Kids Fit For Life Team Contract: Collaboration Guidelines

Team Contract
Project Name: Kids Fit For Life
Project Team Members Names and Sign-off:
Sign-off on Team Contract
Michael Helsel
Lloyd West
Daryl Basarab
Roger Miller
Code of Conduct: As a project team, we will:
There is no “I” in TEAM, work together!
“The Golden Rule”, threat others as you want to be treated
Conduct yourself professionally
Participation: We will:
Attend all meetings
Complete work by deadlines
Assist other team members if able
Communication: We will:
Develop contact list
Document all communication
Keep the Project Manager informed of all concerns/questions
Problem Solving: We will:
Document everything!
Don’t be afraid to ask for help
Address issues in a timely manner
Meeting Guidelines: We will:
Setting reachable goals
Allow all team members to participate
Document meetings (meeting minutes)