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Math 241­­­Statistics I Fall 2010 Instructor: Ala Abdelbaki ƒ
Office location: LR 137 (beside the bookstore) ƒ
Office hours: To be announced. ƒ
Office Phone: 703.450.2526 ƒ
Fax number: 703.450.2665 ƒ
Email: ƒ
Website: Course Content: ƒ
Prerequisite: Math 04 or placement recommendation. ƒ
Textbook: Weiss, Neil A., Introductory Statistics, 8th edition. We should cover chapters 1 9. ƒ
Grade Distribution: 3 Exams 60%; Homework 20%; Lab Reports 20% ƒ
Grading Scale: The standard ten‐point grading scale will be implemented. ƒ
Exams: The exams are all multiple‐choice, and scantron sheets are mandatory for the exams. I do NOT give make‐up exams! If you have a dentist appointment, please schedule it on a day that does not conflict with this class. This class is your appointment. Exam 1: Chapters 1‐3 Exam 2: Chapters 4‐6 Exam 3: Chapters 7‐9 ƒ
Final Exam: There will not be a cumulative final exam. ƒ
Homework: There will be daily assignments due at the beginning of each class. In particular, Math XL homework will be graded online and due at specified times, while book problems will also be assigned and due at the beginning of class. The website for math XL is: A free access code comes with a new textbook. If purchasing an old textbook, you will need to purchase a Math XL access code from their website (the cost is $45). I may randomly collect the homework at any given time. Thus, you should write your work on loose leaf paper. I encourage students to discuss the homework problems with others. A major part of the learning process will take place while working these problems, so if one approaches the assignments carelessly, the student’s grade will ultimately suffer. ƒ
Required readings: There will be required readings before each class. Failure to do the readings may result in pop quizzes! ƒ
Extra Credit: Please do not ask me about this! ƒ
Attendance: Attendance is absolutely critical and is a key component towards acquiring knowledge. You may miss one class without penalty. A student who misses more than 3 class meetings will have their grade lowered by up to a full letter (i.e. from A to B). There will be an attendance sheet that everyone must sign. Also, a student who no longer attends class must withdraw themselves to avoid obtaining a failing grade. I do not withdraw students for this reason! ƒ
Statistical Software: We will be using SPSS (or PASW) for this course. You do not need to purchase this software. This package had been downloaded on campus computers for your usage, including in the library and math lab. Note that up to 30 users at the Loudoun campus will be able to use the software at one time, so you should start and complete your assignments as early as possible! Familiarity with this software may greatly benefit you in the future. Course Policies: ƒ
Everyone enrolled in this course is a statistician. ƒ
You are expected to be on time and work diligently. ƒ
This course is very challenging! You will be spending several hours outside of class studying the slides, reading the book, and working homework exercises (both from the textbook and in Math XL). Do not fall behind! ƒ
You are responsible for checking blackboard and my website frequently for the latest information. 1. The link for accessing blackboard is 2. The link for accessing my website is ƒ
You MUST check your NOVA email daily! You are responsible for all information I send, regardless of what was stated in class! ƒ
Cheating will not be tolerated! Anyone found to be cheating will receive a failing grade for the course. ƒ
If you miss a class, YOU are responsible for obtaining the missed notes and announcements from a classmate. You should exchange contact information (e.g. email) with a few classmates, and contact them regarding what was missed. ƒ
Under no circumstances will I tolerate disrespectful students! This includes students holding private conversations while the instructor is speaking. ƒ
Please turn off all cell phones! No text messaging! ƒ
By enrolling in this course, you agree to the rules and policies outlined in this syllabus! ƒ
Please do not ask me these questions: “What grade do I need in order to attain a ‘B’ in the class?” “Can the test be open book…pleeeeeease?” “Did you grade the tests yet?” Getting help: I highly encourage class participants to form study groups since acquiring mathematical knowledge can be an arduous task. Also, feel free to email me anytime or stop by my office to ask questions, my pleasure! I truly enjoy assisting students. Note that I will be more inclined to provide assistance and “useful” feedback for those who have put forth a serious effort in working the problems. Also, both the tutoring center and math lab offer free tutorials for this course. Note: The information on this syllabus is subject to change. 