AP World History Test Review Chapters 5-7

AP World History Test Review Chapters 5-7
Patricians and Plebeians- Rome
Punic Wars- causes, major events, key people,
“Bread and Circuses” in Rome
Pax Romana impact on Mediterranean
Reasons for Roman Empire decline and fall
Roman contributions to Western civilization
Gupta “Golden Age” achievements
Caste system- Brahmans to pariahs, origins,
reasons for, varnas
Greek achievements compared/contrasted to India
Shi Huangdi leadership, changes
Roman economy compared to Han China
Mauryan and Gupta empires- characteristics of
Funan kingdom in SE Asia- location, why
Ashoka’s conversion to Buddhism, impact
Han tribute system
Spread of Buddhism, Christianity- how
Reasons for Han population location in east part of
Role of camel in trade
Ghana’s role in Saharan trade
Bantu migrations- impact on African culture
Impact of Indian Ocean Trade
Trans-Saharan trade products
Silk Road- description, products, characteristics,
Constantine- Roman emperor, importance to
Reasons for Roman Civil Wars after Punic Wars
Gupta compared to Han Empire
Buddhist social order- how different than Hindu
Scope of Roman trade at height
Malay people migrations
Indo-European language group- scope of
Christianity growth in late Roman empire- why
Confucianism compared to Buddhism
Classical Africa to 600 CE- characteristics
Constantine’s attempt to save Roman empire
Silk Road products that traveled west from Asia
Silk Road products that traveled east from
Lateen sail impact in Indian Ocean trade
Provincial nature of Roman Empire rule
Roman technological inventions
Rome and Han compared technologically
Characteristics of Hinduism
Wudi expansion of Han Empire- scope
Differences between Han and Qin rule
Role of women in classical period civilizations
Aryan role in Indian civilization
Chandragupta’s rule
Gender relationships in Indian society
Vedas and Upanishads
Hinduism compared to Buddhism
Technologies that contributed to overland trade
Rome compared to Han and Gupta empire collapse
Cause of political disunity in India over time
Paul’s role in Christianity
Christianity compared to Judaism
Major philosophies of China pre 600 CE.
Warring States period China
Hindu society compared to Confucian ideals
Reasons for long distance trade flourishing in
Classical period
Role of women in early major religions
Sassanid Empire location