
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Department of Accounting
Course Syllabus
Accounting 4070/8076
Governmental/Nonprofit Accounting
Fall 2005
Office Hours: 2:30 – 3:00 T
2:30 – 4:00 TH
1:30 – 3:00 W
5:30 – 5:55 W
Dr. Armitage
CBA 408 E
I. Introduction
A. Governmental/Nonprofit Accounting carries three semester hours of credit and meets
Tuesdays and Thursdays (Wednesdays) at, 10:00 to 11:15 AM, in RH 214, and 6:00 to
8:40 PM in RH 122.
B. Prerequisites
1. Accounting 3080 with a grade of C or better.
C. This course is an elective in the Accounting curriculum.
II. Description of Course and Its Objectives
A. Description: The course will consist of lectures, discussions, and problem solving
relative to text assignments, and will emphasize both practice and theory.
B. Objectives: The objective of the course is for each student to obtain an understanding
of the theoretical and practical aspects of governmental/nonprofit accounting. For this
class, I expect students to perform at the CPA Exam level of knowledge.
C. The study of accounting requires that you learn and retain that which you study, chapter
by chapter. You must learn well as you go, each day building on all that has been
learned in previous days.
III. Text
A. Accounting for Governmental and Nonprofit Entities, 13th Edition (2004), by Wilson and
B. City of Smithville, Student CD-ROM, free with new textbook. If you purchase a used
textbook, make a copy of the CD from another student in class or from me.
C. Optional - Student Study Guide.
IV. Course Content
Financial Reporting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Entities
Principles of Accounting and Financial Reporting for State and Local Governments
Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organizations
Not-for-Profit Organizations – Regulatory, Taxation, and Performance Issues
Test 1
Governmental Operating Statement Accounts; Budgetary Accounting
Accounting for Governmental Operating Activities – Illustrative Transactions and
Financial Statements
Accounting for General Capital Assets and Capital Projects
Accounting for General Long-Term Liabilities and Debt Service
Test 2
Accounting for the Business-Type Activities of State and Local Governments
Accounting for Fiduciary Activities – Agency and Trust Funds
Financial Reporting of State and Local Governments
Analysis of Governmental Financial Performance
Auditing of Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations
Comprehensive Final Exam
V. Daily Work Assignments
A. All assignments must be completed and submitted as requested.
1. All assignments are to be completed before coming to class. Most homework
assignments will be discussed in class and some will be collected.
2. Do not try to work the assignments during class.
B. Late Assignments
1. Assignments are late if they are turned in after the due date no matter what the
reason. Late assignments receive one-half credit.
VI. Testing and Grading
A. Tests
1. There will be two examinations during the semester, each weighted approximately
100 points. Make-ups will be permitted; however, arrangements must be made
prior to the scheduled exam and a satisfactory excuse must be given or a 20-point
penalty will be assessed. The time for the make-up will be at the instructor’s
convenience and will generally be one or two weeks after the scheduled exam.
There are no grade-improvement projects available in this class. If you have a bad
test, you need to do better on the others to do well in the class.
2. There will be a comprehensive final exam weighted approximately 120 points. The
exam date will follow the schedule listed in the class schedule book. No early or
late finals will be given.
3. You may not leave the room during tests, hats must be turned of off, and no cell
phones may be in sight.
B. Other Assignments
1. Homework will be worth 15 points and based on the percentage of homework
turned in satisfactorily. The homework assignments shown on the assignment
sheet will not be collected. Two or three additional homework problems will be
assigned and graded for the homework points.
2. There will be five announced or unannounced 10 point quizzes during the semester.
Make-ups are not permitted and your lowest score will be dropped.
3. There will be one or two short (one-half to one page) summaries of professional
standards required. They will be worth 5 points each.
4. The City of Smithville practice case will be worth 50 points.
5. For students registered for graduate credit, see section VIII for additional
C. Grading
1. The final grade will be determined largely from the number of points accumulated
during the semester out of the 420 total points available. However, class
attendance, class participation, and the prompt submission of properly completed
assignments may be considered in the determination of the final grade.
2. The grading scale is given below.
90 - 100%
70 - 75%
A88 - 90%
C68 - 70%
B+ 85 - 88%
D+ 65 - 68%
80 - 85%
60 - 65%
B78 - 80%
D58 - 60%
C+ 75 - 78%
Below 58%
A. Attendance Policy
1. Attendance is expected. Students choosing not to attend class must bear the
consequences of that choice including missed tests, missed explanations,
instructor’s refusal to tutor on missed material, and so forth.
2. Any changes in due dates, test dates, or course content will be announced during
class. All information in the text as well as any information presented in class is
subject to test coverage.
3. Students who have official authorized absences will be permitted to make up work
without penalty in the classes missed.
B. Academic Dishonesty
1. Students are expected to do their own work in this class.
2. Any form of academic dishonesty will be sufficient grounds for receiving a grade of
F for the entire course.
C. Withdrawal Policy
1. The deadlines established by the University for withdrawing from classes will be
strictly followed.
2. The withdrawal deadline for this semester is November 4.
D. Requirements for Accounting Majors
1. A student may enroll only twice in any upper division accounting course. You are
enrolled in a course if your name appears on the final class list published
immediately after drop/add week. Therefore, you may drop a course only one time
(excluding drops during drop/add week). If you drop the same course twice (or
receive a grade of C-, D, or F twice), you will not be permitted to enroll in this course
a third time.
2. To enroll in any upper division accounting course or to graduate with a major in
accounting, a student must have earned at least a 2.5 overall grade point average,
as well as at least a 2.5 grade point average in all accounting courses taken.
E. Grades of C- and Prerequisite Requirements
1. A prerequisite requirement of a grade of C or better is not met with a grade of C-.
2. A grade of C- in this course is not acceptable for meeting graduation requirements.