Earth Science (Geography)

Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002)
Population and Urbanisation
Enrolment code: KJG101
Offered: Ltn, sem 1; NWC, sem 1; dist.ed, sem 1
Unit description: Provides a foundation for major or minor studies in
Geography as well as being available as an elective unit. A number of key
geographical concepts and skills are introduced early in the unit, followed by a
systematic approach to population, urbanisation and global issues. The unit
covers a wide range of conceptual, theoretical and practical material, but at a
preliminary level. No previous study of geography is assumed.
Staff: Dr P Hanson
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching: 2 hrs lectures, 2 hrs practical weekly (13 wks)
Mutual excl: HGE103
Assess: essay (15%), practical exercises (45%), final exam (40%)
Required texts, etc:
Peters GL and Larkin RP, Population Geography: Problems, Concepts and
Prospects, 5th edn, Kendall-Hunt, 1997.
Courses: R3A R3C R3J R3K S3E S3T
The Physical Environment
Enrolment code: KJG102
Offered: Ltn, sem 2; NWC, sem 2; dist.ed, sem 2
Unit description: Introduces the study of physical processes which have
created the surface character of the earth. Includes geomorphology (earth
structure and its shaping by rivers, glaciers and coasts), biogeography
(distribution of plants and animals) and climatology (weather conditions and
climate change).
Staff: Dr J Ellison
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching: 2 hrs lectures, 2 hrs practical weekly and fieldwork (13 wks)
Assess: essay (20%), practical exercises and practical test (30%), final exam
Required texts, etc:
Christopherson RW, Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography, 4th edn,
Prentice Hall, 2000.
Courses: R3A R3J S3E S3T
Australian Natural Environments
Enrolment code: KJG201
Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002)
Offered: Ltn, sem 1; dist.ed, sem 1
Unit description: Deals with Australian natural environments, incorporating
a systematic examination of the natural environment of Australia including
recent modification by post-European settlement, with related spatial and
socio-cultural concerns. The unit is interdisciplinary and incorporates aspects of
ecology, physical systems, legislative issues and economic analyses.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching: 2 hrs lecture, 3 hrs practical/tutorial weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: KJG101 and KJG102 or equiv
Assess: (int) 2,500-word essay (15%), practical assignments (25%), seminar
paper (10%), 2-hr final exam (50%); (dist.ed) 2,500-word essay (20%),
practical assignments (30%), 2-hr exam (50%)
Required texts, etc:
Majors: Earth Science (Geography), Social Ecology
Courses: R3A R3C S3E S3T
Natural Resources Management
Enrolment code: KJG202
Offered: Ltn, sem 2; dist.ed, sem 2
Unit description: Focuses on the conservation ethic of ‘highest and best use’.
Resources such as minerals, forests, fish, water, soil and energy are examined in
a context of economic and environmental pricing and appraisal, together with
spatial analysis. Local and Australian examples serve to enhance a wider global
context. The emphasis is towards the development of management skills.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching: 2 hrs lecture, 3 hrs practical/tutorial weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: KJG201 or equiv
Assess: (int) 2,500-word essay (15%), practical assignments (25%), seminar
paper (10%), 2-hr final exam (50%); (dist.ed) 2,500-word essay (20%),
practical assignments (30%), 2-hr exam (50%)
Required texts, etc:
Majors: Earth Science (Geography)
Courses: R3A S3E S3T
Environmental Geomorphology
Enrolment code: KJG301
Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002)
Offered: Ltn, sem 1; dist.ed, sem 1
Unit description: Provides understanding of process and change in
geomorphology, in relation to human activities, and problems of terrain
management and mismanagement. Focuses on stream catchment management,
soil erosion, karst areas, and management of coastal areas such as beaches and
estuaries. Examines natural hazards such a flooding, land instability, climate
change. Provides experience in field and laboratory techniques used for
assessing geomorphological problems.
Staff: Dr J Ellison
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching: 4 hrs lectures/seminar, 3 hrs practical weekly (13 wks) and 4 days
Prereq: KJG201 and KJG202 or equiv
Assess: essays and seminar (25%), practical exercises (35%), final exam (40%)
Required texts, etc:
Ritter DF, Kochel RC and Miller JR, Process Geomorphology, 3rd edn, Wm C
Brown, 1995.
Recommended reading:
Murck BW, Skinner BJ and Porter SC, Environmental Geology, Wiley, 1996
Majors: Earth Science (Geography)
Courses: R3A S3E S3T
Enrolment code: KJG302
Offered: Ltn, sem 2; dist.ed, sem 2
Special note: consult Geography Coordinator for distance education options
Unit description: Is a study of Industrial Geography involving three
interrelated aspects: (a) Global industrial change – the geography of uneven
development, industrial change and the social and economic effects of the shifts
in global industry; (b) The place of Australia in the Asia-Pacific Region; and (c)
Guided research – articulation of the problem, data collection, statistical
processing and analysis of data, followed by the preparation of a final report.
Staff: Dr P Hanson
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching: 4 hrs seminars, 4 hrs practicals weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: KJG201 and KJG202 or equiv
Assess: essays (20%), seminar preparation, contribution and paper (20%),
practical/project report (30%), final exam (30%)
Required texts, etc:
Dicken P, Global Shift, 3rd edn, Chapman, 1998
Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002)
Islam I and Choudhury A, Asia–Pacific Economics: A Survey, Routledge, 1997
Recommended reading:
Mander J and Goldsmith E (eds), The Case Against the Global Economy, Sierra
Club Bks, 1996
Fagan R and Webber M, Global Restructuring: the Australian Experience, 2nd
edn, OUP, 1999
Majors: Earth Science (Geography)
Courses: R3A R3C S3E
Geography Honours
Enrolment code: KJG400/401
Full time/Part time
Offered: Ltn, sem 1&2
Special note: full-time students enrol in KJG400 (100%); part-time students in
KJG401 (50%)
Unit description: The honours program aims to (a) develop written skills to a
level appropriate for the submission of a paper for a refereed journal; (b)
develop oral communication skills to a level appropriate for the delivery of a
presentation at a national conference; (c) develop the ability to acquire relevant
information on a particular subfield from the published literature and to
synthesise a systematic and logical review which identifies key issues, concepts
and theory; (d) provide practical research training through a specialised project
to facilitate the design and conduct of future investigations in the chosen
subfield and related areas; and (e) prepare candidates for undertaking higher
degrees by research.
Content varies to accommodate staffing constraints and the candidate’s
individual program. However, all candidates pursue a program of coursework
comprising 40% of total assessment and a 60% research component as follows:
(a) Geographical method relevant to the chosen subfield
(b) A systematic study of the chosen subfield
(c) Submission of a thesis on an approved topic.
Staff: Dr P Hanson, Dr J Ellison and others. Depending on subfield chosen,
formal links and co-supervision may be arranged with Geography staff at
the Hobart campus; or candidates may be supervised entirely from
Hobart via cross-campus enrolment
Unit weight: 100%/50%
Teaching: weekly seminars and/or consultation with supervisor; lab/fieldwork
Prereq: Geography major, including satisfaction of the Faculty Grade-Point
Average (or an appropriate background approved by Faculty)
Assess: method essay (10%), literature review (10%), 2-hr exam (20%), thesis
(50%), seminar presentation of thesis results (10%)
Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002)
Required texts, etc:
tba, depending on subfield chosen.
Courses: R4A
Geography Honours
Enrolment code: KJG402/403
Full time/Part time (BA)
Special note: full-time students enrol in KJG402 (100%); part-time students in
KJG403 (50%)
Unit description: As for KJG400/401.