7th Grade Sexually Transmitted Disease Research Paper (50 points) This project is the your opportunity to explore several different areas of sexual health. You are going to be responsible for researching several different Sexually Transmitted Diseases, HIV and AIDS and you will also explore the different methods or types of birth control. Each area of research will have questions you must complete. All answers must be completed in detail and in full sentences. Must be12 point font, Times New Roman, double spaced. Sexually Transmitted Diseases Please research Chlamydia Chancroid Hepatitis C Gonorrhea Genital Herpes 4 of the following STDs. Human Papilloma viruses Hepatitis B Trichomoniasis Syphilis Crabs and Pubic Lice For EACH STD or Disease answer the following questions: 1) 1) Describe how it attacks the body. (What does it look like in or on the body?) (5-7 sentences) 2) List symptoms that are found with each STD or Disease (List) 3) How can the disease be treated? (3-5 sentences) HIV and AIDS Summarize what is HIV. (3-5 Sentences) Provide a description of the symptoms HIV can create. How is HIV treated? Summarize what is AIDS. (3-5 Sentences) Provide a description of the symptoms AIDS can create. How is AIDS treated? Birth Control Explain the barrier method. What is it? work? What are some examples? Explain the hormonal method. What is it? work? What are some examples? How does it How does it Abstinence What is abstinence? Why is it beneficial to be abstinent? Websites to check out: 1) www.Kidshealth.org 2) http://www.stdpreventiononline.org/index.php/std/recent/ 3) http://www.factmonster.com/cig/dangerous-diseases-epidemics/sexuallytransmitted-diseases.html 4) http://www.womenshealth.gov/faq/birth-control-methods.cfm 5) http://kidshealth.org/teen/infections/stds/std_hiv.html 6) http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761579757/Human_Immunodeficiency_Vir us.html 7) http://www.cdc.gov/STD/ 8) http://www.webmd.com/mental-health/estrogen-and-womens-emotions