
Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002)
French 1
Enrolment code: HEF100
Offered: Hbt, sem 1&2
Unit description: Places its main stress on the development of a sound basic
knowledge of the structure of the language and on practice in the four basic
language skills bringing students to a degree of linguistic competence
equivalent at least to TCE French Stage 4.
Staff: Dr A Hafez-Ergaut
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching: sem 1: 2x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial, 2x1-hr language lab weekly; sem
2: 2x1-hr lectures, 2x1-hr tutorials, 1-hr oral/aural class weekly
Assess: weekly assignments (20%), 2-hr exam (mid-year, 20%), oral test (wk 26,
20%), 3-hr exam (end-of-year, 40%)
Courses: R3A R3J
French for Tourism and Business
Enrolment code: HEF203/303
Offered: Hbt, sem 1
Unit description: Enables students to read and understand articles and
documents in French in the areas of business and commerce. Subjects covered
will include French companies, employment, banking, taxation, tourism and
business letters. Authentic French documents will be used.
Staff: Dr B Peeters
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching: 2x1-hr lectures weekly
Prereq: HEF100 or TCE French Stage 4 (HA)
Assess: weekly assignments (40%), 3-hr exam in June (60%)
Majors: French
Courses: R2A R3A R3J R6J
French Linguistics: An Introduction
Enrolment code: HEF210/310
Offered: Not offered in 2001
Unit description: Linguistics is the scientific study of human language
apprehended through the diversity of human languages. French linguistics uses
the tools of linguistics at large to tell us more about the language called French.
The unit looks at the nuts and bolts of the French language system: its sounds,
Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002)
its words, its syntax. It aims at being descriptive rather than prescriptive,
explicit rather than vague. While the focus is on modern standard French, there
will be occasional digressions into the past or into other varieties of French
throughout the world. Attempts will be made to link the unit to other, more
advanced, offerings in French linguistics.
Staff: Dr B Peeters
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching: 2x1-hr seminars weekly
Prereq: HEF100 or TCE French Stage 4 (HA)
Assess: regular assignments (20%), 1,200 to 1,500-word essay (30%), 2-hr exam
in June (50%)
Majors: French
Courses: R2A R3A R6J
French Linguistics: Pragmatics
Enrolment code: HEF213/313
Offered: Hbt, sem 2
Unit description: Pragmatics, usually defined as the study of (culturally
determined) rules and conventions underlying linguistic interaction between
speakers, is a rapidly expanding field of scholarship. This unit aims to
familiarise students with some of the main topics of interest in (cross-cultural)
pragmatics, with illustrations drawn from French and from situations where
native speakers of French and of (Australian) English encounter each other and
engage in discourse using each other’s language.
Staff: Dr B Peeters
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching: 2x1-hr seminars weekly
Prereq: HEF100 or TCE French Stage 4 (HA)
Assess: classwork (40%), 2-hr exam in Nov (60%)
Majors: French
Courses: R2A R3A R3J R6J
French Literature: An Overview
Enrolment code: HEF220/320
Offered: Not offered in 2001
Unit description: Introduces students to the principal literary movements
within French literature by looking at major writers and works. The unit
considers the historical context, the unfolding evolution of ideas and of the
French language. Materials studied are not simplified, adapted or abridged,
and include passages of significant novels and poetry. Students are required to
Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002)
read one complete novel or book of poetry of their choice. They will also take
part in class discussions bearing on the excerpts covered by the syllabus.
Staff: Dr A Hafez-Ergaut
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching: 1-hr seminar, 1-hr tutorial weekly
Prereq: HEF100 or TCE French Stage 4 (HA)
Assess: tutorial presentation and paper (20%), 1,200 to 1,500-word essay (30%),
2-hr exam in Nov (50%)
Majors: French
Courses: R2A R3A R6J
Twentieth Century French Theatre
Enrolment code: HEF221/321
Offered: Hbt, sem 1
Special note: not available to students enrolled in HEF302
Unit description: Offers an initiation into the stimulating world of
20th-century French theatre, where innovative stagecraft and fine psychological
insight are used to raise fundamental human issues. Three popular plays will
be analysed in detail: Antigone by Jean Anouilh, Knock ou Le triomphe de la
médecine by Jules Romains, and La cantatrice chauve by Eugène Ionesco.
