School Improvement Plan 2012-2013 Central Elementary School 435 E. Stadium Drive Eden NC 27288 Central Elementary School Improvement Plan Rockingham County Schools’ Vision: Rockingham County Schools will empower all students to compete globally. Rockingham County Schools’ Mission: Rockingham County Schools will provide a safe and dynamic globally competitive environment in which all students can reach their highest potential. Central Elementary School Mission and Belief Statements Central Elementary School creates a strong foundation for developing and educating lifelong learners who are socially responsible and globally competitive in the 21st Century. Our Vision at Central Elementary is to provide a safe and productive learning environment in which all students are challenged to succeed. We believe that: 1. All children can learn. 2. Planning and time on task increases learning. 3. Education is the shared responsibility of the school, family, and community. 4. Learning is for the present and for the future. 5. High expectations increase optimal learning. School Improvement Plan 2012-2013 Central Elementary School 435 E. Stadium Drive Eden NC 27288 CONTACT INFORMATION Leadership Team Members 2012-2013 School: Central Elementary The following team members collaborated with school staff to develop the School Improvement Plan for our school (parents, faculty, and administrators must be included): Name Barbara Brown Tania Martin Jonathan Pratt Amy Fargis Ruth Robertson Cher Delapp Kay Kimrey Position or Role Principal Assistant Principal First Grade Teacher/ Chair Fifth Grade Teacher/ CoChair Kindergarten Third Grade Instructional Coach Assistant Dorothy Craddock Fourth Grade Ellyn Kramer Guidance Laura Springs Intervention Specialist Lauren Beckner Second Grade Tammy Robertson Intervention Specialist Judy Owen Signature Date School Improvement Plan 2012-2013 Debra Thompson Media Jennifer Clark Academic and Gifted Doug Brown Parent Chris Villa Parent/ PTSO President Central Elementary School 435 E. Stadium Drive Eden NC 27288 School Improvement Plan 2012-2013 Central Elementary School 435 E. Stadium Drive Eden NC 27288 School Improvement Plan Approval Form Update presented to staff and approval information Date of Presentation/Approval Vote Results of Approval Vote Principal’s Signature ____________________________________________ Approved by Superintendent Date Superintendent Signature_________________________________________ Approved by Rockingham County Board of Education Date 10/01/12 School Improvement Plan 2012-2013 Central Elementary School 435 E. Stadium Drive Eden NC 27288 NARRATIVE Central Elementary School is located within the city limits of Eden, North Carolina and is within easy reach of local businesses and city parks. It is the home of the Panther Cubs. Central has 500 students in grades K-5. The school receives funds from Title 1 to provide additional reading and math assistance to students thus making it a Title 1 school. Based on our belief: We believe: 1. All children can learn. 2. Planning and time on task increases learning. 3. Education is the shared responsibility of the school, family and community. 4. Learning is for the present and for the future. 5. High expectations increase optimal learning. Central Elementary provides many educational opportunities to allow children to achieve at high levels and affords possibilities for learning both within and beyond the school day. Central Elementary supports excellent teaching and education resources. The RCS district curriculum is rigorous and designed to meet the NC Common Core standards. Students at all grade levels are instructed using various teaching methods including small group instruction in both reading and math. In-class support is given to both general and special education students. Integration of technology into our daily classroom instruction is the priority as we prepare our students for the 21st Century. All classrooms are equipped with ActivBoards. Central’s teachers are highly qualified, with four teachers being national board certified. After school programs and clubs provide students with opportunities to participate in: golf, tennis, running club, chess, and other special activities. Character