NESTA Study Quiz -

NESTA Study Quiz
1. What are the four steps in “Bridging The Gap”?
2. What are the differences in implicit and explicit goals?
3. What is the kinetic chain, and what is its function?
4. What is the difference between smooth, cardiac and skeletal muscle? Describe of
each type of muscle and give examples of functions of each muscle type.
5. What are the three layers and significance of muscle fascia?
6. What kind of stimulus does each of these sensory nerves respond to?
7. What is the function of the somatic nervous system?
8. What are the two divisions of the sympathetic nervous system, and what are their
9. What is the structure of the motor unit?
10. What is the sliding filament theory?
11. What is the role of Myosin ATPase in a muscle action?
12. How does the Myosin head bind to the Actin filaments in a muscle action?
13. What are the roles and actions of these roles of skeletal muscle?
14. What are the three different skeletal muscle types? Give an example of an
exercise that primarily uses each type of fiber.
15. Give an example of the three major types of muscle actions.
16. Define:
a. Hypertrophy
b. Hyperplasia
c. Atrophy
17. What are the various types of strength?
18. In which type of bone will you find the diaphysis?
19. What occurs in epiphysial plate slippage?
20. Name the different types of joints in the human body, describe their functions and
give examples of each.
21. What is ATP?
22. Complete this table:
Energy System
Anarobic/Aerobic Fuel Source
23. Lactic acid is a byproduct of which energy system?
24. What is aerobic exercise?
25. What is blood pressure?
26. What is considered to be normal blood pressure? What is considered to be high?
27. What is the Valsalva maneuver?
28. What happens when exercise is abruptly stopped?
29. John is 54 years old and has a RHR of 75 BPM, and his goal is to exercise at
60% of HRR, what is his THR?
30. What is the difference between overreaching and overtraining?
31. What are the planes of movement?
32. How do they divide the body?
33. List the anatomical movement descriptors:
34. What are the PRIMARY movement descriptors, and what plane of movement
does each move in?
35. What are the four main movements of the scapula?
36. Which muscles would perform hip flexion during a hanging knee raise?
37. Which muscle has the primary function of standing hip abduction?
38. If an individual’s foot is externally rotated, which part of the leg will most likely
also externally rotate?
39. What is pronation and supination of the wrist? Ankle?
40. What are the three main parts of a muscle?
41. What is the job of the sternocleidomastoid?
42. What is the function of the gastrocnemius and soleus during a calf-raise?
43. Which muscles would perform hip flexion during a hanging knee raise?
44. Which muscle has the primary function of standing hip abduction?
45. Which muscles both flex and rotate the spine?
46. What muscle stabilizes via intra-abdominal pressure?
47. What are the muscles that stabilize the hips and the spine?
48. What are the functions of each of the sections of the trapezius?
49. What is the primary job of the rotator cuff?
50. During horizontal adduction, the pectoralis major acts in what fashion?
51. What are the four types of motion?
52. Which type of motion best represents normal human movement?
53. What is the difference between a compound movement and a single-joint
54. What is the difference between an open-chain exercise and a closed-chain
55. What is power?
56. What is the difference between an effort arm and a resistance arm?
57. What are the different lever classes?
58. Which (lever class) is typical of most joints in the human body?
59. Why do most muscles have a mechanical disadvantage?
60. What is torque and why is it important?
61. What is ROM?
62. What are the characteristics of tendons?
63. What does the muscle spindle do?
64. What is reciprocal inhibition?
65. Give examples and identify various types of stretching.
66. What is the importance of warm up and cool down?
67. How many calories per gram in each macronutrient?
68. What is an essential nutrient?
69. Where is glycogen stored in the body?
70. What nutrients should be consumed after a workout to enhance recovery?
71. What are proteins made of?
72. What is the primary function of protein in the human body?
73. Which fat increases the risk of cardiovascular disease more than any other?
74. Which type of fat is solid at room temperature and typically comes from animal
75. What is a special population?
76. List all the factors for coronary heart disease. Which can be mitigated?
77. What are HDLs and LDLs? What do they do?
78. What are the common effects of anti-hypertensive medication?
79. When is a female considered obese? Male?
80. What are the health risks of obesity?
81. What is the main purpose of a fitness assessment?
82. What forms should be completed by the trainer, under the supervision of the
client, prior to beginning any exercise program?
83. What is a superset?
84. What is a compound set?
85. Which muscles are traditionally trained first? Large or small?
86. What is FITTR?
87. What is a microcycle?
88. Mesocycle?
89. Macrocycle?
90. What is TUT?
91. What are the five levels of fitness?
92. How long should you allow the body to adapt to a new stimulus before reassessment and moving to the next level?
93. How long should you allow a muscle group to recover between workouts?
94. What is the principle of Overload?
95. What is the SAID principle?
96. What is the principle of specificity?
97. What is functional training?
98. What must be identified prior to implementing an exercise?
99. What are the three forms of range of motion?
What is the TZ % of max for recovery training? Aerobic? Anaerobic?
What is a structural exercise?
How does direction of resistance relate to desired motion?
What is the main focus of a trainer in regards to joint stabilization during