NON-INSECT PESTS Achatina fulica Phylum: Mollusca, F:Achatinidae Siput babi eats a wide range of plant material, fruit and vegetables Control: hand collecting use of molluscicides use salt Deroceras laeve Phylum: Mollusca; F:Limacidae Lintah bulan Damages: seed hollowing, shoot cutting and leaf shredding. also devalue harvests due to their mucus trails and faeces deposition Control:chemicals such as metaldehyde or methiocarb Biocontrol: use nematodes AVES: Passer montanus (ciak) Feed on variety of fruits, Also feed on grains (bijirin) Control: Habitat modification. Roosting and nesting sites can be reduced by blocking entrances larger than 2 cm. Reduce their food sources: removing edible human refuse protecting small crops with bird netting, practising clean livestock feeding techniques. Feed also needs to be covered to protect it from bird droppings. Shooting (air guns), trapping, poisoning, and repelling. Traps (mist net) use scarecrows and motorized hawks. Rodents Rattus argentiventer Rattus tiomanicus Rosakkan tanaman bijirin, tebu, coconut, k.sawit,stored product (grains) Control: Sanitation Traps Rodenticides: ‘malu umpan/bait shyness Ultrasonic Bio control barn owl (Tyto alba)