Ms. Kordis
726-5611 x71770
This is a semester course required for graduation. Discussion is an integral part of this class. Therefore, students are expected to share ideas
and be respectful of others beliefs and opinions. The following policies support the “Six Pillars of Character”
(Responsibility, Respect, Trustworthiness, Fairness, Caring, Citizenship) adopted by Vista High School.
Course content
Economic Terms & Concepts
Microeconomic Principles
Market Structures
Federal Government & Economics
Consumer Economics: Credit & Debt
2 weeks
2 weeks
2 weeks
5 weeks
5 weeks
2 weeks
The 12th grade Economics course promotes a deeper understanding of the economic problems and institutions of the nation
and the world in which we live in order to enable reasoned decisions on economic issues. The course emphasizes an
understanding of the operations and institutions of economic systems rather than in household or business management. As
such, the course is divided in two main sections: microeconomics, the study of individuals and individual industries in the
economy; macroeconomics, the study of aggregate economic behavior of the economy as a whole.
California Department of Education History Standards 9-12
For additional information see
Students understand common economic terms and concepts and economic reasoning.
Students analyze the elements of America's market economy in a global setting.
Students analyze the influence of the federal government on the American economy.
Students analyze the elements of the U.S. labor market in a global setting.
Students analyze the aggregate economic behavior of the U.S. economy.
Economics Textbook
Arnold, R. (2001). Economics in Our Times. Chicago, IL: National Textbook Company. Students are strongly
encouraged to access the textbook website for interactive quizzes and other vital information.
Covered Economics book –brought to class everyday
Binder with tab dividers (1 inch or bigger)
Pens, pencils, highlighters
Paper (Loose-leaf filler paper or spiral notebook)
Grading Policy
1. Grades are a combination of quizzes/tests, projects/research papers & essays, presentations, homework and
class work(participation)/group work. Letter grades will be assigned based upon a straight percentage
scale. No grading curves will be used.
2. In addition to the school’s official “Progress Reports,” printed progress reports are sent home periodically
to aid in monitoring a student’s grade. Reports can be obtained throughout the semester upon request.
3. Six and twelve week grades are “Progress Reports” and the final semester grade will be cumulative. The
grading scale is as follows:
Homework/Individual Assignments
Group Work/ In-Class Participation
90% --- 100%
80% --- 89%
70% --- 79%
60% --- 69%
59% and below
= A
= B
Attendance Policy
1. Regular attendance is necessary for the successful completion of the course. If a student misses a class, it is
recommended to obtain notes from another student and attend ELP for additional assistance with assignments and
lecture notes.
2. Regular attendance includes being on time. The tardy policy found in the student handbook will be enforced.
3. If a student has a long-term absence due to illness or other catastrophic conditions, arrangements with the attendance
office and Ms. Kordis for submission of assignments is the student and parent’s responsibility.
4. Tests and quizzes not only include material from the text, but also topics presented in lectures, power point
presentations, discussions and class activities; thus, it will be very difficult to achieve a good test score without regular
5. NOTE: Please also keep in mind that the block schedule weighs absences heavily since we only meet two or three
times a week.
Homework Policy
1. Homework that assesses student learning will be given frequently and will be a regular part of the grading process.
Plan to have homework (or varying types) after every class meeting.
2. Homework is due at the beginning of the period and will receive no credit if turned in late. Additionally, partial work
is not acceptable and will not receive credit. Homework is to be written in blue or black ink, legibly, and on lined 8
½” x 11” notebook paper. Torn out spiral notebook paper with ragged edges is not acceptable.
3. Homework which is typed, includes additional examples, or presented with obvious extra effort can earn extra credit
4. Homework assignments will be posted at the end of every day’s agenda and there will be a designated area where
assignments are posted for multiple weeks and assignments will be posted on class website.
 If a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to find out what was assigned, in class and for homework.
Only excused absences are eligible for turning in late work for full credit.
 Assignments due on the date of absence must be completed and turned in upon return, accompanied by a “Late
Assignment Sheet” (found in the folders next to the turn-in basket). Class work and homework assigned on the
day of the absence must be completed and turned in the following class period, also accompanied by a “Late
Assignment Sheet.”
Exam Policy
There will be chapter quizzes, unit exams, and benchmark exams. The format and value of each will be
announced prior to the quiz/test day.
If a student is absent on the day of the quiz or exam, a make-up exam must be taken during ELP within one
week of the original test date or date returned from an extended absence.
“Pop quizzes” or accountability quizzes cannot be made up for any reason and count for class work points.
If a student knows he/she will be missing class ahead of time, it is allowable to turn in any assignment or take any
quiz/exam early!
Project/Report/Essay Policy
1. All students will complete research projects and various essays during the semester. Students will have a choice of
topics. The specific due dates and topics will be announced early in the semester.
2. In addition to the written assignments, students will also participate in classroom debates and presentations of current
events relating their studies to real life. The specifics of these assignments will be outlined during the semester.
3. Essays, Research Projects, and Debates assigned well in advance of the due date, are accepted only on the due date.
NO LATE WORK will be accepted for any reason for these assignments. If a student is ill that day, have someone
bring it to my classroom or mailbox with a date & time stamp or email it to me, have a parent call or email to verify
absence and bring a hard copy upon return.
4. Computer disks are not acceptable forms of completed work; thus, plan ahead for printer malfunctions and computer
difficulties. If arrangements need to be made, call my extension, leave a voice mail message, or email me ahead of
time. This does not guarantee acceptance of the late work, only an opportunity to discuss available options!
Academic Honesty
Plagiarized work will be entered as a zero for the assignment. Plagiarized work from student to student earns both students a
zero. For more information regarding academic honesty and other school rules, please see the student handbook or the VHS
website. Students will be using on major papers and projects.
Intervention Policy
If a student needs additional help with assignments or understanding material presented in class, it is recommended
the student attend ELP or send an email with a specific question. ELP is offered four days a week, and all students are
encouraged to attend ELP for extra help.
Additionally, an extra credit assignment is offered once each grading period. Please be advised, “extra” does not
mean “in place of.” In other words, extra credit should not be used as an alternative to completing the required
assignments; instead, it should be used to supplement one’s grade.
Ms. Kordis
726-5611 x71770
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
Please read, review and discuss these class expectations and policies
with your student. If you have concerns or questions, my email
address and school phone number are above. The extension rings
straight through to the class, so please call outside of class time.
Here are some highlights I believe are important to emphasize:
1. There is homework or some sort of studying/preparation for an assignment every night.
2. No late work is accepted, including research essays/papers or projects (excused absences may turn in
homework only).
3. All quizzes/tests are announced in advance. Pop quizzes count for class participation.
4. ELP and email are the best ways for a student to get extra help.
5. Extra credit is offered during each of the three grading periods (6 weeks, 12 weeks and semester).
6. Individual progress reports, including all assignments and scores, are printed and sent home for a
signature periodically; however, a student or parent may request a printout at any time.
Please feel free to contact me at any time throughout the semester.
I look forward to celebrating with you at graduation!
Ms. Kordis
Parent/Guardian: Please email me w/ the information listed below:
 Student Name (first and last)
 Period
 Parent/Guardian Name
 Parent/Guardian contact information (home phone, work phone, email)
 Any questions/concerns/comments