education is embedded in our curriculum and is supported by our Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) program. Our PBIS motto is CLIMB: Cooperating Listening and Learning Insuring Safety Making good decisions Being respectful and responsible Parent and community support in Central Elementary School is evident in many areas: 1. All Pro Dad’s Breakfast 2. Lunch Buddies 3. ROTC tutoring 4. Parent volunteers help out in our classrooms and Media Center Based on End of Grade test scores for 3-5 students, our school had 63.2% proficient in reading and 82.7% proficient in math after the retest. Our growth in math was 0.296 and we had a drop of -0.084 in reading. Our math scores indicated substantial growth. Math instruction is School Improvement Plan 2012-2013 Central Elementary School 435 E. Stadium Drive Eden NC 27288 working and we plan to continue the implementation throughout the 2012-2013 school year. Second grade math scores were lower when compared to other grade levels at the end of the year assessment. We will monitor second grade students in the 2012-2013 school year to assess the instructional practices with math. Based on our test scores we will focus on reading and literacy with our students this school year. Our students in K-2 performed well on their F&P assessments at the end of the 2011-2012 school year. Our second grade Fountas & Pinnell running record assessments indicate that 77% of the students were proficient. First grade Fountas &Pinnell assessments show students at 83% proficient. Our kindergarten Fountas &Pinnell assessments show students at 84% proficient. New in 2012-2013 Our current enrollment is 501. We have put the following interventions in place based on the data from the 2011-2012 school year. We have implemented a new master schedule that allows for a tutoring time (Intervention and Enrichment) IE, for all grade levels during the school day. Students are remediated based on CASA data. We are utilizing our teacher assistants to help in all grade levels with small group guided reading and guided math. Assistants are also helping during IE time. Our music, art, PE, computer, and media teachers are also helping out with tutoring, during blocks of time that they are not serving students in their regular scheduled classes. We are focusing on implementing the new common core. The efforts of our staff, along with strong community support and involvement, allows Central Elementary School to provide an education which extends beyond the basics. Overview of School Improvement Plan The content of this plan represents the ongoing work and goals established within our school for the 2012-2013 year. The goals and strategies in this plan represent and are influenced by the ongoing work of our staff members. School Improvement Plan 2012-2013 Central Elementary School 435 E. Stadium Drive Eden NC 27288 COMPREHENSIVE NEEDS ASSESSMENT Describe how teachers are involved in assessment use: Bi-monthly CASA meetings to analyze data from common assessments and create common grade level assessments Teacher involvement in the creation of Rockingham County Schools pacing guides Professional Learning Community reflection and planning to implement the Common Core and Essential Standards curriculum Common planning daily for grade level teams Creation of common assessments using item banks and DPI resources Data analysis of benchmark tests Flexible grouping in guided reading, guided math, intervention specialist groups, tutor groups, and after-school workshop participation are determined through student data for focused intervention and instruction. School Improvement Plan 2012-2013 Central Elementary School 435 E. Stadium Drive Eden NC 27288 2011-2012 Student Achievement Data YEAR SUBJECT BLACK TOTAL BLACK #PRO BLACK %PRO BLACK GROWTH 2012 2012 2012 MATH RDG SCI 53 53 18 32 19 8 60.4 35.8 44.4 0.353 -0.109 YEAR SUBJECT 2012 2012 2012 MATH RDG SCI EDS TOTAL 151 151 44 EDS #PRO 113 74 23 YEAR SUBJECT 2012 2012 2012 MATH RDG SCI YEAR SUBJ 2012 2012 2012 MATH RDG SCI NONLEP TOTAL 251 251 86 ASIAN TOTAL 3 3 1 NONLEP #PRO 207 160 60 ASIAN #PRO 3 2 1 EDS %PRO 74.8 49 52.3 EDS GROWTH 0.328 -0.193 NONLEP %PRO 82.5 63.7 69.8 ASIAN %PRO 100 66.7 100 MULTIRACIAL TOTAL 