Name______________________ Review Sheet for Chapter 5 CHAPTER 5: 1. Organic molecules are molecules that contain ____carbon__________________. 2. Carbon can form ___4__ bonds. 3. Give an example of an important hydrocarbon. 4. Functional groups attached to hydrocarbons determine a molecules structure and therefore, its ________function_______________. 5. Explain the relationship between monomers and polymers. Monomers are simple units that build complex units called polymers 6. When joining a monomer to a polymer this reaction occurs: Dehydration synthesis 7. When breaking apart a polymer this reaction occurs: Hydrolysis 8. A simple sugar that contains just one sugar unit is called a ____monosaccharide_____________________. Give an example of this. (glucose) 9. What is glucose used for in your cells? Used for energy for the cell 10. How could you make a disaccharide? What is an example of a disaccharide? - Put 2 monosaccharides together. An example is sucrose or lactose 11. A long polymer made up of simple sugar molecules is called a(n) ____polysaccharide__________________. 12. Where is starch found? What kinds of foods contain starch? - starch is found in plants. Things like potatoes, rice, pasta have starch 13. Starch is made up of monomers called ___glucose____________. 14. A polysaccharide made up of glucose monomers that acts as a storage for excess sugar is called _____glycogen_________________. 15. What is cellulose and how is it important in our diet? Cellulose is found in plant cell walls and it is a good source of fiber that helps with digestion 16. How can sugars be “toxic”? - Sugar consumption has been linked to diabetes and cancer. Sugar can feed certain cancer cells. 17. Lipids are a class of compounds that are ____hydrophobic_______________. They are also nonpolar. What does this mean? They fear water and all of the atoms have equal charges 18. What are fats called triglycerides? - Made up of a glycerol molecule and 3 fatty acids 19. What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats? Which one is better for you? - Saturated fat has the maximum number of hydrogens and is solid at room temperature. Unsaturated fats does not have the maximum number of hydrogens and is liquid at room temp. Unsaturated are better for you because they are less likely to clog arteries 20. How can you recognize a steroid? What is an example of an important steroid in the cell membrane? A steroid is found as 4 fused rings. An example is cholesterol 21. Proteins are polymers constructed from monomers called __amino acids _________________. 22. A chain of amino acids is called a ____polypeptide____________. Amino acids are joined by __peptide bonds__________________. 23. What are proteins used for in your cells? Enzymes, protein in muscle, hair, skin, protect body (antibodies) 24. Relate protein shape to protein function. - Proteins fold in specific ways and the shape of the protein determines its function 25. When a protein changes shape due to a temperature change this is called _____denaturation __________________. 26. What are enzymes? What is their function? - Enzymes speed up chemical reactions by lowering the activation energy (energy to get a reaction started ). 27. Explain the relationship between enzymes and substrates. - Enzymes are specifically shaped for the substrate that they act upon.