Western Civilization

Western Civilization
Final Exam Review Sheet
Exam Format: Multiple choice and extended response
Chapters covered on the exam:
(A.) Imperialism: Chapter 11 Section 1, page 315, “Imperial Motives” handout and “Imperialists Divide Africa”
(B.) World War I: Chapter 13 (p. 363-383)
(C.) The Russian Revolution/Totalitarianism in the USSR: Chpt. 14 Sections 1 & 2 (p. 389-400)
(D.) The Years Between the Wars: Chapter 15 Sections 2-4 (p. 421-435)
World War I:
Long Term Causes: (MAIIN) Industrial Revolution, Nationalism, Imperialism, Militarism, Alliances
Causes of WWI: Identify Archduke Franz Ferdinand and why was he important to the causes of WWI? – Why is Sarajevo,
Bosnia important? Who was the Black Hand? Who was Gavrilo Princip?
Causes of WWI: How did Otto von Bismarck; Wilheim II (how he changed Bismarck’s system of alliances) play a role in
causing WWI?
System of alliances: Members of the Triple Alliance; Triple Entente
Why was the Balkan Peninsula important before and during WWI? (hint: “powder keg”)
Annexation (what does this word mean and how does it connect to WWI)
Define and find examples of: Blank Check; Ultimatum; Mobilization
Members of the Central Powers; Allies
Describe the Schlieffen Plan and why was it needed? Connect the First Battle of Marne to the Schlieffen Plan
Why did each of the Great Powers enter World War I?- Define neutrality and aggressor and connect to why the Great
Powers entered WWI
What was war like on the Western Front, Eastern Front, and Ottoman Front? Where were they located?
Define Trench Warfare and Stalemate and connect these terms to WWI
Identify the importance of key battles: Verdun, Marne, Tannenberg, Gallipoli. Somme
Be able to list new inventions used during WWI (land; air; sea)
Why was WWI considered a total war? (What role did civilians and the government play?, Define propaganda)
Why did Russia drop out of WWI? Identify the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Define armistice and connect to WWI
Effects of WWI: Cost of the War/Treaty of Versailles (Reparations; Military Restrictions, War Guilt; Territorial losses, Big 4,
14 Points)
The Russian Revolution/Totalitarianism in the USSR
Causes of the Russian Revolution- Identify the Romanovs (just the family importance)Czar Nicholas II- 4 mistakes that led to his abdication- Russo-Japanese War, Dissolving the Duma after Bloody
Sunday, Entering World War One and Moving his headquarters to the front (Rasputin)
Treaty of Brest Litovsk- describe the reasons for this treaty being created/signed, and what it said
Provisional Government- what is it and what mistake did it make
Duma / Soviet- what are they?
Communism- define it; who created it? What is supposed to happen in a communist country?
Revolution of 1917- Bolshevik Revolution (October/November)- what happened?
Bolsheviks- who are they?
Lenin- who is Lenin? What did he promise the people of Russia- Peace, Land, and Bread; what changes did he
Dictatorship of the Proletariat- connect to Communism, when did we see it in Russia
Civil War (Red Army; White Army)- causes and effects
Trotsky- connection to the revolution
Stalin / Totalitarian State- identify Stalin, how did he become leader? How did Lenin feel about Stalin? Define
totalitarianism. What are the characteristics of totalitarianism we saw under Stalin in the USSR-provide
examples (Weapons of totalitarianism)
Five-Year Plan (Agricultural and Industrial)- causes and effects
The Years Between the Wars
Weaknesses of the New Democracies – reasons why new democracies were weak , coalition governments (what
are they and why were they weak)
Weimar Republic- reasons why the German government was weak
2 countries that left WWI stronger than when they entered?
Identify the Dawes Plan, Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact and Locarno Peace Pact
Impact of the Great Depression (Crash of 1929; Roosevelt)- Causes of the Great Depression and Effects
Fascism / Nazism- definition and characteristics of a fascist government; beliefs of the Nazis
Mussolini (Il Duce)- promises made; how he became leader; actions as leader
Hitler (Fuhrer)- promises made; how he became leader; methods to achieve totalitarian control
Totalitarianism- examples in Germany and Italy
Anti-Semitism- examples in Germany- Kristallnacht
Armed Aggression (Germany, Italy and Japan)- examples of when these countries took over land- why did they
do it?
Weaknesses of the League of Nations- identify the weaknesses; how did they respond to the aggression of
Japan, Germany, and Italy
Appeasement (Chamberlain)- what does it mean? When was it used? Effects
Violations of Treaty of Versailles/ Munich Conference- causes/decisions made/effects
 Motives- Explain each motive: Exploratory, Religious, Ideological, Political and Economic
 Advantages and disadvantages for colonial people