standard - keithataylorsclass

CHAPTERS 7,8,9,10,11
Describe the reunification of
China under the Tang
Dynasty. Reasons for
Buddhism in China
7.3.2 Tang and Song Dynasty
p.170achievements in the areas of
agriculture, technology and
city growth
7.3.3 The influences of
p.176Confucianism and Neo178
Confucianism during the Song
and Mongol periods
Name ___ANSWER KEY________________
Period ___________
Directions – use your text book and your notes to jot down important information
regarding the following standards. Study for Trimester 2 Exam.
*Buddhism spread to China in the 200’s, monks & traders
brought the religion
* Buddhism offered the escape from suffering, escape from
fighting, famine, etc.
*China was reunified in 589 by the Sui Dynasty
*Reunification was completed by the Tang Dynasty
*Buddhist temples built all over China
Agriculture: underground wells, dragon backbone pump,
faster growing rice, more land being cultivated
Technology: gunpowder
City growth: less farmers needed so they moved to cities for
jobs, led to more trade
Confucianism: focused on ethics (proper behavior) for people
& government
*ren=concern for others
*li=appropriate behavior
Neo-Confucianism: taught proper behavior & spiritual matters
*became official government teachings
7.3.4 The importance of overland
*reopening of the Silk Road during Mongol rule
p.180trade with China and other
*Chinese inventions passed on to Muslims who later
countries. The importance of
passed it on to Europeans
maritime (sea) expeditions
*Zheng He: made expeditions to India, Africa
during the Ming Dynasty
*showed China’s greatness
7.3.5 The historic influence of
p.174Chinese discoveries of tea,
paper, wood-block printing,
compass and gunpowder
7.3.6 The development of Imperial
p.178China and the Scholar179
p. 198203
Describe the significance of
Japan’s proximity to China &
Korea (What did Japan learn
from China & Korea?)
Tea: came from southeast Asia
Paper: invented during the Han Dynasty (105AD)
Woodblock printing: invented during the Tang Dynasty (700s)
*paper & woodblock allowed books to be printed quickly
Compass: led to oversea travel
Gunpowder: used initially for fireworks, later in weapons
imperial means rule by emperor
scholar-official: an educated member of government
*had to pass civil service exam
*ensured the most talented, intelligent people were in
*Intellectual: during the 500’s, Japanese emperors sent people to China & Korea &
invited Chinese & Koreans to Japan to teach the Japanese new ways of working &
*Linguistic: borrowed the Chinese writing system
*Religious: Buddhism was brought to Japan from Korea
*Philosophical: Confucian ideas from China began to influence Japanese culture & life
7.5.2 Discuss the reign of Prince
p. 198Shotoku (What was life like
for the Japanese under
Prince Shotoku’s guidance?)
*Prince Shotoku ruled Japan as a regent for his aunt
*He greatly admired Chinese culture
*encouraged Buddhism & Confucianism
*had Buddhist temples built all over Japan
7.5.3 Describe the values, social
p. 212customs, and traditions of
the shogun, daimyo, &
samurai. Explain the warrior
*Shogun: powerful, military leader who ruled Japan in emperor’s name
*Daimyo (lords): large landowners
*Samurai: trained warriors who fought for lord/shogun
*Bushido (way of the warrior): samurai code that focused on self
discipline, loyalty
*Samurai can lose honor by disobeying an order, losing a fight, or failing
to protect his lord
7.5.4 Trace the development of the *Pure Land Buddhism: popular among the common people, did
p. 204different forms of Japanese not require any special rituals, focused on chanting
*Zen Buddhism: focused on self discipline & meditation,
appealed to Japanese warriors
7.5.5 Describe the golden age of
p.204Japanese literature, art, &
drama including the Tale of
*Heian (capital of Japan from 800s-1100s)
*Literature: Lady Murasaki Shikibu’s Tale of Genji
Sei Shonagan’s Pillow Book
*Art: bold, bright paintings, calligraphy, copied Chinese
7.5.6 Explain the rise of the
p. 212samurai in the late 12th
p. 230233
Describe the geography of
*Drama: plays called Noh
The emperor & nobles were too focused on court life &
ignored the rest of Japan, so the daimyo (large landowners)
hired samurai (warriors) to protect their land.
