Lesson Plans 2014 Unit 8 week 2

Kindergarten Lesson Plans
12/9 – 12/13
Performance Indicator
8:05 – 8:10
Morning Announcements
8:10 – 8:25
Pick students up on playground
Students will sign in.
I can participate in group discussion.
8:25 – 8:35
SFA: Unit 8
Winter Weatherland
I.R.3: HI-3 Using key words, phrases, and
complete sentences to answer open-ended
comprehension questions when responding to
K.RL1 With prompting and support, ask and
answer questions about key details in a text.
Rhyme Time
Students will sit on rug and review,
days of the week, months of the year,
colors, numbers, seasons of the year,
shapes, yesterday was…,
today is…,tomorrow will be..
(Follow Script “Spotlight On”)
Daily Message: Follow the script
Monday- Day 5
Tuesday- Day 6
Wednesday- Day 7
Thursday- Day 8
Friday- Day 9-10
I can answer questions about a text.
8:35 – 8:45
SFA: Unit 8
I.LS: HI-10 Producing rhyming words and
short, simple, rhyming phrases and songs
using accurate pronunciation as well as
expressive phrasing and intonation.
Follow Script
Monday- Day 5
Tuesday- Day 6
Wednesday- Day 7
Thursday- Day 8
Friday- Day 9-10
K.RF.2 Demonstrate understanding with
spoken words, syllables, sound and
8:45 – 9:05
SFA: Unit 8
I can hear initial sounds in words and
use accurate articulation.
I.R.3: HI-3 Using key words, phrases, and
complete sentences to answer open-ended
comprehension questions when responding to
Story Tree
K.RL.1 With prompting and support, ask and
answer questions about key details in a text.
9:05 – 9:35
SFA: Unit 8
I can answer questions about a story.
I.R.1:HI-1demonstrating the command of left to
right, top to bottom directionality and return
sweep when reading
I.R.1:HI-2 demonstrating one to one correlation
between spoken word and printed
I.R.2:HI-3 blending syllables to produce words
Stepping Stones
I.R.2: HI-6 Producing letter sounds represented
by the single lettered consonants and vowels.
K.RF.3 Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to
one correspondence by producing the primary or
many of the most frequent sound for each
consonant and vowels.
Follow Script
Monday- Day 5
Tuesday- Day 6
Wednesday- Day 7
Thursday- Day 8
Friday- Day 9-10
I can begin to recognize letter sounds.
Follow Script
Monday- Day 5
Tuesday- Day 6
Wednesday- Day 7
Thursday- Day 8
Friday- Day 9-10
9:35 – 10:05
I.L.1: HI-1(PH/CL) Using a noun phrase to
complete a sentence.
SFA: Unit 8
Learning Labs/Grammar
L.K.1F- Produce and expand complete sentences
in shared language activities.
10:05 – 10:40
I can speak in a complete sentence.
I.L.1: HI-2: Students will explain differences
between common and proper nouns in context.
(singular/plural common nouns)
K.L.1F.Students will produce and expand
complete sentences in shared language activities.
I can speak in complete sentences.
Blocks: I can build a shelter.
Art: I can paint a weather picture.
Dramatic Play: I can work in a weather station.
Library / Literacy: I can read books about the
weather and work on SIF and BID using magnetic
Media: I can listen to stories about weather and
illustrate a picture.
Math: I can make a snowman numbers book. (1-12)
Writing: I can write weather words in a book.
Science: I can create a water cycle using paper
Teacher will follow script in
REACH Program: Volume 2 / Unit 5 /
Wind, Rain & Snow
Monday- Day 1
Tuesday- Day 2
Wednesday- Day 3
Thursday- Day 4
Friday- Day 5
Vocabulary and concept words for the week:
Boots, hat, jacket, pants, sandals, scarf, shirt,
shorts, raincoat, umbrella, fall, summer, spring,
winter, rainy, sunny, snowy, windy, hear, see,
smell, taste, touch
High frequency words for the week:
Give, him
High frequency word books:
Give Him a Jacket!
Bears and Seasons
Share with Him!
10:40 – 11:20
Teacher will walk students to the cafeteria.
The teacher will pick students up at the
North east playground.
10:45 – 11:10
11:20 – 12:20
IL2: HI-3 I can use resources throughout the
classroom to spell words.
IL2: HI-6 Determining word meaning
within context.
11:10 – 12:30
K.W.3 Use a combination of drawing, dictating,
and writing to compose opinion pieces in which
they name what they are writing about and
supply some information about the topic.
K.R1.1 With prompting and support, ask and
answer questions about key details in a text.
K. R1.2 With prompting and support, identify
the main topic and retell key details of a text.
(30min)Writing Journals
Students will practice writing their
name, Letter formation and simple
words with guidance and support from
the teacher. Teacher will use vocabulary
and concepts
words from our grammar list (see above).
Students will write simple sentences.
(30 min) Unit 2.1: Nubs: The True Story
of a Mutt, a Marine and a Miracle
/ Task 2
Monday: Locate front and back
cover, title page, and author.
Introduce the book to students
Recall details using who, what, when,
where. Have student’s site evidence.
Ask questions after pages 8, 14, 24, 32,
K.R1.3 With prompting and support,, describe
the connection between two individuals, events,
ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
I can draw a picture to tell a story.
I can share thoughts and ideas orally
with prompting.
I can participate in a conversation with
a partner and group to make
connections to text.
I: 1 HI-5 following multiple step directions.
12:20 – 1:20
KMD.3 Classify objects into given
categories; count the numbers of
objects in each category and sort the
categories by count. (Limit counts to
be less than or equal to 20
end of book.
Tuesday: Define Vocabulary from
the text.
Vocabulary: true, pack, thin, greet, knelt,
wagging, safe, belly rubs, wound, whisper,
heading, alone, curled, leash, miracle.
Have students pair share to come up
with kid friendly definitions.
Students will complete a writing/
journal entry for the day.
Wednesday: Continue the above procedure
throughout the story for the remaining 4
stopping points. Focus on photographs
and text to site evidence that supports the
friendship between Nubs and Major
Brian Dennis. Finish with a journal
entry about Nubs.
Thursday: Continue the above procedure
for the remaining stopping points.
Discuss the key details that support the
connection between Nubs and Major Brian
Dennis. Finish with a journal entry and
have students site their evidence.
Vocabulary: true, pack, thin, greet, knelt,
wagging, safe, belly rubs, wound, whisper,
heading, alone, curled, leash, miracle.
Re-teach vocabulary that students may
be having difficulty with. Reinforce
vocabulary variations.
After reading story again, differentiate
for the needs in your classroom.
Give students a purpose as they
listen and pair share based on the journal
entry you have decided upon for that day.
Comparing Numbers to 20
Workshop 1 (Monday): Writing numbers
Workshop 2 (Tuesday): Making sets of
10 & 20 and illustrating those groups.
Workshop 3 (Wednesday): Sequencing
Snowmen 1-20
Workshop 4 (Thursday): Number Bingo
Workshop 5 (Friday): Missing Numbers to 2
Teacher will walk students to Specials…
Wednesday: No Specials
Teacher will walk out with students to
kindergarten playground. Students will
have free choice play using their gross
motor skills.
1:20 – 1:55
1:55 – 2:10
Gross Motor
2:10 – 2:40
I: 1 HI-5 following multiple step
Continuation of math workshops (see above)
Math (cont.)
2:30 – 2:40
Teacher will walk students to the bus bay,
and also have bus duty in front of bus _____.
Clean up