1 MN360 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT SYLLABUS FALL 2004 WEB-ENHANCED COURSE Dr. Ann Marinoni Professor of Business Administration 312 South Hall--LSSU (906) 635-2320 Office and Phone Mail (906) 635-2821 FAX amarinoni@gw.lssu.edu Res: 906-248-5266 marinoni@sault.com Course Purpose: The purpose of this course is to study the functions of management: planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. The objective is to develop an understanding of the underlying principles, how these principles have evolved, and how these principles are applied in organizations today. Major issues facing managers today are studied. This principles course is basically cognitive in nature. The course closely follows the textbook and on-line content, but the “text is not the course;” several theories and applications of these theories are presented, which are not thoroughly covered in the textbook. Basic writing skills are a prerequisite for this course to successfully write essay exam responses and to complete homework assignments. Junior status or written permission to enroll is required. Textbook: Daft, Richard L. MANAGEMENT, Sixth Edition, Mason, OH: Thomson Learning, South-Western, 2003, PACKAGED WITH WEBCT ADVANTAGE AND STUDY GUIDE Scantron forms are required for the M/C portions of the exams. Course Activities: Class lectures and discussions related to topics in textbook and cases Contemporary management films Experiential exercises and cases related to management topics Quizzes from reading assignments--M/C online from exam database Three exams during the semester and one final exam--M/C (online and "Study Guide" questions), definitions ("Study Guide"), and essay question (lecture topics). 2 Course Evaluation: Four exams Quizzes online Participation, assignments, and in-class work 60% (criteria and format explained in advance) 10% (objective questions on assigned reading-PRACTICE FOR EXAMS M/C) 30% (assignments evaluated on a scale of 0 - 10 for completeness and specific application of concepts, demonstrated with first assignment) Page 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Assignments and Course Outline: Chapter 1 The New Workplace The Work of Managers--film Henry Mintzberg ` Assignment due September 9/14 day/night sections Surf Net #3 and Discussion Questions 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, & 10 keyboarded Chapter 2 Historical Foundations of Management Assignment due September 16/21 Surf Net #2 and Case Questions Introduction of WEBCT quizzes and online course work Chapter 3 The Environment and Corporate Culture Assignment due September 23/28 Report "The General and Task environment of the " " Industry ( Landscaping-residential, Packaged food-cookies and crackers, or Boats-kayaks)--to be assigned Chapter 4 Globalization Assignment due September, 30/October 5 Surf Net # 1 and #2, Discussion Questions 1, 5, 7, & 8 3 EXAM 1 September 30 day/October 4 night Chapter 5 Ethics and Social Responsibility Assignment due October 7/12 Management in Practice: Ethical Dilemmas 2, 3, 4, & 5 and Surf Net #1 Chapters 7 and 8 Planning and Strategy Assignment due October 14/19 Surf Net and cases (corporations to be assigned) Chapter 6 Small Business, Entrepreneurship, and Internet Startups Video Case Questions and online FORTUNE assignment Due at Exam 2 EXAM 2 October 21/26 (tentative) Assignments TBA from October 26 to end of semester TBA October 26 Chapters 10 and 11 Organizing, Departmentation, Structure, and Design Chapters 9 and 12 Decision Making and Managing Change Chapter 13 Human resource Management EXAM 3 TBA October 26 Chapter 16 Leadership Chapter 17 Motivation Chapter 18 Communication Chapter 20 Control 4 Selected topics from chapters 14, 15, 19, 21, and 22--lecture EXAM 4 Final Exam as scheduled--may be a group exam. Participation is encouraged. It is expected that students will conduct themselves attentively to gain the most from the class. Please remove hats and dark glasses during class which impede communications and may result in negative or void non-verbal messages. For excused absences, please arrange for required absences in writing with the instructor prior to your absence or leave a telephone or email message for absences which cannot be arranged in advance. Work for excused absences is to be completed in advance. This course is Web-enhanced and requires computer access with the required downloads. Downloads required and online work procedures will be discussed in class August 31. Online work is planned for three to four class sessions in the two-meetings-per-week format. Cheating is defined as representing someone else’s work as your own or using support materials not authorized by the instructor during the exam. Cheating is handled at the discretion of the instructor, but may result in dismissal from class and the University. Please refer to the University catalog. Please contact Dr. Marinoni regarding any concerns you have relative to increasing your learning, examination procedures, and/or the conduct of the class. Students with learning and study requirements authorized through the Learning Center or Student Support Services should see or call the instructor and coordinate the necessary accommodations with OSASS in the Library building . State Standards met by this course 1.4.4 demonstrate appropriate leadership, supervisory, customer service, and ethical standards to communicate effectively with business constituents 2.1.1 define management and demonstrate awareness of how managers plan, organize, lead, and control for greater efficiency and effectiveness 2.1.2 illustrate, in practical terms and with specific examples, how globalization, environmentalism, technology, diversity and calls for greater public accountability influence and impact managers 2.1.3 demonstrate leadership, communication, planning, organizing, problem solving, decision making, and self management skills 5 3.7 explain the concepts, systems, and tools needed to gather, access, synthesize, evaluate, and disseminate information for use in making business decisions 4.5 in the larger environment understand; a. roles within teams, work units, departments, organizations, interorganizational systems, and b. identify how key organizational systems affection organizational performance and the quality of products and services 4.6 demonstrate knowledge of personal ability to follow organizational policies and procedures and contribute to continuous improvement in performance and compliance