*Northern Europe: mostly plains (flat land) with many rivers,
thick forests
*Southern Europe: mostly mountains, coastal plains near
Mediterranean Sea
7.6.2 Tell how Christianity spread to
Pope (head of the Christian Church) sent missionaries from
Italy to northern Europe to spread Christianity
7.6.3 How & why did feudalism
p. 237develop?
Explain the feudal system.
*Invaders (Vikings, Muslims, Magyars) attacked Europe,
people needed protection, so feudalism developed
*Feudal system: king, lords, knights, peasants
*Feudalism started in the Frankish Kingdom & spread to
England by William the Conqueror in 1066
7.6.4 Describe the relationship
p.260between popes & kings. Who
had the power to do what?
*Popes: church leader, had political power, power to
excommunicate, power to dictate church teachings, power
over all Christians in Europe
p. 234239
northern Europe. Explain the role
of the church in spreading
p. 242247
*Kings: political power over their kingdom
7.6.5 What is the significance of
p. 276each of the following?
* Christian Church limited the power of popes & nobles
*Magna Carta: document signed by King John of England in
1215, our U.S. Constitution is based on this
*parliament: law-making body that governs England, similar to
Congress in U.S.
*habeas corpus: “you have the body”, it means you cannot be kept in jail
without a reason, must be convicted in a jury trial before being sent to prison
7.6.6 List the causes & effects of
p. 264the Crusades on Christians,
Muslims, & Jews.
*causes: Muslim Turks took over Holy Land & attacked Christian
pilgrims, Byzantine emperor asked the Pope for help, Pope asked
Christians to go on Crusades
*effect on Christians: trade increased, learned new things about the
rest of world
*effect on Muslims: trade increased
*effect on Jews: were persecuted
7.6.7 When, how, & where did the
p. 280bubonic plague spread?
What was its impact?
*When: mid 1300’s (1347-1351)
*How: rats to fleas to humans
*Where: came from Asia on trade ships, spread from coast of
Mediterranea Sea inland across Europe
7.6.8 Why is the Catholic church
p. 269important as a political,
intellectual, & aesthetic
*Impact: less people, entire villages wiped out, feudalism &
manor system collapsed, peasants moved to towns, peasants
demanded wages for work
*Political: church owned lots of land & had to rule over that
*Intellectual: started universities to teach about religion
*Aesthetic: beautiful churches, artwork
7.6.9 Explain the decline of Muslim
p. 282rule in Spain.
*Muslim leaders fought each other, weakening Muslim control
*kingdoms of Castille & Aragon united when Ferdinand married Isabella,
Spain is created
*Christians kick out all non-Christians during the Reconquista & Spanish
p. 304306
How did the revival of
classical learning & arts
foster a new interest in
7.8.2 Explain the importance of
p. 300Florence & independent
trading cities in the spread
of Renaissance ideas.
*renewed interest in Roman & Greek writings, made people
want to learn about more than just religion
*began to study history, literature, art, public speaking, etc.
*Florence became wealthy, used wealth to encourage art &
education, renewed interest in Roman & Greek writings
*rich trading cities competed for the best talent & paid
artists very well to beautify the cities
7.8.3 What are the causes &
p. 298effects of the reopening of
the “Silk Road” & Marco
Polo’s travels?
*Marco Polo’s book inspired people to travel to Asia & find all
the wonders he wrote about
7.8.4 What were some of the new
p. 312ways of disseminating
information during the
7.8.5 Describe some of the
p. 307advances made in the
following areas during the
Renaissance. Don’t forget to
name the people who made
those advances.
Travel, Trade, Printing
*reopening of the trade route brought new inventions from
Asia such as the compass, paper, & other goods
Literature: Gutenberg (printing press), Erasmus (In Praise of Folly),
Cervantes (Don Quixote), Shakespeare (many plays), Machiavelli (The
Prince), Dante (The Divine Comedy) was the 1st Renaissance author to
write vernacular (language of the people)
Arts: artists used perspective, realism
da Vinci (portraits like Mona Lisa, notebooks, etc)
Michelangelo (painted Sistine Chapel, statues like David,Pieta, Moses, etc)
Durer (paintings, woodcuts)
Science: many rediscovered texts dealt with science
Math: square root, positive & negative numbers, architects used math
formulas to strengthen buildings
Cartography: mapmaking, better measurements & calculations to help
sailors & merchants
Engineering: Brunelleschi (dome in Florence)
Anatomy: da Vinci (human dissections), Vesalius (human dissections)
Astronomy: learned about sun, stars, planets, discovered that earth
moves around the sun