Social Ecology - University of Tasmania

Unit details [HGE]
Social Ecology
Enrolment code: HGE203/303
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2 [by video-link]
Special note: offered in Ltn in alternate years, subject to demand
Unit description:
Introduces students to the role of socio-cultural and political value-systems and practices
in determining social and economic organisation, institutional arrangements, population
change, and inequalities within and between populations. Students gain an appreciation of
how populations achieve their ‘fit’ (or misfit) with each other and with their environment.
The unit takes a ‘problematising’ approach, in that it critically examines the underlying
assumptions involved in understanding these social phenomena.
Staff: Dr N Jackson
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2 lectures weekly, 1 tutorial fortnightly (13 wks)
Prereq: 25% at level 100 in Social Ecology or equiv
M.excl: HGA234/334
Assess: 1,500-word assignment (15%), 2,000-word assignment (25%), 2-hr exam (60%)
Required: Unit Handbook
Majors: Sociology
Courses: [R3A] [R3C] [R3K] [S3T]
Faculty website: <>
Population and Society
Enrolment code: HGE204/304
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1 [by video-link]
Special note: offered in Ltn in alternate years, subject to demand
Unit description:
Examines relationships between population and society. The contribution of social,
economic, cultural and political factors to the growth and composition of modern
populations is discussed, and the economic, cultural and political consequences of changes
to population size and composition are reviewed. Special consideration is given to the
University of Tasmania unit details for 2004 academic year
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Unit details [HGE]
changing nature of the Australian and Tasmanian populations and to current debates
concerning population policies.
Staff: Dr N Jackson
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2 lectures weekly, 1 tutorial fortnightly (Hbt students receive face-to-face
lectures. Lectures are repeated by video-link to Ltn students only) (13 wks)
Prereq: 25% at level 100 in Social Ecology or equiv
M.excl: HGA214/314, HSP204/304
Assess: 1,500-word assignment (15%), 2,000-word assignment (25%), 2-hr exam (60%)
Required: Unit Handbook
Recommend: Rowland DT, Demographic Methods and Concepts, OUP, 2003
Wallace P, Agequake, Nicholas Brearley, Lond, 1999
Weeks JR, Population. An Introduction to Concepts and Issues, 8th edn, Wadsworth, Belmont
CA, 2001
Majors: Sociology
Courses: [R3A] [R3C] [R3K] [S3T]
Faculty website: <>
Social Ecology of the City
Enrolment code: HGE210/310
Offered: not offered in 2004
Unit description:
Treats the city as more than a collection of physical spaces; it is a site in which social
relations and identities, structures and processes interact to affect the opportunities and
experiences of the populations who live within it. Throughout the unit, students
investigate and critique how key approaches to understanding cities and urban
environments have attempted to explain institutional processes, cultural meanings and
social relations and patterns that attach to the city.
Staff: Dr K Natalier
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2 lectures weekly, 1 tutorial fortnightly (13 wks)
Prereq: 25% at level 100 in Social Ecology or equiv
Assess: 1,000-word assignment (15%), 2,000-word assignment (25%), final 2 hr exam (60%)
Majors: Sociology
Courses: [R3A] [R3C] OC:
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Unit details [HGE]
Faculty website: <>
The Environment, Crime and Social Regulation
Enrolment code: HGE211/311
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Unit description:
Explores the nature of environmental crime and its social regulation. The unit has three
main topical concerns. First, to investigate the nature of environmental crime from the
point of view of legal, social harm, ecological, rights and public interest perspectives, with
an emphasis on how environmental harm is socially constructed. Second, to investigate
the nature of regulatory mechanisms and the social control of environmental crime, by
considering issues surrounding law enforcement practices, compliance mechanisms,
prosecution, and crime prevention as these pertain to the environment. Third, to
investigate the nature of the relationship between changes to specific environments and
the criminalisation process, with particular reference to the causes and contexts of
environmental crime, the social processes that underpin environmental victimisation, and
how the law is mobilised in relation to conflicts over environmental issues. The unit
provides an overview of contemporary developments in environmental criminology, and
in doing so offers a theoretical understanding of key concepts and debates pertaining to
environmental crime, and exposure to concrete case studies relating to the regulation of
environmental harm.
Staff: Prof R White
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2 lectures weekly, 1 tutorial fortnightly (13 wks)
Prereq: 25% at level 100 in Social Ecology or equiv
Assess: 3,000-word assignment (50%), 2-hr exam (50%)
Majors: Police Studies
Courses: [R3A] [R3C] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Social Ecology 4 (Honours)
(Full time/Part time)
Enrolment code: HGE400/401
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Unit details [HGE]
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2 Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Unit description:
The unit involves a 1-semester seminar series on Theories and Construction in Research
Design (15%); a concurrent 1-semester seminar series on Processes and Institutions in
Contemporary Society (15%); a 1-semester reading course on selected topic in social
ecology (15%); research project supervision in social ecology including research
workshops, and regular discussions of research problems, a 12,000-word (maximum)
thesis based on student research, and an oral examination (55%).
Staff: Dr N Jackson (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 100%/50%
Prereq: major in Social Ecology including HGA203/303, HGE203/303 and HGE204/304,
with performance level as required by the Faculty Honours entry standards.
Assess: as described above in the unit description.
Required: depends on Honours topic.
Courses: [R4A]
Faculty website: <>
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