Staff: Dr A Hafez-Ergaut
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching: 2x1-hr seminars weekly
Prereq: HEF100 or TCE French Stage 4 (HA)
Assess: test (10%), 1,200–1,500-word essay (40%), 2-hr exam in June (50%)
Majors: French
Courses: R2A R3A R6J
French-Canadian Women Writers
Enrolment code: HEF222/322
Offered: Hbt, sem 2
Unit description: With the ‘Quite Revolution’ as a political and cultural
background, women writers have placed an important, innovative and
inspiring role in 20th-century French-Canadian literature. The units focuses on
works by three major writers: Sur la route d’Altamont and Bonheur d’occasion by
Gabrielle Roy, La Sagouine by Antonine Maillet and Kamouraska by Anne
Hébert. They raise issues such as the place of women in society and the burden
of poverty and deal with French linguistic and cultural specificity in
Anglo-speaking environment.
Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002)
Staff: Dr A Hafez-Ergaut
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching: 2x1-hr seminars weekly
Prereq: HEF100 or TCE French Stage 4_
Assess: tutorial presentation and paper (20%), 1,500-word essay (30%), 2-hr
exam (50%)
Majors: French
Courses: R2A R3A R6J
The French Novel (1900–1950)
Enrolment code: HEF223/323
Offered: Not offered in 2001
Unit description: Offers a detailed study of three Nobel-Prize winning
20th-century authors, Gide, Mauriac and Camus, who remain highly relevant to
contemporary thinking. The unit raises issues such as the quest for authenticity,
the oppressiveness of traditional structures and the call to involvement in the
existential struggle. Each author is studied within his historical and cultural
Staff: Dr A Hafez-Ergaut
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching: 2x1-hr seminars weekly
Prereq: HEF100 (DN) or TCE French Stage 4 (OA)
Assess: tutorial presentation and paper (20%), 1,500-word essay (30%), 2-hr
exam in June (50%)
Majors: French
Courses: R2A R3A R6J
Le grand écran: A History of French Cinema
Enrolment code: HEF230/330
Offered: Not offered in 2001
Unit description: Introduces students to a different aspect of French culture,
while further developing their linguistic and critical thinking skills. The unit
consists of a presentation of French films from the beginning of French cinema
to the latest films. Films included in the survey have been chosen either for their
socio-cultural and/or historical interest, or for their relationship to French
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching: 3x1-hr lectures, 2-hr screening session fortnightly
Prereq: HEF100 or TCE French Stage 4 (HA)
Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002)
Mutual excl: HAC208/308, FST294/394
Assess: 2x1,500 to 2,000-word essays (40%), 2-hr exam in Nov (60%)
Majors: French, Cultural Studies, Art and Design Theory (Hobart)
Courses: R2A R3A R6J
French Language Skills 3
Enrolment code: HEF301
Offered: Hbt, sem 1&2
Unit description: Builds on the competency achieved by students in HEF201,
providing further training in selected topics in French grammar and in
translation. The unit also includes two major assignments to test written
comprehension skills, and composition on set topics. Oral skills are developed
in tutorials.
Staff: Dr B Peeters
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching: 2x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial weekly
Prereq: HEF201
Assess: weekly assignments (20%), 2x1,300-word essays (20%), written test
(sem 1, 10%), 2 oral tests (30%), 3-hr exam (end-of-year, 20%)
Majors: French
Courses: R2A R3A R6J
French Language Skills 3B
Enrolment code: HEF302
Offered: Hbt, sem 1&2
Unit description: Builds on the competency achieved by students in HEF301,
providing advanced training in selected topics in French grammar and in
translation. The unit also includes two major assignments to further test written
comprehension skills, and composition on set topics. Oral skills continue to be
developed in the tutorials.
Staff: Dr B Peeters
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching: 2x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial weekly
Prereq: HEF301
Assess: weekly assignments (20%), 2x1,300-word essays (20%), written test
(sem 1, 10%), 2 oral tests (30%), 3-hr exam (end-of-year, 20%)
Majors: French
Courses: R2A R3A R6J
Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002)
French 4 (Honours)
Enrolment code: HEF400/401
Full time/Part time
Offered: Hbt
Special note: full-time students enrol in HEF400 (100%), part-time students in
HEF401 (50%); individual units have notional weight, but for HECS purposes
are weighted at 0%
Unit description: Intending students should consult with the French lecturers
at the earliest opportunity for information on and guidance with the choice of
units. Apart from undertaking further language study, students will be
required to write a thesis and to engage in supervised reading. Available
reading units include:
French Semantics,
French Syntax,
Special Topic in French Linguistics,
The French Novel (1750–1900),
Le Maghreb,
Special Topic in French Literature.