15 15 5 MULTI RACIAL #PRO 10 7 2 MULTI RACIAL %PRO 66.7 46.7 40 NONEDS TOTAL 115 115 44 NONEDS #PRO 107 94 38 NONEDS %PRO 93 81.7 86.4 NONLEP GROWTH 0.275 -0.067 ASIAN GROWTH 0.302 0.181 SWD TOTAL 35 35 16 AMINIAN TOTAL 2 2 1 SWD #PRO 18 8 6 AMINDIAN #PRO 1 2 0 SWD %PRO 51.4 22.9 37.5 MULTI RACIAL GROWTH 0.184 -0.236 NONEDS GROWTH 0.261 0.033 SWD GROWTH 0.314 -0.335 AMINDIAN %PRO 50 100 0 WHITE TOTAL WHITE #PRO WHITE %PRO WHITE GROWTH 162 162 57 148 118 46 91.4 72.8 80.7 0.261 -0.065 LEP #PRO 13 8 1 LEP %PRO 86.7 53.3 50 LEP GROWTH 0.661 -0.385 LEP TOTAL 15 15 2 NONSWD TOTAL 231 231 72 AMINDIAN GROWTH 0.007 0.112 NONSWD #PRO 202 160 55 HISP TOTAL 31 31 6 HISP #PRO 26 20 4 NONSWD %PRO 87.4 69.3 76.4 HISP %PRO 83.9 64.5 66.7 NONSWD GROWTH 0.294 -0.048 HISP GROWTH 0.537 -0.171 School Improvement Plan 2012-2013 Central Elementary School 435 E. Stadium Drive Eden NC 27288 Demographics: 2011-2012 (528 Students) American Indian 0.5% Hawaiian Pacific 0% Asian 0.5% Hispanic 12.3% Black 17.6% White 62.8% Multi-Racial 6% 2012-2013 (501 Students) American Indian 0.7% Hawaiian Pacific 0% Asian 0.4% Hispanic 12.3% Black 18.1% White 62.4% Multi-Racial 5.7% *53% of our students qualify for free and reduced lunch Parent Survey Responses: Positive results: Parents know there is a plan in place for checking in/out students (97.3%) The staff is diligent in their efforts to make sure my child is safe during all school day activities (93.6%) There is good communication from the school regarding all activities, meetings, and conferences (93.0%) The school offers information about how I can help my child learn at home (93.3%) I understand the test scores and grades my child receives (96.0%) The teachers answer questions about what is taught and what is tested in school (95.3%) I feel my child is making adequate progress in reading (91.2%) I feel my child is making adequate progress in math (90.1%) I expect my child to graduate from high school (98.7%) I expect my child to graduate from college (95.3%) I have participated in at least one parent/teacher conference this year (94.6%) I am aware of the Parent Resource Centers and the services they provide (90.2%) My child reads at home daily for 15 minutes (96.6%) The school personnel are willing to listen and assist me in solving problems related to my child (94.2%) I feel comfortable about asking questions of the staff when I don’t understand something (95.3%) Overall, I believe my child is receiving a quality education at this school (92.3%) Results below 90%: There is an adult at school that my child feels safe talking to if there is a problem (88.8%) The school notifies me when multiple tardies and absences have occurred (87.5%) All school staff and personnel are welcoming friendly, and treat me with respect (89.5%) My child has participated in at least one safety drill this year (87.8%) School Improvement Plan 2012-2013 There is a sense of teamwork among teachers, parents, and students at this school (88.2%) I feel I must provide my child additional tutoring outside of school to be successful (45.2%) My child’s teacher notifies me in a timely manner with concerns about grades or behavior (87.8%) I have attended one or more parent involvement activities this year (88.6%) Small group instruction and after school tutoring are offered when students are struggling (75.6%) Central Elementary School 435 E. Stadium Drive Eden NC 27288 School Improvement Plan 2012-2013 Central Elementary School 435 E. Stadium Drive Eden NC 27288 Data Analysis Areas of strength and supporting evidence Areas of Strength Supporting Evidence Math instruction 82.7% proficient on 3-5 EOG’s K-2 reading proficiency 84% on grade level kindergarten, 92% on grade level first grade, 88% on grade level second grade based on F&P assessments 99% overall achievement on SET Evaluation, Green Ribbon School NCWISE data PBIS Attendance Highly qualified teachers Clear teaching certificates by all certified staff, NBT - 6, Master’s degree-33% School Improvement Plan 2012-2013 Central Elementary School 435 E. Stadium Drive Eden NC 27288 Data Development Summary of Needs and Supporting Evidence Areas of Need Increase reading proficiency in grades 3-5 Continue staff development in Common Core