Guidelines for Sign-Off Mentors The sign-off mentor role is a requirement of the NMC (2008) Standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice to ensure that students have reached the required standard of proficiency for safe and effective practice for entry to the NMC Register. A sign-off mentor will be required for: All midwifery placements from September 2007 Students in the final Practice/Management assessed module) of 3 placement year (Preparation pre-registration for nursing programmes starting from September 2007. The first sign-off placements will therefore be in 2010 Who can be a sign-off mentor? In CMFT any nursing staff who qualified as mentors prior to September 2007 will automatically be placed on the live register as a sign-off mentor. All other mentors will need to meet additional criteria The NMC requires mentors who have not yet met the additional criteria to be supported by a sign-off mentor or a practice teacher if it is the student’s final placement The sign-off mentor, who has met the NMC additional criteria for assessing proficiency, is responsible and accountable for making the final sign-off in practice therefore confirming that a student has successfully completed all practice requirements. Role of the Sign-Off Mentor At the end of a student’s programme a sign-off mentor will use the Ongoing Record of Achievement (student passport) along with other evidence to determine that a satisfactory standard of practice proficiency has been achieved as well as being demonstrated in the current placement. Fig 1. Ongoing Record of Achievement Responsibility and Accountability Your professional accountability remains the same. At present a mentor signs off a student in the final placement, confirming to the NMC that they are have achieved the required standards of proficiency to be entered onto the professional register. This is exactly what a sign-off mentor will do, but will have access to more information (Ongoing Record of Achievement) to support the decision to pass or fail the student. A sign-off mentor will not be expected to re-assess decisions made by previous mentors. In order to make a judgement regarding the student’s suitability to progress, sign-off mentors must be satisfied that the student is competent in each learning outcome. Sign-off mentors may need to use different sources of evidence (observation, question and answer, simulation, student portfolio) As a Sign-off mentor you must document any concerns that you have with regards to the students progress You must feedback to the student any concerns you have about their progress to allow them opportunity to make improvements. You must involve others i.e. other mentors, Practice Education Facilitator, if you have concerns Once qualified, all nurses on the professional register are accountable for their own actions. As the sign-off mentor who has assessed a student you are ONLY likely to face a formal proceeding if: The role of sign-off mentor has been taken on without having the appropriate qualification or authorisation for doing so OR The sign-off mentor has been irresponsible in their decision-making. All mentors will need to have their performance as a mentor reviewed (by their employer) once every three years (the triennial review) via the Trusts Annual Declaration Form Support for Sign-Off Mentors The NMC requires that sign-off mentors have time to reflect, give feedback and keep records of student achievement in their final period of practice learning. NMC recommends that sign-off mentors should be allowed 1 hour protected time, per student, per week in order to support them in this role, and for student assessment to take place. Similar to their mentor role, sign-off mentors must work with the student at least 40% of the time to be able to make fair and appropriate final judgements Mentors and sign-off mentors should always take account of the input of other members of the team when dealing with assessment decisions Concerns and worries should always be shared with the PEF/ personal tutor/ link lecturer Mentor updates and meetings will provide further advice and guidance If you require any further guidance on your role as sign-off mentor in CMFT please contact your Practice Education Facilitator for your area Sharon Green Trish Morgan Patricia Ormrod Roisin Bradley Mike McNamee 0161 276 4372 0161 276 4745 0161 276 4075 0161 901 1854 0161 901 1855 SIGN OFF MENTOR FLOWCHART IN PRACTICE All Third year, Final placement students should be allocated a Sign off mentor in practice. Sign off mentors should have ‘live’ mentor status. (Attended an annual mentor update within the last 12mths) Sign off mentor Initial meeting should identify mid and final point review of Practice Placement Documentation / highlighting final sign off of the ongoing Record of Achievement. OUTCOMES NOT ACHIEVED BY END OF PLACEMENT? 1. 1. SIGN APPROPRIATE OUTCOMES AS “NOT ACHIEVED” OR “POOR”. 2. 2. STUDENT OR MENTOR SHOULD CONTACT PERSONAL TUTOR / ULL AND INFORM PEF FOR YOUR SPECIFIC AREA 3. 4. 3.ACTION PLAN / PRACTICE REFERRAL . OUTCOMES ACHIEVED BY END OF PLACEMENT? 1. CHECK AND SIGN PRACTICE OUTCOMES AS ACHIEVED. 2. SIGN AND VERIFY ONGOING RECORD OF ACHIEVEMENT / STUDENT PASSPORT. 3. CHECK THAT ALL SECTIONS OF THE PASSPORT ARE SIGNED AND DATED. 4. IF THERE ARE ANY GAPS IN THE PASSPORT REFER STUDENT TO ULL /PEF. SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF PRACTICE ASSESSMENT / ONGOING RECORD OF ACHIEVEMENT Mentor / Student support is available from your Practice Education Facilitator Team at any stage during this process.