Staff: Dr B Peeters, Dr A Hafez-Ergaut
Unit weight: 100%/50%
Prereq: 112.5% major with a GPA of 7 or better, and either an HD for HEF301
French Language Skills 3 or a DN for HEF302 French Language Skills 3B
Courses: R4A
Oral and Written French 4
Enrolment code: HEF402
Offered: Hbt, sem 1&2
Special note: notional weight 25%
Unit description: Contains oral and translation work similar to that
prescribed for HEF302 French Language Skills 3B.
Staff: Dr B Peeters
Unit weight: 0%
Teaching: tba
Assess: weekly assignments (20%), written test (sem 1, 20%), 2 oral tests (30%),
3-hr exam (end-of-year, 30%)
Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002)
Enrolment code: HEF403
Offered: Hbt
Special note: notional weight 50%
Unit description: Students prepare a dissertation of 40–60 pages, in French, on
a topic to be determined in consultation with the lecturers.
Unit weight: 0%
Courses: R4A
French Linguistics: Semantics
Enrolment code: HEF411
Offered: Hbt, sem 1
Special note: notional weight 12.5%
Unit description: Why do we say in French ‘Je veux qu’il vienne’ but not ‘Je
veux que je vienne’? Why do we say ‘Sylvie est bleue des yeux’ but not ‘Sylvie
est bronzée de peau’? Differences such as these, which at first sight have
nothing to do with meaning, but would appear to be purely idiosyncratic, will
be examined, and it will be shown that there is an often ignored perspective in
the scientific study of languages, which may be called ‘the semantics of
Staff: Dr B Peeters
Unit weight: 0%
Teaching: tba
Assess: classwork (40%), 2-hr exam in June (60%)
Courses: R4A
French Linguistics: Syntax A
Enrolment code: HEF412
Offered: Hbt, sem 1
Special note: notional weight 12.5%
Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002)
Unit description: The so-called artificial and/or arbitrary nature of the French
past participle agreement rules has long been recognised. This unit attempts to
provide an overview of discussions and treatments of the relevant rules by
grammarians (starting from Clément Marot in the 16th century) and linguists,
including a new formulation in which the notion of direct object no longer
plays any role.
Staff: Dr B Peeters
Unit weight: 0%
Teaching: tba
Assess: classwork (40%), 2-hr exam in June (60%)
Courses: R4A
Special Topic in French Linguistics
Enrolment code: HEF413
Offered: Hbt, sem 1
Special note: notional weight 12.5%
Unit description: Is a study of a topic in French linguistics of special interest
to the student.
Staff: Dr B Peeters
Unit weight: 0%
Teaching: tba
Assess: 2,500-word essay in French (40%), 2-hr exam in June (60%)
Courses: R4A
The French Novel (1750–1900)
Enrolment code: HEF424
Offered: Hbt, sem 1
Special note: notional weight 12.5%
Unit description: Traces the development of the novel in France from
Voltaire’s ‘contes philosophiques’ to the romantic or crude realism of Stendhal’s
and Maupassant’s naturalist world. Voltaire’s sparkling Candide, Stendhal’s
Chartreuse de Parme and Maupassant’s Pierre et Jean will be examined in detail.
Staff: Dr A Hafez-Ergaut
Unit weight: 0%
Teaching: tba
Assess: tutorial presentation and paper (20%), 1,500-word essay (30%), 2-hr
exam in June (50%)
Courses: R4A
Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002)
Special Topic in French Literature
Enrolment code: HEF425
Offered: Hbt, sem 1
Special note: notional weight 12.5%
Unit description: Is a study of a topic in French literature of special interest to
the student.
Staff: Dr A Hafez-Ergaut
Unit weight: 0%
Teaching: tba
Assess: 2,500-word essay in French (40%), 2-hr exam in June (60%)
Courses: R4A
Le Maghreb: Perspectives maghrébines
Enrolment code: HEF426
Offered: Hbt, sem 1
Special note: notional weighting 12.5%
Unit description: The Maghreb has played an important role in the cultural
and political shaping of France in the 20th century. It has inspired and is still
inspiring political and cultural passions. European and North-African writers
each have their own, very different, visions of the Maghreb, which are clearly
reflected in their literary output. This unit focuses on three texts by
French-speaking North-African writers: La Statue de sel by Albert Memmi, Une
enquête au pays by Driss Chraïbi and L’Enfant de sable by Tahar Ben Jelloun.
Each text is studied in the light of its author’s originality and the cultural
specificity of North-African francophone literature.
Staff: Dr A Hafez-Ergaut
Unit weight: 0%
Teaching: tba
Assess: tutorial presentation and paper (20%), 1,500-word essay (30%); 2-hr
exam in June (50%)
Courses: R4A