Chapter 12 Test A

Chapter 12 Study Guide
Be able to tell who or what:
1. ______________________ The greatest Mongol leader who conquered most of Asia.
2. ______________________ The Japanese religion that involves the worship of spirits.
3. ______________________ Mongol leader who left behind skull pyramids as he marched through India.
4. ______________________ Ruled Japan in the name of the emperor.
5. ______________________ Took the name (Kami, Buddha, Akbar), or “Enlightened One.”
6. ______________________ A great landowner in feudal Japan.
7. ______________________ Moghul ruler. He tried to give everyone religious freedom and to treat them fairly.
8. ______________________ Capital city of Sung China. One of the most modern cities of the time with clean,
wide streets, streetlights, and a fire department.
9. ______________________ City where the shogun forced all the daimyos to move to. Now known as Tokyo.
10. ______________________ Religion that formed in India and believes in the caste system. Most Indians today
are still this religion.
11. ______________________ Religion that believes people reach Enlightenment. Pure Land, Tibetan and Zen
12. ______________________ Mongol leader who established the Yuan dynasty in China. Built the city that is
now known as Beijing.
13. ______________________ A code of honor a Japanese samurai must follow.
14. ______________________ A three-line poem often about nature (5 syllables, 7 syllables and 5 syllables).
15. ______________________ A Japanese play with exaggerated actions.
16. ______________________ The Japanese art of arranging flowers.
17. ______________________ A condition of complete emptiness in which a person’s soul finds peace.
18. ______________________ A five-line poem with 31 syllables.
Differences between Japanese and European feudalism:
19. Relationship between the European vassal and knight was a legal arrangement but the samurai obeyed his daimyo
20. When a vassal in Europe died, his property was given to his eldest son or divided among all his sons but in Japan, a
man’s land was passed to:
21. In Europe, lords and vassals thought women were not equal to men (but women were still respected). In Japan,
warriors expected women to:
22. European knights felt education was:
Japanese samurai felt that education was:
23. What is the biggest difference between Hinduism and Buddhism?
24. What are the Four Noble Truths?
25. Why did the Shah Jahan build the Taj Mahal?
26. Name three things that Indian scientists or doctors discovered.
27. Why did the Ming Dynasty isolate China from the rest of the world?
What was a result of this isolation?
28. How did Buddhism spread to Japan?
29. Other than the printing press, what is one thing the Chinese invented?
30. How did the Mongol rulers make trade easier?
When trading, what is something Europe got from China?
b. When trading, what is something China got from Europe?
31. How were women in China in the Middle Ages treated? Explain.