Okanagan Mission Secondary School Science Department Ms. A. Nickel Biology 11H Biology 11H: Course Outline Welcome to Biology 11H! This is a fun and interesting course, which will expand your mind and heighten your awareness of the world around you. In this course we will be examining various aspects of the living organisms around us – from gymnosperms to streptococci to nematods! Get ready to take an exciting journey into the intricacies of your environment! 1) Evaluation There are approximately 7 major tests for this part of the course, which occur about every 1-3 weeks. If you miss one of these tests YOU are responsible to make it up. YOU must contact me and we will set up an appropriate time. I do not allow students to re-take quizzes; however, I will drop the quiz mark if the student proves to me that they understand the material in the unit/chapter test. Each term will count for 40% of your FINAL mark; 20% will come from your final exam. 70% = Tests and Quizzes + 30% = Assignments and Labs 100% = TOTAL Each student’s percentage will be converted into a letter grade based on the table below A = 86% - 100% B = 73% - 85.9% C+ = 67% - 72.9% C = 60% - 66.9% C= 50% - 59.9% I = Below 49.9% 2) Classroom Supplies All students are required to have with them each class: - Your notebook and lined paper - 3 Pens (blue, red and a color of your choice) - Pencil - Colored pencils - Eraser - Ruler / protractor - Calculator Class Syllabus Class Topic Intro, Characteristics of Life, Chemicals of Life Cells and Cell Processes Evolution: History Evolution: Lamarck and Darwin Reading (pages) Ch. 1 – 1, 2, 3 Ch. 2 – 3 Ch. 17 – 2; 15 – 1 Ch. 15 – 2, 3 TEST #1: Biology Basics Evolution: Natural Selection Evolution: Speciation Evolution: Evidence of Evolution Evolution: Evidence Continued Evolution: Human Evolution Evolution: Origin of Life Taxonomy and Viruses Ch. 15 – 3 Ch. 16 – 3 Ch. 16 – 1 Ch. 17 – 1 Ch. 32 – 3 Ch. 17 – 2, 3, 4 Ch. 18; Ch. 19 – 2,3 TEST #2: Evolution Domain Archabacteria and Eubacteria Continued Phylum Porifera and Cnidaria Ch. 19 – 1 Ch. 19 – 3 Ch. 26 TEST #3: MicroBiology Phylum Platyhelminthes Phylum Nematoda Ch. 27 – 1 Ch. 27 – 2 TEST #4 Plants Phylum Annelida Phylum Mollusca Phylum Arthropoda Phylum Echinodermata Lower Vertebrates and Fish Ch. 27 – 3 Ch. 27 – 4 Ch. 28 – 1, 2, 3 Ch. 28 – 4 Ch. 30 -1, 2 TEST #5 Lower Inverts Amphibians and Reptiles Birds and Mammals Plants: Algae and Bryophytes Ch. 30 – 3; Ch. 31 - 1 Ch. 31 – 2; Ch. 32 – 1, 2 Ch. 20 – 3,4; Ch. 22 - 2 TEST #6 Higher Inverts Plants: Ferns and Conifers Plants: Angiosperms Ch. 22 – 3,4; 24 Ch. 22 – 5; Ch. 23 TEST #7 Chordates Review time FINAL EXAM “All things are difficult before they are easy”