Sales Pitch Speech

Sales Pitch Speech
Begin Wednesday, April 27 (Speeches start Monday, May 2!)
Job 1: Create a product or service
Job 2: Create - and use in your speech - a short, catchy slogan that connects to product/service
Job 3: Create and display/demonstrate a 1 to 3 dimensional visual aid that represents your
product or service. You may use appropriate music and/or video as well.
Job 4: Using Monroe’s Motivated Sequence and incorporating ethos, pathos,
and logos, create a 2-4 minute sales pitch for your product/service.
Your persuasive speech (sales pitch) will include the following:
Monroe's Motivated Sequence
Attention. Just like any speech, you get the attention of the audience.
Need. Then you show the audience a problem, or their "need." This is important,
because once they are convinced there is a need, they're a lot more likely to
accept your solution.
Satisfaction. Here's where you bring forward your answer to their need with any
needed explanation.
Visualization. Then you show the world either with or without your solution.
What does it look like? How are they better off with your solution?
Action. Finally, there is the call to action. After all, persuasion doesn't matter if
your audience doesn't do anything. This is normally something simple and
doable within the next 48 hours (any longer and your audience will forget).
Ethos: Establish your credibility as a seller of the product
 Show personality and character, but don’t be a stereotypical salesperson who would do
anything to sell a product- it’s not realistic
 Avoid deception such as false evidence, presenting ideas of others as if they were your
own, appealing to emotion of audience without basis in provable fact, and/or pretending to
be an authority when you are not
Logos: Show the logic in your presentation
 Use evidence that your idea will benefit the buyer: fact, statistics, narrative/anecdote,
example, comparison, testimony of expert (ok, we know they aren’t really-pretend for this
 Present a logical, organized argument that the audience should buy your product/service
 Show how each piece of evidence leads toward your desired conclusion- the audience wants
to buy your idea
Pathos: Appeal to the needs and desires of your audience, but
avoid appealing only to the emotions of your audience
 You may appeal to emotions, but present a truthful argument to convince the audience to
Sales Pitch Speech Rubric
/50 points
Introduction (Attention and Need Steps)
Attention getter
Includes catchy slogan
Shows why audience needs/wants the product/service 1
Establishes ethos
– sincerity competence experience common ground
Body (Satisfaction and Visualization)
Shows how the product/service will fulfill need 0 1 2 3 4
Shows what will happen when audience gets product/service 0 1 2 3 4
Uses logos 0 1 2 3 4
–facts statistics anecdote testimony example comparison
Uses pathos 0 1 2
-does not appeal only to emotion, pitch should be fact based
Connects clever, catchy slogan 1
Conclusion (Action Step)
Draws together all components of speech
Restates slogan 0 1
Concludes with appeal to buy product/service
Visuals /5
Points out visual(s) during speech
Visual clearly explains product/service
Eye contact 0 1 2 3 4 5
- Sustained intermittent
-Peruses audience
0 1 2
0 1 2 3
Vocal expression 1 2 3 4 5
hard to hear – varies volume
___varied rate/pitch
monotone/too fast or slow-voice inflections/varies speed
Time: ______________
-1 point per 10 second over or under ___________
Up to -5 points for disorganization ___________
You must hand this rubric into me prior to giving speech, -5 points if you do not have it!
Two typed copies of your outline are due at the start of your speech (10 pts.)
Sales Pitch Speech Outline
You will create an outline for your Sales Pitch Speech as well as your Final Exam Speech. Follow these
guidelines for the content of the Sales Pitch Speech outline.
Introduction and conclusion should have Roman numerals 1 2
A. Attention Step
Make sure you include slogan in intro and conclusion
1 2
Incorporates Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Steps
1 2 3 4 5
Identify where you will incorporate visual into speech 1
The outline format is expected to be correct. Points may be deducted for errors as follows:
______Correct divisions: I. A. 1. a.
1 2
______Period following each numeral and letter
1 2
______Words and phrases only
1 2
______Margins for each division even
1 2
______ Begin with a capital letter
1 2
Total Possible points
___/20 = ___/10
Your rough draft is due on Friday at the beginning of the hour (5 pts.)
Two typed copies of your outline are due at the start of your speech (10 pts.)
Sales Pitch Speech Outline
You will create an outline for your Sales Pitch Speech as well as your Final Exam Speech. Follow these
guidelines for the content of the Sales Pitch Speech outline.
Introduction and conclusion should have Roman numerals 1 2
B. Attention Step
Make sure you include slogan in intro and conclusion
1 2
Incorporates Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Steps
1 2 3 4 5
Identify where you will incorporate visual into speech 1
The outline format is expected to be correct. Points may be deducted for errors as follows:
______Correct divisions: I. A. 1. a.
1 2
______Period following each numeral and letter
1 2
______Words and phrases only
1 2
______Margins for each division even
1 2
______ Begin with a capital letter
1 2
Total Possible points
___/20 = ___/10
Your rough draft is due on Friday at the beginning of the hour (5 pts.)
Two typed copies of your outline are due at the start of your speech (10 pts.)
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