and Essential standards. Increased parent involvement and attendance to parent information programs Evidence Due to negative growth in reading based on EOG tests New statewide curriculum and programs requiring teachers to learn new content specific to their grade Title I parent survey data PBIS funding Rewards and incentives based on PBIS data School Improvement Plan 2012-2013 Central Elementary School 435 E. Stadium Drive Eden NC 27288 School Improvement Plan for 2012 -2013 LEA: Rockingham County Schools School: Central Elementary . SMART Goal: 100% of the Central Staff will implement the Common Core curriculum for the 2012-2013 school year. Strategy Develop six week curriculum maps for each grade level Implement new master schedule with enrichment and intervention time Professional Development Educators Conference pacing guide sessions Staff meetings Person(s) Responsible Timeline Evaluation Resources/Technology Required Budgeted Grade Level Chair and teams September 2012- May 2013 Lesson Plans 6 week curriculum maps All school Staff members September 2012 – May 2013 Staff Survey CASA results Test results Common Core curriculum Common Core Planning time through our master schedule Elementary collaboration sessions County-wide sessions 10/9, 12/4, 1/29, 3/12 2 members of each grade level September 2012 – May 2013 Classroom walkthroughs Implementation of what is learned at collaborations sessions CASA Meetings bimonthly for planning purposes Review CASA procedures Instructional Coach and Administrative Support September 2012 and May 2013 CASA documentation CCSS plan products Instructional Coach support for staff development and resources Common Core and Essential Standards training Instructional Coach September 2012 – May 2013 Staff Surveys and Planning products Pacing Guides Central Staff Google survey Interim Update January 25, 2013: What is the status of each strategy being used to attain this goal? What initial results/data have been collected? What should be modified to meet goal by May 2013? School Improvement Plan 2012-2013 Central Elementary School 435 E. Stadium Drive Eden NC 27288 Final Update June 28, 2013: What strategies have been successful? What initial results/data have been collected? What strategies will need modification for the upcoming school year? School Improvement Plan for 2012 - 2013 LEA: Rockingham County Schools School: Central Elementary SMART Goal: Based on Annual Measurable Objective expectations, a minimum of 75.4% of students in grades K-5 will be proficient in reading based on end of year and end of grade assessment data. Strategy Professional Development Person(s) Responsible Classroom teacher, Resource teachers, Title I teachers, teacher assistants K-3 teachers, intervention specialists, C. Delapp Timeline Evaluation Resources/Technology Required Budgeted October 2012May 2013 Data from assessments Benchmark assessments, formative assessments, common assessments October 2012May 2013 Data from Reading 3D online program Reading 3D kits iPads, Classroom teachers, C. DeLapp, Suzanne Massey October 2012May 2013 Lesson plan documentation of use, formative assessment Nooks, Netbooks, Suzanne Massey Daily 5/Guided Reading Training by Instructional Coach- C. Delapp C. Delapp Classroom teachers October 2012- May 2013 Lesson plan documentation of use, classroom walk-throughs, Reading 3D data Utilize Case 21 formative assessment tool in grades 2-5 to assess student mastery and plan based on on-going data. CASE 21 Data Analysis and Item Bank Training Instructional Coach Teachers Support staff October 2012 – May 2013 End of year and end of grade assessments, Benchmarks assessments Tutoring during enrichment and intervention time Reading 3D K-3 Use of Nooks and Netbooks in reading instruction Reviewed and revised CASA process Training by Intervention specialist and Instructional Coach Barnes and Noble representative informing of Nook apps, Suzanne Massey Daily Five professional book Reading 3D School Improvement Plan 2012-2013 Central Elementary School 435 E. Stadium Drive Eden NC 27288 Interim Update January 25, 2013: What is the status of each strategy being used to attain this goal? What initial results/data have been collected? What should be modified