Speakers in the Classroom

Tips for Speakers
Speaker in the Classroom
1. Communicate with teacher regarding the following items
a. Sign in procedures – you may need your driver’s license
b. Phone number to the office
c. Parking
d. Know the name of the host teacher
e. Assemble gear: uniform/work clothes including safety gear (hard hat, hair net, ID
Badge, lab coat, etc), consider bringing extra for students to wear, touch, see
f. Discuss length of class period and grade level/subject area with teacher
g. Discuss with teacher group size, setting
h. Gather talking points
i. See school profile on school district’s website
j. Technology needs for your presentation, including equipment and website address(es)
and access (many schools strong filters)
k. Let the teacher know how you would like to be addressed (ie: doctor, attorney, Officer,
Military Rank, etc)
2. Have a copy of the Speaker Talking Points
3. Time Guidelines for presentation (suggested time reference)
a. K-1, 10 minute presentation and 5 minutes for questions
b. 2, 15 minute presentation and 10 minutes for questions
c. 3-4, 20 minute presentation and 15 minutes for questions
d. 5, 30 minute presentation and 15 minutes for questions
e. 6-12, presentation time is dependent class period schedule
4. Elementary Only: If you need to choose a volunteer, ask the teacher to select. Many teachers
have special assigned roles within the classroom
5. Elementary Only: Do not be afraid to ask the students to put their hands down and let them
know you will take questions when you are done talking
6. Elementary Only: Do not be afraid to let students know if a question is inappropriate
7. Follow district policy, if taking photos
8. Provide follow up information through Career Street Survey
Final Tip: Students like to see, touch or taste … consider adding a “Wow Factor”