P6104: Introduction to Biostatistical Methods Instructor: Office: e-mail: Phone: Hours: Michael Parides, Ph.D. PH 18-325 parides@columbia.edu 305-2097 (62097) Wednesdays 11:00-12:00 and by appointment TA: To be announnced Meetings: Mondays and Wednesdays 5:30-8:00 Lecture: 5:30-7:00 Discussion: 7:05-8:00 Location: Lecture: HSC 401 Discussion: To be announced Autumn 2001 Pre-requisites: Satisfactory score on the placement exam. Course Description: This course provides a thorough introduction to statistical estimation and hypothesis testing. The emphasis is on concepts and problem solving and not on the underlying mathematical theory. Text: The required text is Fundamentals of Biostatistics, Fifth edition(2000), Duxbury Press by Bernard Rosner. I recommend that you also purchase the accompanying study guide. Computers: Some of the assignments, especially in the latter part of the course, will require the use of some statistical software package. I will introduce you to Stata, a simple but powerful statistical analysis package available on PCs in the Learning Center and Media Center of the Health Sciences campus. Course Requirements: Class attendance: I expect you regularly attend class meetings. If you must be gone from class for some reason, you are still responsible for all that is done in that meeting. Homework: Homework will be assigned every week or two and graded. I encourage you to work with one or more of your classmates on these assignments, but be sure that the paper you turn in is your own composition and reflects your own understanding. Late assignments will not be expected. If you must be absent from class it is your responsibility either to hand in your assignment early or have someone bring it to class for you. If an unexpected emergency arises, please tell me about it in writing or by e-mail as soon as possible. Exams: We will have three exams on dates to be determined. There will be no makeups for missed exams. If you have special needs please let me know about them in writing by the end of the second week of class. Grading: Grades will be based on homework (10%) and exams (30% each). Course Outline: (tentative) Introduction; summarizing data Introduction to probability Discrete probability distributions Continuous probability distributions Statistical Inference: Estimation Statistical Inference: Hypothesis Testing Analysis of categorical data Regression analysis Analysis of variance Survival Analysis Chapters 1-2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapters 7-8 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 14 (14.8-14.11)