arrive after the bell
rings without a legitimate pass will receive a study session.
B. You must have your materials everyday in class. Those students who are not
prepared for class due to not having their materials (textbook, workbook, paper,
pencils, pens) will receive a study session.
C. Food and drinks are not allowed in class unless I tell you otherwise. The only
exception to this rule is bringing water in a plastic drink bottle. Gum and hard
candy are allowed in class as long as they do not interfere with your participation
and there are no wrappers on the floor.
D. You must have your nametag with you everyday in class. Those students who
do not have an ID on will be sent to the ID office to purchase a new one.
4. Time will be given at the end of the semester for redos of Quests. More
information will be given at a later date.
**** If you ever have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate
to contact me. I am here to help you! Best wishes for a great year!!