Biology and Biochemistry Study Guide List

Advanced Biology Study Guide
Biology and Biochemistry
For your test over biology and biochemistry, you will need to know the following
terms and concepts:
o Definition
o Inorganic vs organic molecules
o Hierarchy of living organisms (atomsorganism)
 Types of tissues
o Six components that all living organisms have in common
 Cell structure
 Unicellular
 Multicellular
 Cell differentiation
 Metabolism
 Autotrophs
 Heterotrophs
 Evolution
 Definition
 Natural selection
 Reproduction
 Asexual (definition and examples)
 Sexual (definition and examples)
 Homeostasis
 Definition
 Examples
 Response to stimuli
o Miller-Urey experiment
 What happened
 Importance
o Parts
 Names
 Locations in the atom
 Charge
 Versions
 Isotopes
 Ions
o Fission vs fusion
Phases of matter
o Names of the phases
o Volume and shape of each phase
o Names of phase changes
o Importance of energy in regards to phase changes
Kinetic Theory
o Postulates
Elements, Compounds, Molecules, Mixtures
o Definitions of each
 Homogeneous vs heterogeneous mixtures
o Importance of each
pH and Water
o Solute
o Solvent
o Concentration
o pH
 Definition
 pH scale (know where acids, bases, and neutral solutions are)
o Acids and bases
 Relationship with hydrogen ions (released or accepted)
 Examples
 Definition of indicators
o Buffers
 Definition
 Uses/importance
 Examples in the body
o Water
 Polar vs nonpolar
 Importance of water in body
 Cohesion vs adhesion
Covalent bonds
o Definition
o Polar covalent
 Types (definitions and importance for each type)
o Nonpolar covalent (definition)
Ionic bonds
o Definition
o Uses/importance
o Monomers vs polymers definition
o Carbohydrates
 Monomer
 Polymers (examples and importance of each)
 Importance
 Condensation vs hydrolysis
o Lipids
 Monomers
 Polymers (examples and importance of each)
 Phospholipids (shapes)
 Importance
 Saturated vs unsaturated fats
 Definitions
 Importance
o Proteins
 Monomers
 5 components of this monomer
 Importance of DNA/RNA to this monomer
 Polymers (examples and importance of each)
 Structure (primaryquaternary)
o Nucleic Acids
 Monomers
 Three parts
 What determines sequence of bases
 Polymers (examples and importance of each)