to meet goal by May 2013? Final Update June 28, 2013: What strategies have been successful? What data has been collected? What strategies will need modification for the upcoming school year? School Improvement Plan for 2012-13 LEA: Rockingham County Schools School: Central Elementary SMART Goal: During the 2012 -2013 school year Central will implement the PBIS Module III into the daily schedule with 100% fidelity. Strategy Review CICO (check in check out) data Professional Development Staff training by T. Martin and PBIS committee Action Plans Staff training by T. Martin and PBIS committee Behavior Incentives Staff training by T. Martin and PBIS committee Person(s) Responsible Classroom teachers Classroom teachers, CICO school staff, and tertiary committee, student, parents Classroom teacher, administrators Timeline Resources/Technology Evaluation Required Budgeted September 2012- May 2013 CICO forms, graphs created form data CICO forms, DPR and Weekly progress form September 2012- May 2013 Action Plan data Action Plan September 2012- May 2013 Office referrals decreased S. Austin, E. Kramer Interim Update January 25, 2013: What is the status of each strategy being used to attain this goal? What initial results/data have been collected? What should be modified to meet goal by May 2013? School Improvement Plan 2012-2013 Central Elementary School 435 E. Stadium Drive Eden NC 27288 Final Update June 28, 2013: What strategies have been successful? What data has been collected? What strategies will need modification for the upcoming school year? School Improvement Plan for 2012 - 2013 LEA: Rockingham County Schools School: Central Elementary School SMART Goal: Maintain/Increase parent involvement/communications compared to 2011-2012 through PTSO, volunteers, parent information sessions (based on Title I parent survey results of 88.6%) and programs. Strategy Professional Development Utilize new family night presentations by teachers for reading and math Classroom teachers Consistent PTSO Meeting Schedule Volunteer Training Person(s) Responsible Training for parents PTSO officers Classroom teachers Administration Intervention Specialists Timeline Evaluation September 2012 to May 2013 Parent surveys, comparison to 2011- 2012 data August 2012 – May 2013 Meeting attendance Surveys from parents October 2012 – May 2013 Survey from parents On-going communication from teachers and principals Teachers and Principal August 2012 – May 2013 Teacher and Principal Newsletters Bi-yearly coffees with parents Principal, assistant principal December 2012 and April 2013 Sign in sheet and agenda Resources/Technology Required Budgeted 2000.00 200.00 Snacks and coffee donated by Sheetz School Improvement Plan 2012-2013 Central Elementary School 435 E. Stadium Drive Eden NC 27288 School-Based Management and Accountability Program Summary of School-Based Waiver Requests for 2012-2013 LEA: Rockingham County Schools School: Central Elementary School Code: 310 Request for Waiver Title of Waiver 1. Describe the waivers you are requesting. To accommodate the reduction in faculty due to budget cuts at the Local and State levels, we are requesting an exemption on class sizes in grades 4-12. 2. Identify the law, regulation, or policy from which an exemption is requested. 115C-301.1- Allocation of teachers; class size 3. State how the waiver will be used. Due to reductions in Local and State Budget Allotments we would be unable to offer students required courses in all areas needed for graduation without the class size waiver. This will also allow us to include students in higher level classes when only singletons can be offered. 4. State how the waiver will promote achievement of performance goals. Waiver of class size maximums will allow more effective scheduling where students are working on similar curriculum goals and objectives. Students can be more readily assigned to appropriate grades and classes. __________________________________________________________ Principal’s Signature _______________________ Date __________________________________________________________ Chair of School Improvement Team’s Signature _______________________ Date District Approval: ___________________________________________ (date)